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Topic: Q & A with Michael

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we’re grateful to be able to come before you with our questions and concerns and to receive your loving counsel and guidance. We thank you for moving in our hearts and minds, gently upstepping us in the ways you know we need that we may evermore open to your will and the presence of our indwelling Father Fragments. Thank you.


MICHAEL: Greetings, my beloved children! This is Michael. I come to you today with my arms open that you may walk into the embrace of being with me as Father and child. The deity embrace is always available to you, yet we await your turning to us, centering your focus upon your desire to be embraced by us, that you may indeed receive our outpouring of love into your beings. Let us spend a few moments together then in this deity embrace, helping you acquire more of that spirit vitality within your beings.

As we gather in this forum wherein you may ask me any questions, those concerns waging upon your heart and mind, I also invite you to take a few moments to ask your Adjusters to help you perceive what quality or attribute of my being would be most beneficial for you to receive. So come into me now, and let us share in the Father’s LOVE as I embrace you as your Divine Father and you are my child. Receive me now, my children. (Pause)

There truly is a limitless supply of LOVE to which you have access. It is the constructive of field in which you grow incrementally day by day. It is flowing. It is available to you. Yet we await your (garbled ) of the flow of GRACE that hails from the Paradise Father and in which we all take our origin and live our lives. As you continue to receive, let this spiritual nourishment absorb deeply into the various dimensions of your being, translating from spirit sparks of LIFE to the currents of the LIFE FORCE that animate your physical bodies, and know that it is part of the Father’s plan for you to grow and flourish in this divine GRACE and the energies of Paradise which are downstepped to reach you. Receive with a grateful heart in faith-filled mind. (Pause)

I now invite you to focus on the phrase IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA, and to invite the energy contained within those words to further integrate into the various levels of your being. Draw this in through your desire for this to become more incorporated into your being, yet keeping your curiosity of what this may mean for your lives at bay. Let your desire precede your need for understanding, as understanding will grow in time through your desire to truly allow the Father’s LOVE through His WILL to move within your being. IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS UPON URANTIA. Allow my deity embrace to move deeper into your beings. (Pause)

My presence enfolds you always. As your minds open and release the energetic imprints of prior understandings and experiences, the more you will sense my presence around you. Overcoming these past memory experiences, then, is a part of your ongoing spiritual development as you journey in the new life. The past is the past. While we expect and appreciate that you learn from prior experience, you do not need to be attached to any of the pain that it may have caused you. Instead, appreciate there was merit in what you understood, what you experienced, and how you may have benefitted from the past. This is essentially important now as your world releases its emotional ties to the Lucifer rebellion.

The record of the rebellion will stand upon the ages to come. But what will be operative within the hearts and minds of the citizens of this world is the freedom from the wounding that it inflicted upon humanity. So as we continue to progress through this period of the Correcting Time, the more you appreciate that you can use these experiences for your own edification, especially when you come to me and see and experience the rebellion from the divine perspective, will these attachments loosed and eventually you will be freed. But it is you who must make the effort for in doing this, you help loosen the ties of not only your own consciousness to help its tethers loosen in the collective. While the spiritual pressure upon this planet is such to help people open to the new reality, the individuals of this world must make this decision to which system of thought they wish to be attached. So in the coming days, recognize your intrinsic responsibility to focus on the new, the good, the true and the beautiful that your own tethers to these old ways will loosen and free you.

So I leave you with these thoughts in this experience and open the forum for your questions now or your comments. Or you may continue to simply focus on me and continue to receive. It is your choice. When you are ready, feel free to address me now.


Student: Hello Michael, this is H. I am very happy to be here. What’s on my mind is, I like to make a comment on something that relates somehow to what you said. It is about that years ago I really never understood when many times you and other teachers spoke about "training your spiritual muscles" or to exercise them. I think there is something I really experienced this year when I just did it more and more, it feels like I am gaining fruits from it. It is a good experience and it feels like to become more spiritually alive. Thank you.

MICHAEL: Thank you for your comments, H, my son. As you continue to grow in spirit will these proverbial spiritual muscles strengthen. What will be more significant to you is how you move through this period of the Correcting Time with strength, with vigor and vitality to demonstrate to your brothers and sisters who are fearful or confused. There is a way to meet these challenges of the Correcting Time and to flourish and thrive through them.

You may not yet fully appreciate the significance of what you are experiencing. Whether you recognize it or not, your life is making an impact, and we encourage you to continue to strengthen these spiritual muscles through each and every experience you have one day at a time. You will go the distance, and you will be very pleased at how you manage your life with enhanced goodness and truth, as your character increasingly becomes more beautiful and your soul blossoms in faith. So be not downcast when things begin to seem challenging or uncomfortable, and know that your spirit is urging you ever forward through the challenges of the Correcting Time. that you may truly emblazon a new path of spiritual vitality for your brothers and sisters. Gain strength and hope in courage and in your destiny, and let that destiny motivate you to follow the Father’s WILL wherever it leads you. And grow in my peace, my son.

Student: Thank you very much.

Student: Hi Michael, this is L, and I want to thank you very much for being here with us and for your words earlier. I had a hard time stopping receiving – it was so loving and peaceful. But I do have a question about something I recently read about and if there’s any validity to it: sun gazing. I read that if you gaze at the sun within that hour that it rises in the morning or sets in the evening, that you can receive energies that replace the body’s need for food. I wondered if you could talk to us about that as we head into times that may be challenging for us to get the energy we need for our physical bodies. Thank you.

MICHAEL: Thank you for your question, my daughter L. Sunlight is a form of physical energy. It does indeed nourish your physical body. As a general rule the sun, as it filters its rays through your atmosphere, does provide a quality of nourishment for your body but that does not mean that that your body will not need the intake of plant and animal sustenance for its continued operation.

Scientists, in their study of the rays of the sun and understanding of organic chemistry and biology, are attempting to find optimal ways for the human mechanism to receive this sustenance. Sometimes they publish these reports, which are so generalized that it can create confusion within the human understanding to the degree that you wonder if you should be following their guidance or taking this as an absolute truism. Here I encourage you to use some good old-fashioned common sense. Does this make sense to you? Does this make sense to you to only be nourished by sunlight?

However, keeping in mind that sunlight has many healthful effects, use your own internal reasoning abilities combined with that of your indwelling Father Fragment. You have such a wonderful guide in the Father, who knows you intimately, cellularly. He can help you come into a deeper appreciation of how to maintain your earthly vehicle. You know that your physical body is a tabernacle of spirit and the Father within you knows how to optimize your intake of nourishment.

I encourage you to spend time with your Adjuster and asking for guidance on how to best support your physical vehicle at this time with proper nutrition, hydration, rest, exercise and stillness. These are the essential ingredients that will support your physical mechanism through this challenging time of change on Urantia. When you read these reports, do take a few moments to go within and ask for clarity and discernment. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes, it does, thank you.

MICHAEL: Do you have any further questions or concerns?

Student: No, I guess not. Just one comment that what I was reading talked about a very long process of doing this daily throughout the course of a year before you see any benefits from it that might replace some of the food intake you might need. I understand that it’s one of those things you have to take to your Adjuster. It’s just so difficult these days to know the quality of the food you’re actually eating, which I suppose is why I was interested in this in the first place. Thank you.

MICHAEL: I understand your concerns, my daughter, and please be advised that your food supply is of great concern to your Mother and me during this time of correction. But you have access to the Life Force energies. And so, when you prepare meals, prepare your food with great love in your heart, great appreciation, for this forms an energy bond with what you are eating, and you may simply come to your Mother and ask for Her Life Force to reenergize your food, to purify it and become familiar with placing your hands over your food. Perhaps you might wish to have your hands a few inches before your food on the table and simply say a prayer of appreciation for your food and for the Life Force to be activated. Use the energies to which you have access and trust that you are setting up a symbiotic bond between your food and your body that you will gain the nourishment that you need. Does this further help you understand?

Student: Yes, that’s wonderful. Thank you.

MICHAEL: Come to your Mother and thank her for her Life Force and continue to grow and thrive in our peace. (Thank you.)


My children, what an adventure you have on Urantia during this time of change and rehabilitation! Do you realize what an opportunity you have? I know it seems difficult and even insurmountable what must occur on this world to bring it in its era of Light and Life. But surely it is occurring, and it happening each and every day. Do not expect to see what you might call sudden or dramatic changes, but things are changing and you are beginning to see some mindsets open the reality of the Father’s LOVE. While the pace of evolution has accelerated, it will not be sudden or miraculous as many have hoped. But it will continue to grow, and at some point it will seem to accelerate even more.

Live your lives in hope, in faith, in optimism and courage. Do your best each day to be that faithful tadpole who is steady gaining in spiritual strength and stature. Live your days joyfully and in appreciation, and know that your Mother and I welcome you into our deity embrace whenever you need it, no matter how great or small the need. Come to us and we will help you. We will refresh you, and we will re-energize you. Let these words leave you in my embrace now, my children. Let this energy accompany you as you go about your day, enveloped in my PEACE and satiated in your soul. Good day.