Blue Lament for Humanity-part 5

From Nordan Symposia
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The blue shields which are currently infusing higher frequency into earth/humanities morphgenetic field will be raised by a fifth of an octave beginning April 22nd 2011 and then switched off 22nd June, 2011.

This short period of raising frequency will put lots of stress on humanity in a last ditch effort to awaken all sleeper angels awaiting our harmonic wakeup tone. Also the purpose of the blue shields was to spread out and smoothen the rapid spikes in earth changes - spreading them out so to speak as best possible. Without the blue shields the Japanese earthquake as well as Christchurch would have been far more devastating than they were. We can not say the same for coming earth changes after 22nd June.

Earth is under huge stress and pressure to heal and return to love. She has been patiently waiting, patiently holding her breath awaiting her cells (humanity) to co-activate. Once the blue shields have been switched off Earth will break her waters and begin contractions ready for birthing.

We travel alone and in the same moment travel all-as-one within oneness. Ever seeking home yet we are at home inside our/your heart-space.

Ever we travel alongside creation's arrow on spiralling ultraviolet blue starlight. It is your creation's arrow (intent) which broke the symmetry within the stillness of infinite's pond sending ripples (vibrations) out from which space and time were born.

Ever seeking creations arrow we begin no past where a future has ended. No ascension finds us where descension has left us and no space contains us where time has touched us. The measure of time is relational to the measure of space between your self realisations. The moment of choosing shall be your unchoosing and the moment of doing shall be your undoing.

We blue oraphim travellers are only passing through and our mission here is almost complete. We then depart your milky way (in universe 1) and all its dimensional trajectory paths after 2017 as we turn our gaze upon Gaia in universe-3. The departure shall be the gathering and all that remains unsaid will be said and all that remains unknown will be known.

In your future she (Gaia) too will make her ascension to merge/unite with our home world which we call Auraphim (centre of light) in the Arcturus galaxy within the space/time locale of Universe-5 (8 octaves higher than Universe-1).

In your distant future (4 Billion years) the Andromeda galaxy is on a collision course with your Milky Way. The collision course was set in motion due to the galactic rift/drift of your past. This is the divine creators way of cleansing and recycling all that which is a false image (illusion)..

The entropic mass is so great that even we are unable to redirect or slow this collision course - we failed on two attempts whilst you were sleeping. Even though you are now awakening to your creator power we can not change the course set and so we must ensure all humanity across this your universe transcends and makes the shift. You/we are all going home.

The speed at which we travel can not be measured - it is beyond measure - if you were to put a number to it, it would be in the vicinity of 800,000 times faster than your speed of light. Before light has reached you we would have touched you 800,000 times before you could blink an eye. Although 4 billion years in your timing is vast - For us oraphim travellers it is like tomorrow.

Creation's arrow knows no boundaries and travels in infinite directions as do the ripples (vibrations) born from it's intent. It is here the trinity infinity came to be for one can not exist without the other.

The power behind creation's intent (cause of the ripples) was angular rotating in motion and thus your "Angels" came to be. (Angels / Angles). Ever upholding your divine creation, the angels (angles) keep all that is created ever expanding by feeding back on itself through the spin of angular motion. This is known as self awareness (self reflection). You are the reflection of divinity.

All that which does not feedback on itself becomes entropic and withers away unable to be sustained by creation's angels.

The glue which holds everything created in formation (form and shape) is love. Divine creation is held in unconditional love. The beauty of a flower - it's fragrance - it's frequency remains as is - regardless of who the beholder is whether they be saint or sinner, lover or hater.

All that is - is vibration (waves) rippling across space and time. These waves are spiralling in motion - vortex like. These waves come together in harmony or disharmony or a mixture there-of to form structure (matter). The force that brings them together - that which they gravitate to - is love. The gravity of love. Intent gives them direction.

The greater consciousness (love) of a star, planet or being - the greater the gravity. Why is the Earth expanding - Why is it your moon has no gravity? Why do your blackholes (birthing holes) have the greatest gravity?

The turn of the tide is now upon you - and though we have already seen the other side of your many and potential futures - only you can choose the direction of creation's arrow. In your past we have redirected creation's arrow twice and now a third and final time. We are you in your future and you are us in our past.

Watch the stars - you have come this far and soon you will realise where and who you are. In the matter of a moment which is lost in time will the starlight find you in the evening of another day. Like a mirror held before you - you are are reflection of divinity.

Nothing is independant nor stands alone - everything - everyone - every cell and every fibre of your being is connected to every-other. Every word, vibration, light, thought, will and intent is connected and affects the total fabric that makes you and your universe.

Although you are unique and individual you are part of the whole but not separate.

Return to your hearts.

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