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FEBRUARY 17, 2002
FEBRUARY 25, 2002
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. It always feels like home no matter where we meet because we are together. I want to express my gratitude to you that remain devoted to our Brother/Father Michael's cause. I believe at times as mortals it is difficult to really appreciate the participation we are involved with and know how grand this adventure really is.
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. My heart is full when I see how much you care for one another. I am always inspired to become more than I am. I will not settle for a lesser route to be more than I am because it is more simple, no. While I appreciate those times of comfort and ease, I do realize I am less inclined to reach upward for help. My involvement in your lives certainly keeps me inspired to learn more, grow more and become more than I am, yes. As I make effort to serve in Michael's Mission, I am also served and tremendously blessed. I thank you for your patience and willingness to proceed ever forward.
For these past weeks we have been discussing apostleship and how we can best fill that position. We have spoke of attachments and learning the true nature of our Father and Michael. We have discussed worship being a wonderful tool in that it helps us to stand aside from our limited thinking, to be open to grand divine possibilities. Tonight we will discuss another tool that brings us closer to the divine realm and also discover who we are really meant to be.
Over these years I have been witness to literally viewing your [personal] worlds increase incorporating those possibilities that seemed impossible before, yes. I understand as a mortal you tend to be quite harsh on your seemingly slow way of progression. It is with experience and time that you can see you have actually expanded your mind, your personal world. There are moments in this life that seem overwhelming and you cannot possibly bear one more difficulty. I understand the feelings of inadequacy as your difficulties enfold you. I have known the fear and pain of loss in the mortal life, but I can say that these experiences are the very thing that expands your mind so you can advance spiritually.
Down through history man has viewed service as something that is performed by the lower levels of humankind. As time passed man has thought service to be a worthy sacrifice that helped them to gain favor with the gods. With evolution service is gaining a new definition. What is it to serve your fellows? Some still believe it does in some ways detract from the server. Serving can take time, money, energy and hard work.
In a short time we will celebrate the Master's day of resurrection. It was a time of releasing the old to take up the new. It was a time of dying to the old ways and being reborn in the new. While mortal life can come with a great many complexities, we can always take comfort in the fact that everything changes, everything becomes new. I realize there is comfort to some in the mundane. It seems safe and without surprises, but personal spiritual growth is quite slowed.
Our greatest benefit from being of service to our fellows is a closer personal relationship to Father and the divine realm. To serve out of a love for God literally takes us from an ego mind-set to a mind-set quite like the Master Himself possessed. With evolution we have learned that we do not have to be of service--we need to. We need to be a part of the inner workings of the wheel of life. Serving takes us from focus on self to something greater, something so much more than what we are.
You have known individuals who live with a great amount of fear and their safety net is a life that is uneventful, unmoving and not going toward any purpose, any goal. They seem to only to exist, not really live--just exist. Those individuals who are somewhat balanced in this mortal life look forward to daily challenges, unplanned experiences and surprises. They have their safety net in the spiritual life. The spiritual life is a source of energy that keeps you wanting to strive for a personal best, moving towards a life in the Spirit, a perfected life, if you will.
Anyone who has ever seen the satisfaction on the face of a child, who has been thanked for performing a selfless act of service, knows that there is definitely a living energy, a gateway to balanced self-esteem, an opening to belief in a divine realm. Of course, the child craves the praise, but praise alone will not encourage them to keep serving, no. A belief in that they are useful, needed beings among the whole of society teaches them cosmic responsibility. Selfless serving teaches a child that they are not the center of the universe, but most definitely an equal part of it, along with all their fellows.
We are inspired by the Master's life, where He was born as every child is, and faces all the same daily difficulties and masters a life in the flesh. His life was quite eventful at times and He took each moment as if it were the only moment to focus on at the time. He relied on Father and His past experiential training to move Him through events with enduring strength, unfailing love and spiritual energy. He moved through the mortal life without complaining, without being so entangled in unpleasant past experiences. He learned from the past, but He did not dwell on it. He was not so injured by it--as He was taught by it--to become who He was meant to be.
When we view some of the elderly in your society, they are without value because they are no longer needed or considered a productive part of the whole. If the people of Urantia knew how detrimental this was to their seniors, they would most definitely implement a new plan to put these valuable citizens back into productive positions. We can understand how some of the elderly become bitter in mind, frail in body and hopeless in attitude. Can you imaging the self-worth of these downcast individuals?
While the Master was indeed a divine being, He also knew very well what life was in the flesh. There is no doubt that Father was indeed His great strength and comfort, but I would also mention that He found much inspiration and energy among His fellows. While His divine side did find spiritual fulfillment from the Father, His mortal side found satisfaction in the love and acceptance of His fellows.
Alzheimer's disease is not merely a physical aliment within the brain, but almost an escape for those who no longer feel needed and productive. On the other end of that spectrum, the seniors, who are still employed or volunteering or taking part in their family life, act with more energy than many of our young people today. They are at the end of life and still they are with a beautiful countenance, a lively radiance and a smile that goes on forever.
As we ponder the upcoming Easter holiday, we will definitely find strength in the life of the Master. Was He weak for seeking out His fellows company? Was He inadequate all by Himself? No. Jesus exhausted all His human and divine resources. His fellows faith and good cheer gave Him energy and reminded Him of the reason He persevered through many trials.
We need not to serve out of spiritual obligation, no. We need to serve because that is the energy that moves life. Service is the act and love is the consequence. We become more humbled in true service, not exalted because we show ourselves to be good and highly worthy of our fellows praise. Service becomes an honor--not a duty. It becomes a feeling that you stand side-by-side working with Father.
It has been said that many times the Master was beside Himself. This was in fact a reconciliation of His spirit with Father's. It was an alignment of wills. It was setting aside personal desires for the Father to work. It was dying to the old ways to take up the new. In the seemingly overburdening mortal life you can also become as the Master was and be beside yourself, align your will with Father's. Release the heavy burden. Realize that you are not left alone to carry on in life's difficulties. You can lay down the old to take up the new.
How shall I serve? You will know. It will seem completely natural and unextraordinary. It will seem quite simple. True service does not deplete the energy of heart and mind; it may physically certainly, but you know if your intentions are true by the spiritual elation and closeness to Father that you feel. We need to serve. Through service we are given balanced mental and emotional stability on many levels, yes. We go beyond the self, material mortal that seems real, to a spiritual morontia level that gives you a taste of what is to come, yes.
As we think about the Master's resurrection we cannot go without remembering Pentecost, when the Spirit was poured out upon all flesh and the repercussions therefrom. As we commit to laying down the old, we are asking to be reborn and rejuvenated in Spirit. This is truly a baptism of the Spirit. Your own personal faith will only allow you to go so far with this idea, but if the individual is willing, the Spirit of Truth is ready. Allow the grime of spirit poisons to be washed away by our Purifier, our Spirit of Truth, our Brother/Father, yes. Allow yourselves to be bathed in the light of truth. Allow your attitudes to become refreshed, your minds to become expanded and open to new possibilities.
I would suggest that you look for opportunities to be of service this week and also allow your fellows to serve you. Remember we all need to serve out of feeling universe connection, not human obligation. Move away from focus on attachments to a new focus on new goals. Continue with a few moments of daily worship when you find opportunity, yes. A few questions.
This week I ask you to journal those past experiences you insist on dwelling in and how this creates blockage to the new. Study the Master's resurrection and the day of Pentecost. Plan time to be still and open to that baptism of the Spirit. Father does truly desire your happiness and He knows your dreams. He works to incorporate His lessons into helping you find the desires of your heart, yes. A few questions.
ANGIE: Abraham, I have a question about finding a way to exist in peace with my parents and family, who don't agree with me and my daughter not going to church. How can I resolve the tension there?
CALVIN: Abraham, we welcome our friends, Geredean and Angus for the record and Michele for the first time. Thank you for your lesson. (Certainly. Welcome.)
ABRAHAM: This will possibly always be a difficulty in your life, but it can become better by showing them an example of who you are and who you are becoming. They have their set rules and doctrines, and they feel it would be safer for you to follow this, but your show of spiritual and mental well-being will set their hearts at ease. You are a free will individual and even God allows that. Your parents must at the very least respect that. You are an adult with every right to explore and discover what you can. No one has the right to take this from you. Explain to your parents there are many paths to God. They need not worry for at least you are one a path, even though it is not their path. You are with faith that God is truly loving and is every step leading you to Him. Every free will creature has the right to decide which path they will take, even your own child. Tell your parents to please respect that you are her parent, and when the child is ready she will make her own decisions. You do not want her bombarded with their specific rules and regulations anymore than you want her to be bombarded with difficult concepts in the Urantia Book. She is a child and should be allowed to grow in the ways of simplicity and a family that puts love first. Show them the verse in the bible. I believe it is in the Book of Timothy, (Correction-?-Corinthians 1, 13:7.) where is says love bears all things, etc. Is this helping? (Yes. Thanks very much.) You're welcome. Another question?
SIMON: Yes Abraham, some people talk about having a contrite spirit and a broken heart. In your second part of your assignment I wonder if you could expand upon the baptism of the Spirit. How does that come about?
CALVIN: Thanks for staying with us through our childishness, our humanness and definitely as an example of how we should be with each other, more patient, more loving, all the things you have taught us. I just want to say thanks for all of that you have displayed to us. You have never got on us for our misdeeds, laziness, slothfulness. Any words you might have for my present needs right now would be welcome.
ABRAHAM: Put simply--baptism of the Spirit occurs when one is truly committed to drinking the cup of mortal life and accepts the consequences therefrom, and handles it through relying on the Spirit. You definitely feel a change in attitude and you are with more determination to meet every challenge without complaint or feeling self-pity. Baptism of the Spirit is perhaps likened to a reconnection to the divine circuits. You can literally feel it. At times some are perhaps tempted to go a bit overboard with spreading the good news, but reality is certain to bring them back to earth. I am believing that the saying 'a contrite spirit and a broken heart' is off the mark here. That is more towards self-sacrificing to show Father how much you love Him. Perhaps I am mistaken, but my idea here is that the baptism of the Spirit is brush with the Spirit of Truth and the effects are awesome. Another question?
ABRAHAM: I appreciate the kind words of faith you have in me. Know that I would not make it my place to chastise, nor judge you--any of you. I have lived the mortal life. I almost completely understand your experience. I would recommend a private meeting when possible. Is this acceptable? (Very. Thanks.) Another question?
HARRISON: Abraham, can you comment about belief in the idea that Jesus had to die for our sins, the notion that we needed His blood to wash away our sins?
CALVIN: How is the Olympic experience on the celestial end going--all eyes on the hub of Urantia right here, as you told us? How is it looking from your side?
ABRAHAM: Is there another purpose for this explanation Harrison? (I just encountered a lot of that these last two weeks with the Christian's that were handing things out on the corner.) Understood. I would say a few words. Those that are so locked into the atonement doctrine would probably not easily accept the ideas of the Urantia Book. The Master simply came to reveal to us the Father in Heaven and reveal to the Father His mortal children. He was not about building the spiritual life on any miracles or ideas of self-sacrifice that pays your way into Heaven. The Master was more focused on the positive aspects of the growing Kingdom, not about atoning for a broken society to become worthy. This is so difficult to explain to those who sincerely believe that the blood of Christ is their payment for their unworthiness to be received into Heaven. It would be well if you could also focus on the positive aspects of the Master's purpose and plans for the growing Kingdom, instead of any debate over the atonement doctrine. Is this helping. (Yes. Thank you.) You're welcome. Another question?
ABRAHAM: It is beautiful. We are amazed at the masses who chose support over fear, who chose brotherhood over isolation and unity over separation. All lines of separation are being erased through these events. The mass lessons are being felt across the universe. There are those who look for personal gain and profit financially. There are those who have first looked for these Olympic games to gain prestige and recognition and now they are humbled and honored to serve in any capacity. It will be the hope of many that this goodwill will be felt throughout the coming years. Certainly is this collective lesson in Utah changing the somewhat introverted attitudes of the people. Yes. One more question.
CALVIN: Abraham, when someone is so stuck on not giving into the Spirit of Truth or in our life patterns, you know us pretty well and we cling onto our old ways. It almost takes the harshness of life to beat us down to our knees, not that Father is, but our own stubbornness I think is. What would you say to us to change that attitude to not have to be beat down? It is so hard to let go of the old patterns and trust and accept in faith that things will be okay embracing the will of God.
LUKE: Thanks for your lessons on service. You said not to strive on how to serve, but that we would understand how to serve. I struggle with that. How do we know that we are not going overboard, serving to get? How can we know when it is more profound? (Inaudible.)
ABRAHAM: With the varying personalities of individuals there are different ways to accept divine help. Some will not receive until they are brought to their knees by life's circumstance--not by Father--mind you, but by their own obstinate determination to remain in old patterns. Angels, teachers, various helpers, all help toward bringing you those lessons you need to continue growing, but never do they inflict anything that would bring a person such humility that their last resort was to open up to Heaven. The point is that there is no hurry. There is no time limit and everyone is completely safe. Is this helping. (It sure does. Thanks.) One more question.
ABRAHAM: Understood. Having been mortal I realize the temptation to wonder if God is watching at the particular time I am serving, as if I am earning spiritual points. I realize the temptation to take credit for good deeds done, as if one was more naturally selfless. When serving, if you can immediately commit to serving Father, not particularly the one you are helping, but God our Father, then this helps focus you on Him and away from the temptation to turn this good intention into ego fulfillment. With practice you will find the ego is less and less involved and your intention is more pure. You begin to realize that you receive also from serving. You are not just giving but also receiving. When the giving feels empty or off balance then it is time to reevaluate. If your service to another enables them to be further dysfunctional or enables them to lay down before their troubles, then no, no, service will not work here. It is acceptable to trust your inner feelings when serving. If you feel a sense of honor and humility, then you can trust it is acceptable. It is all right to feel a positive self-esteem. Do not mistake my words. I mean it is acceptable to feel good about the individual you are becoming through service, perfectly fine, yes. It is the loss of focus on God that imbalance creeps in and the intention is spoiled. If you are speaking of being taken advantage of by serving, then by all means stop. This is not right either and needs to be further evaluated. Does this answer? (Yes. Thanks.)
SETH: I hope that this is helpful for someone else that is occurring in my experience. From guidance I am told that this life journey is about shifting identity from body identification to mind of God. I am wondering if the experiences that I am having relating to the discomfort to my body is related to this shift of consciousness?
When I speak with you weekly, or even in stillness, it does not seem to me to be an assignment or duty, no. I am honored for Father allowing me to be with you and energized by your discussions and personal learning. I am filled with hope at the direction Urantia is going. Know that my love is ever and always growing for you each. Until next week, shalom
ABRAHAM: I am understanding that your spiritual maturity level is quite advanced, where you have gone beyond questioning, 'why me, is this payment for a life I have lived, is this God teaching me?' Excellent, my son. This idea comes from experiencing the pain in body. The mind shift is an advancement towards morontial levels. You are seeing a glimpse of the morontia life where we understand certain inevitability's. We are willing to be corrected and enlightened. We are forsaking the ego in favor of spiritual education. I am for the most part in understanding of your question, and yes, many others are also experiencing this, but it is not new but an outworking of a young planets spiritual evolution. Is this at all helping. (Yes. Thank you.)
I am slipping. So I will send you with my love and reassure you that you are well known and cared for, even in those times you feel alone. Go in peace. Until next week, shalom

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