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66:5.1 The one hundred were [[organized]] for [[service]] in [[ten]] [[autonomous]] [[councils]] of ten members each. When two or more of these ten councils met in joint session, such [[liaison]] gatherings were presided over by [[Daligastia]]. These ten [[groups]] were [[constituted]] as follows:
66:5.1 The one hundred were [[organized]] for [[service]] in [[ten]] [[autonomous]] [[councils]] of ten members each. When two or more of these ten councils met in joint session, such [[liaison]] gatherings were presided over by [[Daligastia]]. These ten [[groups]] were [[constituted]] as follows:
66:5.2 1. ''The council on food and material welfare''. This [[group]] was presided over by ''Ang''. [[Food]], [[water]], clothes, and the material advancement of the [[human]] [[species]] were fostered by this able corps. They taught [[well]] digging, spring control, and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irrigation irrigation]. They taught those from the higher altitudes and from the north improved [[methods]] of treating [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_skin skins] for use as [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clothing clothing], and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weaving weaving] was later introduced by the [[teachers]] of [[art]] and [[science]].
66:5.2 1. ''The council on food and material welfare''. This [[group]] was presided over by ''Ang''. [[Food]], [[water]], clothes, and the material advancement of the [[human]] [[species]] were fostered by this able corps. They taught [[well]] digging, spring control, and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irrigation irrigation]. They taught those from the higher altitudes and from the north improved [[methods]] of treating [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_skin skins] for use as [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clothing clothing], and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weaving weaving] was later introduced by the [[teachers]] of [[art]] and [[science]].
66:5.3 Great advances were made in [[methods]] of food storage. Food was preserved by [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooking cooking], [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drying drying], and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoking_%28cooking%29 smoking]; it thus became the earliest [[property]]. [[Man]] was taught to provide for the hazards of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famine famine], which periodically decimated the world.
66:5.3 Great advances were made in [[methods]] of food storage. Food was preserved by [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooking cooking], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drying drying], and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoking_%28cooking%29 smoking]; it thus became the earliest [[property]]. [[Man]] was taught to provide for the hazards of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Famine famine], which periodically decimated the world.
66:5.4 2. ''The board of animal domestication and utilization''. This [[council]] was [[dedicated]] to the task of selecting and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeding breeding] those [[animals]] best adapted to help [[human beings]] in bearing burdens and [[transporting]] themselves, to supply [[food]], and later on to be of [[service]] in the [[cultivation]] of the [[soil]]. This able corps was directed by ''Bon''.
66:5.4 2. ''The board of animal domestication and utilization''. This [[council]] was [[dedicated]] to the task of selecting and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeding breeding] those [[animals]] best adapted to help [[human beings]] in bearing burdens and [[transporting]] themselves, to supply [[food]], and later on to be of [[service]] in the [[cultivation]] of the [[soil]]. This able corps was directed by ''Bon''.
66:5.5 Several [[types]] of useful [[animals]], now [[extinct]], were [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestication tamed], [[together]] with some that have [[continued]] as domesticated animals to the [[present]] day. [[Man]] had long lived with the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog dog], and the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA blue man] had already been successful in taming the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant elephant]. The [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cow cow] was so improved by careful [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeding breeding] as to become a valuable [[source]] of [[food]]; butter and cheese became common articles of [[human]] [[diet]]. Men were taught to use [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxen oxen] for burden bearing, but the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse horse] was not domesticated until a later date. The members of this corps first taught men to use the [[wheel]] for the [[facilitation]] of traction.
66:5.5 Several [[types]] of useful [[animals]], now [[extinct]], were [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestication tamed], [[together]] with some that have [[continued]] as domesticated animals to the [[present]] day. [[Man]] had long lived with the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog dog], and the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA blue man] had already been successful in taming the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant elephant]. The [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cow cow] was so improved by careful [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breeding breeding] as to become a valuable [[source]] of [[food]]; butter and cheese became common articles of [[human]] [[diet]]. Men were taught to use [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxen oxen] for burden bearing, but the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse horse] was not domesticated until a later date. The members of this corps first taught men to use the [[wheel]] for the [[facilitation]] of traction.
66:5.6 It was in these days that [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier_pigeons carrier pigeons] were first used, being taken on long [[journeys]] for the [[purpose]] of sending [[messages]] or calls for help. ''Bon'''s [[group]] were successful in [[training]] the great [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda fandors] as passenger birds, but they became [[extinct]] more than thirty thousand years ago.
66:5.6 It was in these days that [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier_pigeons carrier pigeons] were first used, being taken on long [[journeys]] for the [[purpose]] of sending [[messages]] or calls for help. ''Bon'''s [[group]] were successful in [[training]] the great [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garuda fandors] as passenger birds, but they became [[extinct]] more than thirty thousand years ago.
66:5.7 3. ''The advisers regarding the conquest of predatory animals''. It was not enough that early man should try to [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestication domesticate] certain [[animals]], but he must also learn how to protect himself from destruction by the remainder of the hostile [[animal]] world. This group was captained by ''Dan''.
66:5.7 3. ''The advisers regarding the conquest of predatory animals''. It was not enough that early man should try to [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestication domesticate] certain [[animals]], but he must also learn how to protect himself from destruction by the remainder of the hostile [[animal]] world. This group was captained by ''Dan''.
66:5.8 The [[purpose]] of an [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_wall ancient city wall] was to protect against ferocious beasts as well as to prevent surprise [[attacks]] by [[hostile]] [[humans]]. Those living without the walls and in the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest forest] were dependent on [http://www.google.com/search?q=tree+dwellings&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=54r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ghguToK3AqLw0gH01MidAQ&ved=0CCIQsAQ&biw=725&bih=803 tree dwellings], [[Shelter|stone huts]], and the [[maintenance]] of [[night]] [[fires]]. It was therefore very [[natural]] that these [[teachers]] should [[devote]] much time to instructing their [[pupils]] in the improvement of [[human]] [[Home|dwellings]]. By employing improved [[techniques]] and by the use of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_trapping traps], great [[progress]] was made in [[animal]] subjugation.
66:5.8 The [[purpose]] of an [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/City_wall ancient city wall] was to protect against ferocious beasts as well as to prevent surprise [[attacks]] by [[hostile]] [[humans]]. Those living without the walls and in the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forest forest] were dependent on [https://www.google.com/search?q=tree+dwellings&hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=54r&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ghguToK3AqLw0gH01MidAQ&ved=0CCIQsAQ&biw=725&bih=803 tree dwellings], [[Shelter|stone huts]], and the [[maintenance]] of [[night]] [[fires]]. It was therefore very [[natural]] that these [[teachers]] should [[devote]] much time to instructing their [[pupils]] in the improvement of [[human]] [[Home|dwellings]]. By employing improved [[techniques]] and by the use of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_trapping traps], great [[progress]] was made in [[animal]] subjugation.
66:5.9 4. ''The faculty on dissemination and conservation of knowledge''. This [[group]] [[organized]] and directed the [[purely]] [[educational]] endeavors of those early ages. It was presided over by ''Fad''. The [[educational]] [[methods]] of Fad consisted in supervision of employment accompanied by instruction in improved [[methods]] of [[labor]]. Fad formulated the first [[alphabet]] and introduced a [[writing]] [[system]]. This [[alphabet]] contained twenty-five characters. For [[writing]] [[material]] these early peoples utilized [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing_material tree barks, clay tablets, stone slabs, a form of parchment] made of hammered hides, and a crude form of [[paper]]like [[material]] made from wasps' nests. The ''Dalamatia'' [[library]], destroyed soon after the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_67#67:1._THE_CALIGASTIA_BETRAYAL Caligastia disaffection], comprised more than two million separate [[records]] and was known as the "house of Fad."
66:5.9 4. ''The faculty on dissemination and conservation of knowledge''. This [[group]] [[organized]] and directed the [[purely]] [[educational]] endeavors of those early ages. It was presided over by ''Fad''. The [[educational]] [[methods]] of Fad consisted in supervision of employment accompanied by instruction in improved [[methods]] of [[labor]]. Fad formulated the first [[alphabet]] and introduced a [[writing]] [[system]]. This [[alphabet]] contained twenty-five characters. For [[writing]] [[material]] these early peoples utilized [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writing_material tree barks, clay tablets, stone slabs, a form of parchment] made of hammered hides, and a crude form of [[paper]]like [[material]] made from wasps' nests. The ''Dalamatia'' [[library]], destroyed soon after the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_67#67:1._THE_CALIGASTIA_BETRAYAL Caligastia disaffection], comprised more than two million separate [[records]] and was known as the "house of Fad."
66:5.10 The [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA blue man] was partial to [[alphabet]] [[writing]] and made the greatest [[progress]] along such lines. The [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA red man] preferred [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pictogram pictorial] [[writing]], while the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA yellow races] drifted into the use of [[symbols]] for [[words]] and [[ideas]], much like those they now employ. But the [[alphabet]] and much more was subsequently lost to the world during the [[confusion]] attendant upon [[rebellion]]. The [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_67#67:1._THE_CALIGASTIA_BETRAYA Caligastia defection] destroyed the [[hope]] of the world for a [[universal]] [[language]], at least for untold ages.
66:5.10 The [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA blue man] was partial to [[alphabet]] [[writing]] and made the greatest [[progress]] along such lines. The [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA red man] preferred [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pictogram pictorial] [[writing]], while the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA yellow races] drifted into the use of [[symbols]] for [[words]] and [[ideas]], much like those they now employ. But the [[alphabet]] and much more was subsequently lost to the world during the [[confusion]] attendant upon [[rebellion]]. The [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_67#67:1._THE_CALIGASTIA_BETRAYA Caligastia defection] destroyed the [[hope]] of the world for a [[universal]] [[language]], at least for untold ages.
66:5.11 5. ''The commission on industry and trade''. This [[council]] was employed in fostering [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry industry] within the [[tribes]] and in promoting [[trade]] between the various [[peace]] [[groups]]. Its leader was ''Nod''. Every [[form]] of [[primitive]] [[manufacture]] was [[encouraged]] by this corps. They [[contributed]] directly to the elevation of [[standards]] of living by providing many new commodities to [[attract]] the fancy of [[primitive]] men. They greatly expanded the [[trade]] in the improved [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt salt] produced by the [[council]] on [[science]] and [[art]].
66:5.11 5. ''The commission on industry and trade''. This [[council]] was employed in fostering [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry industry] within the [[tribes]] and in promoting [[trade]] between the various [[peace]] [[groups]]. Its leader was ''Nod''. Every [[form]] of [[primitive]] [[manufacture]] was [[encouraged]] by this corps. They [[contributed]] directly to the elevation of [[standards]] of living by providing many new commodities to [[attract]] the fancy of [[primitive]] men. They greatly expanded the [[trade]] in the improved [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt salt] produced by the [[council]] on [[science]] and [[art]].
66:5.12 It was among these [[enlightened]] [[groups]] [[educated]] in the ''Dalamatia'' schools that the first [[commercial]] [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit credit] was [[practiced]]. From a central [[exchange]] of credits they secured [[Money|tokens]] which were [[accepted]] in lieu of the [[actual]] objects of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barter barter]. The world did not improve upon these [[business]] [[methods]] for hundreds of thousands of years.
66:5.12 It was among these [[enlightened]] [[groups]] [[educated]] in the ''Dalamatia'' schools that the first [[commercial]] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit credit] was [[practiced]]. From a central [[exchange]] of credits they secured [[Money|tokens]] which were [[accepted]] in lieu of the [[actual]] objects of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barter barter]. The world did not improve upon these [[business]] [[methods]] for hundreds of thousands of years.
66:5.13 6. ''The college of revealed religion''. This [[body]] was slow in [[functioning]]. [[Urantia]] [[civilization]] was [[literally]] forged out between the ''anvil of [[necessity]] and the hammers of [[fear]]''. But this [[group]] had made considerable [[progress]] in their attempt to substitute [[Creator]] [[fear]] for [[creature]] fear ([[ghost]] [[worship]][http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_87]) before their [[labors]] were interrupted by the later [[confusion]] attendant upon the [[secession]] upheaval. The head of this [[council]] was ''Hap''.
66:5.13 6. ''The college of revealed religion''. This [[body]] was slow in [[functioning]]. [[Urantia]] [[civilization]] was [[literally]] forged out between the ''anvil of [[necessity]] and the hammers of [[fear]]''. But this [[group]] had made considerable [[progress]] in their attempt to substitute [[Creator]] [[fear]] for [[creature]] fear ([[ghost]] [[worship]][https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_87]) before their [[labors]] were interrupted by the later [[confusion]] attendant upon the [[secession]] upheaval. The head of this [[council]] was ''Hap''.
66:5.14 None of the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_66#66:2._THE_PRINCE.27S_STAFF Prince's staff] would present [[revelation]] to complicate [[evolution]]; they presented [[revelation]] only as the climax of their [[exhaustion]] of the forces of [[evolution]]. But Hap did yield to the [[desire]] of the [[inhabitants]] of the [[city]] for the [[establishment]] of a [[form]] of [[religious]] [[service]]. His [[group]] provided the Dalamatians with the [[seven]] [[chants]] of [[worship]] and also gave them the daily praise-phrase and eventually taught them "[[the Father]]'s [[prayer]]," which was:
66:5.14 None of the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_66#66:2._THE_PRINCE.27S_STAFF Prince's staff] would present [[revelation]] to complicate [[evolution]]; they presented [[revelation]] only as the climax of their [[exhaustion]] of the forces of [[evolution]]. But Hap did yield to the [[desire]] of the [[inhabitants]] of the [[city]] for the [[establishment]] of a [[form]] of [[religious]] [[service]]. His [[group]] provided the Dalamatians with the [[seven]] [[chants]] of [[worship]] and also gave them the daily praise-phrase and eventually taught them "[[the Father]]'s [[prayer]]," which was:
66:5.15 "[[Father]] of all, whose Son we honor, look down upon us with [[favor]]. Deliver us from the [[fear]] of all save you. Make us a [[pleasure]] to our [[divine]] [[teachers]] and forever put [[truth]] on our lips. Deliver us from [[violence]] and [[anger]]; give us [[respect]] for our elders and that which belongs to our [[neighbors]]. Give us this [[season]] green pastures and fruitful flocks to gladden our [[hearts]]. We [[pray]] for the hastening of the coming of the [[promise]]d uplifter, and we would do your will on this world as others do on worlds beyond. "
66:5.15 "[[Father]] of all, whose Son we honor, look down upon us with [[favor]]. Deliver us from the [[fear]] of all save you. Make us a [[pleasure]] to our [[divine]] [[teachers]] and forever put [[truth]] on our lips. Deliver us from [[violence]] and [[anger]]; give us [[respect]] for our elders and that which belongs to our [[neighbors]]. Give us this [[season]] green pastures and fruitful flocks to gladden our [[hearts]]. We [[pray]] for the hastening of the coming of the [[promise]]d uplifter, and we would do your will on this world as others do on worlds beyond. "
66:5.16 Although the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_66#66:2._THE_PRINCE.27S_STAFF Prince's staff] were [[limited]] to [[natural]] means and ordinary [[methods]] of [[race]] improvement, they held out the [[promise]] of the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_73 Adamic gift] of a new [[race]] as the goal of subsequent [[evolutionary]] [[growth]] upon the [[attainment]] of the height of [[biologic]] [[development]].
66:5.16 Although the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_66#66:2._THE_PRINCE.27S_STAFF Prince's staff] were [[limited]] to [[natural]] means and ordinary [[methods]] of [[race]] improvement, they held out the [[promise]] of the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_73 Adamic gift] of a new [[race]] as the goal of subsequent [[evolutionary]] [[growth]] upon the [[attainment]] of the height of [[biologic]] [[development]].
66:5.17 7. ''The guardians of health and life''. This [[council]] was concerned with the introduction of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pictogram sanitation] and the promotion of [[primitive]] hygiene and was led by ''Lut''.
66:5.17 7. ''The guardians of health and life''. This [[council]] was concerned with the introduction of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pictogram sanitation] and the promotion of [[primitive]] hygiene and was led by ''Lut''.
66:5.18 Its members taught much that was lost during the [[confusion]] of subsequent ages, never to be rediscovered until the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20th_century twentieth century]. They taught [[mankind]] that [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooking cooking], boiling and roasting, was a means of avoiding [[sickness]]; also that such cooking greatly reduced [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant-mortality infant mortality] and [[facilitated]] early [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weaning weaning].
66:5.18 Its members taught much that was lost during the [[confusion]] of subsequent ages, never to be rediscovered until the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/20th_century twentieth century]. They taught [[mankind]] that [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooking cooking], boiling and roasting, was a means of avoiding [[sickness]]; also that such cooking greatly reduced [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant-mortality infant mortality] and [[facilitated]] early [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weaning weaning].
66:5.19 Many of the early teachings of Lut's guardians of health [[persisted]] among the [[tribes]] of [[earth]] on down to the days of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses Moses], even though they became much garbled and were greatly changed.
66:5.19 Many of the early teachings of Lut's guardians of health [[persisted]] among the [[tribes]] of [[earth]] on down to the days of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses Moses], even though they became much garbled and were greatly changed.
66:5.20 The great obstacle in the way of promoting [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hygiene hygiene] among these [[ignorant]] peoples consisted in the [[fact]] that the real [[causes]] of many [[diseases]] were too small to be seen by the naked eye, and also because they all held [[fire]] in [[superstitious]] regard. It required thousands of years to [[persuade]] them to burn refuse. In the meantime they were urged to [[bury]] their decaying rubbish. The great [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitation sanitary] advance of this [[epoch]] came from the [[dissemination]] of [[knowledge]] regarding the [[health]]-giving and [[disease]]-destroying [[properties]] of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunlight sunlight].
66:5.20 The great obstacle in the way of promoting [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hygiene hygiene] among these [[ignorant]] peoples consisted in the [[fact]] that the real [[causes]] of many [[diseases]] were too small to be seen by the naked eye, and also because they all held [[fire]] in [[superstitious]] regard. It required thousands of years to [[persuade]] them to burn refuse. In the meantime they were urged to [[bury]] their decaying rubbish. The great [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanitation sanitary] advance of this [[epoch]] came from the [[dissemination]] of [[knowledge]] regarding the [[health]]-giving and [[disease]]-destroying [[properties]] of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunlight sunlight].
66:5.21 Before the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_66#66:4._EARLY_DAYS_OF_THE_ONE_HUNDRED Prince's arrival], bathing had been an exclusively [[religious]] [[ceremonial]]. It was indeed [[difficult]] to [[persuade]] [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_52#52:1._PRIMITIVE_MAN primitive men] to wash their [[bodies]] as a [[health]] [[practice]]. Lut finally induced the [[religious]] [[teachers]] to include cleansing with [[water]] as a part of the purification [[ceremonies]] to be [[practiced]] in connection with the noontime [[devotions]], once a week, in the [[worship]] of [[the Father]] of all.
66:5.21 Before the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_66#66:4._EARLY_DAYS_OF_THE_ONE_HUNDRED Prince's arrival], bathing had been an exclusively [[religious]] [[ceremonial]]. It was indeed [[difficult]] to [[persuade]] [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_52#52:1._PRIMITIVE_MAN primitive men] to wash their [[bodies]] as a [[health]] [[practice]]. Lut finally induced the [[religious]] [[teachers]] to include cleansing with [[water]] as a part of the purification [[ceremonies]] to be [[practiced]] in connection with the noontime [[devotions]], once a week, in the [[worship]] of [[the Father]] of all.
66:5.22 These guardians of [[health]] also sought to introduce [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_shaking handshaking] in substitution for saliva exchange or blood drinking as a seal of [[personal]] [[friendship]] and as a token of [[group]] [[loyalty]]. But when out from under the compelling [[pressure]] of the [[teachings]] of their superior [[leaders]], these [[primitive]] peoples were not slow in reverting to their former [[health]]-destroying and [[disease]]-breeding [[practices]] of [[ignorance]] and [[superstition]].
66:5.22 These guardians of [[health]] also sought to introduce [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_shaking handshaking] in substitution for saliva exchange or blood drinking as a seal of [[personal]] [[friendship]] and as a token of [[group]] [[loyalty]]. But when out from under the compelling [[pressure]] of the [[teachings]] of their superior [[leaders]], these [[primitive]] peoples were not slow in reverting to their former [[health]]-destroying and [[disease]]-breeding [[practices]] of [[ignorance]] and [[superstition]].
66:5.23 8. ''The planetary council on art and science''. This corps did much to improve the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry industrial] [[technique]] of early man and to elevate his [[concepts]] of [[beauty]]. Their leader was ''Mek''.
66:5.23 8. ''The planetary council on art and science''. This corps did much to improve the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industry industrial] [[technique]] of early man and to elevate his [[concepts]] of [[beauty]]. Their leader was ''Mek''.
66:5.24 [[Art]] and [[science]] were at a low ebb throughout the world, but the rudiments of [[physics]] and [[chemistry]] were taught the Dalamatians. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pottery Pottery] was advanced, [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decorative_arts decorative arts] were all improved, and the [[ideals]] of [[human]] [[beauty]] were greatly enhanced. But [[music]] made little [[progress]] until after the arrival of the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78 violet race].
66:5.24 [[Art]] and [[science]] were at a low ebb throughout the world, but the rudiments of [[physics]] and [[chemistry]] were taught the Dalamatians. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pottery Pottery] was advanced, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decorative_arts decorative arts] were all improved, and the [[ideals]] of [[human]] [[beauty]] were greatly enhanced. But [[music]] made little [[progress]] until after the arrival of the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_78 violet race].
66:5.25 These [[primitive]] men would not consent to [[experiment]] with [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_engine steam power], notwithstanding the repeated urgings of their [[teachers]]; never could they overcome their great [[fear]] of the [[explosive]] [[power]] of confined steam. They were, however, finally [[persuaded]] to [[work]] with metals and [[fire]], although a piece of red-hot metal was a terrorizing object to early man.
66:5.25 These [[primitive]] men would not consent to [[experiment]] with [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steam_engine steam power], notwithstanding the repeated urgings of their [[teachers]]; never could they overcome their great [[fear]] of the [[explosive]] [[power]] of confined steam. They were, however, finally [[persuaded]] to [[work]] with metals and [[fire]], although a piece of red-hot metal was a terrorizing object to early man.
66:5.26 Mek did a great deal to advance the [[culture]] of the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_63#63:5._DISPERSION_OF_THE_ANDONITES Andonites] and to improve the [[art]] of the [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA blue man]. A blend of the blue man with the Andon stock produced an [[artistically]] [[gifted]] type, and many of them became master [[sculptors]]. They did not [[work]] in stone or [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marble marble], but their works of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clay clay], hardened by baking, adorned the [[gardens]] of ''Dalamatia''.
66:5.26 Mek did a great deal to advance the [[culture]] of the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_63#63:5._DISPERSION_OF_THE_ANDONITES Andonites] and to improve the [[art]] of the [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_64#64:6._THE_SIX_SANGIK_RACES_OF_URANTIA blue man]. A blend of the blue man with the Andon stock produced an [[artistically]] [[gifted]] type, and many of them became master [[sculptors]]. They did not [[work]] in stone or [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marble marble], but their works of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clay clay], hardened by baking, adorned the [[gardens]] of ''Dalamatia''.
66:5.27 Great [[progress]] was made in the [[home]] arts, most of which were lost in the long and [[dark]] ages of [[rebellion]], never to be rediscovered until modern times.
66:5.27 Great [[progress]] was made in the [[home]] arts, most of which were lost in the long and [[dark]] ages of [[rebellion]], never to be rediscovered until modern times.
Line 57: Line 57:
66:5.28 9. ''The governors of advanced tribal relations''. This was the [[group]] intrusted with the [[work]] of bringing [[human]] [[society]] up to the level of [[state]]hood. Their chief was ''Tut''.
66:5.28 9. ''The governors of advanced tribal relations''. This was the [[group]] intrusted with the [[work]] of bringing [[human]] [[society]] up to the level of [[state]]hood. Their chief was ''Tut''.
66:5.29 These leaders contributed much to bringing about [[Amalgamation|intertribal]] [[marriages]]. They fostered [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtship courtship] and [[marriage]] after due deliberation and full [[opportunity]] to become acquainted. The [[purely]] military war [[dances]] were refined and made to serve valuable [[social]] ends. Many [[competitive]] [[games]] were introduced, but these ancient folk were a serious people; little [[humor]] [[graced]] these early [[tribes]]. Few of these [[practices]] survived the subsequent disintegration of [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_67 planetary insurrection].
66:5.29 These leaders contributed much to bringing about [[Amalgamation|intertribal]] [[marriages]]. They fostered [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtship courtship] and [[marriage]] after due deliberation and full [[opportunity]] to become acquainted. The [[purely]] military war [[dances]] were refined and made to serve valuable [[social]] ends. Many [[competitive]] [[games]] were introduced, but these ancient folk were a serious people; little [[humor]] [[graced]] these early [[tribes]]. Few of these [[practices]] survived the subsequent disintegration of [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_67 planetary insurrection].
66:5.30 Tut and his [[associates]] labored to promote [[group]] [[associations]] of a peaceful [[nature]], to regulate and humanize [[warfare]], to [[co-ordinate]] intertribal [[relations]], and to improve tribal [[governments]]. In the vicinity of ''Dalamatia'' there [[developed]] a more advanced [[culture]], and these improved social [[relations]] were very helpful in influencing more remote [[tribes]]. But the [[pattern]] of [[civilization]] prevailing at the Prince's [[headquarters]] was quite [[different]] from the barbaric [[society]] evolving elsewhere, just as the twentieth-century society of [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capetown_South_Africa Capetown, South Africa], is totally unlike the crude [[culture]] of the diminutive [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushmnet Bushmen] to the north.
66:5.30 Tut and his [[associates]] labored to promote [[group]] [[associations]] of a peaceful [[nature]], to regulate and humanize [[warfare]], to [[co-ordinate]] intertribal [[relations]], and to improve tribal [[governments]]. In the vicinity of ''Dalamatia'' there [[developed]] a more advanced [[culture]], and these improved social [[relations]] were very helpful in influencing more remote [[tribes]]. But the [[pattern]] of [[civilization]] prevailing at the Prince's [[headquarters]] was quite [[different]] from the barbaric [[society]] evolving elsewhere, just as the twentieth-century society of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capetown_South_Africa Capetown, South Africa], is totally unlike the crude [[culture]] of the diminutive [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushmnet Bushmen] to the north.
66:5.31 10. ''The supreme court of tribal co-ordination and racial co-operation''. This supreme [[council]] was directed by [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_67#67:6._VAN.E2.80.94THE_STEADFAST Van] and was the [[court]] of [[appeals]] for all of the other nine special commissions charged with the supervision of [[human]] affairs. This council was one of wide [[function]], being intrusted with all matters of [[earthly]] concern which were not specifically assigned to the other [[groups]]. This selected corps had been approved by the [[Constellation Fathers]] of [[Edentia]] before they were [[authorized]] to assume the [[functions]] of the supreme [[court]] of [[Urantia]].
66:5.31 10. ''The supreme court of tribal co-ordination and racial co-operation''. This supreme [[council]] was directed by [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=Paper_67#67:6._VAN.E2.80.94THE_STEADFAST Van] and was the [[court]] of [[appeals]] for all of the other nine special commissions charged with the supervision of [[human]] affairs. This council was one of wide [[function]], being intrusted with all matters of [[earthly]] concern which were not specifically assigned to the other [[groups]]. This selected corps had been approved by the [[Constellation Fathers]] of [[Edentia]] before they were [[authorized]] to assume the [[functions]] of the supreme [[court]] of [[Urantia]].
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[[Category:Paper 66 - The Planetary Prince of Urantia]]
[[Category:Paper 66 - The Planetary Prince of Urantia]]
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[[Category: Planetary Government]]
[[Category: Planetary Government]]

Latest revision as of 23:32, 12 December 2020


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66:5.1 The one hundred were organized for service in ten autonomous councils of ten members each. When two or more of these ten councils met in joint session, such liaison gatherings were presided over by Daligastia. These ten groups were constituted as follows:

66:5.2 1. The council on food and material welfare. This group was presided over by Ang. Food, water, clothes, and the material advancement of the human species were fostered by this able corps. They taught well digging, spring control, and irrigation. They taught those from the higher altitudes and from the north improved methods of treating skins for use as clothing, and weaving was later introduced by the teachers of art and science.

66:5.3 Great advances were made in methods of food storage. Food was preserved by cooking, drying, and smoking; it thus became the earliest property. Man was taught to provide for the hazards of famine, which periodically decimated the world.

66:5.4 2. The board of animal domestication and utilization. This council was dedicated to the task of selecting and breeding those animals best adapted to help human beings in bearing burdens and transporting themselves, to supply food, and later on to be of service in the cultivation of the soil. This able corps was directed by Bon.

66:5.5 Several types of useful animals, now extinct, were tamed, together with some that have continued as domesticated animals to the present day. Man had long lived with the dog, and the blue man had already been successful in taming the elephant. The cow was so improved by careful breeding as to become a valuable source of food; butter and cheese became common articles of human diet. Men were taught to use oxen for burden bearing, but the horse was not domesticated until a later date. The members of this corps first taught men to use the wheel for the facilitation of traction.

66:5.6 It was in these days that carrier pigeons were first used, being taken on long journeys for the purpose of sending messages or calls for help. Bon's group were successful in training the great fandors as passenger birds, but they became extinct more than thirty thousand years ago.

66:5.7 3. The advisers regarding the conquest of predatory animals. It was not enough that early man should try to domesticate certain animals, but he must also learn how to protect himself from destruction by the remainder of the hostile animal world. This group was captained by Dan.

66:5.8 The purpose of an ancient city wall was to protect against ferocious beasts as well as to prevent surprise attacks by hostile humans. Those living without the walls and in the forest were dependent on tree dwellings, stone huts, and the maintenance of night fires. It was therefore very natural that these teachers should devote much time to instructing their pupils in the improvement of human dwellings. By employing improved techniques and by the use of traps, great progress was made in animal subjugation.

66:5.9 4. The faculty on dissemination and conservation of knowledge. This group organized and directed the purely educational endeavors of those early ages. It was presided over by Fad. The educational methods of Fad consisted in supervision of employment accompanied by instruction in improved methods of labor. Fad formulated the first alphabet and introduced a writing system. This alphabet contained twenty-five characters. For writing material these early peoples utilized tree barks, clay tablets, stone slabs, a form of parchment made of hammered hides, and a crude form of paperlike material made from wasps' nests. The Dalamatia library, destroyed soon after the Caligastia disaffection, comprised more than two million separate records and was known as the "house of Fad."

66:5.10 The blue man was partial to alphabet writing and made the greatest progress along such lines. The red man preferred pictorial writing, while the yellow races drifted into the use of symbols for words and ideas, much like those they now employ. But the alphabet and much more was subsequently lost to the world during the confusion attendant upon rebellion. The Caligastia defection destroyed the hope of the world for a universal language, at least for untold ages.

66:5.11 5. The commission on industry and trade. This council was employed in fostering industry within the tribes and in promoting trade between the various peace groups. Its leader was Nod. Every form of primitive manufacture was encouraged by this corps. They contributed directly to the elevation of standards of living by providing many new commodities to attract the fancy of primitive men. They greatly expanded the trade in the improved salt produced by the council on science and art.

66:5.12 It was among these enlightened groups educated in the Dalamatia schools that the first commercial credit was practiced. From a central exchange of credits they secured tokens which were accepted in lieu of the actual objects of barter. The world did not improve upon these business methods for hundreds of thousands of years.

66:5.13 6. The college of revealed religion. This body was slow in functioning. Urantia civilization was literally forged out between the anvil of necessity and the hammers of fear. But this group had made considerable progress in their attempt to substitute Creator fear for creature fear (ghost worship[1]) before their labors were interrupted by the later confusion attendant upon the secession upheaval. The head of this council was Hap.

66:5.14 None of the Prince's staff would present revelation to complicate evolution; they presented revelation only as the climax of their exhaustion of the forces of evolution. But Hap did yield to the desire of the inhabitants of the city for the establishment of a form of religious service. His group provided the Dalamatians with the seven chants of worship and also gave them the daily praise-phrase and eventually taught them "the Father's prayer," which was:

66:5.15 "Father of all, whose Son we honor, look down upon us with favor. Deliver us from the fear of all save you. Make us a pleasure to our divine teachers and forever put truth on our lips. Deliver us from violence and anger; give us respect for our elders and that which belongs to our neighbors. Give us this season green pastures and fruitful flocks to gladden our hearts. We pray for the hastening of the coming of the promised uplifter, and we would do your will on this world as others do on worlds beyond. "

66:5.16 Although the Prince's staff were limited to natural means and ordinary methods of race improvement, they held out the promise of the Adamic gift of a new race as the goal of subsequent evolutionary growth upon the attainment of the height of biologic development.

66:5.17 7. The guardians of health and life. This council was concerned with the introduction of sanitation and the promotion of primitive hygiene and was led by Lut.

66:5.18 Its members taught much that was lost during the confusion of subsequent ages, never to be rediscovered until the twentieth century. They taught mankind that cooking, boiling and roasting, was a means of avoiding sickness; also that such cooking greatly reduced infant mortality and facilitated early weaning.

66:5.19 Many of the early teachings of Lut's guardians of health persisted among the tribes of earth on down to the days of Moses, even though they became much garbled and were greatly changed.

66:5.20 The great obstacle in the way of promoting hygiene among these ignorant peoples consisted in the fact that the real causes of many diseases were too small to be seen by the naked eye, and also because they all held fire in superstitious regard. It required thousands of years to persuade them to burn refuse. In the meantime they were urged to bury their decaying rubbish. The great sanitary advance of this epoch came from the dissemination of knowledge regarding the health-giving and disease-destroying properties of sunlight.

66:5.21 Before the Prince's arrival, bathing had been an exclusively religious ceremonial. It was indeed difficult to persuade primitive men to wash their bodies as a health practice. Lut finally induced the religious teachers to include cleansing with water as a part of the purification ceremonies to be practiced in connection with the noontime devotions, once a week, in the worship of the Father of all.

66:5.22 These guardians of health also sought to introduce handshaking in substitution for saliva exchange or blood drinking as a seal of personal friendship and as a token of group loyalty. But when out from under the compelling pressure of the teachings of their superior leaders, these primitive peoples were not slow in reverting to their former health-destroying and disease-breeding practices of ignorance and superstition.

66:5.23 8. The planetary council on art and science. This corps did much to improve the industrial technique of early man and to elevate his concepts of beauty. Their leader was Mek.

66:5.24 Art and science were at a low ebb throughout the world, but the rudiments of physics and chemistry were taught the Dalamatians. Pottery was advanced, decorative arts were all improved, and the ideals of human beauty were greatly enhanced. But music made little progress until after the arrival of the violet race.

66:5.25 These primitive men would not consent to experiment with steam power, notwithstanding the repeated urgings of their teachers; never could they overcome their great fear of the explosive power of confined steam. They were, however, finally persuaded to work with metals and fire, although a piece of red-hot metal was a terrorizing object to early man.

66:5.26 Mek did a great deal to advance the culture of the Andonites and to improve the art of the blue man. A blend of the blue man with the Andon stock produced an artistically gifted type, and many of them became master sculptors. They did not work in stone or marble, but their works of clay, hardened by baking, adorned the gardens of Dalamatia.

66:5.27 Great progress was made in the home arts, most of which were lost in the long and dark ages of rebellion, never to be rediscovered until modern times.

66:5.28 9. The governors of advanced tribal relations. This was the group intrusted with the work of bringing human society up to the level of statehood. Their chief was Tut.

66:5.29 These leaders contributed much to bringing about intertribal marriages. They fostered courtship and marriage after due deliberation and full opportunity to become acquainted. The purely military war dances were refined and made to serve valuable social ends. Many competitive games were introduced, but these ancient folk were a serious people; little humor graced these early tribes. Few of these practices survived the subsequent disintegration of planetary insurrection.

66:5.30 Tut and his associates labored to promote group associations of a peaceful nature, to regulate and humanize warfare, to co-ordinate intertribal relations, and to improve tribal governments. In the vicinity of Dalamatia there developed a more advanced culture, and these improved social relations were very helpful in influencing more remote tribes. But the pattern of civilization prevailing at the Prince's headquarters was quite different from the barbaric society evolving elsewhere, just as the twentieth-century society of Capetown, South Africa, is totally unlike the crude culture of the diminutive Bushmen to the north.

66:5.31 10. The supreme court of tribal co-ordination and racial co-operation. This supreme council was directed by Van and was the court of appeals for all of the other nine special commissions charged with the supervision of human affairs. This council was one of wide function, being intrusted with all matters of earthly concern which were not specifically assigned to the other groups. This selected corps had been approved by the Constellation Fathers of Edentia before they were authorized to assume the functions of the supreme court of Urantia.

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