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I Can Give You the Guidance You Crave.

(A Thought Adjuster Speaks—304—May 24, 2004.)

Dear one, your desire to gain a greater conscious knowledge of Me, has been known to Me for a long time, even before this desire arose in your conscious mind. It is part of your evolvement into a deeper spiritual life.

Because you have begun to notice how often you fall far short of perfection in your daily dealings with others, you have become spurred on to do better, and to be better, on the next occasion. You hunger for the ideal human relationship, without any misunderstandings.

I tell you right now, My beloved, that there is no such ideal. Even on the mansion worlds in the life hereafter, minor misunderstandings are bound to arise, as everyone is on different levels of spiritual development, and not everybody hailing from the worlds of space will, as if by magic, have shed their animal characteristics and behaviors.

It is your hard work towards perfection, begun on the worlds of space, which will be continued in the life hereafter. Your willingness, sincerity, and honesty brought to the task will decide the speed of progress with which you will overcome those negative character traits, which no longer serve you on the road towards perfection and, indeed, will retard your progress.

However, dear one, and so as not to discourage you when you feel that you are so far from your desired goal, I will suggest that you come more often to Me in the Stillness. I can give you the Guidance you crave so much to become more God-conscious, and God-loving, so you can increase your understanding of your fellow human travelers on the path to Heaven.

In this manner, you will accomplish more then you would have heretofore thought possible. And, dear one, there will be plenty of help available.

© 11:11 Progress Group



You Are Not Bereft Of Assistance.

(A Thought Adjuster Speaks—305—May 25, 2004.)

Dear one, to be a consciously aware follower of Jesus involves a stringent discipline in self-mastery. You will fall down many times in your attempts to become perfect, but this is to be expected from mortals just starting out on the journey towards life everlasting.

But just to refresh your memory about all the help you can avail yourself of, you have the example in your records of your Master Jesus, as he was called, when He walked here on this planet. He cheerfully overcame many, many obstacles in his teenage years, even before he attained full consciousness about being a Son of God.

Life is never easy, and this life here breeds relatively rugged individuals, who courageously in faith and trust take on their troubles, and therefore they train themselves to become sturdy co-workers on other worlds in space.

Since the completion of His final bestowal on this planet, about 2000 years ago, you can avail yourself of the Spirit of Truth, the Master’s personal Gift to this planet. You can avail yourself of the Holy Spirit—the personal Gift of Mother Spirit—Who also gifts mortals with her mindal energies. You can call on Her at anytime and allow Her to ‘wrap Her arms around you’, and nurture you like a small child that climbs on Her lap to feel secure and protected from all the ill winds that blow about you.

And, of course, you can always avail yourself of Me, your Mysterious Indweller. I am that Fragment of God, that Pilot Light, which lights the way for each mortal who accepts My Guidance on the way Home.

Then, of course, we also have numerous others, like the Angels, and the Midwayers, who are your cousins, midway in time between humans and Angels, and who would love to be of assistance.

So you can see that you are not bereft of assistance in your mortal estate. All you need do is to do is ask and believe that it will be given to you.

© 11:11 Progress Group



An "Effortless Effort".

(A Thought Adjuster Speaks 306—May 26, 2004.)

Dear one, a strong root connection with Me is what we both seek to establish, and this is what we have been working on. Your becoming more consciously aware of My Presence in you is a sign that you are rooting yourself deeper into Me.

A cursory thought or two during your day’s busyness surely does not suffice. To fill your daily needs and sustenance, you do need to have a period in your day to be with Me in the Stillness of your heart, for this is the only place where I can be found, and where I can nourish you.

It is a place of unconditional Love. It is a place of total acceptance, and it is a place where your weary mind comes to rest and your nerves unfurl, because you do not have to think for a while.

With Me you are in a refreshing Oasis, where you can dig your roots in deeper and deeper, so your stem grows stronger and stronger and your blossoms and fruit become more fragrant.

Thus you will send My Love out into the world around you, so it, too, can be permeated by My Perfume of sweetness. And you will then automatically bring forth the fruits of My Spirit, for what you feed yourself with, that you will bring forth.

The more you come to Me, the more I can satisfy you with my Love, as I am your Wellspring of Living Waters.

The deeper the root system, the stronger the stem to withstand the vicissitudes of life.

This is My desire for you; that your root-system will be so entwined in Me that, come what may, nothing will uproot you anymore, and everything becomes "an effortless effort".

Ponder what this would be like—an effortless effort.

© 11:11 Progress Group



That, Which Is Your Destiny To Become. (A Thought Adjuster Speaks—307—May 27, 2004.)

Dear one, do allow yourself to go with the flow of My deep and abiding Love for you. Open yourself up and allow this Love to well up spontaneously from deep within you, so you will become a channel of My pure Love. Allow, allow, and allow this upwelling of Love to happen.

It needs to be a conscious desire and decision on your part to make this happen, and then the results are automatic. How do I do this, you ask? Simply turn the self out. Turn out any thoughts about self, any pre-occupation with the little self and its puny worries, which are so far beneath that, which you can truly become.

Mortals rarely attain a measure of the true greatness that dwells within them in their earth-life, and they stand in their own way, obstructing the grandeur of the divinity the Creator God has gifted them with. If only you had a dim perception of My Divinity within you, you would lend Me far greater cooperation, to arrive at becoming that, which is your destiny to become.

In this earth life you can already make a serious start at fulfilling your divine destiny, rather then wasting a lot of time in idle pursuits with your electronic toys that are for amusement. Everything needs a balance, and your valuable time would be far better spend if you would entertain a thought or two about the life hereafter, to learn and prepare yourself here through loving service towards others.

Do this by practicing the Fruits of the Spirit, and by becoming spiritually fragrant by practicing unconditional love and forgiveness, and to not harbor any grudges or resentment, and to let go of all anger by being tolerant and understanding.

Do you actually know, what it would mean to come from a center of inner peace and love?

Ponder these things and pray for more Love.

© 11:11 Progress Group



Inhale Each New Day like a Fresh Breath.

A Thought Adjuster Speaks—308—May 28, 2004.

Dear one, much dross needs to fall away before true insights and wisdom come. When a mortal willingly and sincerely lives a life of service, each good work done without a hidden agenda, "ricochets down the ages" as the deed is etched into the soul of both the giver and the receiver.

A life thus motivated in loving service is exhibiting the fruits of the Spirit that lives within, and becomes the motivating force of that person’s life. Live each day as if it were your last day, for all the wheals and woes of yesterday have ended.

Have no more thoughts about the burdens of yesterday. This is unnecessary, and wears down the mind and soul. Inhale each new day like a fresh breath, for it is still an unwritten page in your book of life. What will you write in it? Unburden yourself in the Stillness with Me, and go forth refreshed and strengthened into the day that lies ahead. In this manner you carry the Light of God forward into the world.

Yes, I see the thought arising in your mind that this is not always an easy thing to do. Let Me tell you this; the more often you come into the Stillness and seek My Guidance, the easier it will become to seek to do God’s will in your life, rather then exercising your own puny will, and living thoughtlessly.

Trust Me in this, for I always know what is best for you, and that which is for your highest and greatest good and well-being, also for those around you and those you come into contact with. They would all benefit immensely from your goodwill and loving service.

You can already live the ideal spiritual life in the mortal flesh when you keep your connection open by regularly coming to Me. In this way you will learn to put your self-willed-ness on the backburner so to speak, allowing Me to in truth and fact be the Pilot in your life.

This is the partnership we both long for, and work towards.

© 11:11 Progress Group