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Topic: Recollections of My Life

Group: Philippines Mission


Teacher: Michael

TR: Evan Mariano


Part 1

  • The Sabbath and My Memories of It

Hello Evangeline. This is Michael. I come to say hello as it is a day of rest and most people are actually having a nice lazy day. When I was here living in Palestine the Sabbath was the day of rest and we were allowed to do anything we liked. No one had to work and there was plenty of food to eat. I suppose it was the custom that the day of rest is also the day to eat. Food was always plenty then as the fish that were caught in the lakes and in the Sea of Galilee was abundant then. We always had a feast and it was lots of fun.

I enjoyed very much being with my family and my brothers and sisters. We often went on picnics beside the shore. I tell you this because it is not often that I can share the things I did here before with others. You are someone I can share this with without any feelings positive or negative. You just take things with a grain of salt which I love.

I just recall those days and I miss them. I was normal too you know I liked what everybody else liked too. It was only when I was older that things got pretty serious with me in my mind. I just couldn’t help wondering why things were sometimes so mysterious and that everything should have an answer. I also wondered aloud to my father and mother but they never seemed to appreciate my questions. This is why I sought from someone else these questions and that’s when I found my real dad. I will come again to continue… have a nice afternoon. Michael.

Part 2

  • July 22, 2014
  • Directions to the Transmitter from Michael

Hello Evangeline. I shall continue with my life story. I know you find this quite lengthy but I merely want people to know how I lived during those teenage years of my life. This is no longer a secret and it was never really a secret although there was just no scribe I could talk to and no one was listening to me talk about it. . . .

  • My Teenage Years with My Family

During those young years of my life, I quite enjoyed my brothers and sisters who were so lovable to me. I mean they were lovable as well as loving and we were such a happy family. The years before my father Joseph died, we were always secure and happy. We never knew want and there was always plenty of food to eat and clothes to wear and everything young people always want to own. I did not and never owned anything luxurious except a few nice clothes and capes my mother made for me when the weather is cold and new shoes that my father bought for me whenever I needed those to wear. He never was a penny pincher and always wanted us all to have the best things that life then could give. In this sense, we were not well off as compared to very rich families then but we were also not so poor to have suffered or felt deprivation.

Everything was fine with us until the day he died. That was a terrible blow for all of us because we loved our father very much. In spite of all that he was, sometimes cranky and severe, we knew he loved us all so tenderly and that was why I loved him so much too. He took care of us all in a way that most loving fathers do. He loved my mother Mary so much that he would do anything to please her. She was so happy with him around. She was the apple of his eyes. So deep was their love for each other that they would be lost without each other. That was the kind of love they had and the kind of love we grew up with.

  • The Nature of Our Little Family in Nazareth

I was so happy to have a happy family and I knew that some families had many problems that we never had. Somehow I knew that many troubles grew out of families that were not loving and caring. Families need to care for each other and grow in love for one another. This is basic love learning, the things that every human being needs to have a tender loving family. Without this basic tenderness children will never learn to know what true love is and it is such a misfortune for children to have to go through life without this kind of tenderness that can only be given by a father and a mother who truly care.

This is a reason why we understand the troubles of persons who did not have a true loving family during their early years. How could they come to know of love when their parents did not show them or were not able to make them feel it? Love is given and should be felt within you as a gift of expression. First you express it with words or actions because the thought behind it is already love. Then you know by the words expressed to you and the actions that follow. This is love showing its real colors. Genuine love is so unique and so strong and unmistakable. It is there for the receiver to receive and giver to give and it is one complete cycle this gift giving and receiving of love. It is the most beautiful imagery and cycle – like the sun and the moon and the stars. It gives of itself in the process. I will come back.

Part 3

  • July 24, 2014

Michael of Nebadon: When I was a little boy I used to ask my mother why little children behaved the way they do. I could see from my other playmates that they were roughshod and given to shouting. I always wondered aloud why the children were already temperamental. My mother didn’t have the answers to these questions and she always replied with ‘I don’t know’ or ‘Maybe their parents don’t tell them to behave”. So it was. I now want to tell you why.

When children start the growth process, over time they become more independent of their parents and they can do things for themselves. This natural growth pattern goes well into adulthood and it stems from your instinct to survive. As children you look at your new capacities in a boastful way but without pride. Children love to do things by themselves like eating, drinking and putting on their own clothes. These are good feelings. It is a grand feeling to be independent.

As you grow up you are influenced by several external factors: your friends and peers, the media, the environment, the culture or just about anything that presents a different view from what you held as a child. All these are agents that will contribute to your growth in a good way or in a negative way depending on the level of your emotions, mind, physical fitness and spiritual beliefs. Altogether they are what will make you the person you will be if you allow them to.

Once you allow negative ego patterns to dominate your mind, then your vision of yourself in relation to the world is not the same as when you looked at your new capabilities as a child with innocent pride. As your mind is pulled into the ‘ego’ side of consciousness which your animal nature finds pleasing, you will now look at others as ‘separate’ and ‘different’ – more often than not in a lesser degree from where you believe yourself to be.

But if you have cared to be diligent with these external influences and allowed in your consciousness only the positive which your divine ‘Spark’ finds pleasing, then these good values will sink into your mind and you will gain a perspective that is ‘one’ with the world and more attuned to godly values.

Do you know that I was just a lonely kid for most of my early youth? This was because I didn’t really have any inclination to do what most kids of my time did. They would usually go off hunting, or find other games to play that to me were not worth the effort and my time. I would wander all by myself into the hills where I spent my boyhood and there reflect on many things about life. I had so many questions I didn’t know the answers to and I kept searching and searching. There are methods to find the truth and all the answers you will ask. The Universal Father’s love is Truth and I have given you the Spirit of Truth. Not only will you find the answers to your questions but you will discover His Universe of Love and all that seems to be mysterious if you ask with a sincere heart.

That is why I said ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives’; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.’

And to this I will add now ‘Fight the good fight’. My children, after you find the answers to your questions, which you will surely get from our loving Father who is within you, you have another job to do which is to look around and find your lost brethren who have allowed their ‘ego’ impulses to rule them. I leave you My peace and My love. Michael.

Part 4

  • July 25, 2014

Michael of Nebadon: Today I want to talk about the roles men and women play in society. As I was entering my teen years, I knew many girls in our village who I thought were quite pretty but I would just admire them from afar. It was not the custom to get close to them.

One time, I was sitting beside some boys who were looking at the girls in our village and I noticed they were talking about a particular girl and laughing loud at the same time. This girl knew that the boys were talking about her disdainfully because she was looking in our direction with her face showing embarrassment. I went nearer the group and they thought I wanted to join the fun but I was getting upset because to me their actions were cowardly and unjust. I knew some of these boys and one of them whispered to me the reason they were laughing. I immediately told the group to stop what they were doing. Most of the boys who knew me believed I was serious and stopped but there was one in the group who I didn’t know, came up to me and in an angry fashion asked who I was that I dared to ask them to stop. I simply said to him that if they wanted to put someone down they should do it in front of that person. He looked at me angrily but decided not to challenge me.

In those days women were not regarded as equal to men. When I went to Jerusalem for my consecration, my mother, Mary, had to remain in the gallery reserved for women since women were not allowed in the main hall. I was saddened by the fact that she would not be able to see the whole event where she was. She wanted so much to see me and I was excited to be there as it was a much awaited event in the lives of Jewish boys.

Today there are some countries where women are not regarded with respect and given dignity. Every person no matter what race, culture or belief deserves the respect and love of their brethren. Without this there can be no true equality in the brotherhood of men. Women must be given their honorable place in Urantia and that is as an equal to men. The future generations of men and women in the era of light and life will co-exist in harmony and love for one another. There will be schools that Adam and Eve will establish where the roles of both men and women will be taught as well as the importance of family in a society that upholds the higher truths of the Father.

Honor and respect are qualities that both sexes will learn in relating to each other. The animal instinct that mortals were endowed with to survive in this planet will no longer rule in the era of light and life. The evolutionary mortals in other regions of Nebadon that were not involved in the Lucifer Rebellion thrive on the wholeness and spiritual unity between a man and a woman. They agree to become one because what prevails is the Love they have found within the Divine Consciousness. Parents are aware of their social responsibilities and know how they are to minister to and raise their children. The Father’s presence is palpable and goodness is pervasive in the environment. You will have quite a change in this and many other aspects of life. I leave you to imagine how Urantia will evolve in its new environment, where cultural and social institutions are grounded in the Universal Father’s love. I bid you good day. Be in My love and peace. Michael.

Part 5

  • July 27, 2014

Michael of Nebadon: I was a normal teenager in the sense that I belonged to a group, not a gang as some groups are called these days, just a band of like-minded boys in our village. I was always the leader because I had a strong personality. We would joke around and play sports-like games and do all the usual fun stuff boys do. I wasn’t a domineering person but I had a tough stance and demeanor. I was especially wary of those who displayed some kind of superiority and tried to lord it over others. These types are like the present day bullies you often see in schools and hang out in parks.

A person’s character starts to take form before puberty and as I said depending on how you perceive the world and others around you, you will already have developed a response mechanism to external stimuli. Psychologists call this stage of adolescence as the self-conscious/confused phase. This is when the reasoning mind is tested against what you now hold as ‘true’ and your sense of right and wrong begins to come into play. You imagine you’re on-stage and your actions are displayed for all others to see and judge. What others think of you is very important at this junction.

Your vibrations are pitted against the vibrations of others that surround you. This awareness of self and your inner feelings get stronger until you reach full adulthood. Now the push and pull mechanism of your impulses are harder to control; just as your brain is changing the rest of your body is developing.

When problems have arisen out of this life stage and its condition/conditionings, the solutions have been largely left to psychologists and psychiatrists to analyze. How do you conclude anything from a miasma of ideas running in a quagmire of things past and present within the psyche of the human brain which you have only half understood?

Those who are concerned with the education and wholeness of these young minds should have given some basic lessons for them to understand what is going on in their bodies and minds. Many problems stemming from this lack of information (addiction, gangsterism and most forms of moral degradation) should have been avoided.

Another fail factor is the lack of parental guidance. How can parents truly and lovingly guide their teenagers when they themselves lack the basic knowledge and are themselves in need of enlightenment?

My own confusion had more to do with the frustration I felt from the social and religious environment that we lived in. The Jewish religious practices were strict even ironclad and punishment was forthcoming for any slight offense like eating pork. I wasn’t a meat lover as I preferred cheese and bread made by my mother but I ate all types of food with gusto and which I found flavorful made from beef, chicken, fish and especially pork. I had tasted this forbidden meat in the house of a friend who was a Gentile. They ate anything they wanted to. Pork is off limits to Jewish people because it is written in the Bible.

You should consider two factors around what you put in your mouth to eat: it’s either bad OR unhealthy for your body or it will be good for your health and nourishment or at the very least has no effect whatsoever. Eating pork and any meats do not and never will defile a person. Eating and drinking are simple pleasures in life that the Father of All built into the human digestive system for mortal man’s nourishment and pleasure. Your taste buds consist of thousands of cells each of which are programmed to relay to your brain the wonderful flavor intensities of different kinds of food you discover and like. They are built in to your physical structure not just to guarantee your survival and need for nourishment but for you to enjoy all the food flavors of the world.

The Mosaic Law or the Ten Commandments never mentioned restrictions about food. The Universal Father does not have any preference on what you will eat or drink. Common sense dictates what is healthy for your body. Certainly, you will be careful to avoid that which is not good for it like too much salt, fats etc.

I tried to teach all these details to everyone in Palestine. Beliefs grounded in years of conditioning from traditions are imbedded in the subconscious and difficult to uproot. The Father’s love is unconditional and unfettered. This comes from His Perfect Love which holds no man sinful because of what he eats or drinks.

With those thoughts I leave you today My children of Urantia and with My Love and Peace, I bid you good day. I am Michael.