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195:0.1 The results of [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]'s [[preaching]] on the day of [ Pentecost] were such as to [[decide]] the [[future]] [[policies]], and to determine the [[plans]], of the [[majority]] of [[the apostles]] in their [[efforts]] to [[proclaim]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] was the real founder of the [ Christian church]; [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] carried the [[Christian]] [[message]] to the [[gentiles]], and the [[Greek]] [[believers]] carried it to the whole [ Roman Empire].
195:0.1 The results of [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]'s [[preaching]] on the day of [ Pentecost] were such as to [[decide]] the [[future]] [[policies]], and to determine the [[plans]], of the [[majority]] of [[the apostles]] in their [[efforts]] to [[proclaim]] the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]]. [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]] was the real founder of the [ Christian church]; [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] carried the [[Christian]] [[message]] to the [[gentiles]], and the [[Greek]] [[believers]] carried it to the whole [ Roman Empire].
195:0.2 Although the [[tradition]]-bound and [[priest]]-ridden [[Hebrews]], as a people, refused to [[accept]] either [[Jesus]]' [[gospel]] of the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]] and the brotherhood of man or [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]'s and [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]]'s [[proclamation]] of the [[resurrection]] and [[ascension]] of [[Christ]] (subsequent [[Christianity]]), the rest of the [ Roman Empire] was found to be [[receptive]] to the [[evolving]] [[Christian]] teachings. [[Occident|Western civilization]] was at this time [[intellectual]], [[war]] [[weary]], and thoroughly [[skeptical]] of all existing [[religions]] and [[universe]] [[philosophies]]. The peoples of the [[Western world]], the beneficiaries of [[Greek]] [[culture]], had a revered [[tradition]] of a great [[past]]. They could [[contemplate]] the [[inheritance]] of great accomplishments in [[philosophy]], [[art]], [[literature]], and [[political]] [[progress]]. But with all these achievements they had no [[soul]]-[[satisfying]] [[religion]]. Their spiritual longings remained unsatisfied.  
195:0.2 Although the [[tradition]]-bound and [[priest]]-ridden [[Hebrews]], as a people, refused to [[accept]] either [[Jesus]]' [[gospel]] of the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]] and the brotherhood of man or [[Peter, the Apostle|Peter]]'s and [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]]'s [[proclamation]] of the [[resurrection]] and [[ascension]] of [[Christ]] (subsequent [[Christianity]]), the rest of the [ Roman Empire] was found to be [[receptive]] to the [[evolving]] [[Christian]] teachings. [[Occident|Western civilization]] was at this time [[intellectual]], [[war]] [[weary]], and thoroughly [[skeptical]] of all existing [[religions]] and [[universe]] [[philosophies]]. The peoples of the [[Western world]], the beneficiaries of [[Greek]] [[culture]], had a revered [[tradition]] of a great [[past]]. They could [[contemplate]] the [[inheritance]] of great accomplishments in [[philosophy]], [[art]], [[literature]], and [[political]] [[progress]]. But with all these achievements they had no [[soul]]-[[satisfying]] [[religion]]. Their spiritual longings remained unsatisfied.  
195:0.3 Upon such a [[stage]] of [[human]] [[society]] the [[teachings]] of [[Jesus]], [[embraced]] in the [[Christian]] [[message]], were suddenly thrust. A new order of [[living]] was thus presented to the [[hungry]] [[hearts]] of these [[Occident|Western]] peoples. This situation meant [[immediate]] [[conflict]] between the older [[religious]] [[practices]] and the new Christianized version of [[Jesus]]' [[message]] to the world. Such a [[conflict]] must result in either decided [[victory]] for the new or for the old or in some [[degree]] of [[compromise]]. [[History]] shows that the [[struggle]] ended in [[compromise]]. [[Christianity]] [[presumed]] to [[embrace]] too much for any one people to assimilate in one or two [[generations]]. It was not a [[simple]] [[spiritual]] [[appeal]], such as [[Jesus]] had presented to the [[souls]] of men; it early struck a decided [[attitude]] on [[religious]] [[rituals]], [[education]], [[magic]], [[medicine]], [[art]], [[literature]], [[law]], [[government]], [[morals]], [[sex]] regulation, [ polygamy], and, in limited [[degree]], even [[slavery]]. [[Christianity]] came not merely as a [ new religion]—something all the [ Roman Empire] and all the [[Orient]] were waiting for—but as a new order of [[human]] [[society]]. And as such a pretension it quickly [[precipitated]] the [[social]]-[[moral]] clash of the ages. The [[ideals]] of [[Jesus]], as they were reinterpreted by [ Greek philosophy] and [[socialized]] in [[Christianity]], now boldly challenged the [[traditions]] of the human race embodied in the [[ethics]], [[morality]], and [[religions]] of [[Western civilization]].
195:0.3 Upon such a [[stage]] of [[human]] [[society]] the [[teachings]] of [[Jesus]], [[embraced]] in the [[Christian]] [[message]], were suddenly thrust. A new order of [[living]] was thus presented to the [[hungry]] [[hearts]] of these [[Occident|Western]] peoples. This situation meant [[immediate]] [[conflict]] between the older [[religious]] [[practices]] and the new Christianized version of [[Jesus]]' [[message]] to the world. Such a [[conflict]] must result in either decided [[victory]] for the new or for the old or in some [[degree]] of [[compromise]]. [[History]] shows that the [[struggle]] ended in [[compromise]]. [[Christianity]] [[presumed]] to [[embrace]] too much for any one people to assimilate in one or two [[generations]]. It was not a [[simple]] [[spiritual]] [[appeal]], such as [[Jesus]] had presented to the [[souls]] of men; it early struck a decided [[attitude]] on [[religious]] [[rituals]], [[education]], [[magic]], [[medicine]], [[art]], [[literature]], [[law]], [[government]], [[morals]], [[sex]] regulation, [ polygamy], and, in limited [[degree]], even [[slavery]]. [[Christianity]] came not merely as a [ new religion]—something all the [ Roman Empire] and all the [[Orient]] were waiting for—but as a new order of [[human]] [[society]]. And as such a pretension it quickly [[precipitated]] the [[social]]-[[moral]] clash of the ages. The [[ideals]] of [[Jesus]], as they were reinterpreted by [ Greek philosophy] and [[socialized]] in [[Christianity]], now boldly challenged the [[traditions]] of the human race embodied in the [[ethics]], [[morality]], and [[religions]] of [[Western civilization]].
195:0.4 At first, [[Christianity]] won as [[converts]] only the lower [[social]] and [[economic]] [[Class|strata]]. But by the beginning of the [ second century] the very best of [ Greco-Roman] [[culture]] was increasingly turning to this new order of [[Christian]] [[belief]], this new [[concept]] of the [[purpose]] of [[living]] and the goal of [[existence]].
195:0.4 At first, [[Christianity]] won as [[converts]] only the lower [[social]] and [[economic]] [[Class|strata]]. But by the beginning of the [ second century] the very best of [ Greco-Roman] [[culture]] was increasingly turning to this new order of [[Christian]] [[belief]], this new [[concept]] of the [[purpose]] of [[living]] and the goal of [[existence]].
195:0.5 How did this new [[message]] of [[Jewish]] [[origin]], which had almost [[failed]] in the [[land]] of its [[birth]], so quickly and effectively capture the very best [[minds]] of the [ Roman Empire]? The [[triumph]] of [[Christianity]] over the philosophic [[religions]] and the [ mystery cults] was due to:
195:0.5 How did this new [[message]] of [[Jewish]] [[origin]], which had almost [[failed]] in the [[land]] of its [[birth]], so quickly and effectively capture the very best [[minds]] of the [ Roman Empire]? The [[triumph]] of [[Christianity]] over the philosophic [[religions]] and the [ mystery cults] was due to:
*1. 195:0.6 [[Organization]]. [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] was a great organizer and his successors kept up the [[pace]] he set.
*1. 195:0.6 [[Organization]]. [[Paul, the Apostle|Paul]] was a great organizer and his successors kept up the [[pace]] he set.
*2. 195:0.7 [[Christianity]] was thoroughly [ Hellenized]. It [[embraced]] the best in [ Greek philosophy] as well as the cream of [[Hebrew]] [[theology]].
*2. 195:0.7 [[Christianity]] was thoroughly [ Hellenized]. It [[embraced]] the best in [ Greek philosophy] as well as the cream of [[Hebrew]] [[theology]].
*3. 195:0.8 But best of all, it contained a new and great [[ideal]], the [[echo]] of the [ life bestowal of Jesus] and the [[reflection]] of his [[message]] of [[salvation]] for all [[mankind]].
*3. 195:0.8 But best of all, it contained a new and great [[ideal]], the [[echo]] of the [ life bestowal of Jesus] and the [[reflection]] of his [[message]] of [[salvation]] for all [[mankind]].
*4. 195:0.9 The [[Christian]] [[leaders]] were willing to make such [[compromises]] with [ Mithraism] that the better half of its adherents were won over to the [ Antioch cult].
*4. 195:0.9 The [[Christian]] [[leaders]] were willing to make such [[compromises]] with [ Mithraism] that the better half of its adherents were won over to the [ Antioch cult].
*5. 195:0.10 Likewise did the next and later [[generations]] of [[Christian]] [[leaders]] make such further [[compromises]] with [[paganism]] that even the [[Roman]] [[emperor]] [ Constantine] was won to the [ new religion].
*5. 195:0.10 Likewise did the next and later [[generations]] of [[Christian]] [[leaders]] make such further [[compromises]] with [[paganism]] that even the [[Roman]] [[emperor]] [ Constantine] was won to the [ new religion].
195:0.11 But the [[Christians]] made a shrewd bargain with the [[pagans]] in that they [[adopted]] the [[ritualistic]] pageantry of the [[pagan]] while compelling the pagan to accept the [ Hellenized] version of [ Pauline Christianity]. They made a better bargain with the [[pagans]] than they did with the [ Mithraic cult], but even in that earlier [[compromise]] they came off more than [[conquerors]] in that they succeeded in eliminating the gross immoralities and also numerous other reprehensible [[practices]] of the [ Persian mystery].
195:0.11 But the [[Christians]] made a shrewd bargain with the [[pagans]] in that they [[adopted]] the [[ritualistic]] pageantry of the [[pagan]] while compelling the pagan to accept the [ Hellenized] version of [ Pauline Christianity]. They made a better bargain with the [[pagans]] than they did with the [ Mithraic cult], but even in that earlier [[compromise]] they came off more than [[conquerors]] in that they succeeded in eliminating the gross immoralities and also numerous other reprehensible [[practices]] of the [ Persian mystery].
195:0.12 Wisely or unwisely, these early [[leaders]] of [[Christianity]] deliberately [[compromised]] the [[ideals]] of [[Jesus]] in an [[effort]] to save and further many of his [[ideas]]. And they were eminently successful. But mistake not! these [[compromised]] [[ideals]] of [[the Master]] are still [[latent]] in his [[gospel]], and they will [[eventually]] assert their full [[power]] upon the world.
195:0.12 Wisely or unwisely, these early [[leaders]] of [[Christianity]] deliberately [[compromised]] the [[ideals]] of [[Jesus]] in an [[effort]] to save and further many of his [[ideas]]. And they were eminently successful. But mistake not! these [[compromised]] [[ideals]] of [[the Master]] are still [[latent]] in his [[gospel]], and they will [[eventually]] assert their full [[power]] upon the world.
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*4. 195:0.17 [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] was given to man's [[hungry]] [[soul]].
*4. 195:0.17 [[Jesus]] of [[Nazareth]] was given to man's [[hungry]] [[soul]].
195:0.18 Many of the great [[truths]] taught by [[Jesus]] were almost lost in these early [[compromises]], but they yet [[slumber]] in this [[religion]] of [[paganized]] [[Christianity]], which was in turn the [ Pauline] version of the life and teachings] of the [ Son of Man]. And [[Christianity]], even before it was [[paganized]], was first thoroughly [ Hellenized]. [[Christianity]] owes much, very much, to the [[Greeks]]. It was a Greek, from Egypt, who so [[bravely]] stood up at [ Nicaea] and so fearlessly challenged this assembly that it [[dared]] not so obscure the [[concept]] of the [[nature]] of [[Jesus]] that the real [[truth]] of [ his bestowal] might have been in [[danger]] of being lost to the world. This [[Greek]]'s name was [ Athanasius], and but for the [[eloquence]] and the [[logic]] of this believer, the [[persuasions]] of [ Arius] would have [[triumphed]].
195:0.18 Many of the great [[truths]] taught by [[Jesus]] were almost lost in these early [[compromises]], but they yet [[slumber]] in this [[religion]] of [[paganized]] [[Christianity]], which was in turn the [ Pauline] version of the life and teachings] of the [ Son of Man]. And [[Christianity]], even before it was [[paganized]], was first thoroughly [ Hellenized]. [[Christianity]] owes much, very much, to the [[Greeks]]. It was a Greek, from Egypt, who so [[bravely]] stood up at [ Nicaea] and so fearlessly challenged this assembly that it [[dared]] not so obscure the [[concept]] of the [[nature]] of [[Jesus]] that the real [[truth]] of [ his bestowal] might have been in [[danger]] of being lost to the world. This [[Greek]]'s name was [ Athanasius], and but for the [[eloquence]] and the [[logic]] of this believer, the [[persuasions]] of [ Arius] would have [[triumphed]].
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