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140:4.1 The so-called " ''[ Sermon on the Mount]'' " is not the [[gospel]] of [[Jesus]]. It does contain much helpful instruction, but it was [[Jesus]]' [[ordination]] charge to the [[twelve apostles]]. It was [[the Master]]'s [[personal]] commission to those who were to go on [[preaching]] the [[gospel]] and aspiring to [[represent]] him in the world of men even as he was so [[eloquently]] and [[perfectly]] [[representative]] of [[Universal Father|his Father]].
140:4.1 The so-called " ''[ Sermon on the Mount]'' " is not the [[gospel]] of [[Jesus]]. It does contain much helpful instruction, but it was [[Jesus]]' [[ordination]] charge to the [[twelve apostles]]. It was [[the Master]]'s [[personal]] commission to those who were to go on [[preaching]] the [[gospel]] and aspiring to [[represent]] him in the world of men even as he was so [[eloquently]] and [[perfectly]] [[representative]] of [[Universal Father|his Father]].
140:4.2 " You are the [ salt] of the [[earth]], salt with a [[Salvation|saving]] savor. But if this salt has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth [[good]] for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men. "[]
140:4.2 " You are the [ salt] of the [[earth]], salt with a [[Salvation|saving]] savor. But if this salt has lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? It is henceforth [[good]] for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men. "[]
140:4.3 In [[Jesus]]' time salt was [[Scarcity|precious]]. It was even used for [[money]]. The [[modern]] [[word]] " [[salary]] " is derived from salt. Salt not only flavors [[food]], but it is also a preservative. It makes other things more tasty, and thus it serves by being spent.
140:4.3 In [[Jesus]]' time salt was [[Scarcity|precious]]. It was even used for [[money]]. The [[modern]] [[word]] " [[salary]] " is derived from salt. Salt not only flavors [[food]], but it is also a preservative. It makes other things more tasty, and thus it serves by being spent.
140:4.4 " You are the [[light]] of the world. A [[city]] set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your [[good]] works and be led to [[glorify]] y[[our Father]] who is in heaven. "[]
140:4.4 " You are the [[light]] of the world. A [[city]] set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your [[good]] works and be led to [[glorify]] y[[our Father]] who is in heaven. "[]
140:4.5 While [[light]] dispels [[darkness]], it can also be so " blinding " as to [[confuse]] and [[frustrate]]. We are admonished to let our light so shine that our fellows will be [[guided]] into new and godly [[paths]] of enhanced living. Our [[light]] should so shine as not to [[attract]] [[attention]] to [[self]]. Even one's [[vocation]] can be utilized as an effective " [[reflector]] " for the [[dissemination]] of this light of life.
140:4.5 While [[light]] dispels [[darkness]], it can also be so " blinding " as to [[confuse]] and [[frustrate]]. We are admonished to let our light so shine that our fellows will be [[guided]] into new and godly [[paths]] of enhanced living. Our [[light]] should so shine as not to [[attract]] [[attention]] to [[self]]. Even one's [[vocation]] can be utilized as an effective " [[reflector]] " for the [[dissemination]] of this light of life.
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140:4.6 [[Strong]] [[characters]] are not derived from not doing wrong but rather from actually doing right. Unselfishness is the badge of [[human]] greatness. The highest levels of [[self-realization]] are [[attained]] by [[worship]] and [[service]]. The [[happy]] and [[effective]] [[person]] is [[motivated]], not by [[fear]] of wrongdoing, but by [[love]] of right doing.
140:4.6 [[Strong]] [[characters]] are not derived from not doing wrong but rather from actually doing right. Unselfishness is the badge of [[human]] greatness. The highest levels of [[self-realization]] are [[attained]] by [[worship]] and [[service]]. The [[happy]] and [[effective]] [[person]] is [[motivated]], not by [[fear]] of wrongdoing, but by [[love]] of right doing.
140:4.7 " By their fruits you shall know them. "[] [[Personality]] is basically changeless; that which [[changes]]—[[grows]]—is the [[moral]] [[character]]. The major [[error]] of [[modern]] [[religions]] is [[negativism]]. The tree which bears no fruit is " hewn down and cast into the [[fire]]. "[] [[Moral]] [[worth]] cannot be derived from mere [[repression]]—[[obeying]] the injunction " [ Thou shalt no]t. " [[Fear]] and [[shame]] are unworthy [[motivations]] for [[religious]] living. Religion is [[valid]] only when it [[reveals]] the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]] and enhances the brotherhood of men.
140:4.7 " By their fruits you shall know them. "[] [[Personality]] is basically changeless; that which [[changes]]—[[grows]]—is the [[moral]] [[character]]. The major [[error]] of [[modern]] [[religions]] is [[negativism]]. The tree which bears no fruit is " hewn down and cast into the [[fire]]. "[] [[Moral]] [[worth]] cannot be derived from mere [[repression]]—[[obeying]] the injunction " [ Thou shalt no]t. " [[Fear]] and [[shame]] are unworthy [[motivations]] for [[religious]] living. Religion is [[valid]] only when it [[reveals]] the [[fatherhood]] of [[God]] and enhances the brotherhood of men.
140:4.8 An [[effective]] [[philosophy]] of living is formed by a combination of [[cosmic]] [[insight]] and the [[total]] of one's [[emotional]] [[reactions]] to the [[social]] and [[economic]] [[environment]]. Remember: While [[inherited]] urges cannot be fundamentally [[modified]], [[emotional]] [[responses]] to such urges can be changed; therefore the [[moral]] [[nature]] can be [[modified]], [[character]] can be improved. In the [[strong]] character emotional [[responses]] are [[integrated]] and [[co-ordinated]], and thus is produced a [[unified]] [[personality]]. Deficient unification weakens the [[moral]] nature and engenders unhappiness.
140:4.8 An [[effective]] [[philosophy]] of living is formed by a combination of [[cosmic]] [[insight]] and the [[total]] of one's [[emotional]] [[reactions]] to the [[social]] and [[economic]] [[environment]]. Remember: While [[inherited]] urges cannot be fundamentally [[modified]], [[emotional]] [[responses]] to such urges can be changed; therefore the [[moral]] [[nature]] can be [[modified]], [[character]] can be improved. In the [[strong]] character emotional [[responses]] are [[integrated]] and [[co-ordinated]], and thus is produced a [[unified]] [[personality]]. Deficient unification weakens the [[moral]] nature and engenders unhappiness.
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140:4.11 Every [[mortal]] really craves to be a complete [[person]], to be [[perfect]] even as [[the Father]] in [[heaven]] is [[perfect]], and such [[attainment]] is possible because in the last [[analysis]] the " [[universe]] is truly [[father]]ly. "
140:4.11 Every [[mortal]] really craves to be a complete [[person]], to be [[perfect]] even as [[the Father]] in [[heaven]] is [[perfect]], and such [[attainment]] is possible because in the last [[analysis]] the " [[universe]] is truly [[father]]ly. "
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