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Honor and respect are qualities that both sexes will learn in relating to each other.  The animal instinct that mortals were endowed with to survive in this planet will no longer rule in the era of light and life.  The evolutionary mortals in other regions of Nebadon that were not involved in the Lucifer Rebellion thrive on the wholeness and spiritual unity between a man and a woman.  They agree to become one because what prevails is the Love they have found within the Divine Consciousness.  Parents are aware of their social responsibilities and know how they are to minister to and raise their children.  The Father’s presence is palpable and goodness is pervasive in the environment.  You will have quite a change in this and many other aspects of life.  I leave you to imagine how Urantia will evolve in its new environment, where cultural and social institutions are grounded in the Universal Father’s love.  I bid you good day. Be in My love and peace. Michael.
Honor and respect are qualities that both sexes will learn in relating to each other.  The animal instinct that mortals were endowed with to survive in this planet will no longer rule in the era of light and life.  The evolutionary mortals in other regions of Nebadon that were not involved in the Lucifer Rebellion thrive on the wholeness and spiritual unity between a man and a woman.  They agree to become one because what prevails is the Love they have found within the Divine Consciousness.  Parents are aware of their social responsibilities and know how they are to minister to and raise their children.  The Father’s presence is palpable and goodness is pervasive in the environment.  You will have quite a change in this and many other aspects of life.  I leave you to imagine how Urantia will evolve in its new environment, where cultural and social institutions are grounded in the Universal Father’s love.  I bid you good day. Be in My love and peace. Michael.
===Part 5===
==Part 5==
*July 27, 2014
*July 27, 2014
Michael of Nebadon:  I was a normal teenager in the sense that I belonged to a group, not a gang as some groups are called these days, just a band of like-minded boys in our village.  I was always the leader because I had a strong personality.  We would joke around and play sports-like games and do all the usual fun stuff boys do.  I wasn’t a domineering person but I had a tough stance and demeanor. I was especially wary of those who displayed some kind of superiority and tried to lord it over others.  These types are like the present day bullies you often see in schools and hang out in parks.
Michael of Nebadon:  I was a normal teenager in the sense that I belonged to a group, not a gang as some groups are called these days, just a band of like-minded boys in our village.  I was always the leader because I had a strong personality.  We would joke around and play sports-like games and do all the usual fun stuff boys do.  I wasn’t a domineering person but I had a tough stance and demeanor. I was especially wary of those who displayed some kind of superiority and tried to lord it over others.  These types are like the present day bullies you often see in schools and hang out in parks.
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With those thoughts I leave you today My children of Urantia and with My Love and Peace, I bid you good day.  I am Michael.
With those thoughts I leave you today My children of Urantia and with My Love and Peace, I bid you good day.  I am Michael.
==Part 6==
*August 3, 2014 at  6:33 pm
I would like to continue my life story.  When I was preaching I often spoke in parables because the ideas I taught were new and people had difficulty understanding them.
Here is a parable for modern man.  There was a farmer who tilled his land so that he could have vegetables to sell when harvest time came.  The farmer took good care of his vegetable garden and did everything he could to produce a bountiful harvest. But when harvest time came he found to his dismay that some insects and parasites had eaten the underlying leaves which affected the price he could fetch for his produce.
It is said that you reap what you sow but this was not the case. What had gone wrong?
The farmer is like the man who thinks he has prepared for everything that he needs in life.  He is financially secure, family life is good, he has many friends, he has even shared his blessings with many people, travels to many places and has done many things that a successful man normally does.  Nearing the end of his life, his aging body begins to slow and he finds himself with less friends and family and he is left alone most of the time in a home where visitors are rare.  He is filled with a gnawing emptiness he cannot shake off or understand. 
This is modern man's dilemma.  What is it that will make the life of any man remarkable and meaningful?  Today's technological advances allow you to live exhilarating lives.  With the click of a finger, you are able to roam the world, obtain and transfer data, see friends you haven’t seen for a long time, and the list goes on and on.  There doesn’t seem to be an end with new inventions that make your lives even more exciting and invigorating.
Modern technology is bringing to all men the gift of speed and the extremes of creative genius.  Human beings all over the world are using technology to get information, education, answers, rewards and everything comes fast and easy.
If men will not stop this endless cycle of doing things faster, cheaper, better etc. his mind gets used to this speed cycle of material advancement and gradually his thinking is clouded with too much to do, with busy-ness with the material world until his desire for spiritual growth practically ceases.  He becomes less and less interested in what will truly make him what he really is.
Modern man must stop to take some time to reflect and seek the truth about life or he will not find the wholeness and health he expected out of it.  Life becomes superfluous and many things you do may be unnecessary and are merely futile attempts to clutch at straws of happiness.
Allow the Spirit of Love to touch your hearts and do not become so attracted to material things in life that your attention to the most important part of you, your spiritual nature, is made to suffer and wilt with neglect.  Let the end of your life radiate the peace and happiness that comes from having listened to your God Fragment within you.  When the day of harvest arrives, you can be assured of joys and rewards from gracious living and thinking.  Create a more beautiful end to your mortal existence by striving to mirror the image of your loving Creator.  I love you My Children of Urantia. Michael.
==Part 7==
*August 5, 2014 at  7:43 pm
Michael of Nebadon:  When I was here in Urantia going about my Father’s work in Palestine,  many people would come to me to ask what they should do to be able to enter the Kingdom of God.  They were rich and poor alike, noble and ordinary and even Pharisees and Rabbis – all wanted to know what I was preaching because these teachings were not the usual ones taught in the synagogues.  The idea that God had a Kingdom was held as highly preposterous by the Jews,  because their first and foremost teaching is about the righteousness of God and not what He was like.  This is why the commandments of Moses and the rest of the laws found in the Old Testament became the principles they taught and their followers strictly adhered to.
The whole concept of morality and of defining right and wrong revolves around beliefs and teachings that evolved from different prophets and teachers from the time of Adam and Eve down to the ages.
The thread that the universe is woven from is love and goodness.  It was never of punishment and retribution.  Primitive man would not have been able to comprehend such a concept of love and goodness by himself if it were not planted in the minds of men during the early times when Caligastia was the Planetary Prince of Urantia.  It was Caligastia’s role as Planetary Prince to do this but he did nothing to instill the concept of love of the One God to the population then.  During those early times primitive man had no inkling about moral values.  They needed to survive the harsh jungles and instinct played a major part in his everyday life.
When Adam and Eve arrived as Material Son and Daughter, they were to impart knowledge about the Universal Father as a Creator of All, singular and absolute, with the end in mind to counter balance the effects and strategy if you will of the Lucifer Rebellion.  The advocates of this rebellion used provocative and highly deceiving arguments that denied the existence of the true nature of Divine Consciousness and won many beings over to their cause.
They even succeeded in thwarting Adam and Eve’s mission.  After the many years of tribal conflicts since Adam and Eve until the time of Abraham, the human population was fundamentally slavish and civilizations merely relied on beliefs their ancestors handed down.  But things started to change when Machiventa Melchizedek came to Urantia and started to disseminate the true basis for other religions to begin.  In this era the concept of one God became widespread and many places worshiped their deities according to their beliefs.  Machiventa and his associates reached far and wide in Urantia and he did his work so thoroughly that humanity gained a foothold for the promise of eternity.  Caligastia and his cohorts were unable to stop Machiventa’s influence in the world.
I will continue with the evolution of Urantia in relation to the Kingdom of God in the next Part 8.
==Part 8==
*August 6, 2014 at 7:54 am
Michael of Nebadon: Abraham was considered the father of all nations.  It was this honorable man that changed the course of history.  If Abraham had not listened to Machiventa Melchizedek he would have been a great king but his glory would have ended abruptly.  His mental prowess is unmatched in history and his faith in God is so sublime he never wanted ‘doubt’ to get in the way of his relationship with God at any point.  This is the reason for the story around his sacrifice of his son. What was true was his solid and abiding faith in the Lord God. 
As a father,  Abraham showed his love and respect for all peoples.  He made his covenant with God and as he promised gathered his people as a good shepherd showing them the ways of the Lord.  The history of the Israelites began in earnest during these times and the prophecy was fulfilled in that Abraham became the ‘father of all nations’.
The long history of Abraham is intertwined with the involvement of Machiventa Melchizedek in his decisions especially as Abraham was a powerful ruler and with his army he wanted to subdue the surrounding regions.  It was only the persuasive disapproval of Machiventa that he did not pursue his ambitions. 
The teachings of Machiventa in that period of history laid the foundation of the truth about the Kingdom of God.  Machiventa taught that God wanted only to see that His children had enough faith to believe in His love and have trust in His boundless goodness.  This was the faith that Abraham practiced and that is why God looked down upon him with favor.  Mortals of that time had a hard time believing this simple truth and even to this day people find it incredible that the Universal Father is a Father who loves and cares for his children unconditionally.  And this is the crux of my own teaching and my own love.  Have no doubt about this children of Urantia.  There is only this kind of love which pervades the whole universe and it is here with you now as you live your days in the flesh and as you will live it in the spirit.  This is the Kingdom of God within you and without you, if you will but receive it in your heart.  Michael.
==Part 9==
*August 8, 2014 at 7:38am
*Subject: Praying with hope
I will continue my life story.  When I was preaching in the hills of Judea there was a man who was covered with sores or lesions as you call it these days.  He approached me and said, ‘Master, would you be so kind as to look upon me and have mercy on my affliction?’.  I felt a deep respect and regard for this man who by faith knew I had the power to heal and help him.  It was with gladness that I took his hand and with certainty, looked up to my Father and prayed ‘Lord God of all creation, I know You are generous and loving. I have this man in front of me who has believed in me, and because I have shown him what You are.  Now by your kindness and generosity, I lift him up to You and beseech You to heal him first in his spirit and then in his body. 
Father, I know You will do this because You promised that no man shall go on living with any affliction so long as he comes to You with a sincere trust that only You can save him from his ills.  I thank you Father for all You give us and I thank You for sending me here to Your beloved children and My children, My brothers and sisters.‘
There are many ways to pray.  The prayer of faith is the most efficacious because it springs from hope and trust that your future relief will be provided by God.  Strengthen therefore your spirit with hope.  Make it stronger and stronger as hoping is the same as wishing.  When you wish for something you cannot think about it, do not let it just linger in your mind.  Keep it vibrant and full of energy just as something you use to enlarge a small fire.  Keep that fire burning inside you and as it becomes stronger you will see that the universe (and all creation) is suddenly awake and Father’s love, which is energy surrounding you, will be attracted to that flame you have created.
Do you see the energy of love that creates and is impelled to act on your sincere appeal?  As you feel it in your heart you will receive it first in your soul and it will manifest in your world.  Pray my children and pray with deep longing for your wishes and it will be granted unto you.  I leave you with this thought and my love.  I am Michael.
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