2023-07-13-The Infancy of Your Spiritual Voyage

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Topic: The Infancy of Your Spiritual Voyage

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Machiventa, Michael

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: I am grateful to join in the spirit vibration. I come in gratitude, through gratitude as my avenue of approach, this brings me directly in contact with the spirit of love, the spirit of goodness, truth, and beauty. So I use this method to come quickly to spirit, to return once again to this sacred place that we maintain for this purpose. I approach with the gratitude that the part has towards the whole, the gratitude of belonging, the gratitude of connection, the gratitude of pursuing where spirit will lead in the direction home. So be it, even now, as I call the organization to order and resume our use of this portal that we have created and continue to support, even now.


Machiventa: Once again it is easy to accept your bold invitation stated with such purpose and sincerity that it becomes a matter of course and delightful to respond to such a petition, such a request made real by your very actions and your very willingness to participate in spirit, even as a mortal of flesh and blood. You have grown to the point of being able to exercise this choice freely at will to move into your spirit component and to tap into the wavelength and the energy present in that spectrum reserved for spirit contact. I am Machiventa once again and as a matter of course, as you may have sensed, I have adopted you as a group from the very beginning. While there have been interludes of instructors and servants from on high, I have remained associated with this group of steadfast individuals who are willing to apply not only the willingness, not only the desire, but to follow up with the action necessary, the energy spent, the time taken, and the choices that are made appropriately.

As I have been privileged and honored to observe your transformation into composition beings in this one short mortal experience, it has been thrilling to see your willingness to explore that unseen and perhaps unknown dimension of yourself. All things are unknown until they are discovered and known, until they are learned by virtue of experience. This is what is so significant and valuable regarding your earthly experience and the unlimited potentials this experience provides for you to grow, grow in your depth, grow in your awareness, grow in your peace, grow in your security. All these traits are established through your trait of faith that there is a direction to grow, there is a higher way, there is greater purpose and greater values to be taken in and learned before you which serve to expand your very dimensions, serve to provide you with the stability of some awareness, some personal experience that brings you the stability of certainty about your extension of faith.

So, as you are learning, your initial phase here on Urantia is but the first of many staged experiences before you, experiences that have been prepared and made available so that you may go through them and process for yourself the experience of having encountered the circumstance. Only this way can you gain the personal wisdom furnished by experience. This first fact of your infancy regarding your eternal spiritual voyage, this first episode in your journey involves your becoming a spiritualized being by your own choice to grow your own being, to serve yourself. Such a dynamic proves to be a necessary component of your journey in that it is necessary in your growth cycle to make investments in the process, to choose to undergo the challenges before you as further indication of your growth and your attainments achieved.

Such growth as is manifested in the true seeker becomes a matter of fact, a matter of truth, a matter of beauty, a matter of goodness. Having the characteristics of the divine means that such activities have divine meaning and divine value. Though they may seem personal or small, perhaps even insignificant, no spiritual choice is ever insignificant. No action as a result of the compulsion of spirit is ever a mistake. It is as you have suggested, all about learning about how to go with the flow, with the overall river moving in the direction of spirit, to learn its properties and how to navigate your individual self, your individual craft down this great river of man.

On your individual journeys you have long since signed up and shown your commitment to make every effort on your behalf to navigate whatever comes before you rather than to waste any energy looking to stall the progress or slow the current, rather remaining in contact with spirit as to how to navigate what is around the next bend before us and having the faith and the trust to make such a connection. To tap into such a force means that it is so, it has been chosen, you have made it real. It has moved from potential to actual, from possible to existing. Such is the power of your choosing. Many options surround you but your choosing the selected ones determines your direction, determines your ascension, determines your progress in spirit.

This journey that you have before you in spirit, this eternal career again laid out for you, prepared, staged in anticipation of your arrival, these different arenas provide you with the necessary components to develop specific traits and such opportunities, such training grounds prove to be most effective in providing the necessary experience and furnishing the next phase of experience as required. Such are the opportunities available to those who are aware of them, to those who are willing to seek them and who are actively looking to find them.

I as well would like to offer my gratitude into the soup that we are brewing here tonight, to add my energy of appreciation for the energy expended, the necessary energy to stage and create and make possible and condition the environment for this very meeting, this very gathering of friends and I am in deep gratitude to be among such a group. All efforts at pursuing spirit values are divine inspirations, they are your callings, your interest, your curiosity, your desiring to reach out and touch. To literally connect is a worthy method of your choosing and it may very well function for your purposes under such circumstances as you provide.

In your seeking to connect, it is my duty to once again bring around the notion of service to yourself and developing connection within to your spirit guide will prove most effective and serviceable for you, more secure, more certain, more reliable than any second hand communication interpreted through the wavelengths of spirit into the material expression of concept. Your Inner Guide may serve to provide you the direction that you seek, provide you the assurance of your choices, provide you with options yet to be considered and unfailingly support your choices, support your decisions; after all, they have signed up for your journey. They have signed up for your career of spirit growth and they did so in full awareness of what the journey entailed. They are that committed to you, that tied to you in the process, and therefore are clearly your best ally in your forward progression with one with certainly your best interests at heart.

In order to create such a bond you must have a powerful and strong faith, faith so strong that it influences your very acts of living. It conditions your environment so that your choices may be effective and your directions may be guided. With the influence of your Inner Guide you have a partner to check with regarding any movement and direction. This Onboard Partner may assist you in navigating some of the more difficult passages. If you connect, if you join together in the process, then you have access to all the help you might need but it is required that you exercise your faith to a greater and greater degree and lean on its certainty, lean on its reality, see the truth contained in the reality. Register the expression of this truth and how beautiful that is and register the innate goodness of such a spirit encounter, a spirit experience.

All of this choosing and all of this acting is where you are the transformer between the spirit desire and the material artist who chooses what will be made real and what will simply remain potential. Every time you exercise your creative prerogative to simply choose what will be, you change the course, you change the setting of the stage, the arrangement of the operation. By creating a change in the dynamics surrounding your experience, new choices arise as to how to navigate through the new paradigm present as a result of your active conditioning and defining of the environment at play. So whether it is on the small scale of the correction of a physical component of the self or whether it is on a larger scale of events, a healing petitioned for another or a healing for the planet or the people on the planet, whatever scope of target you choose, the principles are all the same. You must bring your faith, you must bring your trust, you must leave your doubts and any uncertainty that may be lurking in the dark places.

Use the power of light to condition the environment, the participants, the circumstance, the outcome and the process itself. All of these may be staged prior to their occurrence. Just as you create the scenario possible to host this gathering, you simply create the scenario possible to host other gatherings. The components of the process are the same. The discipline to calm the vehicle and open the channels of communication for spirit as a matter of choice is a significant step in the process or this process of communication. This communication taking place is occurring on the spirit frequency, it is then transposed into the material component and it is translated into word and strung together into thought. But all of this process requires this translation between mediums and therefore there is always the potential for the misalignment of circuitries. Contacting your Inner Guide proves to be the most direct route to finding what you seek if it is spirit based. No doubt your Thought Adjuster is duly capable and as we are told, exceedingly willing to help with the forward momentum of their partner in eternity.

And while all this is going on apace and while your progress as a group may be noteworthy in its time frame, there is no deadline, there is no hurry, there is nothing to catch up with and there is no timeline to adhere to. Each journey, every journey, is an individual experience provided choice by choice and facilitated with the help of your own Internal Guide. After all, who do you think it is that brings such worthy inspirations, that triggers such worthy thoughts, that brings the conviction of choices made that are spirit worthy. Having referenced this opportunity before you, within you, inside you, a part of you and once again referencing this aspect of self I wish to support any notions brought forward as to keeping your gaze on service to the self. This is indeed the greatest service you may provide. While it may be noble to attempt to assist others in their process of spiritual growth and awareness it falls to you to provide for the right experience and the right opportunity by conditioning the environment to provide it for yourself.

Such is the opportunity before all of you and your choices throughout the process will determine the unique aspects of your journey. The personal component of self, this individual aspect is what you are in service to when you are considering the self. This gift of grace that has been issued for you is not only a matter of great gratitude but a willingness to be a good steward, the willingness to support and foster this fragment of the whole, to take on this responsibility in the same fashion that your Adjuster has willingly taken up the responsibility of your survival. Be bold in your direction derived from your spirit affirmations. Lean on your faith to turn potentials into realities and to create the very environment you would choose to support, a spirit saturated environment.


It has been my pleasure to access this opportunity that you have provided and perhaps to bring some words of encouragement, some thoughts to consider, perhaps even some directions to explore. It has been my honor to accept your invitation and join you sojourning together down this road of exploration as you encounter the many dimensions of spirit. Peace be with you as you move forward through this process. This whole experience was not designed to cause suffering but rather designed to provide you with opportunities for the next step, options to choose to grow your soul and the time to have the experience. I take my leave now and thank you for this opportunity provided. When I hear the school bell ring I am drawn like the moth to the flame. Innately and from within am I drawn towards your light and I will look forward to fellowshipping with you in the future. Farewell