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Topic: Focus on I AM Fulfilling My Spiritual Destiny

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Adam and Eve, Michael

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for centering us in your LOVE. We exist within the womb of your consciousness, Mother. We are supported by our Spirits of Truth that come from you, Father. As we are guided to focus today, may we maintain a single intention guided under the direction of our Indwelling Spirits that our Planetary Seraphim and other helping celestials may engage with us and make the changes at those higher levels of consciousness for more planetary healing and transformation to occur.

Mother and Father, your divine hand is steering this planet forward during this very important time, and we trust you. And we thank you for helping us expand in our faith that we can maintain that faith focus and to be here as light workers as way-showers, holding that spiritual energy for our brothers and sisters and for the collective for all life to be healed and transformed in your GRACE and GOOD, MERCY and LOVE. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. May your WILL be done now.


ADAM and EVE: Greetings, beloved children, this is Adam and Eve speaking to you today as one voice. We are here on the planet in morontia form to support the upliftment of planetary consciousness to higher levels to that which you know as the superconscious mind.

As we begin, we invite you to take some deep breaths. Let your breathing become slower and more mindful as you relax into your bodies. We will be engaging with your mindal system today for you individually to receive from us and then invite you to focus into the collective.

Before we begin, we wish to share with you some perspectives of what is underway on the planet at this particular time in this evolution toward Light and Life. Many of you of you are well aware that the rebellion mindset has perverted the way in which you think and feel and relate to your material culture. The corrective plans put in place by Michael have been designed to foster a change in your perspective to help you see through the lens of Spirit.

Much alteration has been underway in these circuits of mind to bring you to this upstepped perspective. And yet more needs to be corrected and uplifted so that the majority of Urantians are able to perceive through this divine lens and see the world in its relationship to the universe. Michael's plans of correction have been carefully crafted for many years. One day you will fully apprehend and appreciate how much has been done to help this world and the other rebellion worlds shake off this rebellion in mindset. We have been getting much help from spiritual and divine Personalities who love you and wish for you to succeed in coming into your true spiritual potential that life may be lived here according to the original divine plans for this world to achieve its destiny. So let these words settle in for a few moments as you continue to breathe.

What is now underway is the encouragement for each individual on this world to awaken to the presence of Spirit Within. Your divine inheritance has been shielded from you by the rebellion mindset. But that does not mean that you need to engage with it any longer. Human mind has been engineered to react with fear and doubt, causing great confusion within, even keeping you at odds with your human nature to align with your spiritual potential. This was never in the divine plans for this world. It is a rebellion construct. And now it is time for the humans of this world to shake off this construct—to say NO to it, to consciously say “I will not consent to be manipulated, controlled or influenced by this mindset.”

In order for you to do this, we are here today to help you engage at a higher level of mind, that which you know as the superconscious level and for our mindal circuitry to engage with yours at this level, to support the elevation of mindal currents and circuits the higher frequencies of our VIOLET LIGHT. This is part of your inheritance that is being restored to you now. It was always in Father's plans for this world for our mission to be accomplished fully, and yet you know from your Urantia text what happened here.

Michael's MERCY is such that He desires His children to be uplifted in our Adamic VIOLET LIGHT and for your minds to be calibrated at this higher level so that the lower frequencies and the fear constructs and those energetic dynamics in your lower natures can rise and be calibrated to the higher tones and notes and frequencies of the violet light that we contain. This will be a very dynamic infusion, and for some of you it will be a first attempt at helping you calibrate to these higher levels.

So, we invite you to simply continue to breathe and relax. Continue to breathe deeply, even if the vibrations become a bit intense. Also, we encourage you to set your gaze on your Indwelling Spirits so that your minds maybe more prepared to engage at this superconscious level.

And after we have done the individual calibrations for each one of you, we will invite you to engage in the collective as you have done so many times before. Drink deeply of our presence within you. We begin. If it is helpful, you may focus on these words: DEVELOPMENT OF MY SUPERCONSCIOUS TO ADAMIC MIND, DEVELOPMENT OF MY SUPERCONSCIOUS TO ADAMIC MIND, DEVELOPMENT OF MY SUPERCONSCIOUS TO ADAMIC MIND. Receive us now, beloved children, and let us elevate you to what we wish to share with you at this important time in Urantia’s history and evolution. (Pause)

As you allow our presence to engage with you, feel that need and yearning for this VIOLET LIGHT to upstep you and invite your Indwelling Spirits to relay to your waking conscious mind new insights that will support your receptivity to what we are sharing with you now. (Pause)

If you wish to engage more directly with your Indwelling Spirits, set that intention to engage more at the superconscious level. You have such great spiritual potential and yet it is developing. The development of this level of mind will have mighty impact in the collective. But it starts with you. Have you taken responsibility to develop this superconscious level of your mindal capacity? Engage with the Father Within, and if it feels right set that as an intention so that what we are sharing and providing to you can support the development of this superconscious level wherein you have access to the information you need to comport yourselves in a more Godlike manner. In the coming days as you see more change occur on this planet, this level of mind will support you mightily.

Elevate you from the constructs of fear that many people are still being manipulated by with this rebellion mindset and agenda. Make that intention that you no longer wish to be dominated or controlled or influenced in any way by this agenda and you will receive support. But you must take responsibility for the thoughts you perceive and the emotions you experience. When you sense fear, you may turn to both of us and ask for our VIOLET LIGHT to upstep you. Michael's MERCY is such that you are now being given access to us directly. But it is up to you to invite us in. We are here today to help you calibrate to the VIOLET LIGHT essence contained within our Personality dynamics to continue to receive and allow our presence to hold you in the divine inheritance that is yours. (Pause)

In your last focused session, you were invited to envision the words: I AM FULFILLING MY SPIRITUAL DESTINY. We encourage you to focus on this now with the added component of moving into that superconscious level of mind. If you wish, you may gently affirm, I AM FULFILLING MY SPIRITUAL DESTINY THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF MY SUPERCONSCIOUS MIND; I AM FULFILLING MY SPIRITUAL DESTINY THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF MY SUPERCONSCIOUS MIND; I AM FULFILLING MY SPIRITUAL DESTINY THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF MY SUPERCONSCIOUS MIND. And we continue to share with you what will support you to engage at this higher level. Gently affirm this in faith and sincerity as the Father Within you ministers to you through these circuits of mind. (Pause)

The time is upon this world for humans to take responsibility for planetary transformation. You have been given much to support you. We will continue to engage with you as you rise up and wield the great spiritual power given to you to make the changes that you wish for this planet to fulfill its spiritual destiny. As you know, this will not be accomplished in a few short years or in one single generation. But this world is regaining its trajectory on its rightful path of evolution, and now it is time for the development of the planetary superconscious level of mind to awaken more individuals all around the globe to their spiritual potential and destiny.

So, here is where we ask you to now engage into the collective. Remember that your part is connected to the whole. You have influence here. You have responsibility and privileges tied to the collective. The more you recognize your responsibility, the more liberation you will achieve from these rebellion circuits and mindsets that have suppressed your creative and spiritual potential. If you wish, you may engage from your heart circuits projecting these words that you perceive in your mind's eye from your heart into the planet: PLANETARY SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS DEVELOPMENT IN ADAMIC MIND; PLANETARY SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS DEVELOPMENT IN ADAMIC MIND; PLANETARY SUPERCONSCIOUSNESS DEVELOPMENT IN ADAMIC MIND. Envision the world before you and hold the world in these energetic dynamics as mighty helpers engage in these circuits, taking what you project from your hearts and this greater heart circuitry of the planet to uplift planetary mind to higher levels. Continue to breathe deeply and mindfully and feel that yearning for more individuals to awaken for planetary mind to be elevated and calibrated to our violet light in the mindal dynamics that we are and share with you. (Pause)

All around the globe people are asking and seeking divine intervention. Do you apprehend that this is occurring? It is occurring through you. You are the ones who make the changes here. Each individual is being awakened. Some will answer the call within but some will ignore it. What is most important is for you as an individual is to recognize your responsibility to engage at the superconscious level and to call on us, Christ Michael, Mother Spirit Nebadonia, Monjoronson and your helpers around you to support you as you elevate your mind to these higher circuits.

Spirit is ready to engage with you and to help you perceive what is occurring on this world through the divine lens. This is an important time of spiritual engagement that this world awakens to its rightful place in the family of all creation. Many of you understand this at an intellectual level. But it is also very important for you to feel this at an emotional level—this dynamic connection to all life and its sacredness and to regard it with reverence and respect.

You see, even though we were unable to complete our mission while we were here in human form, Michael's MERCY is such that He has given us permission to engage with you at this level, and it is in the mind where these changes are made. So as you engage into the collective, we can engage in the collective as well and support this development of the superconscious mind to reflect the divine ideals of TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY where more hearts open to the healing balm of FORGIVENESS to move into that FAITH dynamic of the relationship between Divine Parent and human child. All that was once suppressed or even considered lost is being returned, and it is being returned to you because of the Father's immense FAITH in humanity.

And now you are being encouraged to have faith in yourselves and to have faith in human nature, for human nature is good. It is beautiful. It was designed in the Father's IMAGE and WISDOM. And now it is time for the humans of this world to have faith in one another, to move beyond the divisions you see at a material level, and to move into that place of spiritual kinship and unity—that connecting thread that links you all together. It is a powerful force for change in GOODNESS, TRUTH, and BEAUTY.

So continue to engage planetary mind to develop at the superconscious level through our infusions of the VIOLET LIGHT of the ADAMIC MIND as the myriads of helpers engage in these higher circuits to support the elevation of human mind to awaken to the TRUTH and the RELATIONSHIP of Father Within.

Beloved children, there is such potential for goodness within the human heart. Our Parents understand the pain that has been inflicted upon the heart circuit due to the rebellion, but that does not mean that you need to be subjected to it. So, let the valve of divine GOODNESS flow into your heart. Let it restore you to a state of peace, perspective of the higher lessons that are being learned during this very important time. Let the balm of FORGIVENESS move in and through you, washing away the tears of sorrow and sadness, move you more mightily into that place of GOODNESS where the divine response can operate in and through you as you engage with your brothers and sisters. (Pause)

Use the spiritual quality of GOODNESS when you engage with your fellows. Be kind, compassionate, considerate and respectful. Return anger with peace and allow these calibrations to take greater presence and expression within you. The more you engage with the qualities and dynamics of TRUTH, GOODNESS, and BEAUTY, the greater you will expand in your superconscious mind and be able to perceive the divine leadings of the Indwelling Spirit.

You might say that you have all of the spiritual equipment you need within, and now you are being trained to use it. But you must be mindful when you are experiencing these lower feelings or beliefs that are tied to fear, doubt and confusion and recognize when you are in those states and say, “Stop! I need to engage with Spirit.” That is enough to open the door and then these energies can engage with you and elevate you to the higher level of the superconscious. And while there will still be things for you to perceive at a lower level, doubt not that you have it within you to move beyond that and perceive at this higher level and to engage with it more and more each day to the eventual expression as living Jesuses on the planet.

Your Father Michael showed the way when He was here, living as you are now. You know this in your minds. Now it is time to express this from your souls. And in this fusion today we are assisting you in the development of this as part of your spiritual potential. Let these words settle in deeply. Let these energies integrate. (Pause)

As you hold the world in your mind's eye in this intention for the superconscious level to be developed, calibrated to our ADAMIC MIND. Also envision the words: FULFILLMENT OF URANTIA’S SPIRITUAL DESTINY, engaging with this superconscious development dynamic. Let your yearning for this becomes strong and project this from your hearts into the planet as you focus on the FULFILLMENT OF URANTIA’S SPIRITUAL DESTINY to engage with SUPERCONSCIOUS DEVELOPMENT IN THE ADAMIC MIND. (Pause)

Can you perceive, beloved children, what is being given to you? Can you imagine that you have incredible spiritual potential to develop? That many more individuals may be engaged in this time of planetary transformation? The world is awakening to its rightful place in the Father's family of LOVE and it is through these circuits of mind that this will be accomplished with each person taking responsibility for his and her spiritual development and loving service in the ways in which they are being guided by Father Within.

As you have been guided in the past, reflect on this spiritual experience during the coming weeks. As we continue our engagement with you, remember to call on us during your stillness times that we may engage with you more mightily and help you in your own individual personality development, to be the LIGHT OF SPIRIT, and to rejoice in this time of transformation moving through Urantia mind and uplifting it into its trajectory toward Light and Life.

We withdraw now. There is another to speak. We thank you for engaging with us today and the invitation to commune with us is always open. Take advantage of what you have of Spirit, in Spirit, with Spirit, that you may continue to grow and evolve your potential—His mighty children of the FIRST SOURCE and CENTER in His LOVE. Thank you.

MICHAEL: My beloved children, this is your Father Michael. Mighty changes are upon this world and you are witnessing a time that is unprecedented, not only in terms of this world history and evolution, but in all of Nebadon as the system rebellion in Satania moves toward its completion and conclusion. Do you recognize the tremendous service opportunities each one of you is being given during this time? You have participated on this call for many years and you have been given many spiritual helpers to support you in your spiritual development, but now it is time for you to engage with what you have come to learn, know, and embody.

It is time to embody these spiritual qualities to be TRUTH, to be GOODNESS, to be BEAUTY. You may ask, “How do I do this?” And what I say to you is, you already are. Do you have the courage to rise and stand in the truth of who you are? To come to the Father Within and say, “I need you to speak through me.” And here is how you grow. You have my Spirit of Truth within you. You can engage with your brothers and sisters at very dynamic levels of mind by being living truth, by demonstrating goodness, and allowing the beauty of the human soul to shine forth from you.

I understand that this is much for you to accomplish, but did I not prepare the way for you? Did I not show you how to forgive in the midst of great evil and sin? And you only have to turn to me and ask, “Father, I need you. I need your POWER and AUTHORITY, your SOVEREIGN PERSONALITY to reverberate through me to this individual before me” or into the circumstances of the world that you see before you. I am here. I am in you. Now it is time. Now it is time for you to engage with me. So sit in this place for a few moments while my presence supports you, and elevates you to these higher levels of mind and engagement from that level.

Focus on my SOVEREIGN PERSONALITY as it engages with yours. Gently affirm: I AM MY SOVEREIGN PERSONALITY; I AM MY SOVEREIGN PERSONALITY; I AM MY SOVEREIGN PERSONALITY. Do this with great feeling and gusto. Call on me when you need a reinforcement of your own personality sovereignty. The more you do this, the more you will engage with it, and you will do mighty works during this Correcting Time program for planetary REDEMPTION, REHABILITATION, and RECLAMATION.


You have been given much to integrate and as we bring this focused session to conclusion. Remember well what is your responsibility during this time. Demonstrate it and more will be given to you. I leave you in the LOVE that created us all. And remember, wherever you go, the Father is with you. Good day, my beloved children.