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==May 7, 2013==
WARNING: Readers should be apprised of conflicting assessments of the '''''ABC Summaries''''', occurring specifically in the documents '''''Conversations with Monjoronson''''' numbers [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=2012-11-30-Conversations_with_Monjoronson_65 65], [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=2012-12-04-Conversations_with_Monjoronson_66 66], and [https://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=2013-01-13-Conversations_with_Monjoronson_67 67].--rdavis 19:32, 14 January 2013 (UTC)
'''Ron Besser posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 7:03 PM:'''
- - - - - - - - TRANSMISSION -  May 7, 2013 from York, Pennsylvania
This is Rayson.  I have a book cover done.  Do you want to see it?  (Yes)
Michael: You are rightfully unhappy about being excluded from a “reading” from Emma.  She may not do it from the mansion worlds but she has permission to do it from Thea Harding who is here to greet you. . . .
Thea Harding: I greet you Ron!  How are you?
Ron: I am just fine Thea, I have missed you to pieces!  (A lot)
Thea: Do we still have LinEl speaking?
Ron: I have not seen LinEl in modern print for years although I recollect he did stop in at some meeting, perhaps a conference, within the past few years.  But there is no steady diet of LinEl anywhere.  He is also missed a lot!
LinEl: I am LinEl.  I greet you in the flesh, Ron!
Ron: Hello LinEl!  I greet you as well and you are sight for sore eyes!  Are you going to be active again on Urantia?
Ron: (off to the side) LinEl says he standing beside Thea as I type this.
Thea: He is, Ron!
LinEl: I wonder if you would be so kind to remind Jeff Cutler that the disk he created is full of disarming errors in it and will not work on your machine?  (I will notify at once).
Thea: LinEl has consented to work with us on mansion world two.  We will have classes up here from two to four your time western) every day for the next four years.
LinEl: It is a huge amount of material and yes we are aware you will post this to old TML.
Thea: I must say goodbye before my timer runs out.  They only allow us fifteen minutes a day to transmit using these circuits from my room in the dorm we live and sleep in.  My angel is also called Thea after me.  She is a Completion Seraphim and she works liaison with Manotia and she knows Julia likewise who attends you with Manotia.
Ron, my angel is a Completion Seraphim because she attends a school here that is for Completion Seraphim to learn new duties.  Her work up until last year was on mansion world four and now she comes down to two and we have a great time changing our mission statements in order to update what we are to do daily.  That may sound a little confusing, but mission statements are updated every day at 4 pm your time on the west coast.  In case you do not know it, Gerdean has visited up here several times lately.  As she prepares for her eventual transition; we are allowed to greet her as she is and she in turn returns home unknowing of the visit.  This will surely bring her to her senses about cooperation if anything will.  I must go, I have used up all my time.  LinEl would like to say a few words.
LinEl: I have completed my study of your background and discover you are not an intelligence officer in the army.  You were in the Air Force for four years and rose to the level of Sergeant.  That is all I wanted to say.
Ron: I know that . . . . Sheesh!
Manotia: I am also a completion Seraphim.  Ron has alluded to the number of Completion Seraphim on our worlds of time and space.  She, Thea’s Completion Seraphim, is about four hours old [Ron: Her status was changed from a Superior Seraphim to a Completion Seraphim four hours ago], and she calls herself Thea after her ward, Thea Harding, now called (censored).  In my work with Thea we have this to say:
Thea is bright and resembles her old self as many remember before passing several years ago.  She is bright, and studious, and lovely to teach.  She has one bad habit though, and that is, she reads everything Ron writes.  Those Flurries and Summaries are distributed all over the mansion world as signs of work being done on Urantia.  Urantia is our favorite planet because it contains so many wonderful students of the Urantia Book, and it is a pity there are so few of them these last years of remediation on Urantia.
In our work with Ron, he has discovered he can do anything as long as he has his Completion Seraphim in his angelsock as he calls it.  He slings it over his left shoulder and takes me along wherever he goes whether to the barber or to Wal Mart.  In his capacity of worker in the field, we have transferred him to Serena, as he will work with Monjoronson with specifics to be mentioned when Monjoronson makes his announcement concerning the human staff and other workers he is recruiting for his work on Urantia.
I close now with a word from Michael of Nebadon.
Our work on Urantia comes at a time when the wind and rain will intensify over your east coast cities.  Do not be surprised when a huge hurricane comes up the coast of eastern United States and devastate the east coast line again.  Sandy was a test and the next few storms will be ferocious.  I have warned Ron to prepare his home with adequate protection from wind and rain and he has contractors already at work on the project.
In closing, Thea Hardy has been a model student, and I want to congratulate Ron on being able to take on the circuit that allows her to speak clearly and distinctly without missing a beat in the transmission.  His work takes hours to do with others, and I dare say he even had a chat with Dr. Sadler, Emma Hardinge, Christy, Lena Sadler and Harold Sherman, Sir Hubert Wilkinson, his wife Lady Mary, and a few other notables that he is still laughing about (Groucho Marx and Bob Hope in constellation with the 34th President of the United States, Dwight David Eisenhower talking about the USO show Bob did in the war).  I mention this to you to remind you all you are missing a feast of enjoyment if you do not tune your antenna to the mansion worlds these days.  I tell you there a thousands up there who dearly love to chat with you on Urantia through these transmissions.  I have opened the circuits and the food is on the table for your pleasure.  I am Michael and I keep you in my Peace.
'''Rob wrote:Tue, May 7, 2013 at 7:24 PM'''
Thank you Ron! It appears Thea contradicts your own story, but then that is the 'art' of deception weaving multiple stories to magnify disinformation to more easily manage the 'story'. As for Michael serving as a weathreman, who cares? The Michael I know asks each of us, "[http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-standardized/paper-100-religion-in-human-experience?term=crash#search-jump-result-0 what does it matter]...?"
'''Ron posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 7:19 PM'''
Dear Ron,
Please tell the teaching mission list that all they have to do to transcribe all the un-transcribed LinEl material is to go to my web site and place the tape you want to play on the spooler, and then play it regular speed.  I am able to transcribe them up here and want to sentd them down to Ron for editing and placing on Tmarchives.  Would somebody see to it that Joe gets this message for me please?
Make sure I can hear them as my circuits are very good and they allow me to pick up room noise when I can open the circuit and listen carefully.  Play at least a Volume 5 on the console.  I am unable to tell Joe or anyone else to turn the volume up.  Ron suggests I play at least at six as trial and if not working to let him know and he will transcribe my request back to Joe or the list.
I also want to thank Ron for his work on high!  I see two tons of it everyday as he posts regularily to TML up here and to the various sub-agnecies of the teaching mission which you down there can not see yet.  I am told that I might, if Ron is willing, take a day or two and record my work for you up here.  (Ron says he would be honored to receive the transmission and post to TML)  So some day soon I can get started with that work for you Ron.  Meantime please play my LinEl tapes and at least tell me the date and time when the transmission took place.  Place the date and time and record it on the front piece of the tape so when it goes on I hear that too.  Joe, take me seriously as I do not care to have to tell Ron again that I want those tapes played and pronto!
Tell Melonie I miss her the most, and that I need to hear from her if Ron is willing to transcribe the letter to me. (Melonie this is Ron, send me your email letter and I will set it for Thea to hear. )
This is Thea, Good night!
A TRANSMISSION from Michael of Nebadon
Dear folks on TML, you have seen the power of this transmitter once he has his feet on the ground, and we want others to be able to do the same.  You do not have to go to Ron to learn how, but it would help!  I am mIchael of Nebadon and I transmitted this message in 12 nanoseconds to Ron's agile brain.
'''Rob posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 7:32 PM'''
I will record this thread for posterity on the Ron Besser discussion page.
'''Ron posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 8:21 PM'''
What ARE you talking about Rob Davis?  Contradicting who what?
'''Gerdean posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 8:32 PM'''
There is something inherently, desperately wrong with this picture.
When did it become common practice, accepted without question, that talking to our friends who died since the TeaM came into existence, as if they were transmitting from Mansonia?  When did it become OKAY to manipulate TeaM "dogma" to one that better suits one's own purpose, makes one feel good, rings one's truth bells, or sells more books?  There is a REASON the revelators set forth the prohibition against mortals talking "across the veil" to the dearly departed.  Not the least of which is how cleverly emotions can be manipulated to get people to do things they might not otherwise want to do except through spiritual coersion like this crap said to be coming from Thea.  It is unbelieveable BS.
'''Rob posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 8:34 PM'''
That is a question you should ask yourself.
'''Dylan Roberts posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 8:34 PM'''
I know I've never talked to you Ron but please see a psychiatrist. Brother Dylan.
'''Ron posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 8:53 PM'''
Well Davis, let us set the record a little straighter.  You have your head as usual in the ground.  Not only do you not understand plain English, you subvert the cause of normal comparison of texts that are right with the one you and Gerdean imagine willy-nilly.  My true bio is around. I have corrected both of you a couple of times and you preferred to list your own version of my life as though it proves something I should not be.  Well that is okay, but when you get to pointing fingers realize that you better be right or face the usual embarrassment of barking up a tree that has no use to you or me or to anyone.  You may not quote me further, but I am sure you have your own problem coming surrounding the plot to discredit others whom you have taken a dislike to and can not get them straight in your mind either.  Oh yes, the penny will come back to bite.
My bio is in the History text to be published, at least its essentials and no where does it list the fiction of intelligence officer and I gave up making that clear to Gerdean on a least two occasions in the past ten years.
As far as Gerdean and her desire to understand the mansion worlds, please look my dear at your own demise and the fact that Thea has already seen you there and has worked with you little girl.  You take lessons there.  The transition ministers know you and talk to you.  Thea is real and just as lovely as she was when she was here with us on earth.  Now there is a simple solution to your quandry.  Move yourself to God girl and shut up with the snipping for a defense of outdated policies.  You do not bother to keep the old ones right or clear or do you have the sense to ask Thea yourself for clarification.  After a little prodding she just may say hello if you have the temerity to answer politely and firmly that you welcome her voice once again.  it is not up to me ever to prove your own negativity and I will not bother ever again to say hello to the worm that feeds in your heart.
I need no prove anything to your monsters and frankly I would be done with you if I thought I could move away from the rot that is in this list.  It denigrates beauty and it stifles the imagination of anyone who delights in the spirit and the words of God as they are currently expressed from the mansion worlds today.
It is my own sense of duty that I do these things without you and I intend to continue with what I am requested to do.  LinEl is appalled at what he sees as comportment on the list and finishes with you characters as well.  I could care less what you think, but I will tell you that the last time I heard anyone speak well was Gerdean asking for forgiveness for all of her trespasses.  I think she needs to do so again along with you Rob Davis.
'''Craig Bergland posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:01 PM'''
I love reading Ron's stuff.  What purpose is there to be so unkindly negative toward him?  He is always entertaining and thought provoking.  Please be nice and gentle beings??? OK?  XOXOXO
'''Craig Bergland posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:07 PM'''
:Ron, a little harsh reply perhaps?
:Do not use negativity to fight negativity.
:I thought the post was unlike you.
:Let us all sleep in our own beds.
:Thanks for what you do, and you need not defend yourself.  At least to me.
'''Rob posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 9:44 PM'''
"True bio". Sounds like a tabloid title. I appreciate the entertainment quality.
'''Gerdean posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:06 PM'''
It would seem I am the only one around here who is honest enough to admit I HAVE tresspassed.  Everone else, it seems, walks on water!
And since we are having what is vulgarly having a "zipper down balls on the table conversation" about Gerdean and Thea and Ron Besser, I will convey to you that Thea and I were quite close, and neither of us was bashful in our character studies of our peers.  It was Thea who told me she had discovered that you were in a mental institution briefly at the time and as a result of an episode which YOU presented as having been the occasion of your own fusion.
I know where Thea admired you, Mr. Besser, and I know what she did not admire about you as well.  She and I were similarly ruthlessly honest with ourselves about each other, which is why we were able to become so close and make such good progress on our mutual emotional and/or mental illnesses ... something we all have but only rarely is anyone courageous enough to admit this is a dysfunctional world and not one of us is completely well yet, but though we may be emotionally or mentally ill or socially retarded, we are neither criminal nor insane.  I know what insanity is.  I know that using the memory of dead people who are in the next world to manipulate people who are still in this world, is wrong.  Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Don't ever, EVER consider that you will be able to transmit Gerdean after I have gone to Mansonia because it will serve no purpose.  I will not hear you.  I will be busy doing there what I am supposed to be doing there, having already done here what I was to have done here, which I have done, for God, for Urantia, and for my fellowman.  If anybody hears from Gerdean of Mansonia after I am gone, let it be known now:  IT IS A LIE.  I'll wait and see you on the other side.
Don't threaten my immortal soul, Ron Besser.  It is not in your jurisdiction.  And don't tell me to shut up.
'''Craig Bergland posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:23 PM'''
OK. Time out. Everybody go sit in the corner until we can be civilized, please.
This is very ugly and hurtful, please stop.
'''Rob posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:28 PM'''
Truth can be painful.
'''John Kimble posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:37 PM'''
AND the beat goes on!!
'''Steffani posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:41 PM'''
...or just maybe the more familiar version surfacing?
'''Gerdean posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:41 PM'''
This is The Correcting Time.
You can't fix it if you don't know what it is.
[[48:7|48:7.18 16]]. You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you '''feelingly''' experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.
It is not our job to cut off the useless branches on our peers, only on ourselves.  But when someone's brambles start choking the life out of neighboring vines, it needs to be brought out into the light so we can count the cost of our association.
'''Steffani posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:41 PM'''
From whence cometh the arbiter of what is considered uncivilized, ugly, and/or hurtful?
What value has honesty, integrity, and a willingness to speak one's truth clearly have in your "corner" of 'reality checking'?
'''Steffani posted to tml Tue, May 7, 2013 at 11:02 PM'''
Surely Gerdean, if RON BESSER channels Michael of Nebadon saying we're in for nasty weather, AND all the previous wisdom based universal rules of conduct have been suddenly suspended, we can decide on the basis of his previous prognostications...NONE of which have ever come to pass, whether this newest bit of purportedly morontia gleaned scuttlebutt is likely to be so...and/or a manipulative ploy...or not? 
==May 8, 2013==
'''Rob posted to tml Tue, May 8, 2013 at 3:35 PM'''
One of the great benefits of Ron's exhaustion of appeals to authority is the realization that it is not the presumed authority or celebrity of any teaching that defines its value. We have long since entered an era where the only criteria for such evaluations is the positive effect upon the lives of those who might embrace such teaching. As we know, these positive effects are referred to simply as the fruits of spirit.
'''Marty Greenhut posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:43 PM'''
:"Ron's exhaustion"
:This is what our brother Ron has to deal with.
:He is lost.
:Let's pray that our Shepherd finds him and brings him home.
'''Craig Bergland posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 5:28 PM'''
Regardless of Mr. Besser's accuracy of prediction, his writings are the main reason that I have become so actively involved in all this over the past many moons.  Without them I probably would not have come into this fold as it were.  My interest in the Urantia book would have continued to be mediocre had I not discovered his websites.  And I still greatly enjoy reading his stuff, as to me much of it is thought provoking and genuinely interesting.
So let me say that his work has born fruit, and I am appreciative to him.
I just wish that all concerned here would knock off this terrible negativity.
It is unseemly, and unkind, and if you don't like someone's style -- don't read their stuff.  Isn't that simple?
Let's kiss and make up and move forward?  OK?  There's no reason to be mean spirited on ANY of our parts.
"Anger is like a stone hurled into a hornets nest"
And yes, I take ALL transmissions from other dimensions with a grain of salt.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:01 PM'''
Dear Craig,
If you were to probe beneath the surface of tension that is apparent in this moment, you would find all here appreciate and I daresay actually love Ron. I do, and I have always found his work to be of 'interest'. There are however dangers that beset the crusader spirit if not controlled by spiritual insight and loyal devotion to the commonplace social obligations of human loyalties. ([http://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-standardized/paper-100-religion-in-human-experience?term=crusader%7Cspirit#search-jump-result-10 1]) These have become manifest over time in the Teaching Mission community and it is the effort to guard against such that you witness the chagrin expressed toward this recent episode.
<blockquote>On this world, in particular, people have used their emotions to attain what they would like. A loud voice or flailing of the arms is always a cause for attention. This emotionalism is a negative energy, which goes out to those we have come in contact with and so on, from our contacts to others. What an expansion of negativity! It is said, "the squeaky wheel gets the oil," and along with that creates negative waves of energy and allows others to act from a darker side as well. Emotions used as a form of control is extending beyond falsehood to the beginning of evil. - [http://nordan.daynal.org/wiki/index.php?title=2000-08-14-Use_Logic_To_Diffuse_Emotionalism#Lesson Abraham]</blockquote>
One of the earmarks of Ron's rhetorical style is a peculiarly histrionic appeal to authority.
'''Craig posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:15 PM'''
Dear Rob,
Thank you for your reply.  I should learn to shut my hasty little mouth before I speak of that I do not know.  I will try to research this and cast out the chaff.
However, while I understand chagrin, I do not Grok the meanness displayed by all sides of this conversation.
And I mean all sides.
We are supposed to be learning to be kind gentle beings, and these posts are the antithesis of that.
That said, I will continue to be involved here and read this great stuff.
My love to all, and thanks again for your response.
By your works you shall be known, and that includes snipey emails I suspect.  Woe that I would continue to do that. Ha.  Love to all, thanks, and blessings and peace to all.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:15 PM'''
Hello Craig-
Thank you for allowing the space necessary to tame the beast we all hold within us alongside the divine spirit for which there is no real contest, merely the patient observance of time unfolding our everlasting nature.
'''Ron Besser posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:25 PM'''
Rob you are a threat and a poison to the deliverance of God to Urantia.  I beseech you stop this very stupid aversion to truth and stop playing the fool.  Your work suffers and so do most of us when we hear this trite exposition of what is supposed to be pearls before we swine.
Get about your Father's business and let the list alone.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 7:27 PM'''
Thank you Ron for your encouragement!
'''Craig posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 8:26 PM'''
I had a nice conciliatory post ready to put up, and then these messages appeared.  If you all don't find some common peaceful ground here, without ego and without emotion, I will hunt you down and slap the shit out of you all.
And if I don't find some messages with apologies from all concerned, I am outta here.
(like that matters a whit with this battle of the Titans...)  I will find you in the Morontia worlds and give you all a swift kick in the butt.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 8:31 PM'''
'''John Kimble posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 9:11 PM'''
Brother Craig, are you an only child?  If you are, it would explain why you are having such an hard time dealing with just one of our many family disputes.
We are all brothers and sisters on TML and we truly love one another even though it may not look like it at the time.
Heck, they threat me like the "black sheep of the family" all the time when they ignore me, but that's just the way family members act.
Try not to take it all too seriously and just flow with it as this storm too will pass and the sun of loving kindness will shine once again, I promise you.
Just Flow With It my Brother - it's ALL good.
'''Craig posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 9:47 PM'''
Thanks, John.  I read your posts with vigor on monjoronson site with great appreciation.  No I am from a large family, and I spend much of my time trying to help my brothers and sisters through these perilous times.  I live on my SS, and spend a good portion helping my younger siblings who are in dire straits.
I am having a hard time with these 'disputes' because they are so mean.
Of course I will flow with it.
thanks for the note.
Be warned...ha.
'''Steffani Murray posted to tml Wed, May 8, 2013 at 10:30 PM'''
I dunno Craig, the only person who ever sounds all that upset to me is Ron, whenever anyone doesn't buy into his 'stuff'...
==May 9, 2013==
'''Jim Cleveland posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 9:05 AM'''
Hi Craig, appreciate your thoughts. I'm busy with many projects and don't post regularly. And get few replies when I do.
It is all related to those who see Ron as having personality deficiencies and resent the internet organization he's arbitrarily created without democracy and don't believe that Monjoronson exists.
They don't directly challenge the Monjoronsons of Colorado, Florida, California and the Pacific Northwest. These are other people. But they see Ron as creating a fantasy world with transmitters they don't even know in any respect. And much of this prophecy has proven wrong, wrong, wrong.
This quartet of people each has their own reasons for being anti-Ron and they  state them periodically as this list ebbs and flows through the years. Ron feels obligated, I guess, to use the TML and said he hopes the logjam here is cleared at some time.
This is just a list, of course. We represent the TM at www.teachingmissionnetwork.com and at the Network's Facebook site. We try to respect those who join with Monjoronson and those who fight him. Free will planet, of course.
All of this is temporal. Let's just learn, create and share while we're here.
love, jim
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 10:16 AM'''
The point of order is missed when you think human behavior has no legal restrictions. Our freedom is not derived from the external realm but the inner life. No one quibbles with Ron's spirituality, but his using material work of others as a platform to promote his personal theology while denigrating those he ostensibly represents.
'''Jim posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 10:50 AM'''
Then go ahead and sue Starbridge and continue your long-standing battle from being massively disgruntled at him personally. I'll wait for the court decision.
Our freedom is what we assert. And we can argue endlessly and stand adamantly on its behalf. You are free to disagree.
When you say the Magisterial Mission is Ron's promotion of personal theology, do you think that's true for all the rest of the Monjoronson transmitters? A serious charge. Prove it.
When you say he denigrates TM people, does that mean that he is honest and candid in his reply to an exorbitant amount of condemnation with SORG? Isn't he really denigrating the charges, not the person? I can recall many posts in which Ron has been kind and considerate of Gerdean's concerns and gracious in his statements.
The 'material work' of others consists of transmissions given freely by the celestials and which they would like to share. Ron has been sharing them for over 20 years and they still say what they say.
Suing for damages might be difficult indeed.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 11:22 AM'''
I chose not to pursue a court resolution but to allow the fruit of his actions to run full course. The liberty of faith children of God is not a license to commit theft and fraud though sectarian inspiration argues otherwise.
The Magisterial Mission does not constitute Ron's personal theology thought it forms a part of it. Again, personal theology is not a concern of law. Material property is however.
If you wish to act as public defender for Ron Besser, I wish you well. Expertise as a public relations writer for education in Mississippi will complement the Starbridge reliance on Las Vegas law.
'''Steffani posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 12:11 PM'''
Technically speaking, this list may not even actually exist anymore...
'''Jim posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 12:11 PM''' 
Well, la-di-da.
I'm not Ron's public defender but it remains for you to substantiate charges of  theft and fraud without carelessly letting them fly over the internet. If you won't put up in a court of law, why don't you shut up trying to make us believe your charges. Show some evidence.
In the beginning, TML files were willingly and gladly transported/shared with Ron and the emerging Starbridge by webmaster Russ Gustafson and others in the Teaching Mission. As far as I know, they are still flowing from TM to TM Archives. Has anyone fought to stop the flow? No. It must be okay.
The transcripts flow everywhere else too, including Daynal. The fact that they are used in the Archives via TML does not preclude any transmitter from doing anything she wishes with her transmitted 'work.'  Where are the damages?
I've criticized Ron myself for his arbitrary attitudes and actions in building his domain, and trusting in the purported messages from people that don't ring true and whom I don't know from anybody and are proven wrong. But such organizations as Starbridge, CCC, HARP, O'Dell-Bowen, Truth-Seekers, etc. are not beholden to the Teaching Mission Network and administer themselves as they wish. And not being on the board, I know little or nothing about what they do.  They can be as arbitrary and decisive as they want. And so can the other orgs.
If there were actually malfeasance, corruption, etc. in any organization, I don't expect the Network would take a donation from them. But your charges mean nothing to me. You might just be disgruntled because Starbridge didn't do it your way. These transmissions in the Archives are no more stolen than the ones we use on any number of other websites. They were published on TML and have been re-published many times since. They are in permanent archives. Too late to close that barn door. But where are the damages?
The credibility of the Teaching Mission? Ha! Gimme a break. Who even knows about it? And on Ron's site the basic TM transcripts are listed and compiled SEPARATELY from the other stuff; that was done on purpose. Why? Because these are separate missions.
And if you want to seem less personally biased against Ron, go ahead and attack transmitters in four other states who regularly transmit Monjoronson. May as well blow the whole thing open by calling a number of other good people frauds too. Why be shy? After all, Monjoronson does not exist and you do. Time to take a broader stand.  And Calvinism still reigns in Salt Lake City, so you can get an ally there, though one that probably requires a repudiation of  Daniel in Colorado and the rest of the "Anything Goes' anti-Christ forces he sees in his brain.
Oh well, I jest. It's clear that, in the human mind, anything really does go. And it keeps going.
We will accept the gift from Starbridge and any other organization that considers the publication of our Teaching Mission history volumes to be a good thing. You've given me no good reason why we shouldn't. They are innocent of  'theft and fraud' in the absence of evidence.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 12:11 PM''' 
You fail to distinguish between the personal and professional.  TMArchives claims copyright over all the content on the site  This is fraudulent in itself. No rights have been assigned by the authors to Starbridge. Over $10,000 was given to Starbridge by Teaching Mission participants who were later denied any regard for how their "property' was to be used. If that was not bad enough, Ron Besser personally requested in writing that the Starbridge Board return the asset called "the archives" to him. When he and the Board realized this was against the law, he physically took possession. As the Board complied with his illegal request, they are complicit in the infraction. Nevertheless, when the state of North Carolina asked me for authorization to transfer registry of Starbridge to the state of Pennsylvania, I chose then to allow the natural course to find its own equilibrium. Since then, all the board members have resigned citing Ron's inability to work with them e.g. under the by-laws of the corporation. Worse still, all but a remnant of the Teaching Mission groups have disappeared following this default of trust by Starbridge. The more recent frenzy of apocalyptic pronouncements have only underscored the lack of credibility occupying  an otherwise legally chartered organization. Alas, Starbridge lives by virtue of the law under which it was chartered and in spite of Ron Besser's 'behavior' inspired by his theology. Until such time as Starbridge is either dissolved or corrected, the name we know as The Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission suffers from association with theft and fraud.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 12:58 PM''' 
Its surviving 'owner' has retired from any concern with it. Its disappearance is a matter of time. It functions by virtue of its original investment of resources much like Starbridige does.
'''Jim posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 1:15PM''' 
You should go to the authorities with these charges. I am sure Ron can answer all of them and probably already has, but none of this is my concern. Starbridge deserves a day in court and charges, like mud, has to stick. I'm not going to reject their gift on hearsay and unproven charges.
I don't see theft and fraud yet, you haven't answered my replies to that, shown me any damages or any way that Ron has retarded the Teaching Mission at all.
Copyright is ordinarily obtained for the contents of websites. You know this. All site owners are frauds then.
Or perhaps they are copyrighting the entire presentation of the site and not the individual components. Much as copyrights are issued for the Bible and the Urantia Book.  If I run someone's essay on my site, I couldn't even begin to copyright it for myself.
I am sure that any lessons pulled from the TM Archives can be used without restriction. Ron does not control teachers or transmitters or their transmissions, nor does he seek to.
The Teaching Mission remains free, after all these years, to forge its own identity. But it has beset itself with personality discords and critical judgments of other people's beliefs.
Who are the current members of the Starbridge board? I'd like to email them for comments. I would like to also affirm from Roxanne and Daniel that, even after resigning from Starbridge, that they still support his work. I would also like to affirm if the Northwest group supports Ron and the Magisterial Mission or you. How does silent Russ feel about it? How many  Monjoronson transmitters believe he's fraudulent? Just the one?
'''Michael McCray posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 1:22PM''' 
What's that Steffani?
'''Jim posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 1:26PM''' 
So if the surviving and disinterested and silent owner  is  Russ, maybe he'd like to turn over the discussion group to an entity, like Starbridge, in return for requiring that e-mailed transmissions be published expediently and continually on a dedicated TM Archives set-up. But wait .... that's already being done, I believe.
I don't believe any restrictions were made regarding any other differentiated content on the site. We could add a disclaimer onto the pure TM lessons, if we can ascertain them, and sever any relationship to TR we don't believe or agree with. Our transmissions are good but we don't condone any others.
This hosting would show Ron's ecumenical side in that he provides a forum for SORG and a few other commentators to berate him. Lovely example of turn the other cheek.
SORG might well get rankled over the new list ownership and look for its own server. Maybe Yahoo .....
In the meantime, maybe Russ is wise just to stay out of it.
'''Gerdean posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 1:44PM''' 
In this instance, it is not about Monjoronson who, by now, to anybody, ought to be clear is a joke.  Que Sera se Ra.
In this instance, the problem is the announcement that Thea, liberated from the confines of the flesh some years ago, has come waltzing into Mr. Besser's mind from the ethers.  Not long ago, Mark Rogers and Henry Zeringe both alleged to be transmitting Rick Giles, our comrade who was also liberated from the confines of the flesh some years ago.  The UB makes it clear (somewhere) that it is not permitted for mortals to make contact with their planet of nativity, and yet Mark, Henry and Ron have all opted to cross that line and push that boundary. The difference is that Mark and Henry are mere T/R's, while Ron is an administrator.  He has power.  And he is misusing his power to teach untruths, evidently because they garnet "hits" on his website. 
My contention is that Ron Besser is not only guilty of yellow journalism -- he doesn't care a whit about the responsibilities of teaching truth, beauty and goodness (which what this mission is all about) -- he is guilty of treason!  He has sold our spiritual integrity down the river for popularity.
Just remember, Jim, he who signs the checks holds the power.  You let Mr. Besser pay for the publication of your book (OUR book, about the Teaching Mission, to which our stories have been contributed in faith), he will own you.  Mark my words.  In fact, it looks like he has you where he wants you, even now.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 2:02PM''' 
Once again, I decided years ago to let this matter takes it natural course, and we are seeing this unfold now as we have over the past 6 or 7 years. Otherwise, all questions concerning Starbridge 'business' should be directed to its current President. As far as I am concerned, the Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission are components of a larger program of spiritual education seeking materialization in and through 'us', each and all.
Looking forward,
'''Jim posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 2:22PM''' 
Such crap. None of you folks has any power over me. And I've been hearing  your diatribes for years and years and years -- in an ever-widening arena with more and more targets and I still don't see any of your targets as guilty of anything.
The Teaching Mission is unprecedented and unique. So is the Correcting Time. It's possible that Michael and the teachers want to build this bridge between the human and the ascender. Who are you to say it's impossible or a fraud or self-delusion since you don't really have any idea. You credit yourself with great knowledge but rely on it being in a book from many decades ago. There is nothing about Michael's Correcting Time mission in there.
The book was printed and distributed a long time ago with information that could be presented at the time. Now, we are moving forward in spirit consciousness and all things related.
Change is more constant than most things.
And ..... I retain my spiritual integrity. None of you folks matter in that regard.
And .... I don't see that false transmissions from Ron's crew translates into popularity for him. You don't make yourself popular with erroneous information. He must have other motivations, as do we all.
Thanks anyway. You have now officially disdained all of the Teaching Mission groups in the country except for Calvin's. And even though Calvin disdains us all, the fact that he disdains Ron specifically makes you throw in with him.
The Teaching Mission history has always been OUR history. Ron is a contributor and has long been a part of the project. I have remained determined not to let the Monjo vs. Anti-Monjo conflict stop the book and I am determined not to let this ever-festering boil stop the financing of it either.
later, jim
'''Gerdean posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 3:05PM''' 
Would it come as any surprise to you, JIm, that I would like my story to be removed from your collection of testimonies?  In as much as you have so little regard for my mission in life, which is indissolubly tied in with the Urantia Papers, perhaps it would far better serve everyone concerned if we just nip it in the bud right here and take me out before it goes any further.  I have already wasted a lot of valuable time and gained too much notoriety from my unwilling association with Mr. Besser's TMArchives; I really don't look forward to further notoriety through his Teaching Mission History.
I submitted my story in good faith that this was a Teaching Mission book, and was based on the premise that the Teaching Mission was a UB-based movement.  As it is developing, there is so little to connect the two, the TeaM has been reduced to what "they" say it is -- a sham, piggy-backing on the revelation, without a leg to stand on.  I didn't sign up for this.  The premise of the book has changed since I submitted my story.  I have not changed, but the book has changed, and now that it is being financed by Starbridge -- an organization that came into being through fraudulent means, that solicits funds for material it had no right to in the first place, it has, again, gone too far.
And while we're at it, maybe you'd better remove me from the Teaching Mission Network, as well.  I'm not in this to make a name for myself, or to sell books or CDs, or to gain entry into the New Age culture. I am here to teach friendship with a personal God. 
'''Jim posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 6:31PM'''   
Well, well. Pretty interesting stuff. Will get back to you later. I have an important appointment to go over and help a friend fold up some highway maps.
ps I will note that you now have a perfect record of leaving all movements in a huff with new people added to your shit list. You don't stay the course and work within organizations but you do some good work while you're there.
'''Rob posted to tml Wed, May 9, 2013 at 6:32PM''' 
But they do have power over their work and rightly so. Any who uses the work of others for any purpose do well to treat them with utmost respect for without them, the purpose withers.
<blockquote>"On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Jim Cleveland <jamescleveland@tds.net> wrote:"</blockquote>
<blockquote>"None of you folks has any power over me."</blockquote>
==May 10, 2013==
'''Jim posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 6:51AM'''   
Respect runs both ways, my friend.
There are some 40 contributors in the book and they say exactly what they want to say about their experiences with celestials. Their story is respected by me and I hoped it would be respected by their fellow writers.
Or based on one participant's accusations, not respected by many, should I ask Ron to remove his chapter after planning for it for 4 years, and tell him his money is no good because his organization has been charged with theft and fraud.
I suppose then that those who support Monjoronson would want their chapters removed because of my judgmental bias.
I respect my contributors and their opinions and have solicited Gerdean's for years. But I don't enjoin the conflicts over 'authority' that she has had with just about everybody over the years.
You can continue your tml assaults of Ron as long as you wish. You can continue to believe that Ron has violated "intellectual property" of a particular transmitter. But I don't personally transmit intellectual property belonging to anyone and don't get the concept.
love jim
'''Rob posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 7:04AM'''   
Truth is unfolding notwithstanding the best laid plans of mice and men.
'''Jim posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 11:28AM''' 
OK, back again. Where do we start?
Seems that reality always takes a holiday when your partisan rhetoric gets cranked up.
Let's see. Since Ron's Starbridge operations are fraudulent thieves per you and Rob, you want your chapter removed. After all these years of knowing that all TMers were invited to write their own experiences and views and we would give them the respect they deserve with their piece, you now give him no respect at all and only rancor because of your perceptions of his organization. His gift is tainted and we should hurtfully throw it back in his face per you and SORG ....... if we are to be true to the Urantia Book. Suddenly the Urantia Book becomes your cloak of righteousness and another spear hurled from your redoubt. Ron violates the Fifth Epochal Revelation. If you're not sure whether he's a crook or not, there is that blasphemy.
I'm sure, Gerdean, that this puts a lot of people in your box of condemnation, including our friends who believe they are transmitting Jonathan. Over the years you have confided in me personally to fire criticisms of fraud and (horrors!) presumed authority over you at many people, all of them still here and doing service work of significance. I remember it all, from 'queen bee' Rebecca and down through the ages. I wish you could finally get over your own tortured mind and give the rest of us some respect in what we believe and want to do, whether or not it agrees with your views and your path.
The Teaching Mission history remains what it was, with the addition of the Urantia chapter you've complained about. I've explained why it is included at various times and stand by all of those explanations. No need to explain again when it will be ignored. You profess to appreciate Vern Grimsley and the Family of God ideals but you have done nothing to clear his name and polish his reputation. I do it and you're mad about it. You don't want to aggravate the situation by straightening it out. You don't want to irritate contemptuous blowhards who are damaging our revelation. Doesn't compute.
And here's this gem at the bottom of your post.
YOU: While we're at it, maybe you'd better remove me from the Teaching Mission Network, as well.  I'm not in this to make a name for myself, or to sell books or CDs, or to gain entry into the New Age culture. I am here to teach friendship with a personal God. 
Such nasty insinuations about making a 'name' for myself, selling books and CDs, deviating deleteriously to new agers. You, however, are cloaked in the goodness of simple teaching of friendship with God. Such pretentious self-righteous and devastatingly false crap. When have you done that? The Portal covers the entire planet and beyond and includes many authors who don't believe in the Urantia Book .... not when they can have their own movement.
These books and the CDs will do more for Stillness friendship with God in their first week of release than you will do in your entire lifetime on Urantia. And they will serve the cause for many years. And, believe me, you will be remembered too.
Too late to inject the 20-year battle with Ron into this project, however. It raged before the project was conceived, it rages on. Other than a couple of paragraphs of mention, it is all superflous to the book.
But it all reminds me of a telling story, back when you and I and Thea talked at length, and with enthusiasm about establishing a real Internet Community of teacher groups around the country. High hopes. But then Thea said she could not, in good conscience, spend time in graphic design and network promoting groups that transmitted the fictional Monjoronson. She just couldn't bring herself to do it.
Who can argue with another person's conscience? We have had a divided would-be community since Monjoronson showed up.
The reason why can be seen clearly in the fact that some people actually blame it on him for showing up at all. And the fact that a number of humans think that a number of other humans are either deluded or frauds and they think that constantly in their lives, often based on whether you like their personality traits or not.
If the Teaching Mission goes into demise, it will be because we couldn't comprehend or practice the lessons, even after years of repetition.
best wishes, jim
ps With this additional information, I'm sure you will want to continue with your fellows in making these books special, important work that rises above all the bickering. And since the Starbridge gift has no strings attached and is in support of all our work, we could possibly allow the Starbridge funds to support the Joys of Stillness CD. This would allow yourself and others to step in and finance the books, a great opportunity to be a part of the work and establish a lasting mark of philanthropy yourself. It's tax deductible.
'''Rob posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 11:39 AM''' 
Free associations are by definition - free! Happily, the Teaching Mission is a spiritual initiative expanding well beyond the circles of its inception regardless of any human organization(s).
'''Gerdean posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 2:17 PM'''
"if we are to be true to the Urantia Book. Suddenly the Urantia Book becomes ...."
There is no "suddenly" about it.
I have always been steadfast about the Urantia Papers.  Always.  Since they found me in 1968.  I made my first commitment to its teachings back then, and again after Alan and I divorced, and again after the NM TeaM died a natural death in it's 8th year.
I don't disdain or condemn any of these people, including you, Jim (unless it would be for transmitting Donald Duck in introducing the Teaching Mission to a new group of people in Ohio that day) but I have not held it against you all these years.  Much of what we do -- all of us -- is naive, dumb, thoughtless, innocent.  What I make noise about is the teaching of error as if it were truth when it is bound to affect the future course of destiny; there is no excuse for taking deliberate backward steps. We should know better.  If we don't know better, then we should hang up our shingle and go back to class.
'''Ginny  posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 2:27 PM'''
I would like to know exactly what you think has been stated erroneously in the teaching mission that is contrary to the UB. I've read most of your posts but may have scanned too quickly. Refresh my memory if you please..thanks.......Ginny
'''Gerdean posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 3:15 PM'''
In the current instance, it is the idea that T/R's can transmit Thea Hardy, Rick Giles and other former TeaM associates from their new home in Mansonia.  The UB is very clear that this is not permitted.  And for obvious reasons.  Yet it is being set forth by my well-meaning brethren, and this error is a major set-back for the angels of progress, imo.
'''Ginny posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 4:52 PM'''
This is my thinking on that.
1) Everything that is true is not in the UB, but all that is in the UB is true. Even so,-
2) Truth does not mean that it never changes. Very little remains static in this universe. Even the Supreme Himself grows and changes.
3) If we can communicate here on planet earth with beings BEYOND our level of understanding, why can't they communicate with us? And they do. And they have. My understanding of that law, that we CANNOT do so with recent passings into mansonia, is because  we had not, at the time that was written, evolved far enough to be able to do so to be able to receive as well as speak to them. I believe Rick and Thea were advanced enough in spirit growth to be ABLE to do so. Most humans aren't, I believe. I see no difference between their ability to reach us and our ability to hear them from that side as well as from this one.
My best answer to this is my own personal experience of being present when Mark transmitted Jonathan. I was shocked and astounded when he began and he himself showed how nervous he was in doing this, but he kept himself open to receiving Jonathan's message. I struggled too, to remain open and tried to "feel" his presence rather than let my mind object. And already "knowing" Jonathan when he was with us, I gradually felt that yes, it was he and soft gentle tears flowed as I experienced this phenomanal happening. I recognized his presence, rather than allow a "fact" interfere with my experience. So you see, that mandate from the UB became "expanded" and now it is true that we CAN communicate with SOME beings. Truth grows and changes, even from the UB. All I can say is that I experienced something true (for me) and the fact in the UB simply expanded and changed since we have expanded and changed.
My thinking and experience only...Ginny
'''Jim posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 5:40 PM'''
"if we are to be true to the Urantia Book. Suddenly the Urantia Book becomes ...."
There is no "suddenly" about it.
I have always been steadfast about the Urantia Papers.  Always.  Since they found me in 1968.  I made my first commitment to its teachings back then, and again after Alan and I divorced, and again after the NM TeaM died a natural death in it's 8th year.
Jim: This is exactly true for me. I am a fundamentalist in that the text is absolutely correct in all it says.
I don't disdain or condemn any of these people, including you, Jim (unless it would be for transmitting Donald Duck in introducing the Teaching Mission to a new group of people in Ohio that day) but I have not held it against you all these years.  Much of what we do -- all of us -- is naive, dumb, thoughtless, innocent.  What I make noise about is the teaching of error as if it were truth when it is bound to affect the future course of destiny; there is no excuse for taking deliberate backward steps. We should know better.  If we don't know better, then we should hang up our shingle and go back to class.
Jim: Holy Cow! Where did that come from? Transmit Donald Duck. Ha! Would like to read that transcript.
What I remember is that several of us transmitted alongside some Spiritists who were channeling in their way. We shared the experiences. They had a woman minister and had taken over an old property near downtown Columbus. Nice co-experience. And ... Or maybe that was another day maybe ...
On one day or other meeting in Columbus, OH, I wore a Bugs Bunny t-shirt which had caused some casual conversation And when Tarkas transmitted he made reference to it and our camaraderie, spinning a lesson around the term, What's Up Doc?" What is up .... doctor? What IT is .... is that we have to study and know ourselves, our inner selves, and be our own doctors for our minds, bodies and spirits and they should and can work in harmony.  This is how we rise UPward in life. I guess teachers don't mind using a Bugs Bunny imploration.
It seemed to be a nice transmission but not sure that I, the transmitter, have read it. Did it seem like Donald Duck was talking? That would be quackery?
It's amazing that this is something that has been pent up in you for so long ..... truly amazing. Glad it's clarified. When I introduce new people, it's invariably Tarkas who shows up.
Otherwise on that subject of what kinds of things we might do ....and what kind of stuff has come from alleged and incredulous Extensions of the Teaching Mission ... I'm thinking that each new episode of supposed spiritual influx may be yet another teaching tool. Like ....."Taking our collected lessons over the years ...... here ..... do you believe this? Well, what about this? And why?
The Kingdom of Heaven is Within.
And like the urban cowboy song: Looking for Love in all the wrong places doesn't get it. It's nowhere that you would have to look for it.
cheers, jim
ps I'm sure Donald will get a laugh too. I'll tell him when we go down to the popcorn shoppe tonight with Huey, Dewey and Lewey. Not sure Lewey can make it, may have a date with Patchouli.
'''Gerdean posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 5:56 PM'''
The Disney transmission is hardly what I would call "pent up."  Did you neglect to read the comment that "I have not held it against you all these years."  One can remember things without them being a resentment.  Just as one can forgive but not forget until time heals all wounds ... and wounds all heels (all of our Achilles heels will be set straight before it's over)
'''Steffani posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 6:15 PM'''
"What I make noise about is the teaching of error as if it were truth when it is bound to affect the future course of destiny; there is no excuse for taking deliberate backward steps."
Tell it like it IS...That fer sure is TRUE!
'''Jim posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 7:08 PM'''
Oh .... that's right. I think 'pent up' was the wrong term, often used in pent-up rage.
I should have said it was a misconception perhaps, maybe a longstanding misconception.
And one that I regret that you had. Donald Duck? Am still astounded. And stll pretty amused.
ps I was transmitting Sylvester the Cat one night and the front row got all wet. Suffering Succotash!!
'''Gerdean posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 9:35 PM'''
No pent up rage here.  I spewed my pent up rage a few years ago. It was good to the last drop.  I just get periodically pissed ... IF I have the energy ... and it is quite feeble and short-lived so I don't expect to be taken seriously.   
I think you're right.  It might have been Bugs Bunny instead of Donald Duck.  It was certainly one of the Disney characters.  Maybe I T/R'd Tinkerbell once, too. As I said, we have all done something "naive, dumb, thoughtless, innocent" ...  But nobody takes that seriously.  Such will not alter the course of destiny.
'''Jim posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 10:00 PM'''
Hi again,
No, no, no, no. I TRed Tarkas. And that's the truth. Didn't seem naive, dumb, etc., just the same friendly, fatherly advice he always intones.
But certainly we've all done and been those things at some time or other.
cheers, jim
'''Craig Bergland posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 10:00 PM'''
Good to the last drop...
Ha. Great.
Seems to me there are far more brutal things going on in this whacky world than dissent on these lists.  My good neighbor has a brother kidnapped in Mexico, whose son paid half the ransom (not enough) and was murdered.  These email wars are picayune IMVHO, and I hope to personally work toward solving real problems that are far more serious than disgruntled emailers.
But then I am a newbie here so do not know whereof I speak.
I suspect deep down that we are all the same person, so violence to one is violence to all.
Bruised egos would seem to be the lesser of our problems.
Have a nice day, and I'm still waiting to see some reconciliation here and niceness.
'''John Kimble (Stute) posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 10:34 PM'''
You see Craig, nothing but Love and laughter in the mist of this mess.  Just Flow and Laugh my Brother, Flow and Laugh.
You really crack me up Jim and good points made by you too Ginny.
We'll just one big happy dysfunctional Family.  I can't wait until we continue all of this on the Mansion Worlds in a group face to face.  Boy! that ought to be a real smack down.
Now that's a gathering I wouldn't miss for nothing.
'''Craig B. posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 11:04 PM'''
Me too, and I am seriously looking forward to that.
I am soooo looking forward to that.
AND, we may have some genuine help from our fellow celestials, too.  How about that?
Peace be with you, my good brother.
Laughter and humor is the best medicine. And tolerance.
And, BTW, I will still find you antagonists/egoists on the Morontia worlds, and smack you upside the head for your egocentric intolerance. Be warned.
Such arrogance on my mealy part...
THX John.
And, BTW, some sources suggests the UB has intentional errors, but I do not Grok it enough to say.
Good is God with an extra O.
Looking forward eventually to the Mansion worlds, and endless Universities, as surely as we all are.
My love and blessings.
"Now that's a gathering I would miss for nothing"
'''Steffani posted to tml Thur, May 10, 2013 at 11:52 PM'''
Gerdean wasn't there at the session with the spiritualists, Jim...just us, Steph G., Doug, and Willie. All was serious healing related messages that day, with the lady having a recurrence or exacerbation of her cancer, if I recall the time at their historic church building correctly...Maybe this spoof session Gerdean is referencing was at the tri-state meeting the year before I moved to Columbus, because I don't remember anything like that at the next one, a wonderful event held in a meeting room at the local Unity church. It sure was encouraging regarding spiritual progress when TeaM folks had meetings and conferences regardless of our personal and social differences!
Ever Interesting,
...how and what we each perceive and remember
==May 11, 2013==
'''Gerdean posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 12:01 AM'''
We met first en masse at a restaurant for a sumptuous meal, sponsored by .... whom? the Columbus Urantia Book readers group? ... after the meal we drove to a different location for a transmission.  Not all attended; many cordially declined.  But we met in what seems to be a reception room or a large entry hall, maybe even somebody's uncluttered living room.  I seem to remember Jim, who served as a facilitator of this "unveiling" of the Teachers to the local yokels, leading us in Stillness and launching into T/R mode with the Disney character.
I don't remember who all was there (except that's where I first met Willie Veerhauf) and I think Jim was with Suzanne who was quite stunning that day. 
'''Steffani posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 12:01 AM'''
Maybe if you spent some time with that Mexican cartel, Craig...we'd seem downright lovey-dovey in our interactions...'Cause really, there's not a soul here who wishes any harm to any of their beloved brethren. (except maybe...?) As a person from a large family, you must know how sibling conversations can get even when the love is very strong and REAL?
'''Steffani posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 12:26 AM'''
Yes, the Country Club for lunch, I think you and Angus spent the night at my place that time...then to the room at the Unity church...I don't remember Tarkas commenting on a Disney character...probably just a momentary laugh too insignificant to remember in relation to the more spiritual content. Later that night, or maybe it was the one before, there was a great dinner at that terrific Mediterranean restaurant on High Street, right by OSU. Jim was there with a vivacious dark haired lady, who I only met that one time...Michael Painter reminisced about the dark days of Myers tenure as a trustee at the Foundation in Chicago!
As far as celestials spoofing our cultural icons though, during my initial (and late) encounter with TeaM at IC'96...Machiventa  kidding around about Star Trek at one of the 'up the hill' sessions was a life changing meaningful moment for me...I became a wholehearted believer on the spot, although it's hard to say why that was so significantly endearing it instantly won me over! And I've NEVER had a moment's doubt since either!
'''Gerdean posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 1:11 AM'''
There is something endearing about a teacher who will get down on the floor and play with his students (figuratively speaking).  I can appreciate the quality of reverence when that is appropriate but I can also appreciate when the tone is not so lofty as to give me a stiff neck. 
The fact is, no matter what we say or do as T/Rs, no matter what any teacher may or may not say, folks are going to find value in the Teaching Mission format or not, on their own.  I always like to factor in who comprises the group, who the teacher is speaking to, for the message will adapt to accommodate the comprehension level of the students.
'''Jim posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 7:13 AM'''
Hi Ginny, I believe that you are exactly correct.
And I know that I'm no expert on what is possible and what is impossible and should recognize that.
In God all things are possible.
'''Jim posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 11:17 AM'''
It seemed opportune for Tarkas to comment on my shirt, which had a laid-back Bugs Bunny coming out of the pocket. Should have chosen more proper attire for being a designated transmitter. Clothing can be distracting to an audience, I'll bet.
I have a Bob Marley Love Tee now .... maybe that would have worked better. Or another with John Lennon and NYC.
Or maybe a golfing shirt with Adidas on it.
Or maybe basic black ..... or in this case basic white .....
'''Jim posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 11:28 AM'''
Bugs Bunny is Warner Bros. and not Disney. His compatriots via Director I. Freleng and voicemaster Mel Blanc include Elmer Fudd, Daffy Duck, Porky and Petunia Pig, the Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote, Tweety Bird and Droopy, Foghorn Leghorn, Spike and the little Chicken Hawk, Pepe LePew, Sylvester the Cat and San Fernando Red.
Walter Lantz had Andy Panda, Woody Woodpecker and Oswald Rabbit.
MGM had Tom and Jerry (and Carmen Miranda.)
The XXX market had Fritz the Cat.
The R market had Betty Boop.
The same company had Mighty Mouse.  Like Mickey with muscles and a flying cape. Big black nose is the same.
Disney started with mice and began a magnate and has used every real and imagined creature of all time .... including the Little Mermaid, who was apparently born without nipples .... which are regarded as salacious or something ....
'''Steffani posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 11:56 AM'''
Just goes to show how ignorant I've chosen to remain about all these silly and unreal characters...I guess the Roadrunner and Betty Boop with their respective BeepBeep and BoopBoopBeDoo are the only two of the lot I remember as funny or cute...of course I did read R.Crum(b?) during my hippie flower child days...and Marvel Comics!
I've always considered Disney and all he's ever done as kind of repulsive...especially turning charming small 'old Florida' towns into one giant generic megaglopolis in the center of the Sunshine State, including the Silver Spurs Rodeo town of Kissimmee...all the way east to the huge Mormon ranch holdings extending from there to west Melbourne! I've adored everything 'old school' and non-plastic-fantastic since I was a 'tween'...and now that I'm grannie age I still can say that's never changed...although I do appreciate the "as above so below" networking effect of the new phones and computers...We get to know what the 'bad guys' are up to almost as soon as they do it, which may eventually lead to an opportunity for all the 'good guys' to actually do something about it!
Especially NOW that it's become apparent that the Celestial Hierarchy isn't going to step in and fix the situation for us, but apparently expects us to clean up our own stinky litterbox all by ourselves...
Let's just hope we don't wait too long to do it!
No one SUPERHERO is going to show up to do it for us either, we are each responsible for our own little corner of the galaxy, no matter how itty bitty it may be!
'''Oliver posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 12:04 PM'''
During my early morning prayer I asked Christ Michael to tell me what my priorities should be. To explain why, would take too long.
He said that he can not do that.
I understood the why when I started my day and did something altogether different than I had planned during my contemplation. I saw immediately why Christ Michael doe not tell me. I have free will and I need to make those decisions that allow for my growth. I had to laugh.
The micro-management expressed in this alleged communication is purely human.
Yes, it is worth saving, Rob, for all to see its sheer ludicrousness — in the future, of course. Leave my sister Thea alone already. She is without pain and does not crap any longer.
'''Oliver posted to tml Thur, May 11, 2013 at 2:41 PM'''
Hello Oliver-
I couldn't agree more! It shows that any "history", including that of the Teaching Mission, could never capture the living color of its human experience.

Latest revision as of 23:56, 12 December 2020


WARNING: Readers should be apprised of conflicting assessments of the ABC Summaries, occurring specifically in the documents Conversations with Monjoronson numbers 65, 66, and 67.--rdavis 19:32, 14 January 2013 (UTC)

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