2015-08-13-It's What You Make of It

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Topic: It's What You Make of It

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Primary Midwayer, Andrea

TR: George Barnard

Part 1

  • Edited by Linda Abell


Andrea: “Here we are my human brother, understudy, friend and loudspeaker, not just in idle chat … We are here with the task of a real, real, oh-so-real talk to be transcribed by you. A little later we get to the suffering of the young mother. For now we are making a comparison between this Primary Midwayer here on Urantia and what is known about me on Mansonia One and right onto Paradise.

“Of the millennia of service I have provided, little is known in this realm. There was Ionah and his immediate entourage who knew me by sight. The early, well-trained Delphian oracles knew my gentle touch. You and I, together with the Chief (ABC-22), had our adventures, yet few of our human kin, by now all with some slight degree of Adamite, Nodite and Andite blood know of me.

“It is well to say that Heaven knows, but at heart one needs acceptance, recognition and respect from one’s kin as well as the certainty that being in the service of the Creator of all is one’s guarantee of eternal life. And yes, with much more to learn, but in less of a struggle. So often we are compared to the angels. In what I’m telling you, I lay bare my humanness.”

George: “Long ago you told me, ‘I go to the East in ships with the others. I am also long active in Greece.’ It never ceases to amaze me how over the years those long-ago snippets about your life became a clearly understood mind-to-mind visual reality. There are many of the 11:11 Progress Group that are most grateful to you, completing some great tasks and sharing these with us all.”

Andrea: “It is essential — as you well learned early in your career — when it is hard to enthuse others, you must enthuse yourself and give it all you’ve got … look forward to your labors coming to fruition. And so it is with J (name suppressed), who feels life is on hold because of poverty and abuse. For you, under these difficult circumstances, it is appropriate to focus on your beloved children.

“Let them be dressed as well as you can afford them to be, so they will be well-presented. Teach them to be well-mannered, so they will easily feel at home in most circumstances. Show them your love and devotion, so they will not merely know the anger they see. Teach them to share and look after each other, so they will learn to care. Teach the three to know God and his angels will see to them.


“Take heart, child, it’s what you make of it. They are the women and mothers of this world who hold civilization in their hands. They are the women and mothers of this world who will deservedly extol the Correcting Time. May God bless them all.

“We send you our love. We love you all. This is Andrea.”

“This is Andrea. Thank you my dear friends, and Adieu for now.”

Part 2

  • Edited by Linda Abell


Andrea: “This is Andrea talking to you, J, through my human friend of many years. I know that you just recently subscribed to the 11:11 messages, so there is still much for you to learn as you have come from a non-religious background. In this short message — especially to you — there is only one thing of importance I want you to understand and keep in mind, always: God is with you.

“There is an important thing for you to always keep in mind. All that you see in the universe was and is being created by the One who reigns on Paradise and by those who received the creative power from Him. It is also important for you to realise that this Creator gives of Himself a Godly Fragment that indwells you. Talk to this Gift from God, so you will never be alone.

“Those of us, Angels and Midwayers, are the spiritual helpers of this planet and we know the difficulties you have so far overcome. Come to us and talk to us in your deepest despair and come to us and talk to us in joy. Come to us frequently in meditation and allow us to visit you in your dreams. Where we can we will assist you and we promise you will never again be alone.

“In your duties as a housewife and mother keep in mind that your three excel in many ways and will excel in many fields in time to come. Treasure their progress as much as you treasure them for themselves. Your pride in their achievements will be your great reward. Leaving you all our love, this is Primary Midwayer, Andrea, ever at your service.”


‘J’ is not yet 22. She has three children — two girls and one boy. After being 11:11 prompted many times, she recently did the rounds of many places that use the unofficial Midwayer trade mark 11:11 and finally landed on www.1111angels.net.