Talk:Amherst Initiative

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July 29, 2014

Byron Belitsos wrote: Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 9:34 PM

Dear compatriots of the kingdom within,

Some but not all of you have seen my "manifesto" of sorts. I woke up with these words the next morning after our marathon discussion on Thursday night in our suite. I typed it Friday morning and named it the "Amherst Initiative". I have attached it for your reference.

I believe the chief ideas that came out of Thursday were (1) the need to protect and transmit our legacy for future generations (epitomized by the Daynal archive, but by many other assets of our community) and (2) the lessons to be drawn from the fact that Ron Besser was able to accomplish his "take over" of Starbridge—in part because our community had been in disarray and still is. Also, we noted my own harsh experience of having the Fellowship bar my books and my interfaith workshop from IC '14—without the Fellowship even feeling a need for an honest and clear explanation to me.

In my view, what is needed now (for these reasons and others) is a "network of love," one that is unified and minimally self-organized and that can stand up in situations like these. I envision this as a coalition of entities or organizations such as Daynal Institute, Evolving Souls (my own 501c3 that incorporates Origin Press), Stillness Foundation, and others, including study groups. (It would not be a membership organization for individuals.)

Most of you know I started an initiative along these lines after IC '11 called the Revelation Federation. While on the plane it hit me that we might rename it as the "Revelation Coalition" or "RC" for short.

I have been impressed with many additional ideas in the last few days, and I will send them to those of you who "opt-in." We can then confer by email and perhaps have a phone conference at some point soon.

I have tweaked the language of the original Initiative draft, so please review this new version. It could become the preamble to a future agreement that constitutes the Revelation Coalition. I have all of you down as endorsing the initiative with the exception of Fred and Mike, so I await their "yeah" or "nay" as well. Feedback or suggestions of any kind are most welcome. Let's keep the Amherst energy alive and follow the will of Father to where he wants us to go as brothers and sisters in this work.

Love, Byron

PS When we were conferring about the Revelation Federation, a transmission from Michael came through that is pertinent to our current discussion.

“…One of the missions of Machiventa, working with Monjoronson, is that they work with you to become sustainable. You, here in this group, must begin to bend yourselves so that you as a group are sustainable. And you are right, it is important that you become identifiable as a group, and that you commit yourselves to this group and to its values. It is important that you become whole, so that you can project yourselves to your world, that you have a group consciousness that you can use and apply to the world…We need you to project this wholeness. If your group is fractured and divided, separated and isolated, then you cannot be effective for myself or Machiventa or for Monjoronson. We are united in our attempts to assist you. We ask that you assist yourselves to follow this example.” —Michael

July 30, 2014

Michael Painter wrote: Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 8:35 AM

Great to see everyone at the conference! I would like a few days to think about this and to consult with a few people before I give my reply. I'll answer by next Monday. Mike

Fred Harris wrote: Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 2:07 PM

Thanks for including me, Byron. I have a different perspective on these matters than what is described in the Amherst Initiative.

Let me explain.

The way I see it, we are all being constantly nudged and encouraged by celestial forces. We are all attempting to have direct contact with God, without intermediaries. This Correcting Time is an ever growing consciousness that is sweeping the planet.

The celestial teachers provide assistance, but are not a substitute for direct connection with God, nor do they say they are. Much of the spiritual lessons that they give us are repeated over and over – because we are indolent and forgetful. The records of prior lessons are contaminated, in one way or another, as a result of the human aspect of the transmission process. This situation where there is a fight over who controls the transcripts is a distraction to the ongoing mission. It has compromised the acceptability of the teaching mission to the general Urantia public.

By the way, even though the “TeaM” issues were excluded from IC14, many of the participants are teaching mission alumni but who don’t mention it much, if at all.

If all the lessons were lost, that would be OK with me. More are on the way.

As a result, I view the attachment to the written transcripts as being a distraction to the ongoing work. We know what we are supposed to do. We don’t need to continue to read them over and over or to expect that the treachers will provide us with future event knowledge. It doesn’t work that way, as a general rule, and their prior predictions have been totally inaccurate in my own experience.

So, I can’t sign on to the initiative. Instead I have worked on trying to incorporate the lessons I learned into my daily life and to pass them on (mostly to young adults) as I pass by. I know that you all are doing the same.

Hold high the mission! It shall not fail!

Lighten Life, V

Byron wrote: Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 8:03 PM

Well said, Vincent. I can't agree with your approach (despite its appealing logic), but I am grateful for who you are in this mission, and for your ready willingness to state your views. However, I think we should table this discussion for now. Rob is leaving Cincinnati in the next few days. I suggest we all pray for Rob and Sussi during this time of transition. Michael Painter will also be heading over there shortly to assist with things.



July 31, 2014

Rob Davis wrote:Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 8:24 AM

Hello Byron!

How ironic that enthusiasts' distaste for records of human experience mirrors Richard Dawkins' for the divine. To be sure, the relationship of moral and spiritual consciousness is inseparable from evolving human language that sees the value of records for any journey through time notwithstanding adulation of enthusiasts alongside mockery of critics. As time itself is a teaching tool for correcting the illusion of separation, the literature that bears witness to advancing God consciousness is an enduring testament to the experiential path any generation traverses while building upon all those preceding it.

That literature is ancillary to the experience engendering it is well known among philosophers parsing the sign and the signified. Regardless, languages and literature are tools of indirection that can and do touch persons with the reality that is represented. Why? Because there lives within the human mind actual presences illuminating speech even while reaching well beyond any linguistic range that accounts for why Jesus taught the most to those with whom he spoke the least. Nevertheless, the record of his words in all their forms continues as part of his work.

The association of religion with agonistic disputation arises not from material aritfacts themselves but from the value placed upon them by those who have yet to find their Source within. Fred's reference to "attachment" to such records is spot on, but there are those who know such attachment is inherent to early phases of material life while transition is made from reliance upon external sources to internal sources. However, once passage is secured, no longer then does there exist any possible way to exclude one or the other for both are seen for their true worth.

Systematic record keeping were part of each of the first two visitations, and I am happy to note we have seen in our generation the clay tablet become something that can communicate anything and anywhere. It is for just such a time that the motion toward cosmic integration has been initiated, and we are fortunate to have on record for all to examine transactions that bear witness to the love that inspires such motion, here and in the universe at large. And, while I lament reliance upon attributions of authority, there does exist, notwithstanding inherent corruption of concept, literary gems of human expression for gleaning from the record of our shared experience to be given others yet to be born.

Therefore the invitation to exploration is open to any who might accept it from those who are the architects of an eternal curriculum - "students who have savored many revelatory texts given to our world during this time of accelerated change who relish the exploration of their source within are encouraged to join in a deeper probe of the inner life. The purpose is to surmount the great challenge of our time by fostering a culture of communion such that personal communication with God living within each person may be characterized less with symbols and other methods of indirection than direct flashes of intelligence to the intellects of his human partners!"



Rob wrote: Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 10:31 AM

Dear Byron,

The following is worth considering as we proceed in exploring shared paths of service.

All revelations to this planet of a global context had their centers, those you have read about in the revelation. The efforts of Michael as Jesus, even though there was no formal physical location for his teachings, likewise was in an abstract sense headquartered in his apostolic corps and evangelistic group. It had a centralization effect about his being. The current epochal revelation at this time is loose in its organization. There will not be a central teaching headquarters in the near future, for that phase of the fifth epochal revelation is yet a ways down the road. What needs to occur now is the compensatory teachings that were lost by the failures of the other epochal headquarters. When that is better established the new centralized teaching corps will begin. It will not be so much linked to this epochal event; it will be the conclusion of the efforts of all the preceding epochal outreaches to this world. It will replace what was lost and should have been here all along.

Our Correcting Time mission of Michael is only an intervening phase, for we, as you have noted, do not headquarter ourselves through any one of your groups. We share ourselves freely among you. We likewise are taking a grassroots approach. It is the upliftment of the consciousness of mankind that must proceed before overt institutions are put into effect. This being said however, I would not dissuade any human beings so inspired to establish educational centers, spiritual retreats. As you do this you develop the structures and the skills at operating such structures which will be of benefit to the higher administrators at a later date who will walk among you and reestablish the headquarters the world was intended to have. - Elyon

For those who are "so inspired", let us continue the conversation.



August 2, 2014

Byron wrote: Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 1:33 PM

Friends, I think we should pick up our broader discussion soon, but in the meantime here are a few points of clarification in my own thinking:

We are community that (for the moment) lacks coherence and unified leadership. We are without a critical mass of participants who have resources to collaborate. So the term "governance" may not be applicable now. What I am proposing for this period is an "in-gathering"—an effort to make an inventory or registry of resources and to gather our "members." At the moment I think of members not as individuals but as functioning groups such as:

  • Daynal
  • Evolving Souls
  • Origin Press
  • Teaching Mission Network
  • Raphael's MM initiative
  • CCC
  • Any study group that is inclusive of celestial input (my own group, that of Donna and Larry in LA, Sussi's new group, and a few others)
  • Transmission groups (those few remaining)

There should be criteria for membership (by groups) in the network; this would be a key topic of discussion. Members would at a bare minimum share resources such as email lists and make an effort not to duplicate resources and activities. The network would provide a contact point for truth-seekers and a portal to our member's resources. Of course, membership is a function of purpose; this topic is addressed in a general way in the Initiative text and needs great amplification.

To accomplish an "in-gathering of the tribes" I suggest that there be an in-person conclave sometime in spring 2015. It would have the objective of comparing notes toward creating a network of collaborators. I attempted to pull something like that together recently (the "Love and Leadership" conference, April 11-14, 2014) but had to cancel for various reasons.

Finally, I have attached an essay I wrote three years ago entitled "Unfolding the Cultural Matrix of Revelation." I think it is relevant to this discussion. It is attached and the opening paragraph is below.

Blessings all, more soon,


PS From my "Matrix" essay … In this essay, I make a “cultural” argument that the Teaching Mission stream needs to embrace institutional change, and should consider hosting worship groups that double as both study groups and service groups—in fact, a trinity of interdependent groups or institutions. In other words, I advocate that we initiate and lead local communities whose culture is based explicitly on worship that is supported by the textual study of our revelations (Urantia revelation, Teaching Mission, and beyond) and that we evolve our group encounter with revelation so powerfully that we become functioning units in Light and Life culture—that being the objective of the Magisterial Mission.

August 4, 2014

Michael Painter wrote: Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 9:15 AM

Hi All:

It was great to see everyone, and I enjoyed our time together and getting to know each of you better. The following are my thoughts about the Amherst Initiative.

I agree that the lack of a "face" for the TM has injured the reputation of TM by allowing a few individuals to promote their own agendas because some of these individuals and their organizations have created ill-will between themselves and the leadership of the UB based organizations. The impression of the TM has thus been negatively shaped by these individuals. This impression has been offset to some degree by the positive encounters and presences of other TMers, but the overall impression of the TM is more negative as evidenced by the lack of permission to sell TM related books at the conference. So, the question becomes what would be the best umbrella organization to be this face of the TM?

In my opinion, The Teaching Mission Network is the best alternative. As a board member of the TMN, I realize my views may seem self serving, I trust that you have enough respect for my integrity that you recognize that if I believed there was a better alternative, I wouldn't hesitate to say so. The following are my reasons:

  • 1) The TMN is already in place with a legal structure, an open form of governance, and a well designed website. Creating another organization would be a duplication of effort that would waste valuable time and human resources.
  • 2) The individual organizations spawned by the TM are not willing to give up their decision making autonomy to any other organization. Thus, the best hope is a flexible umbrella organization of associated individual organizations whose leaders can feel comfortable belonging to and can participate in. The structure of the TMN accomplishes this.
  • 3) The products and services of the individual organizations can be promoted on the TMN website (subject to Board approval) as well as their own.
  • 4) The TMN has the best potential to become the face especially after the release of the pending history book about the TM written by Jim Cleveland.
  • 5) The TMN has a board of individuals that have some individual respect among UB leaders and readers
  • 6) The TMN's stated purpose of promoting Stillness is the essential purpose of the TM and other purposes are secondary
  • 7) The promotion of Stillness is the only purpose that allows the UB community to interface with the TM because of its similarity to the UB's "communion with God"
  • 8) The TMN reaches out to other like minded groups and individuals which allows its scope to go beyond UB related groups

I would love to see TMers come together and give this organization a try. Why create another organization when we haven't given this one a try? If there are any serious flaws in the TMN structure or other purposes that should be added, we already have a structure in place to improve upon! I encourage all of you to become active and be possible Board members and give TMN a try. If it doesn't work, then lets talk about forming another organization. Please join if you haven't already and lend TMN your valuable ideas and leadership. Let's put our personal agendas aside and see the bigger picture. Regardless of what the future of the TM may be,, we can create a legacy to our teachers by preserving and spreading their teachings. "The work is important, the self is not."

Your friend and brother, Mike

August 5, 2014

Rob wrote: Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 1:14 PM

Hello Michael-

The absence of accountability, e.g. void of leadership, makes human representations of spiritual initiatives like the Urantia Movement, Teaching Mission, and Magisterial Mission that are exclusively dependent upon methods of indirection living demonstrations of how unsustainable are third hand approaches to divinity attainment. Given the cultural status of this world is in "some respects" that of a normal second planetary epoch, one can only wonder how long before there emerges the focus commensurate with the opening of a fourth epoch where the "passion of this dispensation is the penetration of cosmic reality and communion with spiritual reality."

I am reminded of of how it is that "revelation is not enough, because it is only communication from God. God does not need revelation returned to him, but he does want it brought to others. This cannot be done with the actual revelation; its content cannot be expressed, because it is intensely personal to the mind that receives it. It can, however, be extended by that mind to other minds, through the attitudes the knowledge from the revelation brings. (ACIM 4.8)

The lack of being able to distinguish between the "intensely personal" experience of revelation delivered by indirect methods and the explicitly mechanical nature of symbolic means used to deliver it suggests a milieu that has yet to pass the acid test of religious philosophy. This is not unique to the social movements known here and named above, but is widely observed operating in this world whose culture is one accustomed to isolation.

Take heart, for though it appears the current generation of enthusiasts for the UB, TM, and MM have faltered, we are after all but a "threshold generation" who may very well be serving as a cover crop for another where observed "progress upon the planet is disillusioned by what appears to be the destruction of that progress much like a field of produce that has gone to weed. Do not be concerned, for myself and many associated with me are often planting a cover crop that does appear to be robust and vigorous only to be plowed under. This is not disastrous; it is stepping toward Light and Life in a deliberate manner with purpose and intent. - Margul



August 6, 2014

Byron wrote: Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:22 AM

Well, you two (Rob and Michael) have added needed depth to these considerations. The Amherst Initiative was about having a robust discussion like this, one that would hopefully lead to "decision-action." (And in that connection I am feeling a need for a face-to-face mini-conference for all of us later in 2015.) In any case, for now I am going to ponder these words and await comments from others. I will be away this weekend at a UFO conference but looking in when I can, and then return on Monday. At this large event, I will give a presentation on "Adam and Eve as ancient astronauts" (per the popular TV show with that title), and will discuss the Eden/Atlantis expedition as well. Our new friend Denise Gibe (who came to the powwow in our suite at Amherst) will be attending, as will Andrea Barnes, Geoff Theiss, and Phil Schanzle, all of whom will help with the book booth there. Perhaps the one audience most open to our spiritual initiatives and celestial contact are the UFO folks, so we might want to keep them in mind as we engage in our deliberations.



PS I wrote a blog on John Causland's cosmology presentation at IC 14, here

August 10, 2014

Meredith Tenney wrote:

Hello Fred and All;

Yes, here we all are, attempting to have direct contact with God, coping with human misinterpretation, misconception, and error, and stumbling along in our confusion. The fact that transcripts are 'contaminated' with human input, doesn't make them valueless, anymore than errors in our perception should keep us from continually seeking the will of God.

You mention that an attachment to the transcripts can be a distraction from the on-going work, but who is to define what our on-going work is?

Is it working with young people through Truthseekers, as you do, Fred?

Is it writing and teaching 'love-based psychotherapy' and 'love-centered living' as Dave does?

Is it attempting to rebuild the Garden?

Is it creating and supporting the Stillness Foundation?

Is it engaging new-agers in the Fifth Epochal Revelation thru Evolutionary Revelation conferences?

Is it building an archive of spiritually inspired writings like the Daynal Institute?

Each of us is led by the spirit within to find our mission, and I believe it behooves us to behave as a team, supporting and encouraging one another along the way. Although confusion and human error in discernment is inevitable, I believe that individuals who are deeply committed to doing the Father's will are highly likely to be generally on track with God's plans. There is a big difference between acknowledging the potential for error in transmissions and dismissing long term impressions augmented with consecrated effort over years. If we don't have faith in God's ability to lead us under such circumstances, how can any of us hope to proceed?

It is a great comfort to me that John the Baptist remained confused his entire life about what his mission was, and nevertheless managed to perform brilliantly in spite of that. The apostles, too, with the exception of Judas and perhaps the Alpheus twins who did the best they could, ultimately accomplished great things. Perhaps it is not necessary to understand exactly what we are asked to do, how, or why, much less to fully comprehend each other's assignments. In the midst of such uncertainty, let us model faith in our in-dwelling spirits and in each other, trusting that abundant fruits will be forthcoming from the work each of us feels called to do. Let us become as an apostolic team, remembering that the act is man's, and the consequences, God's, and that when we work with God, amazing things can (and likely will) happen.

Blessed to be a part of the team,


Rob wrote:Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 1:11 PM

Thank you Mer! You represent our Mother Spirit well in asking questions that require a lifetime to answer in truth. I suggest that the larger purpose of any teaching initiative is to demonstrate in person the reality mere words can only represent. As such, the literature of any religion, philosophy, or science is inadequate to describe what is becoming manifest upon this world in and through us now.

To discover spiritual truth we must become that very truth. This adds deeper meaning to Jesus' words, "follow me". [1] Furthermore, we have a point within our minds that is our gravitational center, the balance point where divine spirit meets human personality and soul growth comes about. As we dwell here, it expands more and more, putting us in deeper touch with divine energy until we become this center, not merely our conscious mind full of thoughts that are but a small puddle beside a large lake. The conscious mind is the small puddle of knowledge while the center is a beautiful lake of wisdom. We can come here anytime and actually live from this center rather than going in and out. Here, ones who walk the slower path find their answers more quickly than any moving at a fast pace. [2]

As for the value of "not knowing", I am reminded of the Divine Counselor, who, along with all those of his order is "persuaded that there is a vast body of essential spiritual knowledge, truth indispensable to high spiritual attainment, which cannot be consciously received." [3] Indeed, any worthy thought or desire is reinforced by our unseen friends, even though we are not conscious of this. All of us have spoken unknowingly already with their help. This is the ideal, that we combine our energies with theirs. As it becomes habitual, it becomes more and more difficult to tell who is speaking. [4]

To those who have been given much, much will be required, and I surmise what we will witness emerging from our respective efforts will not be fully appreciated until after we depart this world.

Dave Tenney wrote: Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 10:33 PM

Thanks, Mer for your comments, including on valuing the various efforts of all individuals and of our collective inner unity within outward diversity!

Thanks Rob for your #s 1-4 below that I found quite poignant, despite their being a miniscule sampling of your Daynal site.

Thanks, Fred, for living/being the teachings in the best way that you can find for yourself + a sincere & heartfelt thanks for all that you have been doing for and with the younger people over the years, including Alanna.

Love ya all,


August 13, 2014

Byron wrote: Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 12:05 AM

Thanks for these enlightening responses everyone. (I am especially impressed with your recent thoughts and ideas, Mer.) For the moment, I will take Michael's advice and help further the mission of TMN, while continuing to pray and think over my original initiative (which is much broader in scope than TMN). I greatly enjoyed speaking at the UFO conference this weekend, where we had a booth for three days selling U-books and Origin Press books. Denise Gibe was there, as was Andrea Barnes, who ran our booth with me. Barbara Marx Hubbard attended my talk and had an epiphany—she will be reading the Urantia Book now, and is interested in the Magisterial Mission! More on this later … My fave shot from the weekend is attached.



August 14, 2014

Michael wrote: Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 8:03 AM

Hi Byron:

Glad to hear the UFO conference went well. Ms. Hubbard has a wide circle of friends, so it will be interesting to see if she embraces the book. Give us some more details about the conference and how your talk was received. The jump from aliens to spiritual beings sent here to help us doesn't seem too great.

Glad to hear you are lending your support to TMN. Contact Jim, but I believe we are looking for officers. I encourage the others to do the same. Everyone can keep their own organizations, but let's have just one that we all cooperate with as a team effort so that the TM can have a "face" for the UB movement to interact with.

Warm regards, Mike

August 14, 2014

Jim Cleveland wrote: Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 10:52 AM

Hi Byron and all,

I'm pleased to continue these discussions with you, but I see folks here who are not likely up to date on our initiatives -- which seem to occur mostly in a parallel universe.

Time travel back to about 1 year BEFORE the URANTIA conference in Salt Lake City, 2011.

In those months, some few brave souls organized the Teaching Mission Network and were developing our website. There were more than a dozen involved.

None, however, were at IC11, including our first Administrative Council.

Nonetheless, we followed your initiative in a number of lengthy discussions -- and transmissions -- at IC regarding something like a Urantia Revelation Federation, which was in your mind. Some 3-4 years later, it still is. You and Marty decided that my guidance for our Network was not your cup of tea and embarked in other directions -- Marty to help Ron Besser at Starbridge and you to continue the discussions by phone until it petered out.

Now, three years later comes a modified discussion on a Coalition.

After 23 years of attempted global networking and efforts to build a cohesive community, I assure you that I have no optimism for this anytime soon. We have a number of service entities inspired by the Celestial Teachers but I see them as absolutely obstinately separate. The best we can do is link them on any and all media, which I've done since 1996.

Would such a Revelation Coalition present a united political front for or against something? To supplant the Fellowship or join it? To show a sizeable effort that must be reckoned with in the courts of humanity?... an organization with some clout? Within what circles? Urantia? A global coalition of people who work with celestials?

Earlier in the year, we talked at length about a Urantia Universal Society ... a progressive, liberal and celestially-connected organization that would organize itself and apply for Fellowship membership. This would get us some Urantian involvement with a seat on the Council.

I was all for this and, in retrospect, I see that I was the driving force behind it anyway. In your folks' discussions, apparently this idea has gone nowhere. I don't see any mention of a Urantia Society that embraces and utilizes celestial guidance. That's what we're talking about.

At least I am. Their rejection of celestial guidance is an absurdity that needs to be expunged from Urantia. I won't get into that -- but I will when the time is right.

In the meantime, we followed up after IC11 by building our membership, completing our website, making some videos, publishing the Joys of Stillness CD and soon the Teaching Mission history book, when we get one more written approval from one more contributor.

We have 8 brave souls who comprise our Administrative Council. Many were invited. Few stepped up. Most opted to become on-call Contact Personalities, about 35 people who otherwise have busy lives but have made an agreement to work with anyone seeking guidance into the Stillness -- in their geographical locale.

Our purpose is simple. Christ Michael wants us to connect his waiting teachers with seeking humans. We facilitate and encourage people into the Stillness and we promote Stillness and the bold reality of celestial connections in whatever creative ways we can do it.

Our Council can include up to 24 members worldwide. Each has one vote in providing Network direction. We have two Co-Chairs with equal status in managing the affairs of the Network. Each person is advised to receive personal guidance from Michael and are free to initiate new projects on behalf of the Network. We can be self-starters. We are Apostles for Michael and his Teachers.

There is minimal politics. Our members may serve for a lifetime. Elections are held every 3 years in conjunction with the Urantia Fellowship conference and are for the Council officers -- co-chairs, secretary, treasurer. We are a nonprofit organization established in Florida.

We welcome new members and need to grow, but only with persons who are capable and willing to work with new people seeking Stillness spirituality. This commitment is the crux of your membership -- as a Contact Personality in your area of service, or as a voting Council member, an administrator.

Each member has an individual website on the Teaching Mission Network site. Some, to date, have taken this seriously. It is intended for a personal introduction. Members simply send their personal spirituality messages to our Webmaster James Leese, and they're on the world wide web.

So, finally, at one point Byron you noted that this was simply a "service organization." And you are still looking for something more. Maybe a coalition of service organizations which, combined, have some global clout.

My interest is just not there. I still, stubbornly, want to support Paula Thompson and the Fellowship. They had no hand in insulting us and rejecting our work in the IC bookstore, and this can be laid to Angie Thurston and cohorts. And the committee itself split apart in dissension.

The Fellowship plainly needs new leadership that is dynamic, progressive, altruistic and motivated by love, not fear, and a drive to serve all of humanity. I am still in favor of a Urantia Society that represents our values, which can then apply for Fellowship involvement but can also make it just fine on our own. This organization's purpose would be to save Urantia from sinking into a protected obscurity by bringing its powerful Jesusonian message to the 21st century.

The purpose of the Teaching Mission Network is help develop a massive spiritual awareness of the joys of stillness, a higher spiritual consciousness, and bring together a community who revel in it together.

As I noted three years ago, Christ Michael put the Network together through me. It will not morph into anything else. We are not a business corporation, and we don't waste time with politics. As a member, you can do just as much for the organizaion as the Co-Chairs. We have many areas of service that need Chairs.

Opportunities within the Network are vast. And every person won into the Stillness will forever have greater guidance than us of us could ever provide.They will be motivated to use their own talents in their own areas of service.

And, as I also noted at IC11, the Network might well consider joining a Coalition of organizations at some point but .... I don't know why. We can represent ourselves. And I don't see that any Coalition would have any authority to act for any of its members anyway.

Would it be like a pressure group -- to consolidate and combine orgs that are in celestial or UFO contact and put some pressure on Urantia to accept these realities? I don't see the feasibility of putting pressure anywhere. It often just feeds more cognitive dissonance.

Just my views, and a full explanation which should untangle any confusions about who we are at TeaM Net. Urantia can take us or leave us. But I'm still trying to work with the Fellowship and if I had a voice on the Council I would use it. Anyone with ideas, questions, concerns, etc.about the Network, please let me know.

best wishes to all ...

August 15, 2014

Jim wrote: Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 9:44 AM

Hello all, and excuse me for again horning in on your conversation.

I've explained at length what Michael's Teaching Mission Network is about.

And I hear again your mission for something "much broader in scope" than TeaM Net.

Maybe a Global Network of Alien and Celestial Contact Organizations -- GNACCO. It would come to be known as Naco.

What would an organization achieve by being a member of another organization, which actually could not speak on its behalf? Why would that organization give up its right to speak for itself to a coalition entity? Speak about what? To whom?

Just a point, there is no active Stillness Foundation, which dissolved with the divorce of its founders. Years later, the Teaching Mission Network is a new organization which goes one step further -- promoting contact with Michael's teachers.

In the old days, we promoted Stillness but there was never any mention of celestial teachers per se; we carefully danced around any 'channeling' charges from Urantia people to avoid conflict.

Now, after they have given us 23 years of conflict anyway, I see no need to shrink away from Michael and a wave of teachers who are ready to mentor humans who will dare to reach inward to them.

Stillness leads one to Celestial Contact and Guidance. That's where you want to go. The Stillness is not a destination but a means.

thanks for reading, jim

Jim wrote: Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 10:41 AM

Hi again, an important note I should have included.

The Teaching Mission lessons are no more contaminated than any other piece of spiritual literature that comes to and through mankind.

Aa a whole, they comprise one of the finest collections of personal spiritual advice that can be found on the planet.

In retrospect, I really see no 'errors' of any significance.

Yes, Ron Besser is an enigma. He was never part of a group and was always a fringe player. He is the only person I know in history who claims 24-7 contact with his Thought Adjuster. Who is this nice man and what in the hell is going on? We entrusted him with an archive of excellent transmissions from a number of fine transmitters and he has literally used them to do seemingly autocratic things that none of us have any connection with.

And, alas, any purported Channeling source on the whole entire planet will be tossed on the doorstep of the Teaching Mission and we will branded with it, with a hot iron. Our Urantia critics will relish the associations they will make between TeaM and anything they can find. There is a massive distinction. Massive. Between our Spirit-based teachers from Michael and the cacophony of phony connections being perpetrated by self-centered people.

No time for more. Got to go cut some sweet gum logs.


August 16, 2014

Byron wrote:Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 6:07 PM

Hello Jim, Michael, and esteemed cohorts, 'Twill all work out, we will find a way to more unity-within-diversity. After all, that's supposed to the overall trend of the universe and the upshot of cosmic evolution. But patience is needed (which is something I have been short on), and meanwhile I acknowledge once again that TMN has gone a good way in the right direction. Plus let's leave room to see the hilarity of our situation. A few days ago I got a call from Gard Jameson, who was concerned that the Urantia Foundation had received a "Cease and Desist Order" from a follower of Ron Besser, some dude from Poughkeepsie, no less (I don't have his name), who was using the recent transmissions from Ron (regarding the updated UB that's coming out in 2016, etc.) and calling for the UF to submit to the new order of things. Gard was concerned whether there might be some real personal danger to the Trustees, given how extreme this guy's missive sounded. In response I sent a note disclaiming my connection to any of this just to set the record straight with Gard, and offering to find out more about the Poughkeepsie mystery man. I asked Gard to release more details to us so we could track this down. The Trustees have a meeting next Thursday after which I hope he'll release more info. (He mentioned the guy's name but I didn't write it down nor do I remember it, since it was unfamiliar.) More extremist actions of this sort seem likely in the future, given the incoherence of our "movement" and its lack of self-governance and public accountability; I suppose we can laugh at our many embarrassments and take joy in our many achievements.



Rob wrote: Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 9:07 PM

The "kingdom of God"is not a religion but a domain of divine influence whose 'umbrella' encompasses all that was, is, and ever will be, infusing all facets of every phase of evolution, human and divine. The 'revelations' of any one phase engender repercussions that are not always benign. How well we know that it can engender the spirit of the crusader that is more than dangerous!

Many upon beginning their spiritual life, want to preach 'a' religion, to be modern day heroes, but the task before us is much more difficult. It is certain that any who attain spiritual levels do not claim it as a badge of authority. Human beings who claim spiritual power for themselves have immediately lost it. How many times must we be reminded that whenever personal evaluations are elevated to the level of absolutes, evil always results?

Nevertheless, we stand at the beginning of a wonderfully adventurous novel and each have a page or two to add to it. There will be tragedy and triumph; there will be villains and heroes, and always will there be a moral to the story--something to add to the whole, something to offer to the world's evolution, something to give to the Supreme Being.

As for stillness, it is hardly a means to an end. If it were, it would be but another commodity offered in exchange for something deemed more valuable. It is rather a state of being, the stayed focus on God. This stillness is what the world hungers for today, the demonstration of endurance, a never changing devotion. It will not be revealed through any organization or any movement or cause. Such structures do not demonstrate stillness rather they gravitate towards fixation and stagnation. Stillness can only be revealed singly through the radiance of each personality engaged in a relationship with the Creator.

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