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(New page: Woods Cross Utah Group MEETING WITH ABRAHAM QUESTIONS ABOUT TRUST SEPTEMBER 18, 1995 I am ABRAHAM. I would like to make a few comments and give possibly a few suggestion. This type o...)
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Woods Cross Utah Group



SEPTEMBER 18, 1995

I am ABRAHAM. I would like to make a few comments and give possibly a few suggestion. This type of communication can at times become a little too much, and therefore, loosing some of its substance. It is my desire tonight to keep my words short and possibly ask you to study on those things, subjects, in which we have already covered. It is my desire not to throw too much at you all at once.

I would ask you to research more on the subject of the mortal mind and how it coordinates with your spiritual growth. I would be most happy to answer any questions you might have tonight. Please feel comfortable and free to inquire about anything.

R.: Abraham, during last weekend some things became clear to me in respect to meditation, seeking the will of the Father. I would like to check that out with your perception. In this mortal life it seems we have a very difficult time finding the will of the Father for us in our activities. For me, I am out searching for that sporadically, but what has become clear is that we can’t know that as a long term experience. We can only know it in the moment of knowing and that is a different perception for me. I thought if I started on the path of knowing the will of the Father I would know it all the time, generally know what it was all about. Each day for us to seek the will of the Father would be in a prayerful attitude asking for clarification about that, in that day, through meditation. Also, in the silencing of the mind we receive intuitions and inspirations of what that is for us that day. That is a kind of a change of perception for me. I wonder whether that’s correct or could you add or comment about that in our seeking to do the will of the Father?

ABRAHAM: Yes, you are mostly correct. The will of God is ever changing to suit His child’s needs and educate what this child needs to know. The will of God is like truth. It is unlike a pond that sits with no water, fresh water, ever being added or ever evaporating. Father’s will is living. The only thing that stands in the way of Father’s will is His child’s will. Without a continuous surrendering to the Father’s will it is quite difficult for Father to reach His child and for the child to know what the Father’s will is. Surrendering is important.

The acceptance of Father’s will is also as important. If you are unwilling to perhaps follow through with the lesson the Father may have, it is not possible for you to reap the joy that would have come upon completing this lesson. If you are unaccepting of God’s decisions, this does build a barrier between you and your Father. Trusting that our God is in complete control of the universes and none other has this absolute power and order. To trust our Father is to say, “yes, my Father knows me better than anyone. He sits the lessons before me, and I accept what He puts before me, and I will give it my best effort.”

This is just as the Master spoke... “Yes, you are capable of drinking of My cup.” The question is, are you willing? To be willing and accepting is to also have trust in your universal Father. To trust Him is to be in His will. Does this help?

R.: Probably, when I re-read it. It seems to me like I recognize my infancy, my being in this mortal state is 99% flawed, I% percent perfect. I am a son of God, but a very, very embryonic son. One just barely becoming aware of His power within my life, and so when you said perhaps there was an unwillingness to drink of the bitter cup, that’s completely right. Whenever it is set before me I look at it and think that maybe I’ll just take a sip. I recognize my incompleteness of consecration to the full hearted drinking of the full cup of difficulty. If there are lessons to be learned that I am not learning because I short circuit them, I am fully aware of that. I guess what I am really seeking to do is to find the balance between having to plan my life in the intellectual way of trying to put together the pieces and parts to make it flow in a material world to maintain my material self, and to be doing so in coordination with what I perceive to be God’s will for me, granting that my perception is so flawed and so distorted by my experience in this dark world. I am really looking for a way to be more intuned with God’s will for me, recognizing that I may not be in complete harmony with it. I see what you are saying and I seek more direction of a simple way because I am a simple mind.

ABRAHAM: Is it difficult for you to believe that you cannot do everything perfectly? Does it trouble you to fall short of your expectations?

R.: Actually it is one of the things that I have come from this experience in the last four years, recognizing that in my imperfection I am becoming comfortable with being imperfect. I am becoming comfortable in knowing that God has already forgiven me for the things that I have done errantly. Yes it is very difficult to see that I have no....or completely surrender to God’s will. It is difficult because each day I am faced with decisions that have to do with a material life. I would really like to get to a place where I could completely surrender to His will. It is the most joyful place I have ever been when that happens.

ABRAHAM: My perception is that the trust that should be there with your Paradise Parent is lacking. This is quite normal. Many are afraid to let go and let God, for their faith wavers and they are scared they will be let down, and this is because you have been humanly let down. When your faith in God has been built up and you realize, “THIS IS MY FATHER, who unlike any human example, will not let me down.” You may not always understand what God sets before you, but you can certainly learn to trust that He set this before you for your own spiritual education and His total love for you.

Learning to do the will of our Father is like the top story of a building. There are many floors that you must stop at before you can reach the top. Trust being a very important floor, you must spend much time at, learning and understanding. You cannot just ride the elevator to the top. You must stop at each floor, spending time on each one learning. One, you learn you are really not in control of your divine path. You learn God is. Acceptance for God’s path is another floor. Trusting Him, our Father, is still another.

It is difficult for me to explain our perfect Paradise Parents. I don’t know how to tell you....they are so unlike anything you know here. They are fully worthy of your trust and this is a wonderful step you take in your spiritual attainment. Does this answer a little more?

R.: Yes it does. Just in summation, it seems to me like what I should be working on is acceptance of the lessons that I should learn on these floors, in the allegory of the building, rather than trying to seek to do the will of the Father, maybe that the will is to learn these different facets of getting to this place of where you could actually be in the flow of it. And that makes a lot of sense to me in my own level of understanding, but trust is one of those things which I must develop more attunement to in learning the lessons required of me on my path. Thank you.

ABRAHAM: Yes, you understand. Your welcome. Another question?

JS.: I have a follow up to pursue R.’s line of questioning. The idea of having trust in God is a little bit confusing to me. Because when I see the circumstances of the world, I see the apparent chaos and tragedy and the suffering that is so prevalent on this planet, I ask myself, is this God’s will that there should be this suffering , and if so, then is that the scenario that I am to accept in my accepting the lessons that God has laid before me? It seems to me the mess this world is in is man’s doing and that God would be a little unhappy about the situation down here, and therefore, the state of the world would not reflect His will and that maybe I shouldn’t be accepting of the circumstances before me. Just listening to myself describe that further convinces me that I am confused. Can you address this confusion?

ABRAHAM: Might I begin by asking you a question? Have you ever in the midst of trouble put your full and unwavering trust in Father, that He would see you through?

JS: I would say I have put my hope in Father, but I wasn’t assured in my own mind that things would turn out okay. I hoped that they would.

ABRAHAM: Understood. An experiment for you: Upon your next season of conflict, say to yourself and to your Father, “my Heavenly Parent, I am unable to understand and deal with this conflict. I put my full trust in you to see me through.” I find that many times when mortals have no choice they will finally lay their problems in God’s hands. They have to be almost forced into this decision. Very seldom do Father’s children come to Him and say, “Father you are a God of greatness. I fully trust in your ability to guide me.”

Yes, as you said, human will reigns supreme in the hearts of men and women on this world. I say to you, that time is coming to an end. With this planetary awakening will the mortal of this world align their hearts, their wills, with those that created them. Some things that occur are God’s will, some things are not. I cannot say what is and should be acceptable, to believe--”this is God’s will and this is not.”

JS.: If I attempt to trust God, I have a feeling that won’t necessarily protect me from hardship, from pain or sorrow. Is this true?

ABRAHAM: Yes, this is true. It is the cup that Michael speaks of, but it is a cup you do not drink alone. A full trusting attitude in our Paradise family does however protect us from mental agony and strain and punishment on our physical. Said Jesus, ``I cannot traverse the waters of adversity for you, but I can go with you step by step through them.” This trust is a difficult thing for mortals. They put their trust in each other and are many times disappointed. They are untrusting of their mortal acquaintances and they are conditioned to not trust.

Yes, it is unbalanced to have faith and not trust. To have a blanket of faith with your threads going one way and the threads of trust crossing over them is more complete, is filled with strength and durability and comfort. Without the threads of trust, the blanket of faith is just threads. I say, God is unlike any human you have ever encountered. He is most reliable and it would be wise to disassociate God with any human example in your lives. Yes, we will study more further on the issue of trust. Did this help? (Yes, very much. Thank you for your kindness.) Another question?

E.: Abraham, each morning when I have stillness I try to dedicate that day to doing the Father’s will and let my will and His will coincide. I found that if I don’t do what is most appropriate then I can experience difficulty. However, when I realize that difficulty is the result of my lack of doing this and I am willing to take responsibility for that, it make things seem to get better. Is this the right approach learning to do the Father’s will?

ABRAHAM: You are understanding. It is quite obvious you have much trust in God’s over-care in your daily dealings. Yes, good. Does this answer? (Yes.) Another question?

R.: I would mostly like to hear from you, Abraham, on just feelings of being unworthy. I trust that if I ask, that Father will be there for me, but I have a hard time asking. I just need some encouragement. If you could address that?

ABRAHAM: Certainly. Some view petitions to Father like a certain amount of coins in a bank. They view this bank as limited. They say, I want to save my coins for a really important petition I may have someday, so they save their coins. They wait until they are desperate for Father’s love and watch-care. This is imbalanced thinking. I say, it is perfectly acceptable to ask for His guidance in all that you do, for when you ask, you are surrendering your own desires for a specific outcome and relying on God’s will.

I say, there is no bank of limited petitions you can ask of Father. It matters not the importance of your petition. What matters is that you are sincerely seeking God’s will and His guidance. God does not choose which of His children are more needy, more affected by conflicts or disasters. God does not pick and choose what child to assist. God answers all His sincere petitioners who are making an effort to do everything humanly possible to resolve their human struggles. Yes, Father is no respecter of persons. He answers each and every one. He is always there to guide you when you have asked. Does this help? (Yes. Thank you.)

EL.: Abraham, B. K. said he would put your teachings on the Internet and I was wondering if you would want us to do that or not?

ABRAHAM: I am willing to do this. Acceptable. (Thank you.)

ABRAHAM: I must take my leave again. Know that I will be with you in your studies throughout the week. Shalom.