2020-10-29-Gravitational Tone

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Topic: Gravitational Tone

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Inner Voice, Monjoronson

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: I ask that we share a common vision, that we have the potential here tonight to direct this wave of energy and this current level of uncertainty has everyone on edge. The peace that people are craving has been missing due to fear, doubt, uncertainty. We have the power to be the first source and center of a new thought pattern, a new direction of our energy to the results that we would see, the vision that after all this is over that there is a reigning settled peace that everyone feels by virtue of the fact that we are going to generate it and send it out as a pulse on the Thought Adjuster circuit. That is entirely within our jurisdiction to do, in effect, we are going to create the space for it to exist. We are going to go out in advance of its arrival and stake a claim for a state for this to exist because we can. We would like to take this time to exercise our potentials, to stretch ourselves and be about this task with purpose and sincerity and to that end I would offer a petition to align the vibration level. To all the energy signatures we have connected with, I sincerely appreciate your presence, your willingness to join in this service opportunity, thank you so much. We are comrades of an equal desire to be of service and let it be so, even now.


Inner Voice: Greetings to you all, I am here as promised. I delight in responding to this request. It is the very purpose of my existence and so the fact that you are recognizing this aspect is a great moment each time and every time. Obviously, I have been aware of the conversation leading up and I offer my support for any projects that you would choose and if this is one of your choosing, then so be it. Let us be about this work together, let us go out in service for Michael, let us extend our faith, our purpose, our sincerity beyond their very limits. That is what we come to learn. In this process of growth that you are involved in, you find yourself in this current scenario where there is such great focus on this time of choosing. That is precisely what this occasion represents. It is the opportunity for everyone to declare their values, to state their preferences and to be involved in this great process.

But with such capacities comes an associated stress, an associated attachment to a certain direction or purpose or cause and this attachment then may lead one to be discontent with the results that they disapprove of. So this notion you have before you tonight, to attempt to ease the distress that may inevitably fall upon any involved, by creating in advance the cleansing breath of peace, of calm, of being at peace with the circumstance whatever it may be, this is difficult for many to accomplish because they are so invested in their position that it is hard to reconcile the feeling of loss or the feeling of uncertainty regarding the choices that have been made. So, since you are aware of the mind circuitry of man, and since you are aware of your spirit component that allows you to hook up to these circuits of energy of which you are a part and since it is your desire to be of service, you have been brought to this place where now you are granted the choice, you are granted the opportunity to manifest that peace, that truth, that awareness simply by choosing to do so, becoming the first source and center of this new energy of peace, of grace, of the long term perspective that all is well, that growth may bring uncertainty. But you have been cared for throughout and you will still be cared for by your Divine Parents throughout. Through any circumstance, every circumstance, you are tended to lovingly and provided with all that you have need of but you are also provided with opportunities to grow and to learn who you are, what your connection to your spirit family is, who your Divine Parents are and how much they care for you.

Those are the lessons at hand and you have mastered enough of these principles that you are now in motion, attempting to create a vision of the future with greater peace, more love and the awareness of this love. Perhaps even to focus on the increase in this circuitry that you are availing yourselves of, the increase of the pulse of love. This is your choice, this is your opportunity and you would not be here now if you were not looking for the opportunity to help, to be a part of this grand process. And so, even now, your prayers are answered in terms of suggestions of what to do to help. I guarantee you that such an effort is a contribution to the universe that is unmatched by any other. It remains supreme in its value when donated in love. Therefore, let's be about this process. Even now, let’s create a space, a place that people will go through when all of the drama subsides, a place of contentment, of relaxation, of a sense of relief that the tension has diminished and the willingness to accept whatever the results are, are a part of the drama before you, no more, no less, simply the drama of the moment. Realize that every moment is a pivotal moment. Every moment is a significant moment when you engage with absolute awareness and presence and intention.

So the results of any competition are merely a stepping stone and it is what happens as a result of that that we would focus on, what happens next. Will confusion rise, will fear escalate? Rather than consider such options and giving life force to them, let’s reach out in advance and create a safe place, a place that when people arrive after the grand show they can unwind and relax and be at peace, let go of the stress and embrace the opportunity to roll with life and go in the direction of the flow while still steering your vessel and engaging yourself in the process.

Having created these thought patterns, having shared them so that they may be joined, having made this request and set the stage and prepared this environment, we now simply execute our desire, the common desire to bring peace, to allow the family of man to relax, to dispel fear, doubts and uncertainty with a kind and loving light, to shine this light of love into the darkness, peacefully, calmly but directed and focused. This we can do if we so choose as we have done even now and you all witness the process. It is the same process, it is only with whom you align yourself. For instance, this connection we have here working together for this common purpose, brings with it the connection to the shared purpose and each time that you are involved in this process of creating, of co-creating, of manifesting your destiny, each time you are involved with this it's a new miracle. It’s a new representation that you are responding to the calling of your Divine Parents, that you are in active pursuit of finding them and now you have been enlightened to know that you have a partner and that we have a common destiny. What a magnificent plan that we are involved in and what a magnificent achievement to be able to reference it and even to activate its potentials in one mortal life. But, I call you all to witness, it is so. It is so even now, that things have changed and we now have greater connectivity and you all are discovering this on an individual level. In your own ways you are bridging the gap and forging a connection with your simple desire to do so and your returning to the gym to have the strength, to have the tone to be able to perform.

So now there exists this space, this creation of ours because we would so choose to active our co-creative potential. Now that we are gaining experience in this realm, I look forward to the opportunities that may arise as we expand the parameters of our abilities and skills. Your accomplishments on this plane, in this realm, render you accomplished spirit travelers. You are learning the capacities within each of you to travel on the timeline of spirit if you will, on the circuitry of spirit. You are learning that you can actually move beyond your current dimension, that it is within your endowment to be able to create before you the results you would see, the vision of perfection that you would offer.

This magnitude of co-creativity is your endowment. You have been granted this gift of grace, this gift of authority where you are the author of what is created before you and this life has brought you to the awareness even now, that you are in charge, that you can steer your destiny, you can guide your own vessel in no small part because you have a guide onboard. Until now we have not leaned heavy on this aspect of your being but we have been granted greater authority now to access this circuitry, to amplify its connectivity and to utilize this to bring mankind to one mind as it were.

I have been at the microphone for some time and feel that's probably adequate for consideration for this evening. I want to thank all the participants, your gestures, your offerings are always greatly received. They are the effect of the great cause and you are in the progression of how those effects manifest. It is your choosing your direction and your intention that cause the actual manifestation to occur. That is what we keep trying to bring home, how important your thoughts are, your intentions and your purpose. Focus becomes your tool and following the principles of spirit, you are granted access to all that your prayers may seek.

I take this opportunity to close this session unless there are questions or comments to be addressed.


Comment: Thank you Mark. I hope you don’t mind, I took a lot of notes, that was beautiful, amazing, inspired, needed.

Inner Voice: Perhaps I could reference that what was making an impression on you my dear one, represents a frequency, a tone, a level of vibration, a level of awareness, a touching with the circuitry of spirit. The words, the word symbols chosen, were the best referenced through this volunteer but the words were not the message, the tone was the message. The reference was the message, the connection to the tone was the message.

Comment: The reference to the tone, I think the gravitational tone to be pulled in, that’s kind of been my meditation for this week. I feel very honored and grateful to be here and be a part of this.

Inner Voice: The circle of light - it is called, thank you. To consider further this notion of levels of frequency or levels of vibration we must reference that one of the factors in order to be able to achieve this frequency and to connect with it and hear the tone is that you are required to do some self mastery. You are required to condition your inner environment, to prepare yourselves to extend your faith and to convince yourself you are worthy. There are a multitude of steps before conditions will be met when you may comfortably reside in these more divine frequencies. This is of course, mastered most successfully by the routine application of stillness. This act of stillness is the ‘going to the gym’ and exercising your spirit connection and by so doing you create the environment conducive for the transfer of this frequency.

You would not be here now had you not granted yourself these conditions and therefore, having applied yourself and granted yourself this authority, you now are experiencing that you can wield this authority and you can direct grace as an instrument of divine peace. It is a thrilling awareness to gain that you can be in the loop of grace bestowed from on high, that you can be a part of the delivery of grace because you so choose. Continue to choose the grace of truth, beauty and goodness, to choose love, to choose these divine frequencies. By seeking to match your vibrations with these tones you may add a unique harmony to the chords being struck together in co-creativity. This will always bring you home, settle you down, calm your nerves and reassure you that you are well and safe as a child of God. You are cared for as a loving family member and nothing about that will change because of circumstance or your environment. [Thank you]