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===Document -E===
Magisterial Mission Update
Unofficial Series
Document -E-
By: Ronald Besser
PDF Version Released July 23, 2011
Additional Revelation of The Master Spirits
I wish to provide the reader a few words of explanation as to what is happening that we may declare
the somewhat portentous title that we are about to make new information available about the Master
Spirits. I do not originate this information. It is sent to me via a reflectivity circuit to assimilate in
the best way the reader feels he or she should use it. Confirmation of this information will have to
take place when the Magisterial Son arrives and when his staff of celestial and human staff adjutants
are prepared to make announcements that concern in what manner they are prepared to govern.
Governance is a word that is usually political, but in this case, Monjoronson and any spiritual
representative to an evolutionary world, speak of governance as setting examples without the
politicallycharged atmosphereof the various branches of democratic assemblies. Revelationisoften
politically at odds with the traditions, but that can be overcome by preparing people with brief
reviews of what is to come. We are providing one of those reviews today.
Revelation Continues in the Manner
Proscribed by the Ancients of Days to Urantia
We have now reached a point in the evolution of the fifth epochal revelation when changes are
natural and expedient for the process to work better, faster, and unimpeded. God works through the
mind in spite of the fearful priests among us who insist it can not work that way, or that a mind
disease is present to disfigure the purity of the original revelatory text. Tell that to the indwelling
Father who depends on the mind to contact all men and women regardless of their revelatory
capacity. Fear of change is the disease, not the mind which contacts the Father.
These nay-sayers have refused to acknowledge the work of spirit-sanctioned programs which use
transmitters, channelers, and reflectivators to do the work of revelation when a physical
representative of the spiritual government is not present to do that for man. A change is coming
shortly to provide the world its first physical representation of a spiritual authority since the failure
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
of Caligastia’s natural use of modified humans to represent him in the flesh. Caligastia was not
incarnated, but Monjoronson will be, and the contact with individuals and world cultures will begin
immediately when he arrives. Meanwhile, until that process is in place, there is no other choice than
to give man a chance to become used to those differences of planning being worked on now as
opposed to those plans which have become dated in the Urantia Book. These Summaries are a
human attempt to place what is changed before readers so they are familiar with what they will have
to deal with as the Court of the Magisterial Mission arrives to begin implementation of the new
The kind of revelation reported herein about the Master Spirits can only come from the Master
Spirits themselves, as this is a release of new kinds of thinking with regard to how the Master Spirits
actually have suddenly become active on Urantia far beyond even what a planet in Light and Life
would have under normal circumstances.
The Inclusion of the Voices of The
Master Spirits to Urantia
Hearing their voices is an extraordinary development. It has no precedence within the teachings of
the fifth epochal revelation because it was never anticipated that such activity would become
necessary. True the philosophers on Paradise have conceived of this possibility, but they never
thought a small world lying on the outskirts of the youngest superuniverse in time would ever make
use of such a powerful development.
What power are we talking about?
Urantia, in effect, has become a prisoner by failed and thoughtless experiments which, when totaled
by their effects on Urantia’s evolution, has caused the Universal Father to determine that there was
no usual remedy to change Urantia back into what it was supposed to be in the first place. While
mercy, re-education, and reclamation are always needed, they are not enough to accomplish the new
Urantia foreseen by Michael 2,000 years ago.
There are no more powerful types of Paradise entities in time or near time than the Master Spirits.
They embody Supreme totality and more. They are the essence of time meanings and values along
with the transcendental power to break and mend again that which can not produce any fruit. They
unerringly react to the Father’s will as even the lowest human may do through dedication to the
forces of change decreed as necessary to bring Urantia home to millions more who will teach there
to graduate untold others into the universes of time.
The Master Spirits understand the meaning of life. They know how it is mutated and changed by
experience or by wilful misuse of biological coding as done by Lucifer. But who or what controls
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
the DNA mechanism apart from experience? The life force itself underlies the mechanistic means
through which it is expressed, and the Master Spirits do have control in measure of these altruistic
forces of Father-type meanings in life endowment. They see into the fundamental truth which
animates life.
When we speak about the Master Spirits being able to address “the fundamental truth which
animates life”, we are speaking to the Supreme power of the Master Spirits who work in cooperation
with the Ancients of Days, to be able to eliminate the troubled genome in Urantia life perpetuation.
They see the layers of error built up over time that can be redressed in no-time to revert design into
its first potentials as originally called forth from the Son-Spirit creative intention to create this part
of the time universes.
Here in the Son-Spirit unanimity exists the perfect and original fiat for life on Urantia and all other
evolutionary spheres beyond Havona. The Son-Spirit union comes together to form all post-Havona
plans of the divine intention to create man in the likeness of the Father. The Urantia Book writes:
“The Eternal Son and the Conjoint Creator have, as partners and through their
co-ordinate personalities, planned and fashioned every post-Havona universe which
has been brought into existence. The Spirit sustains the same personal relation to the
Son in all subsequent creation that the Son sustains to the Father in the first and
central creation.” [Paper 8, Section 3]
It is therefore possible that Master Spirit Number Six, as yet unrevealed by name below, has
conditional control of life prerogatives within time. At the very least this Master Spirit knows
intimately the wishes of the Son-Spirit with regard to life designs beyond Havona. That these Voices
have been opened onto Urantia indicates the far-reaching possibilities of being able to cleanse and
then revert Urantia’s life patterns to those intended by the Son-Spirit.
While these matters are of direct concern to the Life Carriers of Nebadon, do not forget that the Life
Carriers carry with them the mandates of the Ancients of Days to establish life in accordance with
the designs formulated on high [as in the Son-Spirit intentions], and that permissions to implant life
must come from the Supreme Trinity Personalities ruling Uversa, as well as the associated “lifespark”
imparted by the Creative Spirit of Nebadon. The Master Spirits exist to guarantee that the
programs joined within the Son-Spirit unanimity are delivered in accordance with the mandates of
creation: That All Shall Hear My Voice!
It is here that we ask the reader to make one more leap of spiritual logic and look upon the Master
Spirits as having a direct influence in the type of life-force that is animated by the Creative Spirit,
in our case, Nebadonia, the Creative Spirit and consort of Michael of Nebadon. This has not been
revealed before on Urantia, but when all of us are part of the reformulation of Nebadon and Urantia
as it concerns the design of life, the explanation must naturally address the role of the Master Spirits
in life impartation not described in the Urantia Book publication.
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
If nothing else, the reader is asked to recall that it is life itself on Urantia being addressed for
reclamation. And it is the Master Spirits who will oversee its implementation, and they are here to
guarantee that the adjudication of Urantia is perfect and merciful.
The Presence of Five Master Voices Currently
On Urantia
We now have focusing directly upon Urantia the presence of five Master Spirits. That is the number
revealed within these pages. The rest are undoubtedly involved too, but their personal presence is
delayed to our sight because of the ongoing litigation on Uversa concerning the Lucifer rebellion.
Lucifer’s contribution to Urantia was a disaster. He made it hard to hear God, and he demanded
obedience much as a dictator require loyalty or death. It has come to light that there are millions of
diseased minds on Urantia which have no claim to Urantia in the first place. Secondly, their
presence has so hampered the appearance of the Magisterial Mission that they can no longer be
ignored. Another case has come to be filed against other litigants coming out of the default of the
old Planetary Prince, Caligastia. While this may seem similar to Gabriel Vs. Lucifer, it is not, and
it will be concluded before Monjoronson avails himself to the flesh of incarnation.
Of the five presented here in slightly more detail than we have in the Urantia text (Paper 16), we
learn they represent superuniverses, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7. Master Spirits from Superuniverses 5 and 6
do not yet participate on or with Urantia in the context of the mandates released on Uversa in 2010
that are designed to determine the future role of Urantia as a university for the ascension of humans.
For the reason that it is their combined power of Supremacy, Ultimacy and to some extent their
collective Absolute reality, Master Spirits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 have embraced Urantia as a liaison-force
of the most powerful Paradise energy possible which may be applied to a material planet giving
origin to potentially spiritual beings arising from animal evolution.
The Rarity of Architectural Sphere Status
Derived from Evolutionary Planets
Even more reasons exist for Urantia to be opening to the influences of the Master Spirits. The fact
that Urantia will become a combined evolutionary world and an architectural status sphere was
describe earlier in these ABC Summaries. What was not spoken to earlier was the relative rarity of
any evolutionary planet becoming a status sphere that will join with the actual headquarter worlds
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
of the local universe capitals in importance. It is interesting to note in the Grand Universe that all
rebellion planets that have received a Creator Son on a bestowal mission have been architectuallized.
In Orvonton, Urantia is the first one in our minor sector; there are less than ten such planet types in
our major sector, and less than one hundred in the grand universe. And this is also why the Father
and Master Spirits are so directly involved in a “local matter.”
Before we go next to more important matters, I would like to spend a little time to develop just how
reflectivity is utilized to produce documents like this one. The slight digression is meant to help the
reader acclimate to a process somewhat similar to the production of the Urantia Book but without
a famous Sleeping Subject. In our case, sleeping is used to download material during the night
season, and then to open the circuit consciously to upload documentation considered importance
enough to establish this series, The ABC Summaries.
Acknowledgment of Resources for Document -E-
And More About Reflectivity Uses on Urantia
By The Master Spirits
The fact that I am permitted to say a few words concerning the process is because the powers-to- be
recognize that they have available a foundation for such a discussion in the Urantia Book text readers
can easily access. There they may read about the Master Spirits and how the revelators explained
their function in the 1934-1935 disclosures released in 1955. In 2011, the Master Spirits were
activated and speaking directly to Urantia at the request of the Paradise Father, and it is the fact of
their involvement with Urantia, Christ Michael, the Ancients of Days, and many others unknown to
us, that we may now prepare a short narrative about them and what we may speak to regarding their
role on Urantia for what may be for the foreseeable future.
None of this effort could be considered without the use of the reflectivity circuit now employed by
myself and a few others whom I rely upon to confirm and spell out for me the difficult task of getting
names and places spelled right and spoken correctly. For some unspecified reason, communications
which originate from the Paradise-Havona system are first encoded into a thought stream which must
of necessity be released through the reflective system. This may have to do with an energy
differential that has to be overcome between the two realms communicating. Having use of this
system almost automatically doubles the capacity to receive because it is so fast and accurate. The
reflectivity transmissions as installed everywhere is capable of transmitting 144,000 messages
simultaneously faster than the speed of light. On Urantia we have our multiplex communications
in radio, television, and commercial traffic everywhere, but while using something of the same
concept of using a carrier wave to wrap messages around it to send, we have yet to get much beyond
64 or more simultaneous messages at once.
It is also of record that the Father Melchizedek only speaks to the planets within Nebadon through
reflectivity. While the Father Melchizedek is resident on Salvington near the Michael residence, also
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
for some reason unexplained, he too only speaks using the circuitry of the Supreme’s reflectivation.
This points directly to some unrevealed relationship between the Father Melchizedek and his
superiors, the Ancients of Days on Uversa. In turn we may conjecture that all of these connections
as interwoven and coordinated into the fabric of light are somehow or other part of God the
Supreme’s vast reflectivity system. It is stated by those running this reflectivity system that there
are conditions of reflectivity usages yet to be discovered even by beings on Uversa, as not all is
known even by those who use reflectivity every day. Its use being granted to Urantia by the
Universal Father will also continue to be a revelation to everyone in this part of the universe.
Certainly, one can not underestimate that along with reflectivity being operational, that the role of
my indwelling, the Thought Adjuster, is also making his circuit available at the same time. I do not
know in what way reflectivity and the Adjuster compliment one another for these communications,
but the combination is powerful enough that I do not lose connectivity by inadvertent loss of hearing
(breaking of the circuit). Nor do I operate in an altered personality state whatsoever. I am allowed
a connection twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. I am able to operate
normally, answer the phone, eat, laugh, think, and react with all my facilities, yet receive
simultaneously. A rough comparison would be as Adam and Eve were described being able to speak
with one another for a distance of up to fifty miles in the Garden. In a sense, it is that natural with
reflectivity, onlythe great distances of the universe can be traversed as easily as Adam and Eve could
do in fifty miles with verbal communication. It is a gift of grace from Father on high, and it is an
amazing facility to be allowed its use.
I also wish to thank Christ Michael and Mother Spirit for allowing revelation of this nature to be
published. He has asks that all who may read this material to keep in mind that it is still a human
product and subject to those natural anomalies experienced by personality operating in the flesh on
Urantia. For the reader’s information, I am also now asked to allow time for a review of these
documents on high before they are released to the subscription list. It may interest some of you to
know that when I had completed the last document (-D-) I made ready to release to the list.
Suddenly I found my word processor frozen, and my modem disarmed until I received a message
back that it was approved to release about an hour later. My modem and word processor were
released at the same time for normal use and operation. Until this happened I was not made aware
of how completely they monitor these documents which you read and ponder.
Functions By Superuniverse of Jurisdiction
Of all the personnel designed to operate in time, it is the Master Spirits who determine how a
superuniverse they oversee becomes dominated by one aspect of the creative intentions of the
Paradise Deities. Early on we learned that the three coordinate persons of Paradise Deity associate
with each other in various ways. They may have personality association as they do in the Triunities,
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
or they may combine their Deity natures through trinitization to form creative and indivisible Deity
unions which have a creative principle in them they wish to develop in one superuniverse.
The Master Spirits portray each one of these creative purposes of Paradise Deity. In fact, the Master
Spirits do not just function to pass on their representation of the meaning of these creative unions
of Paradise Deity, these Master Spirits actually are the Voice of Deity to time and help to explain to
the superuniverses what it is they do and what the Deities themselves wish to communicate. In time,
the Master Spirits are the only contactable unity this side of Paradise that time beings can find to
actually ascertain the attitude of Paradise Deity concerning questions of will and Paradisaical
In brief, each Master Spirit has jurisdiction over one of the superuniverses. Here they direct the
wishes of the Infinite Spirit (or as his other role as the Conjoint Actor) as to the distribution of mind.
In Orvonton, Master Spirit Seven, who has been named AYA by the Infinite Spirit, provides the
Creative Spirits of time cosmic mind tinged with the meanings of Orvonton, or the meaning of the
whole. It is for this reason, that AYA speaks for the meaning of the whole of the Paradise union of
all three Deities as the Paradise Trinity. In fact, AYA is the Voice of the Paradise Trinity to time.
AYA may speak for himself as well and does so frequently to Urantia in these days approaching the
appearance of Monjoronson on Urantia.
The Role of the VOICES
Why do the Paradise Deities require Personalized Intercessors to speak to the superuniverses? The
answer could be explained with long speeches about the nature of Paradise Deity, but in summation
the response as to why the need for someone to speak for Paradise Deity is fairly direct and
understandable. If Paradise Deity interjected itself, however slightly with their own direct voice to
time, they would instantly convert time to Paradise absolutes.
If time were suddenly converted to absolutes by the Father appearing within time, there would be
no finished Supreme Being. There would be no temporary destinies or intermediate ascension
careers for time creatures. Time would cease and the time universes would be frozen into absolutes
of perfection not transferable to time beings. All would be lost for the time experiment including
this universe age of experiential development on the finite, the absonite, and absolute levels of
experiential Deity. The Master Voices were conceived and brought into existence to fill the critical
role to avoid this mishap.
The Infinite Spirit recognized at once that an event something like instant time-oblivion would ensue
without some intermediary to speak as the Paradise Deities. The Spirit perfectly understood from
the Father-Son unity that He was to provide a living being for each Deity and Unity to voice what
the Paradise Deities wished to communicate to time.
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
Deity wishes to be understood, but Paradise Deity exists as infinity in coordinated absolutes so that
it can not reduce its power sufficiently to even enter time to make declarations of their thoughts and
intentions. Therefore, the Father, and the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit have cooperated to
empower a new creation called the Master Spirits to be their Voices, their spokespersons, to the
superuniverses of time.
Each Master Spirit unerringly conveys what each Paradise Deity thinks and wishes to be known.
And they also do so for each Paradise Deity unanimity known as the Father-Son union, the Father-
Spirit union, the Son-Spirit union, and the Father-Son-Spirit as unqualified infinity. Each has its
Voice created as one of the Master Spirits.
This explains the Role of the VOICES, but what actually transpires when the Voices are interjected
into the stream of time?
Superuniverse Number One
ORILLINGTON: The Father’s Universe of Time
[We are indebted to Paper 16 of the Urantia Book to provide the basis for this section in particular. Paper 16 represents
the basis of revelation to allow the Master Spirit concept to become resident in the human mind as a reality of Paradise
and of time. The Master Spirits see both ways and react and exist as the focal point through which Deity on Paradise
communicates with creatures and Deity in time. The reader is directed to the text from pages 184 through 196 for a
complete overview of the Master Spirits and of relationships not entirely covered in this Document -E-. The blue font
represents quotes from portions of Paper 16 as a review for the reader of the salient points about each Master Spirit
reviewed here.]
“Master Spirit Number One. In a special manner this Spirit is the direct
representation of the Paradise Father. He is a peculiar and efficient manifestation of
the power, love, and wisdom of the Universal Father. He is the close associate and
supernal adviser of the chief of Mystery Monitors, that being who presides over the
College of Personalized Adjusters on Divinington. In all associations of the Seven
Master Spirits, it is always Master Spirit Number One who speaks for the Universal
“This Spirit presides over the first superuniverse and, while unfailinglyexhibiting the
divine nature of a primary personalization of the Infinite Spirit, seems more
especially to resemble the Universal Father in character. He is always in personal
liaison with the seven Reflective Spirits at the headquarters of the first
superuniverse.”[Page 186]
Master Spirit Number One is known to time as SIRAYA, sometimes spelled SIRIAYA. Of all the
Master Spirits and even of the superuniverses, the Father’s Voice and universe name is the most
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
complex and difficult to portrayinto a material language. Ihave heard Reflectivators pronouncethis
Master Spirit’s name. It often sounds like SIR Ç-AY Yah, but there are others subtle sound
enunciations that come forth hard to capture for me. Perhaps a second volume of the Urantia Book
will make this name as clear as possible to the ears of material man when the time comes. The Voice
of the Father has said it is satisfactory to call Him Siraya until a way is found to provide the true
speech sound his name typifies to others on Paradise.
Siraya has jurisdiction over ORILLINGTON. His work is to explain what the Universal Father
wishes to be done, and to enforce its application through the time-space warriors known as
Melchizedeks. On Urantia, Siraya has commenced his work to bring the adjudication of the Lucifer
rebellion into final stages of default upon those who caused it.
Nothing in the entire universe is more controversial than the Lucifer rebellion as it played out in the
System of Satania 200,000 earth-years ago. However, its end was thought to be completed when all
of the rebels were either interned or lost through personality extinction in 1985 when it was
announced by the Midwayers to Teaching Mission personnel that it had been finished and
adjudicated by the Ancients of Days. It fell to the one-time mortal, Abraham as the functioning chief
of the Teaching Mission corp in Nebadon for Urantia, to speak of it first to an assembly of the
Urantia Foundation adherents on the west coast of the United States in 1991. Since then, several
developments have caused all concerned to take a second look at Urantia.
In 2007-8, Christ Michael was asked to confer with the Father on Paradise. Here it was explained
that Father saw into the mystery of the difficulty on Urantia where cooperation between mortals was
becoming impossible. No one in their earlier reviews of Urantia caught the possibility that the
influence of Lucifer had so permeated the energy grid through which thought is filtered on Urantia,
that humans found it nearly impossible to join with the Light to cease the endless warfare and
disagreements which mar civilizations on Urantia to this day.
Upon returning to Nebadon, Michael instituted a review of all policies including the then
approaching mission of Monjoronson to go to Urantia as the Magisterial Son. Here on Urantia the
Melchizedeks began to confer with Monjoronson to prepare for his intervention when they found
that some rebels had escaped detection and were hiding on Urantia. These were the lower order of
angelic life and sanobim and cherubim who had been affected by the Lucifer decree that no spirit-
origin being would escape his detection. Accordingly, when Lucifer was removed and Caligastia
was disposed of, they assumed they were not called to bring their removal into question.
As discussed in previous Documents in this series, those who remained on Urantia were able to
escape detection through the use of the energy grid placed there by the System Sovereign about the
time of the arrival of Caligastia as Urantia’s Planetary Prince. This grid (See Document -D-)
contains codes designed to thwart thinking in terms of cooperation with Nebadon authorities and
even the system government or the planetary rulers if Lucifer were deposed. It is at this juncture in
2010-11 that the Paradise Father sought to intervene and requested that Master Spirit Number One
speak to Urantia’s spiritual authorities and also make public (through the teaching mission and
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
others), that the Universal Father was now taking charge and all plans previously announced were
to be placed on hold until further notice.
The Establishment of A Board of Review
For Urantia & 36 Other Apostate Planets
Siraya continues to monitor progress on Urantia, and will become an active member on the Board
of Review which testifies to the extent that Master Spirit Number Seven, AYA, has become
sufficiently aware of the problems associated with the Lucifer rebellion to institute changes in
Orvonton and the rest of the systems associated with Norlatiadek to prevent further deterioration of
the rebellion into minor skirmishes even on planets not associated with the thirty-seven apostate
spheres that went into rebellion earlier.
The Board of Review was established in 1989 to oversee adjudicatory situations arising from the
Ancients of Days decision to call forth all suspect personalities for review. Here it was given to
understand that all who applied themselves to Lucifer’s folly would be reviewed with the idea that
all could be adjudicated if they showed remorse and compassion for the situation, (i.e., capable of
self-forgiveness), while submitting themselves to correction in the Nebadon schools of thinking and
doing. The Board of Review is dominated by celestial personalities who underwent the corrections
in Nebadon that allowed them to be restored to some sort of service, including this Board which shall
remain in effect until Urantia enters into its first era of Light and Life. Among members of the
Board of Review is the Midwayer ABC21 and the one known to Urantia Book readers as Beelzebub.
This Board of Review is established as a functioning part of the Council of Twenty-Four, or rather
a special use under the auspices of the Council of Twenty-Four, and was not originally intended to
be set up on Urantia or in the Council. While there is a Supreme Court established on Urantia (circa
1950) to try adherents of the Lucifer Rebellion, and among other things, to attempt to clear other
rebellions before they begin, this Board of Review was not to be attached to the judicial reviews of
the Urantia Supreme Court. Rather it holds reviews of minor wrong doing while the Supreme Court
charges person with high crimes if necessary for adjudication by the Ancient of Days. Its function
is to clear lower level personnel on Urantia of less-serious wrong doing and pass them on to the
higher worlds of ascension or administrative status.
Siraya is in charge of most of its activities through a Paradise review of its work.
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
Superuniverse Number Two
ORVANDO: The Universe Representing the Eternal Son
“Master Spirit Number Two. This Spirit adequatelyportrays the matchless nature and
charming character of the Eternal Son, the first-born of all creation. He is always in
close association with all orders of the Sons of God whenever they may happen to be
in the residential universe as individuals or in joyous conclave. In all the assemblies
of the Seven Master Spirits he always speaks for, and in behalf of, the Eternal Son.
“This Spirit directs the destinies of superuniverse number two and rules this vast
domain much as would the Eternal Son. He is always in liaison with the seven
Reflective Spirits situated at the capital of the second superuniverse.” [Page 187]
KUWAYA is Master Spirit Number Two, and is the Voice of the Eternal Son, the Mother Son of
all Sons in the Universe of origin in Paradise. He oversees the planning and execution of all matters
with regard to the office of the Son of Paradise as it affects those who incarnate. Such matters in
detail are found on the sphere of oversight of incarnation called Sonarington in the Urantia Book.
Kuwaya has taken a personal and direct interest in the Urantia Magisterial Mission. He has entered
his plea on behalf of he Eternal Son that nothing be done to half cure the Lucifer rebellion. In this
way he wishes to convey to Urantians that He personally guarantees that Lucifer shall have no flight
or place to remove himself further, whether that is in the scope of narratives we provide or in the
energy system Lucifer provided to detect persons who disobeyed his charge that all answer to him
and not the Universal Father or the world of Spirit which I, Kuwaya, have charge of.
Kuwaya has been placed in authority to determine the fitness of Urantia human personalities to serve
in the Magisterial Mission with Monjoronson as staff or adjutant staff members. Not all brought
before him qualify, but those who sincerely wish to serve are removed to an inner place of spiritual
contemplation with their own Thought Adjusters to explain to them that it is not the lack of faith,
but the lack of training in the discipline of correcting time adjustments being made to everyone today
on Urantia.
These adjustments, spiritual in nature, continue to cause discord among members of the human
familyon Urantia, and are causing disciplinaryproblems among midwayers and others who are being
freed to continue with their ascension careers. Because these problems are happening along side the
problems of adjustment of the Urantia energy grid so badly subverted by Lucifer, few are being
upgraded immediately for the use of reflectivity at this time. WE have about 100 available on
Urantia using the reflectivating system allowed on Urantia by fiat of the Eternal Son and Father as
the Father-Son Unity, and it is with the grace of God that all who use it may be found working with
the Magisterial Son to right the wrongs done to this beautiful planet.
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
Superuniverse Number Three
MANVANDO: The Universe Representing the Conjoint Actor & the Infinite Spirit
“Master Spirit Number Three. This Spirit personality especially resembles the
Infinite Spirit, and he directs the movements and work of many of the high
personalities of the Infinite Spirit. He presides over their assemblies and is closely
associated with all personalities who take exclusive origin in the Third Source and
Center. When the Seven Master Spirits are in council, it is Master Spirit Number
Three who always speaks for the Infinite Spirit.
“This Spirit is in charge of superuniverse number three, and he administers the affairs
of this segment much as would the Infinite Spirit. He is always in liaison with the
Reflective Spirits at the headquarters of the third superuniverse.” [Page 187]
MOIRAYA is the chief of all Superangels and other high spirit born entities originating from the
Infinite Spirit. More is to be revealed of MOIRAYA, as Master Spirit Number Three, Voice of
the Infinite Spirit and Conjoint Actor, as He is involved with spiritual adjudications still pending
in Nebadon.
Superuniverse Number Four
LANTERTON: The Superuniverse Which Represents The Father-Son Union
“Master Spirit Number Four. Partaking of the combined natures of the Father and the
Son, this Master Spirit is the determining influence regarding Father-Son policies and
procedures in the councils of the Seven Master Spirits. This Spirit is the chief
director and adviser of those ascendant beings who have attained the Infinite Spirit
and thus have become candidates for seeing the Son and the Father. He fosters that
enormous group of personalities taking origin in the Father and the Son. When it
becomes necessary to represent the Father and the Son in the association of the Seven
Master Spirits, it is always Master Spirit Number Four who speaks.
“This Spirit fosters the fourth segment of the grand universe in accordance with his
peculiar association of the attributes of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son. He
is always in personal liaison with the Reflective Spirits of the headquarters of the
fourth superuniverse. [Page 187}
Master Spirit Number is called OCILIAYA. The names of Superuniverses Five and Six are to be
revealed at another time in conjunction with the appearance of Monjoronson in the flesh. These
unrevealed names and places have a particular presence and are to be referred to the Magisterial Son
for further explanation.
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
Superuniverse Number Seven
ORVONTON: The Meaning of the Whole
Master Spirit Number Seven. The presiding Spirit of the seventh superuniverse is a
uniquely equal portrayal of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite
Spirit. The Seventh Spirit, the fostering adviser of all triune-origin beings, is also the
adviser and director of all the ascending pilgrims of Havona, those lowly beings who
have attained the courts of glory through the combined ministry of the Father, the
Son, and the Spirit.
The Seventh Master Spirit is not organically representative of the Paradise Trinity;
but it is a known fact that his personal and spiritual nature is the Conjoint Actor’s
portraiture in equal proportions of the three infinite persons whose Deity union is the
Paradise Trinity, and whose function as such is the source of the personal and
spiritual nature of God the Supreme. Hence the Seventh Master Spirit discloses a
personal and organic relationship to the spirit person of the evolving Supreme.
Therefore in the Master Spirit councils on high, when it becomes necessary to cast
the ballot for the combined personal attitude of the Father, Son, and Spirit or to
depict the spiritual attitude of the Supreme Being, it is Master Spirit Number Seven
who functions. He thus inherentlybecomes the presiding head of the Paradise council
of the Seven Master Spirits.
No one of the Seven Spirits is organically representative of the Paradise Trinity, but
when they unite as sevenfold Deity, this union in a deity sense—not in a personal
sense—equivalates to a functional level associable with Trinity functions. In this
sense the “Sevenfold Spirit” is functionally associable with the Paradise Trinity. It
is also in this sense that Master Spirit Number Seven sometimes speaks in
confirmation of Trinity attitudes or, rather, acts as spokesman for the attitude of the
Sevenfold-Spirit-union regarding the attitude of the Threefold-Deity-union, the
attitude of the Paradise Trinity.
The multiple functions of the Seventh Master Spirit thus range from a combined
portraiture of the personal natures of the Father, Son, and Spirit, through a
representation of the personal attitude of God the Supreme, to a disclosure of the
deity attitude of the Paradise Trinity. And in certain respects this presiding Spirit is
similarly expressive of the attitudes of the Ultimate and of the Supreme-Ultimate.
It is Master Spirit Number Seven who, in his multiple capacities, personally sponsors
the progress of the ascension candidates from the worlds of time in their attempts to
achieve comprehension of the undivided Deity of Supremacy. Such comprehension
involves a grasp of the existential sovereignty of the Trinity of Supremacy so
co-ordinated with a concept of the growing experiential sovereignty of the Supreme
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
Being as to constitute the creature grasp of the unity of Supremacy. Creature
realization of these three factors equals Havona comprehension of Trinity reality and
endows the pilgrims of time with the ability eventually to penetrate the Trinity, to
discover the three infinite persons of Deity.
The inability of the Havona pilgrims fully to find God the Supreme is compensated
by the Seventh Master Spirit, whose triune nature in such a peculiar manner is
revelatory of the spirit person of the Supreme. During the present universe age of the
noncontactability of the person of the Supreme, Master Spirit Number Seven
functions in the place of the God of ascendant creatures in the matter of personal
relationships. He is the one high spirit being that all ascenders are certain to
recognize and somewhat comprehend when they reach the centers of glory.
This Master Spirit is always in liaison with the Reflective Spirits of Uversa, the
headquarters of the seventh superuniverse, our own segment of creation. His
administration of Orvonton discloses the marvelous symmetry of the co-ordinate
blending of the divine natures of Father, Son, and Spirit. [Paper 16 Page 188]
AYA is our own Master Spirit in the sense that those of us on Urantia are beholden to him for our
minds and our spirit tensions with regard to the meaning of our training in the Supreme. It is this
Master Spirit who fends for all who align themselves with the Trinity and the will of the Paradise
Father. He provides all that is necessary to complete the understanding of the Supreme without
actually having full contact with Supremacy or the Deity nature of the Supreme in Havona.
Insofar as we know, there is no further description of the Master Spirits until the further revelation
of the Supreme is made available to Urantia. The reason, we are told, is that no amount of
authorized information can be forthcoming until there is a better comprehension of the Deity of the
Supreme resident in Havona. The Master Spirits conclude that the Supreme is the secret to further
discussions being well received and understood regarding their work and the work to be done on
Urantia. The Supreme Council of Paradise, a board of approximately 35 individuals assigned to
review these Papers being provided as the AC Summaries, has decided that no further revelation of
the Master Spirits is wise until God the Supreme is better perceived as essential to all operations of
a spiritual and physical nature in time and space.
Additional papers issued as the ABC Summaries will contain more mundane matters of how Urantia
is to be governed spiritually with Monjoronson being authorized to use his office and his work to
further the cause of revelation. While the Urantia Book will remain the premier work of revelatory
cause and effect on Urantia, more epochal revelation will become available as man adds to his own
capacity to assimilate it and learn more concerning the Master Spirits, the Deity of the Supreme, and
The ABC Summaries: Document -E-Ronald Besser, July 23, 2011
the Supreme’s various “branch offices” located on individual inhabited planets, in each of the
planetary Systems ruled by the Constellations, and of all the Supremes resident at the capitals of
every local universe. Unless other news intervenes to change our intentions, this far flung network
of Supreme integration will be opened as a subject in our next paper, Document -F-, when it is time
to release it to the general public.

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