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80:9.1 The racial blends in [ Europe] toward the close of the [ Andite migrations] became generalized into the three white races as follows:
80:9.1 The racial blends in [ Europe] toward the close of the [ Andite migrations] became generalized into the three white races as follows:
80:9.2 1. ''The northern white race''. This so-called [ Nordic race] consisted primarily of the [ blue man] plus the [ Andite] but also contained a considerable amount of [ Andonite blood], together with smaller amounts of the red and yellow [ Sangik]. The northern white race thus [[encompassed]] these four most desirable human stocks. But the largest inheritance was from the [ blue man]. The typical early Nordic was long-headed, tall, and blond. But long ago this race became thoroughly mixed with all of the branches of the white peoples.
80:9.2 1. ''The northern white race''. This so-called [ Nordic race] consisted primarily of the [ blue man] plus the [ Andite] but also contained a considerable amount of [ Andonite blood], together with smaller amounts of the red and yellow [ Sangik]. The northern white race thus [[encompassed]] these four most desirable human stocks. But the largest inheritance was from the [ blue man]. The typical early Nordic was long-headed, tall, and blond. But long ago this race became thoroughly mixed with all of the branches of the white peoples.
80:9.3 The [[primitive]] [[culture]] of [ Europe], which was encountered by the invading [ Nordics], was that of the retrograding [ Danubians] blended with the blue man. The ''Nordic-Danish'' and the ''Danubian-Andonite'' [[cultures]] met and mingled on the [ Rhine] as is [[witnessed]] by the [[existence]] of two racial groups in [ Germany] today.
80:9.3 The [[primitive]] [[culture]] of [ Europe], which was encountered by the invading [ Nordics], was that of the retrograding [ Danubians] blended with the blue man. The ''Nordic-Danish'' and the ''Danubian-Andonite'' [[cultures]] met and mingled on the [ Rhine] as is [[witnessed]] by the [[existence]] of two racial groups in [ Germany] today.
80:9.4 The [ Nordics] continued the [[trade]] in [ amber] from the [ Baltic coast], building up a great [[commerce]] with the broadheads of the Danube valley via the [ Brenner Pass]. This extended contact with the Danubians led these northerners into [[mother]] [[worship]], and for several thousands of years [ cremation] of the dead was almost [[universal]] throughout [ Scandinavia]. This explains why remains of the earlier white races, although [[buried]] all over [ Europe], are not to be found—only their ashes in stone and clay urns. These white men also built dwellings; they never lived in [[caves]]. And again this explains why there are so few [[evidences]] of the white man's early [[culture]], although the preceding [ Cro-Magnon] type is well preserved where it has been securely sealed up in [[caves]] and grottoes. As it were, one day in northern Europe there is a [[primitive]] [[culture]] of the retrogressing [ Danubians] and the [ blue man] and the next that of a suddenly appearing and vastly superior white man.
80:9.4 The [ Nordics] continued the [[trade]] in [ amber] from the [ Baltic coast], building up a great [[commerce]] with the broadheads of the Danube valley via the [ Brenner Pass]. This extended contact with the Danubians led these northerners into [[mother]] [[worship]], and for several thousands of years [ cremation] of the dead was almost [[universal]] throughout [ Scandinavia]. This explains why remains of the earlier white races, although [[buried]] all over [ Europe], are not to be found—only their ashes in stone and clay urns. These white men also built dwellings; they never lived in [[caves]]. And again this explains why there are so few [[evidences]] of the white man's early [[culture]], although the preceding [ Cro-Magnon] type is well preserved where it has been securely sealed up in [[caves]] and grottoes. As it were, one day in northern Europe there is a [[primitive]] [[culture]] of the retrogressing [ Danubians] and the [ blue man] and the next that of a suddenly appearing and vastly superior white man.
80:9.5 2. ''The central white race''. While this group includes strains of blue, yellow, and [ Andite], it is predominantly [ Andonite]. These people are broad-headed, swarthy, and stocky. They are driven like a wedge between the [ Nordic] and [[Mediterranean]] races, with the broad base resting in [ Asia] and the apex penetrating eastern [ France].
80:9.5 2. ''The central white race''. While this group includes strains of blue, yellow, and [ Andite], it is predominantly [ Andonite]. These people are broad-headed, swarthy, and stocky. They are driven like a wedge between the [ Nordic] and [[Mediterranean]] races, with the broad base resting in [ Asia] and the apex penetrating eastern [ France].
80:9.6 For almost twenty thousand years the [ Andonites] had been pushed farther and farther to the north of [ central Asia] by the [ Andites]. By [ 3000 B.C.] increasing [[aridity]] was driving these [ Andonites] back into [ Turkestan]. This Andonite push southward continued for over a thousand years and, splitting around the [ Caspian] and [ Black seas], penetrated [ Europe] by way of both the [ Balkans] and the [ Ukraine]. This [[invasion]] included the remaining [[groups]] of [ Adamson]' s descendants and, during the latter half of the invasion period, carried with it considerable numbers of the [ Iranian] Andites as well as many of the descendants of the [ Sethite priests].
80:9.6 For almost twenty thousand years the [ Andonites] had been pushed farther and farther to the north of [ central Asia] by the [ Andites]. By [ 3000 B.C.] increasing [[aridity]] was driving these [ Andonites] back into [ Turkestan]. This Andonite push southward continued for over a thousand years and, splitting around the [ Caspian] and [ Black seas], penetrated [ Europe] by way of both the [ Balkans] and the [ Ukraine]. This [[invasion]] included the remaining [[groups]] of [ Adamson]' s descendants and, during the latter half of the invasion period, carried with it considerable numbers of the [ Iranian] Andites as well as many of the descendants of the [ Sethite priests].
80:9.7 By [ 2500 B.C.] the westward thrust of the [ Andonites] reached [ Europe]. And this overrunning of all [ Mesopotamia], [ Asia Minor], and the [ Danube basin] by the [[barbarians]] of the hills of [ Turkestan] constituted the most serious and lasting of all cultural setbacks up to that time. These [[invaders]] definitely Andonized the [[character]] of the central European races, which have ever since remained characteristically [ Alpine].
80:9.7 By [ 2500 B.C.] the westward thrust of the [ Andonites] reached [ Europe]. And this overrunning of all [ Mesopotamia], [ Asia Minor], and the [ Danube basin] by the [[barbarians]] of the hills of [ Turkestan] constituted the most serious and lasting of all cultural setbacks up to that time. These [[invaders]] definitely Andonized the [[character]] of the central European races, which have ever since remained characteristically [ Alpine].
80:9.8 3. ''The southern white race''. This brunet [ Mediterranean race] consisted of a blend of the [ Andite] and the [ blue man], with a smaller Andonite strain than in the north. This group also absorbed a considerable amount of [ secondary Sangik] blood through the [ Saharans]. In later times this southern division of the white race was infused by strong [ Andite] elements from the [ eastern Mediterranean].
80:9.8 3. ''The southern white race''. This brunet [ Mediterranean race] consisted of a blend of the [ Andite] and the [ blue man], with a smaller Andonite strain than in the north. This group also absorbed a considerable amount of [ secondary Sangik] blood through the [ Saharans]. In later times this southern division of the white race was infused by strong [ Andite] elements from the [ eastern Mediterranean].
80:9.9 The Mediterranean coastlands did not, however, become permeated by the [ Andites] until the times of the great [[nomadic]] [[invasions]] of [ 2500 B.C.] [[Land]] [[traffic]] and [[trade]] were nearly suspended during these centuries when the [[nomads]] invaded the eastern Mediterranean districts. This [[interference]] with [[land]] [[travel]] brought about the great expansion of [[sea]] [[traffic]] and trade; Mediterranean sea-borne [[commerce]] was in full swing about forty-five hundred years ago. And this [[development]] of [[marine]] [[traffic]] resulted in the sudden expansion of the descendants of the [ Andites] throughout the entire coastal territory of the Mediterranean basin.
80:9.9 The Mediterranean coastlands did not, however, become permeated by the [ Andites] until the times of the great [[nomadic]] [[invasions]] of [ 2500 B.C.] [[Land]] [[traffic]] and [[trade]] were nearly suspended during these centuries when the [[nomads]] invaded the eastern Mediterranean districts. This [[interference]] with [[land]] [[travel]] brought about the great expansion of [[sea]] [[traffic]] and trade; Mediterranean sea-borne [[commerce]] was in full swing about forty-five hundred years ago. And this [[development]] of [[marine]] [[traffic]] resulted in the sudden expansion of the descendants of the [ Andites] throughout the entire coastal territory of the Mediterranean basin.
80:9.10 These racial mixtures laid the [[foundations]] for the [ southern European race], the most highly mixed of all. And since these days this race has undergone still further admixture, notably with the blue-yellow-Andite peoples of [ Arabia]. This Mediterranean race is, in fact, so freely admixed with the surrounding peoples as to be virtually indiscernible as a separate type, but in general its members are short, long-headed, and brunet.
80:9.10 These racial mixtures laid the [[foundations]] for the [ southern European race], the most highly mixed of all. And since these days this race has undergone still further admixture, notably with the blue-yellow-Andite peoples of [ Arabia]. This Mediterranean race is, in fact, so freely admixed with the surrounding peoples as to be virtually indiscernible as a separate type, but in general its members are short, long-headed, and brunet.
80:9.11 In the north the [ Andites], through [[warfare]] and [[marriage]], [[obliterated]] the [ blue men], but in the south they [[survived]] in greater numbers. The [ Basques] and the [ Berbers] [[represent]] the [[survival]] of two branches of this race, but even these peoples have been thoroughly admixed with the [ Saharans].
80:9.11 In the north the [ Andites], through [[warfare]] and [[marriage]], [[obliterated]] the [ blue men], but in the south they [[survived]] in greater numbers. The [ Basques] and the [ Berbers] [[represent]] the [[survival]] of two branches of this race, but even these peoples have been thoroughly admixed with the [ Saharans].
80:9.12 This was the picture of race mixture presented in [ central Europe] about [ 3000 B.C.] In spite of the partial [ Adamic default], the higher types did blend.
80:9.12 This was the picture of race mixture presented in [ central Europe] about [ 3000 B.C.] In spite of the partial [ Adamic default], the higher types did blend.
80:9.13 These were the times of the [ New Stone Age] overlapping the oncoming [ Bronze Age]. In Scandinavia it was the Bronze Age associated with [[mother]] [[worship]]. In southern France and Spain it was the New Stone Age associated with [ sun worship]. This was the time of the building of the [[circular]] and roofless [[sun]] [[temples]]. The European white races were energetic builders, delighting to set up great stones as tokens to the [[sun]], much as did their later-day descendants at [ Stonehenge]. The [[vogue]] of [ sun worship] indicates that this was a great period of [[agriculture]] in southern Europe.
80:9.13 These were the times of the [ New Stone Age] overlapping the oncoming [ Bronze Age]. In Scandinavia it was the Bronze Age associated with [[mother]] [[worship]]. In southern France and Spain it was the New Stone Age associated with [ sun worship]. This was the time of the building of the [[circular]] and roofless [[sun]] [[temples]]. The European white races were energetic builders, delighting to set up great stones as tokens to the [[sun]], much as did their later-day descendants at [ Stonehenge]. The [[vogue]] of [ sun worship] indicates that this was a great period of [[agriculture]] in southern Europe.
80:9.14 The [[superstitions]] of this comparatively recent [ sun-worshiping] era even now [[persist]] in the folkways of [ Brittany]. Although Christianized for over fifteen hundred years, these [ Bretons] still retain [[charms]] of the [ New Stone Age] for warding off the [ evil eye]. They still keep [ thunderstones] in the chimney as [[protection]] against [ lightning]. The [ Bretons] never mingled with the [ Scandinavian Nordics]. They are [[survivors]] of the original [ Andonite] [[inhabitants]] of [ western Europe], mixed with the [ Mediterranean stock].
80:9.14 The [[superstitions]] of this comparatively recent [ sun-worshiping] era even now [[persist]] in the folkways of [ Brittany]. Although Christianized for over fifteen hundred years, these [ Bretons] still retain [[charms]] of the [ New Stone Age] for warding off the [ evil eye]. They still keep [ thunderstones] in the chimney as [[protection]] against [ lightning]. The [ Bretons] never mingled with the [ Scandinavian Nordics]. They are [[survivors]] of the original [ Andonite] [[inhabitants]] of [ western Europe], mixed with the [ Mediterranean stock].
80:9.15 But it is a [[fallacy]] to presume to classify the white peoples as [ Nordic], [ Alpine], and [ Mediterranean]. There has been altogether too much blending to permit such a grouping. At one time there was a fairly well-defined division of the white race into such classes, but widespread intermingling has since occurred, and it is no longer possible to identify these distinctions with any [[clarity]]. Even in [ 3000 B.C.] the [[ancient]] [[social]] [[groups]] were no more of one race than are the present [[inhabitants]] of [ North America].
80:9.15 But it is a [[fallacy]] to presume to classify the white peoples as [ Nordic], [ Alpine], and [ Mediterranean]. There has been altogether too much blending to permit such a grouping. At one time there was a fairly well-defined division of the white race into such classes, but widespread intermingling has since occurred, and it is no longer possible to identify these distinctions with any [[clarity]]. Even in [ 3000 B.C.] the [[ancient]] [[social]] [[groups]] were no more of one race than are the present [[inhabitants]] of [ North America].
80:9.16 This [ European] [[culture]] for five thousand years continued to [[grow]] and to some extent intermingle. But the barrier of [[language]] prevented the full [[reciprocation]] of the various [ Occidental nations]. During the past century this [[culture]] has been experiencing its best [[opportunity]] for blending in the [[cosmopolitan]] [[population]] of North America; and the [[future]] of that [[continent]] will be determined by the [[quality]] of the racial [[factors]] which are permitted to enter into its [[present]] and [[future]] [[populations]], as well as by the level of the [[social]] [[culture]] which is [[maintained]].
80:9.16 This [ European] [[culture]] for five thousand years continued to [[grow]] and to some extent intermingle. But the barrier of [[language]] prevented the full [[reciprocation]] of the various [ Occidental nations]. During the past century this [[culture]] has been experiencing its best [[opportunity]] for blending in the [[cosmopolitan]] [[population]] of North America; and the [[future]] of that [[continent]] will be determined by the [[quality]] of the racial [[factors]] which are permitted to enter into its [[present]] and [[future]] [[populations]], as well as by the level of the [[social]] [[culture]] which is [[maintained]].
80:9.17 Presented by an [[Archangel]] of [[Nebadon]].
80:9.17 Presented by an [[Archangel]] of [[Nebadon]].
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