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To Be Continued
To Be Continued
Student: I have a question. What happens to our memories on the first morontia world if we don’t remember anything bad that happens? How do we get a lesson plan out of that? How do we repent over our misdeeds, or learn from our mistakes, if our memory is gone?
Michael: Oh yes, my son, I don’t know where you got the idea that your memory is gone. It is not. There is also another thing your personality has, that Mother Spirit will speak about next time. You have a soul.  And your soul contains everything spiritually significant in your life.
(Memories and soul remain)
Mother Spirit has teased you by saying that not every delicious hot dog or hamburger you’ve had in your life is part of your soul; but everything of spiritual significance is. There are both what you call good and bad, delightful and painful, experiences. These are all part of your soul. There is no arbitrary distinction or losing a good part of your memories of your life that were involved in pain, discomfort, or sorrow. These are all part of what makes you who you are and who you have truly been.
These are all valid, real experiences. So, my son, there is no way in which part of what you have experienced is lost. Rather, your memory is enormously, enormously increased because you will be that one small step more purely spiritual, with a fuller access to your memories and soul. You will continue to grow. You won’t lose anything. So does that help?
Student: Yes, I was under the impression that you don’t remember painful experiences, or you won’t remember who did certain things to you--so you don’t carry grudges onto the next world: that sort of thing. I am not sure where I got that, but I thought I got it from a transmission. I’m glad I stand corrected in that, and appreciate your comment.
Michael: Oh yes, my son. My goodness!--that experience you shared with another is now a part of who you were then, and partly who they were. You’re an experiential being. Your purpose here is to experience everything that happens with you; yet not all the small stuff persists because not everything is of spiritual value.
(Physical facts, mental meanings, spiritual values)
One way of looking at human reality is through three dimensions. You have physical facts--your body and this world you’re living on. You have your mind and all its mental meanings/associates and abilities that I talked about tonight.  Your spirit experiences and recognizes value, and gives value to all the pleasures and pains and things that have happened to you. Mostly it is all the people you’ve known, in their fullness, that really fills your soul.
Mother Spirit says it is not every good little thing that has happened, but what really fill your soul are the people, these “little walking infinities” that you have known, and what you have done with them and for them. This is what really fills your soul. Your own reactions to experience—like your grudging--are something you have to learn how to deal with, because they too are an experience, an inner experience you yourself have to work on.
(Spiritual enhancement & the morontia world)
Off in your first morontia life you will be that small step more spiritual, then walking out into a much more soulful reality, both, with the glory of having survived. Knowing that you died, and yet, here you still are!--has a lot to do with grudges, hateful memories, and any negative emotions. All this, my son, is up to you to learn, even how to let things go and appreciate that high school bully you hated so much at the time.  Does all this help?
Student: Yes, yes it does. Thank you for straightening that out.
Michael: Definitely, grudges are something you have to learn to get over. But that too will be an experience. That too will be spiritual growth will it not? Be in my peace.
Student: Thank you.
Michael: Well, if there are no more questions or comments, I really appreciate that last question because I think there is abroad a notion that your soul contains only the good stuff. But when you think about it, what really gives value to your life is all of it--all of it!
(Every moment in time)
Not everything is even beautiful to the same degree. Not everything is pleasurable or painful to the same degree. This is what makes each moment of your life somewhat unique. As I said this evening, not only do you have everything that is continuing, especially Natural Law in this physical world of yours, but you have the reality that something new is also happening each moment.
Your philosophy calls this “historicity”--the fact that each moment in time is unique, and has its own unique flavor to add to your soul. It is also what makes every single human being that you have a deep relationship with, more and more unique. You pass maybe dozens of folks in the course of a day, maybe hundreds of strangers on a city sidewalk, but think of the friends you have known for ten, twenty, or thirty years, perhaps your whole life. Think of their depth of personality you have come to know.
This is what fills your soul--all of it: all of the above. This is a presence of God becoming part of you. You will merge with this presence of God someday. But in the meanwhile, before that moment, there is his absolutely divine eternal presence saving everything for you.
(Soul as distinct from memories)
My children, your soul is so contra-distinct from your memories that you can easily call up. You can’t even begin—yet--to appropriate your souls. Your personality has to continue to grow enormously so that one day you become one with your own soul and the divine presence that is part of it.
(You have only just begun)
So keep growing. As Mother Spirit loves to tease you with: you have only just begun. Treasure these minds of yours and all they give you, moment by moment.
Mother Spirit sends you her love, and I bid you: Be in my Peace. Let it too fill your mind. Good night.
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