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Topic: Your Eternal Possession

Group: Marin TeaM


Teacher: Michael




Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, we come to you again tonight, once more with heavy hearts in the midst of several big storms. One can be laid at the feet of Mother Nature, one of the largest storms on record sweeping up from the Gulf and affecting hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people. Fortunately, because now we have early warning and everybody paying attention to good advice, there have been very few lives lost in spite of the enormous devastation.

The other storm we are in the middle of is a political one, so we do our best to follow yours and Mother Spirit’s advice to be as open-minded as we can to all the different points of view being presented. We see if we can sort out what is simply political cynicism of deliberately lying about what someone knows is a fact, as against what you both have cautioned us so many times--the subjectivity we are all prey to. This is how what we perceive, and understand, and accept as facts--even physical facts--depends so much on where we are coming from and our whole orientation, especially in political and social realms.

Another thing we talked about earlier is what you mentioned one time, Michael, about the spiritual difference between what we call looting--breaking into places and making off with things, because broken doors and windows can be replaced and the shelves can be re-stocked—and setting places on fire. That difference seems to us, at least to me, a simple wanted cruelty, deliberately causing pain. Maybe it’s just the delight in the power of being destructive without any thought of the individuals being harmed. But since so many of these stores are not large corporations, only what we call little mom-and-pop places, they are wiping out a family’s life-time savings and all the hard work, hope, and struggle keeping a small business going. A question that was been posed earlier tonight is: How do we handle the emotional sense of loss over these tragedies that are affecting us all--at least all of us with some heart.?

So: Thank you, dear parents, for being here with us, and for being part of us. We know some of these feelings can be dealt with right within us, since you are part of us, along with our Father. Amen.


Michael: Good evening. This is Michael and, my dear ones, I open my heart to yours and so, let me, as much as you can. Be aware of me, and your Mother Spirit, and our mutual Father, who is experiencing all of this right along with us.

The main thing this gives you is a sense of companionship, of actually sharing your feelings and your experiences with another, even that Supreme Being who is part of you and a great big part of your soul. All this is becoming a record of your life and what you are experiencing, what you are feeling, and what you are knowing so directly. This is the purpose of it all for you as a human being. This is your reason for being, your experience of life.

(Your eternal possession)

This is your eternal possession. So bear in mind always, my dear ones, that nothing is wasted. These events have meaning and value, even if you cannot fathom them immediately. Just keep opening your heart, knowing that they are the purpose--these feelings you have, these experiences you have. This is your purpose. This is why you exist, why any of the creation exists.

There are trillions of trillions of personal beings, and every single life is, to a large degree, unique. This is their soul, and yours. This is what you are here for. This is what is Supreme. Your own soul is your Supreme possession, counter-parted by God, who holds it in his most loving embrace with you, and for you.

This calls for courage, my dear ones, the courage to stay open, keep feeling, and do your best to understand. Here is where you can thank Mother Spirit for being part of you with her Mind/Spirit dimensions she shares with you. The very first one is your innate ability to experience, so you help her help you, by continually being determined to do so. Every day when you wake up, throw your feet out of bed, and maybe pause for a while to collect yourself, be determined to let the past be the past, although it informs you as part of your soul. But open yourself to this new day and the shear possibility it contains. That can be very scary, especially in times like these with all kinds of storms sweeping over you. Think of the folks who had to run away from Mom Nature coming in with a wall of water and winds 150 miles an hour, running for their lives. That is what their day held.

Once open to more experience, then comes into play Mother Spirit’s Adjutant of Knowledge, your sheer ability to store all of this. So much of your soul is your ability to gather your experience in, record it, and have it keep growing. This is the kind of being you are, accumulating experience which even God himself—his presence within you--keeps safe for you.


Experience leads to your third great Spirit/Mind quality that Mother Spirit helps endow you with—understanding. How do you go about understanding everything? This is where your feelings matter, even those you cannot control and overwhelm you, even stun you for a while. But as you keep bobbing back up to the surface and taking it all in, Mother Spirit helps you see all the connections. What leads to what--especially in your pesky political and social realms, working back up the stream of time to what caused this thing happening right in front of you today? Why is it happening? What led to it? Where is it going? All of a sudden you are involved in time, not only the past and what happened, and how are you handling it today, but where is it going? What is the future?

All these three most fundamental mental and spiritual parts of being alive take courage. You’re experiencing things and accepting them as knowledge because you have done them. Your experience leads to understanding, seeing all the connections and being open to the thousand-and-one relationships being suggested to you by the folks around you, and all your media.

All these are interpretations you are sometimes being swamped with in your own storm of experience. But this understanding is your duty to yourself. This is how you handle those feelings. This is how you stay open to keep feeling and avoid that most deadly of all plagues—cynicism; or the simple-minded solutions that are so devoid of the enormous infinite detail surrounding you.

Because you are involved in the world. You are involved in your own society and now, through all your magical media--all the electronics happening around you--all of the world and its history, and all of the possibility opening.

(Taking a break)

This is where, for the very enormity of what you are capable of experiencing now, it is so important to take a break, sit down, and be with only yourself and our Father. Meditation is simply opening yourself to being alone with him. For a while, shut off all this extraneous stuff coming in, because it is extraneous to your inner contact with our Father and his presence within you, and part of you. As your beautiful Urantia Book so clearly states, your relationship with your Father, with the presence of God within you, determines your spiritual status. It is the one way you can and need to grow, hopefully—especially, in this very first life of yours.

Ask him for help. We don’t call God’s presence within you a “thought adjuster” for nothing, for he can actually suggest those connections that lead to understanding. You can be surprised and grateful for his thoughts, and recognized them by their very comprehensiveness. They can be the single thread that ties so much together. Your very astonishment can be the signature of his contribution to this wonderful mind and spirit of your own.

Yet you have to be kind-of hollow to be open to him. There are a hundred different kinds of meditation in which you evoke this or that, and they are all good in the sense of establishing a certain predetermined frame of mind. In this they are all aimed at changing who and what you are at the moment.

(Meditation as pure curiosity)

Rather, approach a meditation of pure curiosity. Just think, “Dear Father, what do you have for me now—this day? What can you suggest that I can’t begin to pre-program myself to accept, or even look for?” Or: “Dear Father, what do I do next?”

His answer can be so clear and comprehensive, but you need to entertain it. Get a feeling for his overview as a tool to sort through what is true and what is not, what is more truly comprehensive contrasted to what is simply simple-minded.

My dears, don’t forget to employ this kind of meditation to handle those important feelings, organize the experience, and broaden your understanding. Grow your ability to wake up tomorrow welcoming another day, full of all its scary possibilities.

Maybe you will see the enormous amount of love simply between individuals, as individuals, tying so much of the world together. That is what Mother Spirit and I see, in spite of the social and political storms and even outright warfare with all its terrible randomness of who is under that falling bomb or artillery shell.

It’s the enormous amount of love tying all you individuals together. Mother Spirit sends you her love; be open to it. I send you my peace. I too am part of you. My Spirit of Truth can help you find my peace, and me. You are not alone. Now if you have any questions or comments, it is my joy to share these with you.


Student #1: Thank you, Michael. That was greatly needed. And thank you, Jerry. Today in our study group we studied Paper 99 (of the Urantia Book) and it put everything in perspective, everything you just said. It talks about this day coming. Well, that is my opinion of Paper 99. Just: thank you.

(Individual freedom, and response-ability)

Michael: You are welcome, my dear. It is a very humbling thing, even for Mother Spirit and me, to contemplate the enormity of creation and, especially for a world like Urantia, to understand God’s mercy in letting you be. He’s giving you your individual freedom even though it sometimes it does result in the most blatant kind of cruelty. This is what is meant by, “Forgive them, they know not what they do”--because so many times they don’t want to know what they do. But love even them--for themselves, and for your own sake. So thank you, my dear. Be in my peace.

Student #2: Hi, Michael. As usual, I have a lot of questions, but when I come into the presence of Michael, then they all just kind-of disappear. You know what I mean? There is such peace and calmness I can’t think of all the problem-questions I had.

Michael: Well, my dear, you can. As I have often teased you with respect to your meditation and getting in contact with me and our Father, you can write them down beforehand. Then the more specific they are, the more specific can be his answer. So feel free to ask. Believe me, if you would like us to provide our answers.

Student #2: Well, what I wonder is: this darkness. Is this my sense of the re-opening of the circuits, and the adjudication of Lucifer? Is what we are seeing now the natural roll-out of the rest of the Lucifer Rebellion being played out on earth here?

(The rarity of world-wide spiritual rebellion)

Michael: Well yes, my dear, especially when you think of the thirty-seven planets of your Local System that joined the rebellion, compared to the almost four million evolutionary worlds in our Local Universe--three million, eight hundred thousand and some. Don’t forget, your system is just one ten-thousandth of our Local Universe. These thirty-seven worlds that joined the rebellion strayed so far from our Local Universe’s spiritual norm of how almost all evolutionary planets--like 99.9999% of all these planets--are evolving. How rare this rebellion was! Because of that very thing it was part of the reason I chose to have my human life among you on this particular world.

Now don’t get into a big ego trip on how evil you all are, or have been. But Urantia was somewhere that really could have used my presence, and has to a large degree.

Student #2: So why then… Well then: how it is playing out here? How bad does it have to get before all of the prophecies they want, come true? I mean: aren’t you going to come back here and fix it? We are all waiting for you to come back here.

Michael: Oh no, my dear. Ever since…

Student #2: You are supposed to come back here now.

Michael: Well, I am here; and I am among you. As you said, you can feel my peace and actually transcend all the questions you have…

Student #2: Well I can--but they can’t! There are so many more of them out there than there are of us.

(Projecting spiritual isolation onto others)

Michael: Oh, that is where Mother Spirit and I have to say we disagree with you. The amount of love tying people together is so enormous, even in some of the trouble spots you were thinking about tonight. They are such a tiny minority of those populations, even in those cities that have seen their downtowns burned out. That is still such a tiny percentage of their populations. These events have been so shocking a lot of the people have not known exactly how to handle them.

Keep in mind: The hallmark of wisdom is a sense of proportion. That is something the Urantia Book states, and Mother Spirit and I have mentioned so often: A hallmark of wisdom is a sense of proportion.

That is why we emphasize the amount of loving connection all over the world. Now for the first time in history more than half of the world has gotten into what you might call a middle class, having a home and some food in the refrigerator, able to feed their families. Ever since my Correcting Time began, life has been getting better.

(Get a true measure of the past)

My dear, keep in mind--it wasn’t too long ago--along came a plague that wiped out one-third of the people in the most hideous, painful and agonizing way imaginable. You recently came through several World Wars, yet the whole world is being tied together. It has always been together in a spiritual sense of all the hundreds of thousands of spiritual beings on this world. But now it is actually being tied together on a physical, electronic level. Ironically, that in itself is bringing about a hundred-and-one new problems. But it is tying the world together with commerce. Someone mentioned you open up your refrigerator and there are grapes from Brazil. You pick up a simple lead pencil and its parts came from five different countries to make it.

Student #2: That is a good thing, right?

Michael: Consider the sheer amount of wealth that exists in some countries, compared to the starvation and deprivation in others. A world soul has always been here, but now there is finally a world community consciousness slowly coming into existence. More and more people are being open to everything that is happening, including the contrasts.

Student #2: So that is one of the bad things about the internet is when we generalize from something that is specific. It really is a small thing, like the whole world is on fire when it is only all of the western United States. You know what I mean? It is hard to keep that perspective when you are a human down here.

(A greater awareness possible)

Michael: That is why you have to keep opening to all these different points of view and the information that is now available. Look around the world and see within the world’s communities how very peaceful they are compared to any time in the past. I mean the Roman Empire, the British Empire; these were held together by sheer terror and constant warfare. So things definitely are getting better. There is greater communication and a greater awareness possible now.

Student #2: Yes, but I think we want to fix it right way. You know, we want to fix things right now, and It’ s just….

Michael: Well, good!--that keeps you motivated. Just balance it with some patience.

Student #2: OK. Thank you. I love you.

Michael: Be open to a sense of proportion. Though it’s hard to achieve, this is where your meditation helps so much, with that sense of proportion.

Student #2: Thank you.


Michael: Be in my Peace. Well, my dears, let me say again, I know it is often hard for you to open yourselves to Mother Spirit and myself, and not think we are some kind of distant Pollyanna beings seeing everything through rose-colored glasses.

But try to see all the love and connection among families and between friends in their day-to-day lives. This is by far the vast amount of people in the world. Most of the suffering that is inflicted one on another is due to ignorance and a lack of true education--being able to read anything and everything, write and be open to all your modern communications the more advanced cultures can bring. Much of the world still languishes in a sheer lack of knowledge.

(Getting beyond the accident of your birth and indoctrination)

Then, as we said tonight, in your more advanced societies the variety of viewpoints are not so cynical as people being only half consciously indoctrinated by their societies and their schools to see things in a very narrow way. Personally, in your own life, try to get beyond the accident of your own birth and circumstances.

But the Correcting Time is happening. There is the whole human history of very rare happenstance on this planet that went into rebellion hundreds of thousands of years ago that is still playing out. You don’t have a Planetary Prince you can go and talk with. You don’t have an Adam and Eve still on the planet helping manage things. In your Urantia Book go to the paper “Life on a Neighboring Planet” where things have evolved more on a normal spiritual schedule. It can give you that sense of proportion to realize how rare your word is among all the millions of others that are following a divine plan.

(Your birthright of curiosity and wonder)

Mother Spirit sends her love, and I bid you to reach out for my peace. Feel it. Let it keep getting you above those pesky questions, yet even these too are part of your birthright of curiosity, and part of you. So keep wondering as well. Good night.