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165:5.1 That evening after supper, when Jesus and the twelve gathered together for their daily conference, Andrew asked: " Master, while we were baptizing the believers, you spoke many words to the lingering multitude which we did not hear. Would you be willing to repeat these words for our benefit? " And in response to Andrew's request, Jesus said:
165:5.1 That evening after supper, when [[Jesus]] and [[the twelve]] gathered together for their daily [[conference]], [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]] asked: " Master, while we were [[baptizing]] the [[believers]], you [[spoke]] many [[words]] to the lingering multitude which we did not hear. Would you be willing to [[repeat]] these words for our benefit? " And in [[response]] to [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]]'s request, [[Jesus]] said:
165:5.2 " Yes, Andrew, I will speak to you about these matters of wealth and self-support, but my words to you, the apostles, must be somewhat different from those spoken to the disciples and the multitude since you have forsaken everything, not only to follow me, but to be ordained as ambassadors of the kingdom. Already have you had several years' experience, and you know that the Father whose kingdom you proclaim will not forsake you. You have dedicated your lives to the ministry of the kingdom; therefore be not anxious or worried about the things of the temporal life, what you shall eat, nor yet for your body, what you shall wear. The welfare of the soul is more than food and drink; the progress in the spirit is far above the need of raiment. When you are tempted to doubt the sureness of your bread, consider the ravens; they sow not neither reap, they have no storehouses or barns, and yet the Father provides food for every one of them that seeks it. And of how much more value are you than many birds! Besides, all of your anxiety or fretting doubts can do nothing to supply your material needs. Which of you by anxiety can add a handbreadth to your stature or a day to your life? Since such matters are not in your hands, why do you give anxious thought to any of these problems?
165:5.2 " Yes, [[Andrew, the Apostle|Andrew]], I will [[speak]] to you about these matters of [[wealth]] and [[self]]-[[support]], but my words to you, [[the apostles]], must be somewhat [[different]] from those [[spoken]] to the [[disciples]] and [[the multitude]] since you have [[forsaken]] [[everything]], not only to follow me, but to be [[ordained]] as [[ambassadors]] of [[the kingdom]]. Already have you had several years' [[experience]], and you know that [[the Father]] whose kingdom you [[proclaim]] will not [[forsake]] you. You have [[dedicated]] your lives to the [[ministry]] of [[the kingdom]]; therefore be not [[anxious]] or worried about the [[things]] of the [[temporal]] life, what you shall eat, nor yet for your [[body]], what you shall wear. The [[welfare]] of the [[soul]] is more than [[food]] and drink; the [[progress]] in the [[spirit]] is far above the need of raiment. When you are [[tempted]] to [[doubt]] the sureness of your bread, consider the ravens; they sow not neither reap, they have no storehouses or barns, and yet [[the Father]] [[provides]] [[food]] for every one of them that seeks it. And of how much more [[value]] are you than many birds! Besides, all of your [[anxiety]] or fretting [[doubts]] can do nothing to supply your [[material]] needs. Which of you by [[anxiety]] can add a handbreadth to your stature or a day to your life? Since such matters are not in your hands, why do you give [[anxious]] [[thought]] to any of these [[problems]]?[]
165:5.3 " Consider the lilies, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is cut down and cast into the fire, how much more shall he clothe you, the ambassadors of the heavenly kingdom. O you of little faith ! When you wholeheartedly devote yourselves to the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom, you should not be of doubtful minds concerning the support of yourselves or the families you have forsaken. If you give your lives truly to the gospel, you shall live by the gospel. If you are only believing disciples, you must earn your own bread and contribute to the sustenance of all who teach and preach and heal. If you are anxious about your bread and water, wherein are you different from the nations of the world who so diligently seek such necessities? Devote yourselves to your work, believing that both the Father and I know that you have need of all these things. Let me assure you, once and for all, that, if you dedicate your lives to the work of the kingdom, all your real needs shall be supplied. Seek the greater thing, and the lesser will be found therein; ask for the heavenly, and the earthly shall be included. The shadow is certain to follow the substance.
165:5.3 " Consider the lilies, how they [[grow]]; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say to you, even [ Solomon] in all his [[glory]] was not arrayed like one of these. If [[God]] so [[clothes]] the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is cut down and cast into the [[fire]], how much more shall he clothe you, the [[ambassadors]] of [[the heavenly kingdom]]. O you of little [[faith]] ! When you wholeheartedly [[devote]] yourselves to the [[proclamation]] of the [[gospel]] of [[the kingdom]], you should not be of [[doubtful]] [[minds]] concerning the [[support]] of yourselves or the [[families]] you have [[forsaken]]. If you give your lives truly to the [[gospel]], you shall live by the gospel. If you are only believing [[disciples]], you must earn your own bread and [[contribute]] to the sustenance of all who [[teach]] and [[preach]] and [[heal]]. If you are [[anxious]] about your bread and water, wherein are you [[different]] from the [[nations]] of the world who so diligently seek such [[necessities]]? [[Devote]] yourselves to your [[work]], believing that both [[the Father]] and I know that you have need of all these [[things]]. Let me [[assure]] you, once and for all, that, if you [[dedicate]] your lives to the [[work]] of [[the kingdom]], all your real needs shall be supplied. Seek the greater thing, and the lesser will be found therein; ask for the [[heaven]]ly, and the [[earth]]ly shall be included. The [[shadow]] is certain to follow the substance.[]
165:5.4 " You are only a small group, but if you have faith, if you will not stumble in fear, I declare that it is my Father's good pleasure to give you this kingdom. You have laid up your treasures where the purse waxes not old, where no thief can despoil, and where no moth can destroy. And as I told the people, where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
165:5.4 " You are only a small [[group]], but if you have [[faith]], if you will not stumble in [[fear]], I [[declare]] that it is my [[the Father|Father]]'s [[good]] [[pleasure]] to give you this kingdom. You have laid up your [[treasures]] where the purse waxes not old, where no thief can despoil, and where no moth can destroy. And as I told the people, where your [[treasure]] is, there will your [[heart]] be also.[]
165:5.5 " But in the work which is just ahead of us, and in that which remains for you after I go to the Father, you will be grievously tried. You must all be on your watch against fear and doubts. Every one of you, gird up the loins of your minds and let your lamps be kept burning. Keep yourselves like men who are watching for their master to return from the marriage feast so that, when he comes and knocks, you may quickly open to him. Such watchful servants are blessed by the master who finds them faithful at such a great moment. Then will the master make his servants sit down while he himself serves them. Verily, verily, I say to you that a crisis is just ahead in your lives, and it behooves you to watch and be ready.
165:5.5 " But in the [[work]] which is just ahead of us, and in that which remains for you after I go to [[the Father]], you will be [[grievously]] tried. You must all be on your watch against [[fear]] and [[doubts]]. Every one of you, gird up the loins of your [[minds]] and let your lamps be kept burning. Keep yourselves like men who are watching for their master to return from the [[marriage]] feast so that, when he comes and knocks, you may quickly open to him. Such watchful servants are [[blessed]] by the master who finds them [[faithful]] at such a great [[moment]]. Then will the master make his servants sit down while he himself serves them. Verily, verily, I say to you that a [[crisis]] is just ahead in your lives, and it behooves you to watch and be ready.[]
165:5.6 " You well understand that no man would suffer his house to be broken into if he knew what hour the thief was to come. Be you also on watch for yourselves, for in an hour that you least suspect and in a manner you think not, shall the Son of Man depart. "
165:5.6 " You well understand that no man would suffer his house to be broken into if he knew what hour the thief was to come. Be you also on watch for yourselves, for in an hour that you least suspect and in a manner you think not, shall the Son of Man depart. "[]
165:5.7 For some minutes the twelve sat in silence. Some of these warnings they had heard before but not in the setting presented to them at this time.
165:5.7 For some minutes [[the twelve]] sat in [[silence]]. Some of these [[warnings]] they had heard before but not in the setting presented to them at this time.