2000-05-14-Love, Faith, Belief

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Topic: Love, Faith, Belief

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Elyon, Tomas. Jessona, , Abraham, Margul

TR: Jonathan, Gerdean



Elyon (Jonathan TR): Dear friends, this is Elyon. Let me begin today by once again stressing the ever-present reality of love. Though we all have learned and understand that the Paradise Father is at the center of all things and moves not from His Paradise Isle, and though we all have learned and understand that He is resident with us, until you have experienced fusion as I have, you will entertain doubts as to his watchcare, that love and concern. Being as you are now, housed in physical form with impaired circuitry upon this planet, it can be difficult to discern the presence of the Father which is love, and here is where your faith becomes of utmost importance, for it is your antenna; it is your vehicle for discernment. When the wind blows, you can sense it upon your skin; you can sense it on your hair. Your faith is your sensor to the wind of love.


Once again I return to my oft-repeated admonition that stillness is likewise the means whereby you can increase your sensitivity of this loving presence of the Father, for during times of tribulation when you need to receive this love the most, you will not have the opportunity to develop your sensitivity. A crisis may throw you into sensing this love, but that is not the optimum route to take. The better approach is to practice the presence of God, thereby you will be strengthened for those difficult times. You will begin to seek for and connect to this love prior to the upheavals, prior to the crises.

I have known you all for quite some time and need not spend a great length of time reminding you that love is far more than the feeling and emotion but is an all-encompassing state of being that includes your intellect, that includes your feelings, your ideals, your values, and all personalities.

Love is the foundation of all sound religion. Love is the motivation of every spiritually progressive soul. I would say that it is as gasoline to a car, but in reality it is as combustion of gasoline is to a car. It is the energy source, not simply the material itself. When love explodes, it expands; it does work. It effects others. It is the one thing in the universe worth seeking above all else, for it is the radiance of the Father.

I will here pause and allow others to address you.

Tomas (Gerdean): I am Tomas. I will pick up with belief.

Elyon has reminded you, spoken to you, about the force of love, the force inherent in God and in your Indwelling Adjuster that gives rise to your faith, that proves your faith, whereas your minds are capable of creating your beliefs which also give you a sense of driving power, but it is not the same as faith, for beliefs are born in the mind and supported by community.

Behold your conversations preceding our session. The belief system of the Aztec civilization and the belief of Christians that jointly called for blood sacrifice. Behold your discourse regarding your community enterprises and experiences and that your beliefs in what you are doing, although founded on faith, are indeed embellished by your interpretation of what you are about. Thus you build a belief in what you are doing and how you walk the will of God. The power of beliefs is indelibly great; it advances and destroys civilizations. Yet faith is that quality which resides in eternity with or without a structure to hang upon. Belief systems are good as they provide a foundation for great action, but belief systems may need to be altered or corrected in order for faith to grow and flourish into the next order of being. Thus behold the companion who has acknowledged a need to break through the bonds of self-imposed restraint and enter into a more meaningful relationship with her spiritual nature in search of healing and the force of life-giving faith. Be courageous when your belief systems, your cherished belief systems, are altered. I am reminded of our ignoble Lucifer who was so committed to his established beliefs that a portion of the universe was alienated from reality because of his steadfast refusal to give up his own belief system. The effects can be long range and difficult of correction. Yet if your faith in our Father is intact it will allow you to yield yourselves into that wondrous reality which we desire and will, as it is His will.

I have finished.


Mark: I request Jessona's presence.

Jessona: I have been here awhile already, my friend. It is an honor to be called into your consciousness in this arena. It is a joy to experience a new TR. I have met with Gerdean before, and we will see eye-to-eye on most matters.

What I see you needing me for is a confirmation of what you have already resolved in your heart. But I will not put words in your mouth but rather will ask you to express your need for my guidance.

Mark: You have been instructive for us on the topic of healing, and I perceive that I am being asked to function in this capacity. I am willing and just concerned that I am able. I ask for any instruction you could give as to how to be a proper conduit for my sister and what service I could be for others, as well.

Jessona: Thank you, yes. Your relationship with this friend is being lifted to a higher, closer, level. Your experience in this healing range is a way of experiencing greater intimacy with your sister, in that you are helping her to become more identified with her actual spirit reality. Let me find an example of something I can use. I see the example of the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea".

This woman is a very sensitive woman. Indeed, dealing in feathers is an indication of a very fine and gentle soul. Yet this princess has an errant pea that is causing her distress. She has already admitted she already knows the source of this disturbance by acknowledging that she hoped to get through this life without a greater grasp of what would be called upon in advancing interest in her survival. If this errant pea were to be smoothed away, she would be able to find rest. The smoothing of the coverlets is probably the greatest service that can be provided in this moment in your relationship with her.

Dwell not over much on the illness, on the lump, on the distress, but upon the gentle easing it away. It matters not how it got there. The fact that it is the time for it to go in order for her to grasp her life with ease is what is important. The spirit is perfection-minded. Tomas spoke of the belief in the wake of Elyon discussing faith. You have the opportunity now to introduce her to the power and force of faith that can eradicate a faulty belief which has no purpose now in her. Strengthen her cognizance of her connection with spirit and let spirit heal her. Minister to her, of course, and lay on hands. Make the meaningful gestures that will help her envision the relinquishing of those irksome issues that have caused her a disease. Allow the entrance into her consciousness of the Divine Minister, the Mother Spirit, in her washing away that which no longer serves, breaking up the pea that troubles her child's rest.

Your motives are earnest; your desire to serve is great. Your faith in Father is well founded, and you do believe that in Him all manner of wonders can occur. It is in your best interests to believe in yourself as a mouth and a voice and a breath of infinity. By giving yourself a belief that you can bring the Father into her awareness, you then can watch in faith while she grasps these truths inherent in her as a result of her indwelling adjuster. Have no fear that your ministry will be effective. Her desire is for the embrace of her spirit community. Offer her holistic faith.

Mark: How does one reconcile the desire to reach out as a healing conduit and the apparent deficiencies in one's own character that are perceived as an obstacle in this process?

Jessona: Perceived by whom?

Mark: I speak personally. "Healer heal yourself." I see my deficiencies that I need to reconcile somehow.

Jessona: It is not you doing the healing. It is as an imperfect vehicle that you avail yourself of the Father's and the Mother's healing energies. It is your faith which allows the energy to come through. You may not believe in yourself, but you have faith in God, and it is that which will effectively enter into the consciousness of your environment.

Mark: Thank goodness.

Jessona: Continue to reflect upon those elements of yourself which will require a correction and a refinement of perfection, for that is on-going as you grow. But at any given moment your faith may be so vivid as to as to rise above any of your human doubts in love of that which is.

Mark: Leave yourself out and you become most effective.

Jessona: It is as if you were TR'ing. The more you stay out of the picture, the better the teachers can teach.

Mark: Thank you. I appreciate your confidence in me.

Jessona: We will work with you and for you and for all of those with whom we have a conscious connection, whether through you who know about the ministry of the Life Carriers and the adjutant mind spirits and all the myriad circuits of activation and those who opt to call them by other names and yet who in faith are advancing their understanding of their place in the universe.

It is a wondrous time we live in, a spiritual renaissance, indeed. You know there is much healing needed. The more you contribute to the belief system that the gods are concerned with even the physical welfare of their children on earth, the more you have brought God consciousness to Urantia and the greater steps we have taken toward Light and Life. All of these are contributory, and we are supportive of your efforts to advance the cause of Michael.

Mark: I believe this wholeheartedly. I welcome your assistance. Thank you.

Jessona: I will see you Wednesday if not before.

Tom: I have some of the same feelings of angst as regards my function when I am bringing healing consolation to people. I would like confirmation about my friend who recently passed away. I squelched numerous urges to go over to see him. Now it's too late. Did I miss a cue or was my work done?

Secondly, I am watching my father's rapid deterioration. If we want help we have to ask, so I ask for any help to ease my father's discomfort.

Jessona: I would like to address your concern, my friend. I am paused before your phrase, "healing consolation". Ask yourself how is this possible. Healing is an eradication of disease. Consolation is comforting, assuaging anxiety or guilt or burden or blame and allowing for a peace to appear and blanket the organism such that power can effectively heal. Your role as healer is indeed a method of bringing comfort to the soul and psyche of the afflicted in order for the spirit to do the healing work. Thus, the onus of whether or not you "succeed" in healing is not a judgment for you to make, for you have offered by your affection and your gestures a certain comfort and consolation in ministering to them as you pass by. But if you feel that your work is warranted in an intensified fashion so as to underscore your belief in their capacity to rise above the affliction in order to indicate your faith in their will to survive and beat this ailment, it could require of you then a persistence such as would indicate to your patient that you are going to fight the good fight with them until we have overcome.

Now you may want to review your motives in here and ascertain if you are trying to usurp a prerogative which is not yours. It is the earnestness which you approach your desire to comfort that is endearing and indeed effective.

The ministry that you apply to your earth father is a tireless ministry. Even though it is often done in a perfunctory manner, at the heart is your concern for a dear person. Thus your love is in it. Your awareness of all the circumstances involved in your ministry to an old man is a tender portrayal, indeed. This consolation that you bring eases the mind and eases the heart and eases the soul and eases the body. Once this gentle rest is accepted it is entirely up to the Father what will transpire with His child. The work that you can do is to bring this comfort to the person such that experience is made easier, so that their struggle is lifted, so that their embrace of the divine is such that they will be carried into the next level of reality with good cheer and good faith, whether that be to the resurrection halls or to their own living room. Being about the Father's business is a full-time job. Ministering to those who are afflicted is also a ceaseless endeavor.

Easing the pain of life is a healing practice that goes on even in the hale and hearty. You need to remember to minister also to yourself. Those of you who give so much need, like Jesus, to go aside and take in energy to renew your own font in order that you may continue your service paths without undue distress to yourselves. You are as precious as any other. Be compassionate for your own self as well.

Is this helpful?

Tom: Thank you, yes.

Abraham: I am Abraham. Good morning, my trusted soldiers. I am here informally at the prompt of your discussion of blood sacrifice. It is a part of my reputation I will have a hard time living down. But I have advanced a great deal in my belief system, if you will, since those early days. But it is true that once instilled these belief systems are reluctant to let go . .. even those that are a natural part of human evolution.... are sometimes with us into advanced years, even into advanced mansion worlds. This is why we are so appreciative of our Creator who has prepared a path of advancement. We can let go of those things which once were so important as to matter in terms of whether or not we were able to appease the angry gods and buy our way into heaven. Even today you all have residue imprints of your early, early racial conditioning going way before your current cultural paradigms. The vestiges of the animal are inherent and not as troublesome as you might want to think. The practice of many of your superstitions, for example, are still a part of your unconsciousness, subconscious, but your conscious mind has now become adult enough, aware enough, that you know there is no truth to the superstition, and thus you laugh; you joke about what was once an incredibly important part of the evolving religion, especially as it is weighed against that which is being revealed in your spiritual life as you strive for greater truths, greater realities. The idea of sacrifice, even in itself, is still a great part of you, and that does not even consider how well we are outgrowing the blood part. But alas, there are many millions of mortals on this sphere who are not willing to forsake those concepts, those beliefs, which would give their spirits greater freedom to embrace our master's ascension plan for his children.

I am not going to take the liberty of closing your group. I am going to withdraw. With my embrace, affection, and encouragement, farewell.

Margul (Jonathan): I greet you. It has been a great length of time, as you perceive time, since I have been in your presence addressing you in an audible manner as we do now. I am Margul, Trinity Son.


Let me bring this meeting to a close with this final thought, and that is that my task upon your world is one like he who plows a field. I seek to cultivate the soil of Urantia that it might one day reach Light and Life. There are many acres of fallow fields, potential that lies in the future for Urantia. I am endeavoring to prepare this ground, to bring the fertilizers that will foster growth. There are many agencies upon this world who are planting seeds, who are tending to the crops. Some are focused, as the master alluded to when he said "the harvest is great", upon the salvation of souls, upon resurrection of human beings into morontia life. Some are very concerned upon the culmination of growth and the harvest that the soul is safeguarded and cared for in transition to what I could call the market place of the morontia realm.

Many times you have witnessed what you perceived to be progress upon the planet toward Light and Life and then are disillusioned by what appears to be the destruction of that progress much like a field of produce that has gone to weed. Do not be concerned, for myself and many associated with me are often planting a cover crop that does appear to be robust and vigorous only to be plowed under. This is not disastrous; it is stepping toward Light and Life in a deliberate manner with purpose and intent.

You I deem to be as perennials, for your faith is strong, and you do not wither as the seasons go. I ask you all to bear well when the ground is hard, to be vigorous when the sun blazes strong. Adversity will strengthen your limbs, will drive deep your roots. Send out your shoots. Establish new areas where the spiritual manner of living can flourish. You will one day undergo the harvest and enter the morontia realm. I will remain here with my Trinity Teacher Sons, and we will continue to cultivate Urantia for that eventual garden of Light and Life. I trust you to help us in this process as you tarry upon this world.

I now take my leave. I will communicate again in the future.