
→‎Dialogue: change submitted by Faye February 7, 2010 on tmtalk re: issue of money
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This evening I wish to present a lesson concerning the thought overcontrol and omniscience of our Father. The Universal Father, personally, is resident on Paradise, and yet, He is also resident and enthroned in the minds of men. His power of all-knowingness of past, present and future, the eternal now, is also resident within each person. The eternal awareness of God is your ever-present comfort and security in a seemingly chaotic, insecure and purposeless world seemingly, that is. For our Father, who is eternal awareness, understands and foresees, and this word "foresees" is for the finite understanding, the future and past and present are all one. He sees us in our wholeness, and we see only a small, very small, fragment measure of our total reality. Although it is error to speak of predestination, for you know free will is absolutely dominant, it is correct to speak of destiny, and it is correct that you may each have insight and can foresee your destiny a little bit. As the mind broadens in awareness and receives more of the Father, comprehends more of the Father, and becomes more like the Father, so can the creature also see himself as does the Father, again in minute ways. And so, a pathway opens and a voice speaks saying "Here, this is the way," and a familiarity feeling prompts you to choose this direction, and an affirmation is also given. And so, in small ways we walk with God, and He shows us the path which to take, which is the right one for us. Many of you, I perceive, feel to be at a turning in the road, and I say to you the way will be clear. Do not be overly anxious. Have faith and confidence in the trustworthiness of God, for He knows all things. He knows your inner heart and soul. He has created the very core of your being. You are His children. He will not ever fail those who trust Him. The eternal wisdom of our Father neither knows nor entertains to know any boundaries or stumbling blocks or difficulties. He is all wise and knowing, and even though you cannot comprehend this reality with your minds, you must accept it by faith.
This evening I wish to present a lesson concerning the thought overcontrol and omniscience of our Father. The Universal Father, personally, is resident on Paradise, and yet, He is also resident and enthroned in the minds of men. His power of all-knowingness of past, present and future, the eternal now, is also resident within each person. The eternal awareness of God is your ever-present comfort and security in a seemingly chaotic, insecure and purposeless world seemingly, that is. For our Father, who is eternal awareness, understands and foresees, and this word "foresees" is for the finite understanding, the future and past and present are all one. He sees us in our wholeness, and we see only a small, very small, fragment measure of our total reality. Although it is error to speak of predestination, for you know free will is absolutely dominant, it is correct to speak of destiny, and it is correct that you may each have insight and can foresee your destiny a little bit. As the mind broadens in awareness and receives more of the Father, comprehends more of the Father, and becomes more like the Father, so can the creature also see himself as does the Father, again in minute ways. And so, a pathway opens and a voice speaks saying "Here, this is the way," and a familiarity feeling prompts you to choose this direction, and an affirmation is also given. And so, in small ways we walk with God, and He shows us the path which to take, which is the right one for us. Many of you, I perceive, feel to be at a turning in the road, and I say to you the way will be clear. Do not be overly anxious. Have faith and confidence in the trustworthiness of God, for He knows all things. He knows your inner heart and soul. He has created the very core of your being. You are His children. He will not ever fail those who trust Him. The eternal wisdom of our Father neither knows nor entertains to know any boundaries or stumbling blocks or difficulties. He is all wise and knowing, and even though you cannot comprehend this reality with your minds, you must accept it by faith.
Q: Father Ham, in dealing with people in communicating some of what we are learning here, I am coming upon some of my friends that are in a state of despair and not feeling connected or trusting of their spiritual connection. In making contact with them, is there something that can be said or can be offered to touch them in some way to help them back to a sense of their own spirit connectedness?
Joshua: May I ask a few questions Father Ham?
A: Yes. Each person must be assured of their son or daughtership with the Father, and this essential truth cannot fail to touch the heart, even if there are no outward signs or immediate recognition. This truth is so powerful and needed by every lost person. I am reminded of the parable of the prodigal son, that even though the boy willfully rejects his father's love and wanders lonely in the world for years, when he thinks and remembers and recognizes the truth, the father's heart and arms are always open to him. There is no sin which cannot through sincere faith and love of God be washed clean. There is no sorrow so deep, there is no wound that cannot be healed by His love. There is no place which is too far for Him to reach, and no soul which is so bad as to be rejected if he truly desires to return to his Father's house.
Ham: One moment please. I have before me a petition from Rachel and Rebecca concerning a requested healing. At this time, I still have no answer, but I will take it up again. Proceed please, Joshua.
Q: Ham, tonight you talked about God our Father and our concept of Him, and I have a very difficult time thinking about who God is. I have a hard time conceptualizing, and I was wondering if there is something I could do personally to help me get a better understanding of who God is?
Joshua: Father Ham, I received a call from Ramena this afternoon. She had the fluid taken from her lungs today. Before it has not been painful. This time she said she thought she was going to die. The pain was extreme. The doctor wants to put drainage tubes in her lungs into sacks so she won't have to have needles stuck into her lung to withdraw the fluid. Should she go this way or not? (It doesn’t matter.) Thank you. She also would like to know if there is certain foods that she should eat that would help her or any she should avoid? (No.) She said that she is on morphine and darvoset for pain. She says she is now addicted, and would like help to overcome this addiction.
A: Yes. We are all of us growing in this understanding. Yes, Father, God, is infinite spirit personality. He is impossible to be fully cognizant of. At most we can receive partial understanding and incomplete awareness. He is truly unsearchable for us, for He is infinite. Our growing in our understanding of Him is a progress from here, this first birth world, native birth world, and progressing to the Isle of Paradise where we will, without a doubt, someday stand in His eternal presence, and even then will our understanding not be anywhere near complete. For again, God is infinite. Do not be concerned with your present mental limitations, for these will expand and your ability to experience God personally will increase, and with this increased awareness of Him will come also a broadened understanding. However, this, as I say, is an infinite process, and you are at its very beginning.
Ham: Yes. These drugs have an extremely powerful effect on the body which creates an intense reaction upon there removal. At this time she should not attempt the complete removal of these drugs. She should however assert her superior mental control in their administration.
Q: In the Bible, when Moses asked the burning bush who it was, the burning bush replied "I am the great I AM." And there is much to do about the "I AM" in The Urantia Book.
Joshua: Thank you. I will call her when the meeting is over and tell her. I talked to Duane and he requested I ask you a couple questions. He has been contacted by a group in Arizona who claim they are channeling. They have asked for a money donation. He does not know if they belong to your group. The person doing the channeling is named Gabriel, and the person that would be your counterpart is named Paladin. They talk of someone named White Cloud and also Sonada. Could you give him any information on that please?
A: Yes.
Ham: Why do they need money? I have no need of money.
Q: My understanding of it is that each one of us has some level of recognition or self-awareness. Is that, in combination with our Thought Adjuster, what it is that the "I AM" is, or do we refer to the great "I AM" when we say "I am?" Is that clear? I know that it seems confusing to me. Help us.
Joshua: You are saying this group is false? (Absolutely.)
A: Yes. This concept is referring to the First Great Source and Center of all the universes, the self-existent I AM; I am that I AM. He is the first existent source of all existence. He is a person, I AM, and yet, He is all that is, also. There is no existence outside Him; there is no awareness outside Him; there is no creation outside Him. He is the First and the Last. He is the Infinite and Eternal Source and Center of all that is, and this expression in creation is eternal and finite, is infinite and limited, and also personal. It exists by His will, is sustained by His will, is evolving by His will. I am that I AM. There is no other beside Me. I am the Eternal God. Do you see?
John: Ham I was wondering concerning the healing of my back. Is playing tennis at college Okay?
Q: Can we say "I am" about ourselves as a part of that experience?
Ham: He says not to over do it. One class weekly only. In these healing questions I am able to confer with the healers and advise you directly from them.
A: Yes.
Rob: Ham, I have heard of some circles in England that some people have speculated have been made by UFO's, or energy sources not understood, and some people say they are trying to tell us something. There are more and more of them everyday. Can you tell us anything about that? (No. I am sorry, I cannot.)
Q: Are we referring, when we say "I am," to the power of God within us?
Loraina: Father Ham, when dealing with people in communicating some of what we are learning here, is there something we can tell them to help them deal with their spiritual connectedness?
A: Yes.
Ham: Yes. Each person must be assured of their son or daughtership with the Father, and this essential truth cannot fail to touch the heart, even if there are no outward signs or immediate recognition. This truth is so powerful and needed by every lost person. I am reminded by the parable of the prodigal son, that even though the boy willfully rejects his father's love, and wonders lonely in the world for years, when he thinks and remembers, recognizes the truth, the father's heart and arms are always open to him. There is no sin which cannot through sincere faith and love of God be washed clean. There is no sorrow so deep, there is no wound that cannot be healed by His love. There is no place which is too far for Him to reach, and no soul that is so bad as to be rejected if he truly desires to return to his Father's house.
Loraina: Thank you Ham, I have a question on my healing. I was wondering if we are close to completion on my healing? (Please have two more sessions and ask again.)
Rosane: Tonight you talked about God, our Father, and our concept of Him, and I have a very difficult time thinking about who God is. I have a hard time conceptualizing, and I was wondering if there was something I could do personally to help me get a better understanding who God is?
Ham: Yes. We are all of us growing in this understanding. God, Father is infinite spirit personality. He is impossible to be fully cognizant of. At most we can receive partial understanding and incomplete awareness. He is truly unsearchable for us, for He is infinite. Our growing in our understanding of Him is a progress from here, this first birth world, native birth world, and progressing to the isle of Paradise where we will without a doubt someday stand in His eternal presence, and even then will our understanding will not be anywhere near complete. For again, God is infinite. Do not be concerned with your present mental limitations, for these will expand, and your ability to experience God personally will increase, and with this increased awareness of Him will come also a broadened understanding. However, this as I say, is an infinite process and you are at it's very beginning. Is there anything further you wish?
Rosane: In praying I'm not sure whom my prayers should be directed to, and I sort of clump everybody together. I wonder if there is a more efficient way of praying for me personally?
Ham: No. You do well, and you pray to the fullest of your heart's understanding. This is known. I will receive one final question.
Bill: Father Ham, in the bible when Moses asked the burning bush who it was, the burning bush replied, "I am the great I am." and there is much to do about the 'I am' in the Urantia Book. My understanding of it is that each one of us has some level recognition or self awareness. Is that in combination with our Thought Adjuster, or that the 'I am' is, or do we refer to the great 'I am' when we say 'I am'?
Ham: This concept is referring to the First Great Source and Center of all the universes, "the self existent 'I am'. 'I am that I am'. He is the first existent source of all existence. He is a person, I am, and yet, He is all that is, also. There is no existence outside Him. There is no awareness outside Him. There is no creation outside Him. He is the first and last. He is the infinite and eternal source and center of all that is. And this expression in creation is eternal and finite, is infinite and limited, and also personal. It exists by His will, is sustained by His will, is evolving by His will. 'I am that I am'. There is no other beside me. 'I am the eternal God'. Do you see?
Bill: Can we say the, 'I am' about ourselves as a part of that experience? Are we referring when we say 'I am' to the power of God within us?
Ham: Yes. Thank you all for this evenings experience. Next week you will have a visiting teacher. I will not be here. So I will see you the following week. Farewell for now. God and peace go with you all.