1992-11-08-Sonship, Daughtership

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Topic: Sonship, Daughtership

Group: Pocatello TeaM


Teacher: Daniel, Cindia, Iruka

TR: Pam



Opening Prayer

Daniel: "Good afternoon. I am Daniel. I am, as always, happy to serve Christ Michael and be a part of this teaching mission. I am most pleased with the gathering here today of the groups from Pocatello and Woods Cross in a statement of goodwill to and farewell to their departing brothers and sisters as they go out, not only in the material life seeking new paths, but following through on their apostolic mission. They will be involved with many awareness, awakenings, and further spiritual guidance for their mission course. This afternoon we have not only the gathering of two groups who are one, we also have the gathering of many celestials here to send their love and greetings to you and to those who will now go out. This afternoon several will speak to you.

May I welcome them and turn this over to first, Cindia."

Cindia: "Hello, my friends, I am Cindia. Hello, F1 and L1. I am very pleased with you and your work, the growth you have steadily grown into and the path you continually seek to take. As you leave the security of this group, know that you will, because of spiritual unity, still be a part of this group and their hearts forever. Your paths will cross many times, and yet you will be going off to help be the seed planters and sowers for others. I am, as you know, there for you. You, F1, have definitely learned much over the last months on attuning your awareness upon my words. Always will you have at your side my presence, and always will you have at your side Christ Michael.

Whenever your daily lives begin to seem crowded and hard to bear, all of you, seek guidance within, for there you will be able to get back on the path and will begin to see with spiritual vision. I, too, will miss the camaraderie that is amongst this group. I, too, will miss being here on Sundays, yet I will and I am looking forward to that which will unfold, to new adventures along this planetary path as well as that of the spiritual. To those in the group I say, you will miss the friendship of L1 and F1, yet you will know it as very well bonded in your hearts and memories.

To all of you, I say, continue. You have all grown and have taken that path steadily. And you have passed many mileposts. Your mission work is taking strong hold. Continue and know that my love for you has grown and I shall visit on occasion to be with you as Daniel will visit those who leave the group. And now there is another visitor who wishes to speak."

Iruka: "Greetings, I am Iruka. I am P1's teacher. I look forward to the many hours that we will have together in our communication and to the new task for which P1 and John have very courageously set out upon. I am in awareness of the request made upon P1 to be a TR and I will be a teacher for a group. I am happy to have this opportunity to speak before a group. It isn't so bad! (hearty laughter from group) Know also that we on this side often have what you term as stage fright. P1, let me tell you via another of my most sincere love and gratitude towards you.

Let me also say that you have such an open heart and open mind toward so much, that working through you has been a pleasure, has been very easy indeed! For you do not try to analyze or close off my words. As you have let them flow, you have come into greater confidence within yourself. You and John have already made contact with others in the area where you go and we will, I guarantee you, have many fun times, many learning times, many uplifting times, and we will, of course, go through those days that no one likes to talk about.


My friends, I speak to all of you now. The training time of the last few months has been, indeed, incredible for you all! Your foundations are cementing. You are growing. You are becoming.

You are attuning yourself evermore to the conscious awareness of what it means to follow the Father. You are not only developing a keener insight into your spiritual natures, but by doing this you are also realizing the aspect of your human nature of what life and experience is all about! Let the experiences that come into your lives continue to be those things which, depending on how you perceive the experience, how you work through it, will help you to gain more spiritual insight as well. Never try to divorce yourself from that which is human. Rather take that which is your human part and mesh it with the spiritual that you can become one with it. You have been trying, you have been doing, and you are succeeding in more ways than you are aware of. My words to you are to continue in this way, that you can ever be ready to meet the unfolding of life with courage and with great hope and faith and trust in the Father.

Your acceptance of your sonship and daughtership is well seated, and through this acceptance you have chosen a way of life that is very different from those who are only on a very human plane. In your knowledge of the Father, in your knowledge of your relationship to those around you, you have not only through your intellect begun to understand great truth, but your heart also is opening up to these truths. It is through the heart combined with the intellect that you begin to understand on a more morontial level.

I am so happy to be with you, to speak to you, knowing the love that is among you all, and the spiritual oneness that you all feel. Remember as you go along life's path that when you are in touch with the Father, when He is in your vision, you will walk the path always towards Him. For when you have an understanding of His love, and you have an understanding of your part of it, it becomes more difficult for you to err in a grievous way. For as you become more conscious of God, His will transcends that of the human. And when you daily give over to following Him you allow your Thought Adjuster and those spiritual beings around you to guide you in the right direction.

I, too, will make trips back to see this group. And I thank you for listening to me. I had many second thoughts about doing this. Please know that you have been very open. I thank Daniel for allowing me to speak, to risk! You will often in your life be placed in such a situation where you are apprehensive, yet willing, yet fearful. As an ascending being who still is working through this, let me give you brotherly and sisterly advice to let go of those fears, for they only imprison you. And how light I feel now!

P1 and John, I will be with you. I have been; and we have many fun adventures, too, that lie ahead. And now I will turn this back over to Daniel."

Daniel: "It has, indeed, been fun having visitors this evening. And I have complete confidence in the abilities of my students as they leave this group and venture into new areas. I know that you have worked hard, that you have done your homework, and it will pay off when the test is given to you. My friends, go from this group as Christ Michael did with His apostles, sending them out two by two, so go that you can be the wayshower for many. And know that I will visit you and keep tabs on how you are doing. I have complete faith in you. Christ Michael has faith in you.

All of you have been asked by Him personally to be His apostles. And you are all doing very well.

I will not give a formal lesson this evening, rather I will say this. I am in much gratitude to you all that you have grown so much, that you have such love for one another, that many have gathered here today to send their brothers and sisters off on their own path. Yes, life will continue to bring about change. Iruka's words are very true, that as change comes, do not allow fear to hamper it.

Enjoy now your camaraderie and enjoy also the potluck you will be having. I am indeed feeling much love for the individuals from Woods Cross who journeyed to this destination today. I welcome you and thank you for the support you are showing to your friends in Pocatello. And know that as we on this side watch, we are evermore aware that the seeds that are being planted have indeed taken root and those roots...no longer are we seeing very tender stalks, but ones that are growing strong; one that will be able to weather all storms. To you all I give my love and peace.

To P1 and John, to L1 and F1..though we may part in this one instance, in the overall picture we are a part [of the whole] and can never be separated. My love to you all. Good evening."

(short pause)

Daniel: "I would now welcome comments from you all to give to your brothers and sisters who leave. Take a few minutes now to honor them as you sit here. Take a few minutes now to express your love. Is anyone ready to volunteer first?"


B1: "Daniel, this is B1 talking to both couples, P1 and John and F1 and L1. My feelings are very mixed. I experience both sadness and joy at the same time; sadness, of course, that we won't have you physically present with us to share in our Sunday night meetings; joy that has been so well stated by the teachers, your separate teachers, that you are going to continue this mission. I had no idea when we started reading the Urantia Book that we would ever be here! It's absolutely mind-blowing to me. And I have a sense that the future is beyond what we can even conceive of!

I am sure that this is Michael's mission, that this is authentic, that we are going to be in for joyous times together. And I know that we will see each other again; who knows how many times? I personally love you all and I send you my blessing. My prayers will go with you. That's it."

V1: "To L1 and F1 and John and P1, I think in terms of B1's words this week. He said..with them going the whole group is going to be diminished (only he said it was going to be gone) and I think in terms of four out of our group of twenty to twenty two, really is significant. And we will miss your numbers, but we also miss your support. I think in terms of how our shoulders have touched in many areas. It has been a growth for us. I look back at the different things that we have grown through. Reading the book certainly has been significant. I certainly love you, all four of you and wish you well. I am so glad that your teachers are with you and going with you.

I can't even imagine the joys that you are going to be able to give to those that you are going to be coming into contact with! My prayers are with you and I love you very much."

B2: "Hi friends. I just kind of want to say individually what each of you have given to me through my experience of being with you. L1, you are a great example of patience! And just knowing, waiting and knowing that it would come through, your job would come through and that that would be the right direction. I really enjoyed back in the beginning when you came to my house in the introduction study group. I enjoyed getting to know you from that point on. Hope to continue. Maybe we will be together before we know it. And F1 you are just an amazing testament that we all can make it with your struggles throughout your whole life. You just amaze me. You are a beacon to me when I feel weak to just hang in there and I know that I will make it.

And I know that I will be in touch with my teacher too. I appreciate all you have done for me and for L2 too. And John I have just been marveling this last week how God's will brought you what you really wanted in your life, but in line with you getting what you want, in line with His will. It makes it easier to believe that you don't have to give up what we really truly like in this life if it is meant to be and if it is good. More power to you. I think it is great! And P1 I just love your sense of humor. And your teacher seems to fit you perfectly (laughter). It's great. And I think that you will make a great TR and make it easy for lots of people to accept what's happening with this teaching mission and the whole next level of what we are headed for like B1 said...we don't know.

And all four of you are real examples in the sense that L2 and I are really not sure where we are going next. So it is neat to see this transition happen the way it is because it seems like you are able to continue doing service and stay in touch with us all. So when it comes time for us to go, if that is what happens, that will be easy because you guys have gone before us as front runners, so I appreciate it. I love you all."

L2: "I really have to say ditto to what B1 just said, not because he is my spouse, but because I really mean all that also. I love all of you. I am truly going to miss all of you. And K2 and I were commenting how we are going to miss all of you last week when we were talking. And like B1 said, I have mixed feelings about you all leaving, but I know that you are all going to greater experience and go on with your missions, and bring joy to others who have been seeking the truth. I am really excited for all of you. And I can really relate because of my excitement of being done in six week with school and how anxious I am. B1 and I and the kids look forward too. I admire you for your strength in your moves and growth. I hope that I can use you as examples in my future. I love you all. Thanks."

N3: "I am from Woods Cross and I would like to make a comment. F1 and L1, we just came back from Coeur D'Alene where J2 and I met with the people there. Their teacher is not on line yet so I can see where your strength there is going to be really great. And it is going to be wonderful. They are so beautiful up there! We just absolutely fell,..I fell in love with it. It is the first time I have ever seen it, but J2 has been there before. It was such a special group of people that we met with. So I am excited for you. Now I know where you are going... I didn't know where you were going so I wish you all the best. I also want to welcome our brethren from California, from Santa Rosa, R3 and his friend. (they introduce themselves). Well, welcome. We had met them when we were down in the area and had such lovely, lovely experiences. You know, wherever we go we find the most beautiful people in the world. The people in the mission are jut so phenomenal! You know, we love them where ever we are. And we know you are going to be real happy up there. And I just want to say what a pleasure it has been to know you and the experience of your life that you shared with us at our special meeting (Christ Michael's birthday). And you, P1 and your husband, how much we appreciated the lovely evening that we spent at your home."

R3: "I am pleased to meet you all. It is touching to be invited into what we can tell is a very tender moment. We understand some of you are leaving. And we know what that feels like in a group. But just stepping into this room we can feel the love of everyone here. You'll find that where ever you are going. Thank you."

N1: "P1 and John and L1 and F1, I am very pleased that B1 gave us the gifts that he sees in all of you because I don't think I could have stated it more eloquently, my feelings and the gifts that you have given me. I'm very much going to miss all of you. I miss you when you are not here. It is like a real hole. I always look forward to the next week when you will be here. So it really is..I'm going to miss you deeply. I know you are going to good and beautiful things, so I am excited for you and looking forward to maintaining that spiritual unity and hopefully material unity as well. I want to see you more! So, I don't know where each of our lives will go but I am sure we will be crossing often. I love you all and I thank you for the gifts that you give and just in your being-ness and your presence. It is very strengthening, all of you. Thank you."

J2: "This is J2. John and P1 and L1 and F1, I have known you now for half a year and I feel like I love you very much. And I am also pleased that you are all on missions. These two are the first going out from Pocatello, two and two, like teacher Daniel just said. I wish you good luck in the future. And as your teacher Daniel also said, he'll be touching bases with you and I hope to do so too, because I go up to Spokane as N3 said. I go up there quite often. It is beautiful country. So I can visit both of you up there. And, of course, John and P1 going back to Baltimore; that's my old neighborhood. I grew up in Philadelphia. I'll be back there too (laughter). This is great that everybody is going off and your teachers are going off with you. So I give you my love and peace. Goodbye."

K3: "A lot has been said. I would like to extend to my fellow apostles, those who are traveling out, my love and my gratitude for knowing you. We will meet again and my love is always with you. Thank you."

N2: "P1 and John and F1 and L1, I want to give you our love and best wishes. I will always be grateful that without P1 I would not have found the Urantia Book, at least not when I did. So I have that. I am always grateful for that. I think I speak for our whole family that we have found the pathway that I think is the one we should have been on. And hopefully it will continue. I have already gotten a new nibble at work. I am hopeful there too. And F1, you and L1 are an inspiration to us all. We are going to miss you but you have our love."

S2: "F1 and L1, P1 and John, words just won't express the loss that myself and D2 will feel when you are gone. But after hearing the two teachers speak this evening, that kind of helps fill the void, to know that you have such beautiful teachers who will be with you and guide you and help you through your problem areas. We wish you the best of luck."

C2: "I'm sitting there thinking about when Christ Michael came back and sent the twelve out and how that felt. And I think when I knew that just John and P1 were going it didn't feel like the dispersion, or whatever the word is that goes in terms of just sending forth of mission folk.

Somehow I don't think that it is just sheer coincidence that F1 and L1 are leaving at the same time. I think it adds a great deal of impact to the energy and the power behind what you all have been a part of and what we are a part of and continue to be a part of. I can remember the first time that B1 and V1 K9 and L1 and F1 were all up at a Beyond War meeting and all of a sudden at five minutes to four we closed down and got in the car and we were coming here. I didn't know you were coming here and all of a sudden here we were, F1 and L1, both at the same place! And it was wonderful. That was really a very converging kind of time that our paths found another place as well as at the hospital in ministry in that way. And then to become acquainted with P1 and John..and I really grieve that we didn't get to be more acquainted in doing community activities, but we are certainly well acquainted in what is most important in our lives. And it is as we share heart to heart. And I do travel around a whole lot too. So I expect that you will see me on your doorstep. I thank you for your gifts, all of you, to me. It is beautiful. Thank you."

S1: "I just want to thank you for your inspiration and your friendship. It has really meant a lot to me, and best wishes to all of you."

K2: "I don't know you guys as well as these other people because I am new to the group, but it has really been beautiful and 'who would have thunk it', right? The first time you guys looked at me like I was crazy (K2 brought our group news of Ham's teaching) and here we are with you going off (much laughter), knowing that we are crazy, knowing that we actually..(continuous laughter and frivolity)..I am so happy for all of you. And I don't spend much time in even Spokane; or Couer D'Elane...I have never been there..she smiles. I may see you. We always say that and hope it will all work out. But I am really excited that you will be in such a neat place and doing wonderful, wonderful work with your teachers. I will miss you too. It is going to be......quiet! (more outrageous laughter) I love you all." (laughter continues)

B6: "L1, F1, P1, John, I can't think of anything to add to what has already been said. For M4 and I, we really appreciate the part of the adventure that we have shared with you. And in an infinite universe hopefully our paths will meet again. Good luck."(more laughter)

B3: "I am not very good at goodbyes so I avoid them at all costs. When we graduate our classes in American Falls I am nowhere around. But it has been great to get to know you folks. I can't tell you what an inspiration you have been to me and I just know that things are going to work out. It's this great gift we have all gotten from God called faith, that even though the whole world is going to hell, we know that things are going to work out. We are looking forward to being in touch with you folks when we can. God speed."

B2: "I have one more thing to say as this thing goes by me (the mike)..as most of you know I made a card for each of them that is now going to be on the table or somewhere. If you haven't signed I will get those back out and you can sign them. There are also cards that A1 made up over here that need to be signed. If you can do that, we will let them go on with them."

F1: "Oh, thank you guys. I wanted to share that probably even a year and a half ago or whatever I would no more have been able to sit here and take all this love because I was still very unworthy and I have worked through a lot for me to be able to sit here and let this soak in with the growth.

We had a group, it was right in this very living room. It was when we had our 'Reiki initiation'. We had about ten people in a circle and you hold hands and the rest of the group sings to the one person that you are great and all that. And this has been probably about a year and a half ago, two years, I guess. And when it came to my turn...I could give the love and sing for the other person, but when it came to my turn I put my head down like this and with my back because I could not take that love. I could not accept that. So I just love everybody. I have grown so much and we are going to be so close. And my Thought Adjuster told me that I'll have so many great awakenings up there like I have here. And also I will be stretched, which is great for me because that is what I require in my growth. It's been real with all of you, the K9s, and in and out of each others lives so much, so many different things and I know that won't stop. And everybody I just love you so much. And I am glad that I got to meet my new friends from Woods Cross. So we used to go home to Montana on vacation; now we will probably come down here. (laughter) We wanted forever to go up there (Northern Idaho) so we would be closer to home. Now we will come down here. We will be traveling the same road. Thank you everybody. I love you."

P1: "I'm not sure I can get through this but we love you very much and will miss you very much. And we will leave our address and our phone number. And if you are ever back there, you've got a room to stay. You know that, don't you? We love you very much."

John: "Well, this is a tad embarrassing but . .first of all thank you all for your love and your support and your best wishes as we wander off to the unwashed in the East. We have already made some hookups with the Urantia community out there, a little bit..and we are looking forward to injecting a little life into the movement in Maryland. From what we've heard it needs a little. (much laughter) And it came out more humorous than I meant it too. (more laughter). We have a standing invitation to you all. We have lots of room in this place, no furniture yet, but lots of room. We want you all to come. It really is, as I was sitting here reflecting,...we have come a long way from the time when B6 caught me in the hall one day and said, 'You have got to read this book!'. (laughter) And I was at a point in my life when I needed to read the book, so thanks a lot, B6. And thanks to you all. And we will be back, one way or another, to see you."

L1: "I am not very good at goodbyes either, so...I think it was J. Christy Mortey who said that a person should never look back into his past except as a gauge as to how you have grown, and that is something that I am going to be doing for a long time with this group. I don't think that I could have picked a better path with a bunch of better people to help me grow as much as I have. I know you have probably heard F1 and I say this before, but it...when we first moved here I don't think you would have recognized us. We have changed so much. I think I can hold you all responsible for the growth that I have made. I appreciate it and I love you all. Thank you."

Group: (applause)

Daniel: "And you see, it did not hurt! (laughter) You have witnessed a spiritual basting. On your plane you have roasts which tear down. On a spiritual plane you build up. The words given came straight from the heart. We know that the four of you go from this group well founded. I am almost speechless, also, to see and know individually how far each of you has come! In the journey to the Father you will meet with much, much love. You have but a taste of it now!

My friends, and those who have joined us, I close this evening again giving you my love. There is one other piece of business, that when I turn this back over to your gaiety and fun, you will allow D3 to also speak to John and P1, L1 and F1. Enjoy your festivities together. Until next week, good afternoon."

B1 to D2: "Daniel wanted to give you an opportunity to say something too.."

D2: "It's enough. (much laughter and comments) I don't know if I can do it with my eyes open. (more laughter and comments) P1 and John, I just want to wish you the best of luck and tell you thank you for all you have given me and the support you have shown. And I know that when we first started out with this I felt a real strong support in you guys and I thank you. And P1, I know you'll be calling (laughter). Best of luck.

F1 and L1, I don't know if I can even start to say this to you guys. F1 and I are Reiki sisters. We have been through a lot together and a lot of growth. Hang in there. It will be ok. I love you all. I need the big box (kleenex). (comments: 'the K9 revenge', laughter) I remember the first time I met F1 and L1. We were in a meeting on 'Reiki', which is another source of universal healing, and we made it through and we ended up being Reiki sisters so that during the training we did the work on one another. We continued doing that afterward and we just felt how much we had in common and we just kept sharing. And there came a time when 'Transition Training' came along and I told her how wonderful it was and she just had to go with us and F1 and L1 went to that. I think that it got us all on the right path for seeing things with a lot of clarity. Suddenly I found the Urantia Book through V1. I said, 'L1 and F1, you have got to see this!' And then they were so busy and we ran into each other in the mall and we said 'This lady, this K2 has come and she has told us these weird things and you have got to come'..and so we have been on a long spiritual journey and I know we will be for eons. And, gosh, all four of you, best of luck and my love to you all, and to all of you, everybody. And I see some new faces and maybe we...(interrupted)."

B1: "I wonder if Daniel, or one of the teachers would lead us in prayer. Do you suppose...?"

D2: "I suppose if I can get myself together."


Daniel: "Christ Michael, this small group of people here together has come to share their love, to recommit themselves to following the Father's will. And they know that whenever two or more are gathered in Your name, so shall You be there. And so we welcome You here among us in our midst. Strengthen our ears that we may hear those who cry out and hunger for Your truth. Strengthen our eyes that as we journey through life we can see the goodness. Fine tune our sense of touch that whoever we reach out to, we touch them with the truth of the Kingdom, of God's message to all. Let the words that flow from the mouths of your apostles give strength to those ho hear them. Let the words be those that are divinely inspired.

A small group, indeed, in comparison to the vastness of the population of this planet and of the universes, but it is through the efforts of one, that through their understanding and commitment to You and the Father, that great changes occur. Bless this group of people here with Your continual love, that they may feel it, that they are nurtured and fed, that they can continue to follow You and do Your will. They, indeed, are beginning to understand what love is. They, indeed, now have knowledge of the eternalness and the far reaching breadth of which You are. They, like me, still search out the mystery, but they have great faith.

Christ Michael, allow the knowledge of Your real personage here, walking beside each of them, allow this knowledge to become a reality for them, that when they are out doing the will of the Father they can count on You to be there. We ask this in Your name. Amen."