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Topic: Focusing on Mother's Love

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Serena

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we gather together as one in your love. We thank you for connecting us heart to heart, soul to soul, and Adjuster to Adjuster in this circuit of co-creation in your love. You know the true condition of our planetary consciousness. We offer our energies today to assist in the creation of the energies of LOVE to further the emergence of the Magisterial Mission on the material plane when the time is right. You know the needs of this planet; you know our individual needs. We thank you for guiding our energies today that this call may produce the good, not only in our internal consciousness but into the circuits of the planetary consciousness that more of the Father’s WILL be perceived and conducted here on our world. We thank our celestial helpers joining us today as you protect this circuit from any outside interference, that it is your will that is done. Thank you.


SERENA: Greetings of peace unto you, my brothers and sisters. This is Serena, and I will be facilitating the construction of certain spiritual circuits today for the furtherance of the Father’s WILL to manifest here on Urantia. As you are all aware, today is a day when many people in your culture are focused on the mother. It is a day of celebration and honoring the human mothers—those individuals who are the nurturers, caretakers of children, of the families, of the planet as a whole.

In today’s focusing we invite you to draw you attention to your Mother Nebadonia for you live in the womb of Her consciousness. She is a container for your lives, and in focusing on Her today you allow more of Her spirit personality to reverberate in your beings to help you to embody more of Her HOLINESS—Her personality.

As well, we will invite you to also focus on the other aspect of the Mother—one in which you are all participating in developing as you part of this growing fabric of the Planetary Supreme Mind. Some of you have come to know her as your Mother Urantia. There is a magnificent synergy between these aspects and dimensions of MOTHER, and it is our desire today to help you during our focus to bring you into more of the circuitry of this synergistic relationship between your Universe Mother and the growing Mother of your planetary consciousness.

Your world is undergoing a massive change. This great awakening is occurring to help each individual open to the presence of the Father Within. The container of your planetary consciousness needs more of this spiritual mothering energy to extricate itself from the energies of rebellion: fear, violence, poverty, disease, and it is by coming into your Mother’s presence and these dual aspects of the MOTHER essence will you help the circuits of your planet’s consciousness to become stronger and more directed toward the growing Planetary Supreme Mind.

As we begin, I invite you to feel that desire and need for you to receive more of the essence of the MOTHER. Even if you may not fully comprehend the various dimensions of the MOTHER energy, you can certainly desire this and feel your need for it to move deeply within you. If it is helpful, focus on your own human mothers and thank her for her role on your life or you may focus on your Mother Nebadonia or on the energies of your Mother Urantia. Wherever you place your gaze in your mind’s eye, we also invite you to feel your need for these motherly energies of love to enfold you, fill in those spaces in your being that have yet to be touched by the depths of your Mother’s LOVE. Let us begin. (Pause)

Let your gaze settle in over your heart center. Invite the energies of MOTHER’S LOVE to fill you and to help you intuit and perceive with better spiritual clarity and perspective what is this quality we call motherly love. Let Her presence stir in you as well as the circuits of the Planetary Supreme Mind—Mother Urantia—hold you in this dual bond of MOTHERLY LOVE. Let it go deep into your being. (Pause)

The growth of the Planetary Supreme Mind depends on you, the children of this world. We can foster and support its growth through our connections to you and other means by which these circuits of LOVE envelop your global consciousness. What is most significant today is for you to acknowledge that you have a responsibility to this circuit of your Mother Urantia, that you are living partially within that space, and to ask your Mother Nebadonia to help you move more fully into this aligned mindal circuit through your actions, through your thoughts, through your experiences, and through your feelings as you receive more of MOTHER’S LOVE to sustain and nurture you as you undergo this exchange of consciousness from the material mindedness of your planetary culture to more of the level of the Supreme consciousness.

While you may question how you go about doing this, the simplest answer to convey to you today is to simply desire this and allow yourself to be guided through this journey. So continue to desire this synergistic bond of the Planetary Supreme and your Universe Mother to secure you more tightly in this bond of LOVE of Mother. (Pause)

As you allow these Motherly qualities continue to stir and absorb into you, you will notice a deepening sense of safety and security within your feelings—a sense of being protected and guided. These endowments of the Motherly essence are designed to help you to outwork the legacy of fear wherein your initial response may be to become defensive, aggressively self-protective. You are being guided to experience certain life lessons to help you to respond more instinctively with love, forgiveness, non-judgment.

This can only occur when you feel safe and secure, and this endowment today is designed to help you in that outworking of the energies of fear to respond to the primal energies of LOVE—the fabric of LIFE, the energies of it contained in the First Source and Center. And when you respond in these ways, when LOVE is your dominating response—your first response—then you are more alive in the Father’s WILL and you are doing your part to grow this circuit of the Planetary Supreme Mind into this global construct of consciousness. So allow these words to settle in. Allow yourselves to drink deeply in this MOTHERLY endowment today. (Pause)

Please join us now as we move our gaze over to the planetary construct of consciousness. The world is held in a circuit of the GREAT AWAKENING. And as we have encouraged you in the past to participate in the seeding of these divine energies, we invite you to focus the words MOTHER’S LOVE to spiral around the planet in that counter-clockwise rotation, projecting it from your heart, and if you wish from you entire being, and we will join you in this circuit and create more of this synergistic bond of the Divine Mother of the universe to interact with the growing circuits of the Planetary Supreme Mind—your Mother Urantia. Focus on MOTHER’S LOVE embracing the world as we collaborate with you in working in these circuits. (Pause)

Mother has heard the cries of her children. You are being strengthened in Her that you may wipe away the tears for your brothers and sisters, to apply the balm of MOTHERLY LOVE to their hearts, to help them feel safe and secure. This will foster their spiritual growth, help them perceive the energies within their Spirits of Truth and help them awaken them to the Father’s presence within. So in this up stepping today, you are encouraged to seek out those who are suffering and in need of this loving nurturing you can provide through the grace of your Mother. Let this synergistic bond between the universe and Supreme mind gain greater strength here in Urantian consciousness that you may participate more freely and fully in the growth in your Mother Urantia, and the love you will experience as you grow in this will be the delight of your hearts and souls and sustain you well as you continue your spiritual journeys on this world. So continue to send your focus of heart to the planetary consciousness as you ask for more MOTHER’S LOVE to bathe this world. (Pause)

Join us now as we elevate our gaze to the Paradise level. We bring our supplication to the Trinity for the action of divine WILL to flow through this circuit of planetary consciousness. We thank our Paradise Creators for their energies to enhance the circuit of MOTHER’S LOVE upon Urantia. We thank our Paradise Creators for the illumination of divine WILL to pour through the circuits of consciousness: to illuminate the mind, fan the flames of love within the circuit of the heart, to deepen the desire to follow the Father’s WILL, and the ways of creation to prevail here in human consciousness. Spend these moments with us in appreciation for the Paradise Trinity’s action prevailing here now. (Pause)

Return your gaze to the earth again as a globe before you in your mind’s eye. As we leave this circuit of the construction of consciousness, let us place our attention and focus on Michael’s hands holding this world with the energies of MOTHER’S LOVE embracing this world. His LIGHT emanates from His hands into MOTHER’S LOVE that brings more of His desires for this world to become active and operative in human consciousness. Thank your Father Michael for His care and His desires holding this world in His loving hands. (Pause)


Beloved brethren, we are very grateful for your participation with us today, and we invite you to continue to center your gaze on your world to ask for MOTHER’S LOVE and FATHER’S WILL to grow into this construct of your world’s consciousness.

We will leave you now in this manner. Know that we will continue to meet you where you are when you are ready to collaborate with us in the construction of these circuits of LOVE into the planet, to help you in your own efforts, becoming more who you are—children of God We wish you all a most happy, joyful, and blessed Mother’s Day. And irrespective of your human genders, you are all welcome and invited to join in the celebration of MOTHER’S LOVE gaining strength on beautiful Urantia. Journey in Her LOVE today, my dear brothers and sisters, and enjoy where Her LOVE is guiding you. Good day.