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LOCATION: Rio Rancho, NM, TeaM
The Bowen Townhouse
===Topic: ''Invitation to Friendship''===
===Group: [[Rio Rancho TeaM]]===
===Teacher: [[Tomas]], [[Michael]]===
===TR: [[Gerdean]], [[Matthew]]===
Invitation to Friendship
== Session==
More About Judgment
PRAYER: Mathew: Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ Master Teacher, We come to you today with a new person to appreciate the process that you have made possible through the long years of the Christian message having been brought to us. But our purpose is not just the Christian message (although that is first and fundamental in the presentation of our attitudes toward one another, and toward you and our Heavenly Father), -- but our attitude and principle, that we have learned through this process, through the Urantia Book -- and all that we've acquired in our knowledge base to date, is that love is the first and foremost energy and reason for being. And, consequently, all teachings are one, as they blend into one golden chain of truth and purpose and being and loving. As we continue to go through our struggles, they become less because there is no need to fight but to practice the principle of non-resistance in all ways and in all principles. So we relax we relent and we allow the teachers to come to us through you to make all things new as we present ourselves to you as vehicles of truth and light.
Participate in Your Life
Q & A:
Brotherhood of Churches?
T/r's: Gerdean & Matthew
Music: "My Unseen Friends" from Michael Mann's DC
DATE: October 19, 2003
Mathew: Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ Master Teacher, We come to you today with a new person to appreciate the process that you have made possible through the long years of the Christian message having been brought to us. But our purpose is not just the Christian message (although that is first and fundamental in the presentation of our attitudes toward one another, and toward you and our Heavenly Father), -- but our attitude and principle, that we have learned through this process, through the Urantia Book -- and all that we've acquired in our knowledge base to date, is that love is the first and foremost energy and reason for being. And, consequently, all teachings are one, as they blend into one golden chain of truth and purpose and being and loving. As we continue to go through our struggles, they become less because there is no need to fight but to practice the principle of non-resistance in all ways and in all principles. So we relax we relent and we allow the teachers to come to us through you to make all things new as we present ourselves to you as vehicles of truth and light.
And for all those things of our hearts and minds that you know of us, we place before you now on the altar before Our Father to be transformed as we are transformed as vehicles of light and love here and now, and for eternity. With all else we are forever grateful. Amen.
And for all those things of our hearts and minds that you know of us, we place before you now on the altar before Our Father to be transformed as we are transformed as vehicles of light and love here and now, and for eternity. With all else we are forever grateful. Amen.
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Group: Good afternoon.
Group: Good afternoon.
TOMAS: I perceive you today as a five-pointed star, twinkling and flashing your perfection into the atmosphere, into the spheres. What a delight to have you join us, SharEl . charming lady, child of wonder. What must you think of us! Well, this is what relationship aspires to, isn't it? We feel each other out. We take time to be still in each other's presence to recognize the light within us each. We begin to feel safe. We begin to relax into greater consciousness super-consciousness which is aware . not only of our Self, but of other Selves. Not only in your range of reality, but in Reality arenas beyond your vision. Once again we salute "invisible friends." But what of friendship? What are friends for? What are unseen friends for? As compared to your mortal associates. How do we differ and how are we the same? And what do you look for when you look to your own kind -- and when you look to those outside your vision -- in faith? We are like you. We are simply older. More advanced. But what good does our advancement do if we are on a plane that is so far removed from you that you cannot reach us? It is thus necessary, in this particular kind of association, that we reach down to you as you reach up to us and we meet there, somewhere in the ethers, in the netherworld of Paradise . just underneath the presence of God. For, were we to sit in the presence of God, we would overlook our association in the experience of worship. Which is fine! Which is desirable. Which is encouraged as it is a part of the appreciation of the relationship that exists between you, as sons and daughters of this Precious Energy which fills the air with spirit fragrance.
TOMAS: I perceive you today as a five-pointed star, twinkling and flashing your perfection into the atmosphere, into the spheres. What a delight to have you join us, SharEl . charming lady, child of wonder. What must you think of us! Well, this is what relationship aspires to, isn't it? We feel each other out. We take time to be still in each other's presence to recognize the light within us each. We begin to feel safe. We begin to relax into greater consciousness super-consciousness which is aware . not only of our Self, but of other Selves. Not only in your range of reality, but in Reality arenas beyond your vision. Once again we salute "invisible friends." But what of friendship? What are friends for? What are unseen friends for? As compared to your mortal associates. How do we differ and how are we the same? And what do you look for when you look to your own kind -- and when you look to those outside your vision -- in faith? We are like you. We are simply older. More advanced. But what good does our advancement do if we are on a plane that is so far removed from you that you cannot reach us? It is thus necessary, in this particular kind of association, that we reach down to you as you reach up to us and we meet there, somewhere in the ethers, in the netherworld of Paradise . just underneath the presence of God. For, were we to sit in the presence of God, we would overlook our association in the experience of worship. Which is fine! Which is desirable. Which is encouraged as it is a part of the appreciation of the relationship that exists between you, as sons and daughters of this Precious Energy which fills the air with spirit fragrance.
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We have been talking about judgment lately. Particularly since it is something that confuses you and troubles you, as its definition is clouded by your perception of what judgment means, based on your comprehension of the Old Testament's admonition and your fear of judging lest you be judged -- to hell, fire, and damnation! All you who sit in the presence of the unseen friends are aware already that the Loving Presence of the Divine is impossible of inflicting such pain and distress upon Its children, and so this fear of God and His wrath is inappropriate for our current day comprehension of the wondrous love that is our Creator and the divine plan He has in store for all of us, as we walk the talk of what we are learning and becoming. The story of the prodigal son is a reminder that the father will run out to get his wayward children even when they are a long way off. Even as they are feeling wretched, after having spent/squandered their fortune, their inheritance, and their future on self-indulgence and in ways which were unsatisfying, unfulfilling and unfruitful. What condition is that child in as he grovels back to his home, fully expecting to be whipped, abused, ignored, outcast, begging for crumbs, asking only for a place at the foot of the table?
We have been talking about judgment lately. Particularly since it is something that confuses you and troubles you, as its definition is clouded by your perception of what judgment means, based on your comprehension of the Old Testament's admonition and your fear of judging lest you be judged -- to hell, fire, and damnation! All you who sit in the presence of the unseen friends are aware already that the Loving Presence of the Divine is impossible of inflicting such pain and distress upon Its children, and so this fear of God and His wrath is inappropriate for our current day comprehension of the wondrous love that is our Creator and the divine plan He has in store for all of us, as we walk the talk of what we are learning and becoming. The story of the prodigal son is a reminder that the father will run out to get his wayward children even when they are a long way off. Even as they are feeling wretched, after having spent/squandered their fortune, their inheritance, and their future on self-indulgence and in ways which were unsatisfying, unfulfilling and unfruitful. What condition is that child in as he grovels back to his home, fully expecting to be whipped, abused, ignored, outcast, begging for crumbs, asking only for a place at the foot of the table?
By anyone's standards they have judged themselves poorly and sorely already. They do not need any of their elder brothers or sisters to hurl at them any remarks as to their neglect or immaturity. But it is understandable that the siblings would stand back, as if to say, "Well, my brother, I am glad you are home. It was our loss that you were not among us. We rejoice in your return. We embrace you back to share with us the Father's bounties and blessings. Perhaps this experience will teach you that respect and sense of purpose in this family that you are created to uphold. We trust you will not wane in your enthusiasm to be embraced back into the fold, to return to your arrogant and self-seeking ways. We will be watchful for we truly love you. We would have you enjoy the blessings of sonship with us in order to carry on this holy family, in order to carry on the Father's business. What you learned out there will pass away. What you encountered in your uphill
By anyone's standards they have judged themselves poorly and sorely already. They do not need any of their elder brothers or sisters to hurl at them any remarks as to their neglect or immaturity. But it is understandable that the siblings would stand back, as if to say, "Well, my brother, I am glad you are home. It was our loss that you were not among us. We rejoice in your return. We embrace you back to share with us the Father's bounties and blessings. Perhaps this experience will teach you that respect and sense of purpose in this family that you are created to uphold. We trust you will not wane in your enthusiasm to be embraced back into the fold, to return to your arrogant and self-seeking ways. We will be watchful for we truly love you. We would have you enjoy the blessings of sonship with us in order to carry on this holy family, in order to carry on the Father's business. What you learned out there will pass away. What you encountered in your uphill climb back into the security of humble sonship will keep you from arrogance and complacency. Rather, you will be better able to serve in the Father's fields those who are lost in pleasure-seeking, in frantic attempts to seize the day, or in those who fear His judgment such that they are even fearful of looking you in the eye, lest they see their own short-comings." This is friendship: that the sons of God reach out to their siblings even when they are yet a long way off, and invite them into the fold of love and joy.
climb back into the security of humble sonship will keep you from arrogance and complacency. Rather, you will be better able to serve in the Father's fields those who are lost in pleasure-seeking, in frantic attempts to seize the day, or in those who fear His judgment such that they are even fearful of looking you in the eye, lest they see their own short-comings." This is friendship: that the sons of God reach out to their siblings even when they are yet a long way off, and invite them into the fold of love and joy.
Pray for those who fear God and fear the joy of knowing Him. And let the answer to this prayer be your own bright light of truth, beauty, and goodness. Prevail. What an awesome privilege, to shape and mold the universe, to have a hand in creating light and life on your world. Formidable! Overwhelming, perhaps, to your consciousness, but to the super-consciousness, it is an opportunity to relish life and all it provides - the good, the bad and the ugly - for there is where the choices are made, the choices that impel you forward or deter you in your path. And, subsequently, in the path of others -- inasmuch as you are a reflection of the divine itself. As you are able to reflect, so shall they see. Let us reflect the love of God, the joy and goodness we know as His. This lesson is directed to the future of our association, the extension of the family of God and the delight of our unseen friends. Let us hear from our associate.
Pray for those who fear God and fear the joy of knowing Him. And let the answer to this prayer be your own bright light of truth, beauty, and goodness. Prevail. What an awesome privilege, to shape and mold the universe, to have a hand in creating light and life on your world. Formidable! Overwhelming, perhaps, to your consciousness, but to the super-consciousness, it is an opportunity to relish life and all it provides - the good, the bad and the ugly - for there is where the choices are made, the choices that impel you forward or deter you in your path. And, subsequently, in the path of others -- inasmuch as you are a reflection of the divine itself. As you are able to reflect, so shall they see. Let us reflect the love of God, the joy and goodness we know as His. This lesson is directed to the future of our association, the extension of the family of God and the delight of our unseen friends. Let us hear from our associate.
Matthew: We have Christ Michael, or Jesus, here.
Matthew: We have Christ Michael, or Jesus, here.
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Until we meet again, may the presence of our living and loving Father surround you, now and always. Peace be with you.
Until we meet again, may the presence of our living and loving Father surround you, now and always. Peace be with you.
TOMAS: Beloved Creator -- he is such a brother and father and friend. You, my siblings, in ascension, are now the torchbearers, and in this capacity of advancing your world, what questions would you have to address that may contribute to this worthy work, or to your own unfolding as an important personality in the overall configuration of infinity?
TOMAS: Beloved Creator -- he is such a brother and father and friend. You, my siblings, in ascension, are now the torchbearers, and in this capacity of advancing your world, what questions would you have to address that may contribute to this worthy work, or to your own unfolding as an important personality in the overall configuration of infinity?
Talk to me. Do you have questions? Or comments? Complaints? Laments?
Talk to me. Do you have questions? Or comments? Complaints? Laments?
Brotherhood of Churches:
Matthew: Just one, that concerns me somewhat (but less than it did 20 years ago). The Urantia Book says that we are to work toward unity but not uniformity. Do you see in our lifetimes perhaps, in relation to light and life being created, at least Christianity coming closer together, in terms of the Pauline dominance that exists now as a perspective on Christianity? For it to come any closer to the message that Jesus had originally--, prior to Paul's entry into it? In other words, the blood sacrifice dominance that exists. Is it possible in our lives yet that that would be lessened, and we will turn more toward a brotherly love perspective? That's the question. Or is that so far off in the distance it's all we can strive to contribute to its change, ultimately?
Matthew: Just one, that concerns me somewhat (but less than it did 20 years ago). The Urantia Book says that we are to work toward unity but not uniformity. Do you see in our lifetimes perhaps, in relation to light and life being created, at least Christianity coming closer together, in terms of the Pauline dominance that exists now as a perspective on Christianity? For it to come any closer to the message that Jesus had originally--, prior to Paul's entry into it? In other words, the blood sacrifice dominance that exists. Is it possible in our lives yet that that would be lessened, and we will turn more toward a brotherly love perspective? That's the question. Or is that so far off in the distance it's all we can strive to contribute to its change, ultimately?
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Remember the Source. Return to the Source to remember your path, and remember your peers and your unseen friends, who walk with you on that path toward Paradise.
Remember the Source. Return to the Source to remember your path, and remember your peers and your unseen friends, who walk with you on that path toward Paradise.
Anatolia and I are proud to be your Teachers and to work in conjunction with the Teacher Corp of the Melchizedek University in enabling you to reclaim your place in the natural ascent. And in this on-going effort, I'll see you next week. Farewell.
Anatolia and I are proud to be your Teachers and to work in conjunction with the Teacher Corp of the Melchizedek University in enabling you to reclaim your place in the natural ascent. And in this on-going effort, I'll see you next week. Farewell.
Group: Thank you.
Group: Thank you.
[[Category: The Teaching Mission: Dialogues]]
[[Category: Rio Rancho TeaM]]
[[Category: Tomas]]
[[Category: Michael]]
[[Category: Gerdean]]
[[Category: Matthew]]
[[Category: 2003]]

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