Talk:2014-11-17-New Era Conversations 34

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Rob wrote: Monday, December 1, 2014 at 3:46pm

It is possible the message of "social sustainability" is one that 'leaders' of several nations secretly have been undertaking since the 60's and in academic institutions since the 70's and 80's driven it would seem by an anticipated 'decimation' of this planet by abuse and misuse by a spiritually bankrupt civilization. It is therefore interesting to note the reliance upon a 'secular' message to "the whole world" when the whole world is hungering, even dying for spiritual substance.

That message of social sustainability was primarily directed to the whole world in a secular message, in an attempt to make it appealable (sic) to all people, regardless of their religion, regardless of their beliefs, but not regardless of the values which are common to all people.

Rob wrote: Monday, December 1, 2014 at 3:52pm

I note with interest that "The Triumvirate" is a term originating in Daniel Raphael's attribution to Charles in 2010. Before that the term 'the triumvirate' referenced spiritual values such as faith, hope, and charity. Of course, The Triumvirate Daniel refers to is one composed of what could be known as the executive committee of Michael, Monjoronson, and Machiventa, the second member coming online in 2001.

The Triumvirate has been available to you through the duration of the Correcting Time, with its early initiation in New Zealand in the mid to late 1980’s. We have led you through the ethical, moral development of thinking and of living. This aids your sustainability as an ascending and enlightened individual, who will eventually attain Paradise and the embrace with the Creator.

Rob wrote: Monday, December 1, 2014 at 4:06pm

It goes without saying that inducing moral and ethical action by the gift of "monetary embellishment" is a dubious practice.

We have even given several of you thoughts of monetary embellishment to assist you to think about developing programs, organizations, positions, roles and so on. Those are now fairly well complete in their rudimentary forms.

As we have told you, money is not an issue for us to develop. There are many sources to provide even multiples of many millions of dollars to the appropriate programs when needed.

Rob wrote: Monday, December 1, 2014 at 4:16pm

I note that Daniel is alone in promoting the virtue of mysticism in his messages. Otherwise, his reference to celestial being worshiping as we worship seems facile.

every religion has a sect within it of mystics. These are individuals, who have had a “God-experience,” who have personally experienced the conscious presence of the Creator in their mind and life, and were overawed by this and came away from that experience as changed individuals. They understand what the mystic experience is about. They are able to commune with the Source within them. Many of you do this; it is a wonderful experience; it is one that I and all the celestials and others participate in on a regular basis. We, too, worship as you worship.

Regardless, that he makes 'being a mystic' a qualification for being a "partners in leadership" e.g. an 'exemplary follower' is problematic.

If you are not a mystic, if you are not one who speaks with your God presence within you, then you must learn how to discern to the realm of “trust.” Once you have had a God experience, then you move into the position of “knowing,” and this can never be taken away from you. So, for those who wish to participate in this program, to become partners in leadership, you must know who [the] beings of light are, how they act, how they behave and the messages they give, and have the capacity and skill to also discern those messages, which ones are of light and those that are not. With those two skills you can become exemplary followers, to implement what comes forward.

Rob wrote: Monday, December 1, 2014 at 4:26pm

Based upon my experience working with Daniel as a member of the original Starbridge Board of Directors where dueling TR's merely used a presumed authority based upon attribution to celestial beings to argue the points of terrestrial beings, I can't really see the difference between his concept of secular and 'spiritual'.

It actually is our hope that we develop two groups of teams who are committed to that social sustainability: One that is based on the co-creative social team concept that uses a spiritual being, a Melchizedek, as who fills the Consultant role; and a secular Design Team that does not use an unseen spiritual consultant, but uses a wise mortal who can advise the group and the team of what is ahead and what is true, and what is not; what is valid now, today, and what will be valid thousands of years from now for your societies.

Rob wrote: Monday, December 1, 2014 at 4:35pm

Given this entire project is dependent upon methods of indirection, one can only mourn the thought of 'leaders' being reduced to interpreters of a second hand message.

we need leaders. We need leaders who are in contact with their God presence within them, with those spiritual beings who advise them, whether it is the Mentori, or whether it is their Guardian Angel, Celestial Teacher, a Melchizedek or any other being.

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