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Spokane, Washington
Spokane Washington UBTM
Christ Michael - Lead Them My Way
March 29, 1994
Isaac - Introduction
Elyon - Fulfill the Heart
Miriam - Your Doubts Are Within Yourself
Aaron - Take Yourself Into Consideration Too
March 25, 1994 TM
Prayer: Dear Michael good friend, we welcome you into our presence today and ask that your spirit endow us understanding into the ways of the Father. We hope that every place that we go is surely within your leading. May we always increase our understanding of who and what you are.
* Miriam: Hello friends, this is Miriam. Your location may be different, but your hearts are the same. With each meeting closeness is more apparent and the love grows through expression.
Many times when communication seems difficult, an absence of love might cause irregular feelings, but knowing that the love is within should be what faith provides for you.
Another Prayer: Michael, I ask that you make us instruments of your love, that we can open more and more to greater depth and understanding of how to grow and guide others.
Your mission towards one another is as important as to those outside of your group, where you can use one another for clearing your ideas; using one another's ideas to balance the wisdom. There should be no rush. Thorough decision making ideas can become your source for truth. Realistically speaking, truth comes in many forms and by treating all as truth, by searching in yourself, you will display an essence that would be reliable and sincere.
Bob: I felt like the air just picked up a hiss.
Don't think about faults or wrong doings. Be joyful in your actions, patient with yourselves. Would there be a question?
Doug: Yeah, I felt it about fifteen seconds ago.
B: It's good to hear from you Miriam. I can't remember if it was Elyon or Aaron, but recently in our Friday meeting we had a lesson that touched on some of these themes.
Bob: That's about when I first felt it too. Real peaceful.
I'm trying to understand more of how to relate to each other. It seems so easy to be superficial and difficult to feel the comfort to relate directly with somebody, even those you consider good friends. I know the answer is to better follow the Father's leading and to better catch that essence of sincerity and truth inside of us, but is there anything you can say that could guide me in this, not just with the group here, but with friends and family also?
* Herald and awaken, receive and renew. Many are with you today. Feel the presence. There are openings being made.
You may be feeling things going on in you. Do not be alarmed, for we have come in full force to be with you, to sit with you in your quiet time. Be in peace and quietly sit with Michael much as his apostles did when he was here. Connections are being made. You have all come to a time in your lives when you will not turn back. You have all made yourselves known into what you wish to do and we are here with you.
* Miriam: Your doubts are within yourself. You find it so much easier to love the Father, but always you find doubt with yourself.
(Switches T/R's)
Focusing on yourself is incredibly important here. The doubts you see in others are a mirror of your own. Judgement is pointing the fingers but to yourself. When you overcome your judgements to others, you will find the perfection in yourself.
* As the apostles gathered around and listened for hours to the leadings of such a wise and tender man, so too do you have the opportunities to engage with his love.
Having our Father is indeed supreme in its own right, but you are our Father. Doubting yourself is like doubting the Father. You know you wouldn't want to be caught in such thoughts. Express yourself as yourself being like the Father.
* Christ Michael: Children do you know the treasures that this] world holds? Beyond your sight and in your dreams there is I a bounty that is brighter than anything you've ever seen.
Taking time to work on one’s self is needed truly as much as helping others find their path. Staying on your own path is as important as showing others their path. The outward treatment of others will be a reflection of your own feeling towards yourself.
Hold my hand and follow the will, for you I have called and you have chosen. Take the stage of your heart. Listen to the call of the wind. You know that it is time to engage your love upon your fellows.
Lighten up. Your path is as green as the meadow and as light as the Father leads and shines the way for us. What do you think?
When you administer to the growing spirit remember only that you are leading them my way. As a. faithful servant, ever recognize their intent and purpose of love. Listen and hear what they can give.
B: Wow. There's a lot of information there. I'm glad to hear it. It echoes of course my personal lessons and information given me by others which I tend to let go. It's easier for me to make the information everybody else's but mine.
Bring back the lost sheep, for they only need to see where there brothers and sisters are. In the flock of the good shepherd. My peace I give you. Your love I accept. (Pause)
There was one other question and that was with regards to a personal teacher. I know Aaron is my teacher in a sense, but I wonder if there is a personal teacher working with me now. I haven't really had the personal communications of late and part of that is my own not being available. I was wondering if there is a personal guide that is working with me aside from -Aaron now, and the Father of course?
* Hello this is Isaac. It's nice to be able to travel in here today. I have been doing interesting work and I just come in when called. There is a lot of work being done in astronomy. That is my specialty.
* Miriam: As a group, including our Father, there is always someone near. Names have their importance in certain areas of knowledge. Certainly curiosity would esteem such thoughts, but know that we too are working as a group as you are.
I am very excited to be a student of these happenings. It always seems so impossible, but it is like laying one brick at a time, seeing that it works, and then on to the next one. Our heavens are expanding and our minds will need to expand to comprehend.
If you were asked a question by a stranger while in the process of a group, the answer would turn out as group discussion and in that way many truths would be handed out for a stranger 1 to pick as he chooses. We likewise work the same and appreciate it so that we get to discuss amongst ourselves as a group the truths, that we may help you through your journey while on Urantia.
I will be a teacher in the outreach mission. I am so excited and while I would like to tell you all about it now, first I have to do it right for myself, as I need to learn all about a project before I can learn to relay this on to you.
Your doubts would be like the missing link might be, for there is always somebody with you. Does that help?
I am very thankful for the helping mission your group has embarked on. Again I say that you need to take care of yourself and your family before you go out to help others in the material way. In the emotion and spiritual way this group of people here today need only check in, that they are doing the right thing. It's in your hearts and you already know how to help and how to love your fellow beings and it is just simply a matter of being yourself. Don't put all the praise out to your spiritual help because each of you work very hard for this.
B: Yes, it does. I understand that to be open to the spiritual presence as an entity, more so than any particular presence is desirable, and to focus to the Father's love and will helps to aid this along and that maybe in my pursuit it would be better served to listen to the voice and guidance of the moment more than a particular voice. Is that correct?
I hear the woodpecker. I see the sunshine. I'm glad you all stopped for the scenery. Thank you.
* Miriam: You don't have to anticipate a formal meeting. Practice while at the toaster. The voice can be heard while at the toaster. Your questions come at informal times as well. When the question appears, then that is the time for the answer. Like putting on your shoes it will come natural at all times.
* Elyon: Let fulfillment of the heart be a lesson for each of you. To have your inner being growing abundantly, with fulfillment of love, of serving and receiving and taking care of your own being.
The formality of a group enhances the group or others to share with your experience, but when alone the experience is always there within yourself. Again, clearing your mind of frustrations is a key to clearer reception. If you have a question at the toaster ask it then.
To Bob, to reach further down into yourself a little more and a little more, to tap into those unknown areas of your true personality self that you have not yet touched. To Doug, to redeem for yourself those qualities that you have hidden within yourself, to bring forth, to share through the twinkle in your eye and the gladness in your heart that you share, and know that the dark parts are becoming lighter and you are becoming freer. To Sandy, to step outward and shed the old skin. It is but hanging from you and all you need to do is step from it. Look in the mirror and see the newness coming forth, the godliness coming forth, the inner knowingness of what you want from yourself. Risk and take charge. Take this opportunity to make those changes. To you all, reach always for Michael, for he is very close and touches you each every second of every day. To bring forth the showers of his love to nourish you and help you grow through your changes.
B: Well I thank you very much for the information. It's very helpful.
* Miriam: I am thankful to be with you all tonight as always. Your friend A. is doing well. He too is hearing truths from many friends.
This is Elyon. (Switches T/Rs)
Thank you for your love. Aaron is here.
To Frosty, to let that excitement motivate you to the ends that you would see. To embrace the lightness of your being, knowing that you are on the other side now and not just trying to get there anymore. Perceive where you are and take this part of you for real. Perfection is another day, but you are on your way.
* Aaron: From the start you gain by taking yourself into consideration, understanding! expanding, and then relating that to others. The process is always easier this way.
Find that you have the capability to bring so much to others in your efforts once you have gained the security in knowing the inner stability which guides you along. Hold high to gain knowledge, seek wisdom, and enhance your inner self beauty and respect.
Hello friends. Would you have any questions today?
As your Father is the core, so too are you the core of your outreach. Your expanding capacities are enlarged immeasurably by your inner awareness and attainment.
Doug: Is this Elyon?
I am Aaron. I have but one guide for you this week, and that is to bring to yourself the importance of who you are in relation to your growth. I would ask for your effort to describe for yourself the qualities which you admire and the qualities which cause you frustration and confusion. Then take each list and balance them within each other, realizing your core makeup as being generally good. Then you can approach your frustrations in a light which they deserve, with the higher self looking to integrate these characteristics into their rightful place, either discarded, or molded into your highest intent and purpose.
Always achieve your highest end by approaching the balanced view of conceptual framework. If you take the time to do this, you will be surprised at the level of focus and the broadening of view which this can enter you into.
* Elyon: Yes this is Elyon. The switch was quick and Bob was unsure whether it was Aaron or myself.
This is my message this evening. I take great pleasure in your discussions. My peace.
Doug: Welcome. You're very welcome to be here. We welcome all the teachers.
* Elyon: They feel this.
Frosty: Well I thank you for your message Elyon. I've been told so much last fall and with all my work, that I was right on the line. All I need to do is step over the line. The message you gave today means so much because I've stepped over the line and didn't even realize it. So thank you for that.
About Sandy's friend, when we're trying to share from the heart with people that don't have the same faith or belief system that we have, we should give it from the heart. Then you have their attention, where if I try to preach from the Urantia Book or something else it doesn't become as effective as when I am really believing something from the heart. I feel like we need guidance and focus to do that more and more. To tap into Michael's presence and to give from there. Is that right Elyon, that it's got to come from the heart to be more effective?
* Elyon: Very good student, you teach well. Your understanding is clear and know that the reasons you did not notice crossing the line is its invisibility. Your awareness has heightened to the side of redirection to Michael's efforts on a more constant basis and this is a test and call always for your growth, to work to keep those thoughts reshuffling to the higher presence. Allow this redirection when you realize you have slipped away for a moment's rest.
Frosty: Thank you very much. I love you.
Doug: Elyon, was Michael here? I felt that he was, but then I felt him leave. Were these feelings real? I feel like I actually saw him leave, or was this something else?
* Elyon: You most certainly saw your Creator in presence of love and he was here directly and along with his truth spirit, and he entered your minds today and laid the touch, and he spoke. His Truth Spirit still resides, but he has left in the specific presence.
Doug: Thank you very much.
Sandy: Hi Elyon. I'm beginning to think you're a real buddy, not just a friend. You're there all the time. It's rather amazing what Doug felt. I think so many times I see things, and I don't believe it.
It's on my mind what you said about stepping forward. I stand back and ask questions before I do such a thing as talk about God and Michael to my friend. I do need to get more brave, to realize it's real. Can you give us an idea about how to approach my friend with Frosty acting as a healer? What can you say about that?
* Elyon: Simply ask her willingness and let her know that it is possible. First and foremost, when you share Michael and your Father's presence, remember to share the Michael that is in Sandy and the God that is in Sandy, for you need not disconnect yourself. It is a spiritual connection you haveand as she realizes that your Creator Father Michael lives in you and you are his child and that she as well has this for her, then beyond anything else she will find no higher comfort.
Be prepared for a variety of responses to your efforts and redirect yourself when you are presented with opposition, to keep in mind Michael.
Frosty: Elyon I also wanted to comment on that, that I have in the past given healings to people where the family thought it would be a good idea, or somebody else wanted me to do it for a particular person, and I learned some valuable lessons I think. We all thought it would be the best thing for that person to give them a healing, but it wasn't because that person felt really uncomfortable, where he was going along with it or she was going along with it because of the family, but I could feel the energy being pushed right back out towards me. It was not accepted by them.
Now I have come into a discernment when someone would say to give such and such a healing, I get a feeling within me. It's kind of an instant thing where I feel no that wouldn't be the proper thing, or yes that would be proper, or like you said to Sandy to go in first and talk to this person.
Are those feelings that I get like that true? It's like I have an inner knowing where I feel whether that person would be willing and accepting of a treatment or not, or healing. Is that valid, or is that an ego thing or is that fear? Could you comment on that?
* Elyon: Of course you do know you have your Indweller constantly imparting advice and information, and when you are seeking to do good, this insight becomes clearer, creating a connection of feeling. Does this answer you?
Frosty: Yes, very much so. Thank you, because I've really been wanting to go with it. Maybe I'll get influenced or something otherwise, but yes that helps a great deal, because I've felt that that is really a part of my healing, that I have this inner knowing and I really want to do healing. So thank you very much.
* Elyon: Yes and know that as with any sense, it is not yet perfected at this level.
Frosty: Yes. I understand that too. Thanks.
Sandy: Elyon, how do we handle telling her? I don't feel we can tell her that we can cure her. I don't want her expecting so much and then being let down at this time and bring pain in her life. So if I were to talk to her about my friend who would like to try healing, then what do I say?
* Elyon: In first effort you must establish the desire, thewant for spirit connection. This effort must precede the effortto endow healing energy. So as you impart the awareness of the love you have, then in her responding, if this occurs, you can more openly and freely enter the ideas of healing to her. The energy is useless to one who has not opened, but to the soul that desires there is no bounds put upon the healing.
It can come from the will of your Father to many different levels. As you witness even in your world today the occasional complete healing of the dying material body. But establish a link of spirit first, and then impart that the energy is available on many different levels dependent upon the will of the Father. Does this help?
Sandy: Oh yes. It helps a lot. It gives me a new way of thinking about it. Thanks a lot Elyon.
* Elyon: You will do fine
Doug: Sandy, I was given something. You are to help her through your mind's eye, using your inner feelings.
Sandy: Elyon it seems to me you have told Frosty and Doug and I where we are today, but you haven't told Bob where he is today. Can we do that?
* Elyon: Yes friend. I did share with Bob first.
Sandy: Oh, excuse me. (Laughs) I didn't remember he was first.
* Elyon: And know that he was satisfied. (Laughs)
Your desire for this sharing this is only the reflection of your want for total involvement.
Sandy: Thanks for that Elyon.
* Elyon: You have such wonderful auras, and as you feel brighter and allow yourselves to be lighter from worry and expectation,...
Frosty: But it's tax time Elyon
* Elyon: Not for us. (Laughter)
Frosty: That is no fair.
Doug: That kind of tells us there is no monetary system there.
* Elyon: You seem to be bouncing along regardless, and your energy is higher now, so use it in any way you see fit, but don't keep it to yourself. Share it with the person walking by you, or with the one who comes to you for help, or the one who quietly sits away afraid to be a part. Just share it. I would go now. Thank you for your involvement and your love here.

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