2011-10-08-Doing Things Each Day That Bring Joy

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Topic: Doing Things Each Day That Bring You Joy

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Michael, Nebadonia

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



Prayer: Thank you, Mother and Father, for this opportunity to receive more of your presence in our lives that we may imprint more fully on your personalities and grow in your grace and goodness. We open ourselves to receive what you have to share with us. We are so grateful for what you give us in every moment to become more mindfully aware of the presence of our indwelling Father Fragment and your beautiful natures. Thank you.


Michael: Greetings, my children. This is your Father Michael. Welcome, one and all, to this forum where I delight in sharing myself with my beautiful children of Urantia. The time is coming when you will see more spiritual influence exercised upon your planet, the will of my children turning to the Father in Paradise in a concerted effort to bring about global change to my beautiful world. Each one of my children has a unique role to play in planetary transformation. You are all so loved and so talented in your personalities, but it does require developing them in an arena of spiritual speaking: the desire to not only do the will of the Father, but to be his will on earth. This is one of the areas of development that I had to master in my human life as Jesus. I share with you the in glory and joy of growing into that heightened state of consciousness where I was the will of the Father on earth. Each one of you has the potential to reach this state of consciousness, now being called the Christ consciousness, in terms of your understanding of what that state of development is.

Today I am here to not only impart more of my presence into you but to help you open your heart to those desires within you seeded into you as your personality potential that you may express more of your Father-bestowed unique and beautiful personality into the world. In this way, you are providing your world a valuable service. You are revealing the Father in your thoughts and actions. When you are in the will of the Father, when you become the will of the Father, you are serving in your own unique way. There is no one right way. All of your personality expressions aligned in the will of the Father are beautiful and add to the growing whole, that collective mind of the Supreme Being that is now unfolding on Urantia. Let us begin by receiving me, my children. Simply focus in your hearts. Your Mother and I will move in you now. Receive me, my beloved children. Know me as your Father. (Pause)

Each one of you has so many talents and abilities. Even though your world does sometimes not allow for the fullest expression of them, you will over the long journey of your ascension career be able to come to know, understand, and express the breadth and depth of your God-given personality. It is a thing of such great beauty and majesty you are growing into, my children. You do not always see your growth. It is quite unconscious. When you have an opportunity to shine, to express yourself that delights your heart, know that you are growing in your personality expression, and it is a thing of great joy for your Mother and I to behold. We delight in you when we see you expressing yourselves creatively and positively. We delight in all expressions of true spiritual potential.

I’d like you to take a few moments to go within and think about all of those desires within your heart. What are those activities and desires that bring you joy? Think about them for a moment. Allow me to stir within you. Allow your Mother to enter into those areas where those desires are housed within your heart to help you bring them out into the world, to help you manifest more of your creative gifts to share with your brothers and sisters. It is, you might call it, a giant “show and tell” that you are able to bring to your brothers and sisters much like you did in the classroom when you were children. As children, you were quite joyful when expressing yourselves. You did not have so many limitations or restrictions placed upon you by your culture. I ask you to return to that childlike state of innocence and joy, and to feel deeply within you those dreams and desires of your heart that your Mother and I may catalyze them for you and help you find the courage, fortitude, the optimism, and the creativity to bring them forward now to share in this wonderful time of correction and redemption on Urantia. Let your heart feel, show you those desires more fully, and your Mother and I will move in you now, my beautiful children. (Pause)

All of your life, your long journey ascending to our Father at the center of all creation, will be expressing your personality potential. It is vital at this early stage of your development that you become accustomed to claiming those gifts that you have inside. They are unique possessions that only you have. No one is like you. Your personalities may run according to what you call archetypes, but in terms of your own way of expressing it, you are unique. It is good that you would take ownership of your uniqueness. After all, this is the Father expressing Spirit through you, and no one can do this as well as you can. In terms of your own self-concept and self-worth, my children, recognize that you are great treasures to your Mother and me. There is no reason for you to retain any feelings of unworthiness or guilt or shame about who you are. These are the false impressions that have constrained human personality development because of the Lucifer rebellion, but I say to you, let these go; they do not serve you. It is not my desire for you, nor your Mother’s, for you to harbor these feelings. Give them to us that we may imprint more of our validation of your worthfulness into you. You may rise above these energies and grow in your own sense of validation and ownership of your personality potential. Receive this now and let the old fade away. (Pause)

My children, I love you so dearly. I know you so completely. There is nothing to hide or feel ashamed about who you are. It is time for you all now to become who you were created to be. Let the fears, any associated negative feelings gently reverberate out of your energy system that you may stand in the beauty of who you are and know deep inside in your core, the value, your value, your worthfulness to the universe.

Be as one in our will, my children. Grow in this oneness, for it is all a part of the nature of creation to afford you this opportunity to express yourselves in this energy of unity and oneness. This is the arena of your lives. The more you allow who and what you are to rise to the surface with this sense of oneness will sustain and nurture you to greater arenas of personality expression. How we look forward to watching you express yourselves! You will delight as we delight in you. As you do this, as you become more aligned in the will of Spirit, of creation, of life itself, shining your beautiful life into the planetary fabric into the universal reality of which you are a part. I will withdraw now and leave you in the arms of your Mother who will address you with her loving words. Be in my peace, my children, and grow in my will. Good day.

Nebadonia: My children, this is your Mother Nebadonia who speaks. Yes, grow in the beauty of your personality, my little ones. Delight in one another as you witness your brothers and sisters expressing their personalities. Some expressions will be more beautiful than others. Some will resonate with your more than others. What we ask of you is to love one another. For in that love you bring forth another dimension of your personality, and you help another individual whether you know or not consciously, to reverberate in their own personalities there is an energy signal that is sent to that other person’s heart. Even when you do this unconsciously, their personalities perceive at some level. This is how you develop your abilities to be in service.

All of life is constructed around service, being of helpfulness to one another. There are many arenas in which to help – large and small, personal and in community, in a collective manner or individually. Sometimes you will be doing things one on one; sometimes you will be influencing a larger group. It does not matter for all of this adds to your soul growth. What is most significant is that you desire this, and the desire is simple. It is simply a matter of wanting to express yourself creatively and in the will of love. What is more simple than that? Know that when you do this you are serving. You are adding into the growing planetary mind of spiritual consciousness.

You are also contributing to the growing reality of the Supreme Being, that deity aspect of the First Source and Center that you as humans experientially participate in. In keeping your motivation simple it has very profound effects all throughout the universe. It resonates at various levels, although sometimes you may not fully appreciate the degree to which your actions have an impact. Take this step by step through this process so you are well oriented and grounded in your spiritual development. I ask of you today simply to be in your heart and ask to become more of the Father’s will here on this Earth. I will move in you now, and your Father will add more of himself to you, and you will be growing in this comprehension, especially if you take the time to listen to this recording and read the accompanying transcript when it is available. Simply be in that mindset of allowing your personality, the flower in the Father’s will, and we will move in you now, my lovely children. (Pause)

Desire is the key component that you bring to this process, my children. You have freewill if you choose whether or not you want to participate in the unfolding of your personality potential, and yes, sometimes your growth may seem a little uncomfortable or even painful. This is partly because you live on a world that has been constrained by a mindset that is operating against the Father’s will, and so there would be struggle and pain at times to extricate yourselves from this. Do not let this uncomfortableness deter you. It is only momentary. The more you desire this, the more spiritual energy you will be given to overcome any internal and external obstacles to your personality expression, but it does take time. It is not a race. This is a steady, incremental process you will be on for many years.

Become accustomed to what this journey is about that may savor it more and more each day, savoring, enjoying, delighting in the experiences and what you will learn through them. Reject not those lessons that seem to be uncomfortable at times for there is a hidden jewel within that experience that will teach you something about yourself, so welcome that and know that you will be amply rewarded for your faithfulness and perseverance. The more you practice it, the more joyful you will find your journey become, for even in those times of overcoming obstacles you will trust that something of great value will be added to you, and all the struggle will seem to be worthwhile.

Like the mother, who in her hour of labor is in pain, and yet when the baby is born, her joy amply surpasses that which she endured as her baby is put in her arms, and the love that is exchanged is monumental. This is what you are doing in this personality development process. You are birthing new levels of yourselves. (And what is) more beautiful than that? What delights us more than that? Nothing, I assure you, my children. We ask you to consider this that you may see the joy in what you are accomplishing, one step at a time. Allow these words to settle into your heart as your Father and I imprint ourselves into you to help you deepen your desire for this journey. (Pause)

As we delight in you, we encourage and exhort you to delight in one another. When you meet a person for the first time, or if you are in conversation or relationship with a loved one or a friend, look for the hidden jewel within them. They have so much personality potential as you have. Ask for your Father Fragments to fraternize with theirs. Ask to feel and appreciate the gem of beauty that they are sharing with you. This is one of the ways in which love is exchanged and the bond grows in relationship with one another. And this is a service that you provide to them, for you are validating them perhaps in a way that they may have never felt validated before in their lives. So many of our children of this world suffer, truly suffer, with the feeling of unworthiness, unworthfulness; they simply do not know who they are. But you know who you are, and you can help them by simply allowing them to be, to express themselves, to share your love with them.

What greater service can you provide to another, to help them be validated in their own sense of self! I tell you, my children, if all of the individuals of this world were to feel that internal validation, their true nature as children of God, this whole world would almost instantaneously become a Paradise of Light and Life. Consider these words, consider how you may continue to express yourself. Now that your Father and I have catalyzed something in you, take time in your own quiet moments of stillness to ask for those to come forth, to stimulate you in their expression, to become more courageous, creative, persevering and showing the world who you are. (Brief pause)

What wonderful bundles of joy you are to me! Receive my joy, my children. Delight, delight in who you are. (Pause)

My arms are open wide to you, and I welcome your comments and questions on this topic of expressing your creative potential in service to your world. As the call opens to this portion, continue to receive from your Father and me, to grow into the grace and the beauty of the Father’s love living within you.


Student: Mother, the topic today is actually the one I chose to discuss at the prison. Some of the inmates, the Buddhists ones, don’t necessarily believe there is a divine deity. I’m going to need to express what a personality is in order to explain the value of it. Can you give me a really simple way saying it that would meet their needs?

Nebadonia: Help them appreciate that they have unique traits and characteristics that come from somewhere. Their own individual being is proof, living proof, that they have a relationship to another personal spiritual being. This seed will help them begin to open that door. It may not come for a time, especially if their belief system is heavily entrenched in this idea of it is all one giant pool consciousness. There is a unique experience that comes from being in this state of oneness and personality expression with the Father. Encourage them to be open-minded enough to consider this possibility and let it go at that. As you speak these words to them, simply ask their Father Fragment to resonate this information into their hearts and minds that will plant some new seeds to consider, for you will have conveyed it in a way that will stimulate their inquiry. Encourage them to keep an open mind about this aspect of creation, and their Adjusters take it from there. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes, thank you, Mother.

Nebadonia: Enjoy your time with these gentlemen and know that I will be with you, helping you reach out to them to feel the presence resonate within them through your love and your open-heartedness.

Student: Thank you, Mother. I will remember you will be there with me.

Nebadonia: Be in my peace, my daughter.

Student: Mother, I just want to thank you for being there for me through these past few months that have been difficult for me. I have felt your presence and I very much appreciate all the help you have given. I love you and I just want to say thank you.

Nebadonia: You always have it, my son, and you only need to ask. I am with you. I will expand in those attributes of Michael that you need to take your faith steps each and every day. Discouragement and disheartedness can sometimes be part of the human experience. For some time, our children do succumb to these feelings. When you are aware that this is what is indeed occurring within your emotions, allow your presence of mind to change course and to turn to your Father and me, and we will direct you out of those feelings and into the higher emotions that feed you with joy, understanding, and a sense of courage to persevere, and you will always receive when you ask in sincerity and humility. Grow in my joy and peace, my son, and know that your Father and I are ever with you.

Student: Thank you.

Student: Mother Spirit, this is S. I feel there is this deep need inside of me to approach the male archetype with forgiveness in my heart. (There is) this depth of pain and suffering that I think all women have a part to play in this forgiveness. Would you please speak to us about this?

Nebadonia: Certainly, my daughter. The role of women on Urantia has been severely curtailed in terms of its creative potential expression. Because of this constraint it has created much pain within not only women but in men as well. This is one of the areas of planetary transformation that is occurring in the harmonization of the genders; in the healing of the rifts of separation that was put in place during the time of the planetary rebellion. So that you are beginning to feel and perceive that forgiveness is a vital component of this underscores the spiritual pressure that is being applied in this area of planetary life.

We ask you to continue to allow that forgiveness to come into your heart and to forgive this suppression of women at the hands of men, for even your brothers are victims of this as well as the women are. Even though they have held a dominant position in the culture, they are as much victims for they have great distrust of women because of certain circumstances that occurred here that not only fostered this mistrust but was exacerbated by certain beliefs, institutionalized beliefs that have now become so encoded in your planetary consciousness.

Yes, this is an area has caused much pain, and we ask you, as women, to increasingly forgive this mindset of mistrust and suppression, to forgive, forgive and to forgive and to allow your hearts to open in love for your fellow brothers and to help them overcome their own feelings of mistrust and pain that they have suffered because of this as well. Know that your Father and I will be there to gently support you and to help you find new levels of understanding about the relationships of genders so that you and the whole planetary culture can start to emulate the patterns that were brought to this planet by your Adamic pair.

It is time for your planet to come into the harmonization of the genders that this pair exemplified and emulated and demonstrated to the evolving culture. You can ask for an imprint of their pattern personalities based on the relationship that I have with your Father and know that within these seeds much potential will then ensue forth from your being and will help you hold that energy for others to then receive as these echoes of change and healing between the genders continues to unfold. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Yes, thank you so much.

Nebadonia: And be in my peace.

Student: Mother, I have a question. I have a brother who has Asperger’s Syndrome, which is a form of autism that I’m sure you know. When you were speaking earlier about your Thought Adjuster fraternizing with another as a way of exchanging love and peace with another human being, how do you approach somebody with a mental illness not knowing if that person is endowed with a Thought Adjuster?

Nebadonia: This is a very good question, my daughter, and I encourage you to simply trust that there are influences in and around your dear brother who will be in a position to help him. There are many aberrations of the conditions in the brain and in the central nervous system that creates this kind of schism in understanding their outer reality. As you focus your love from your heart into your brother’s heart, as you ask for your indwelling Father Fragment to fraternize with his, trust that there is in place a circuit that will pick up on this intention and motivation to lovingly share with him. To go a step further, ask for angels, healing helpers, to come into your brother to help to restore more balance and re-encircuitment into his being. You have a great amount of help at your disposal. The fundamental matter is learning how to use this help. When you connect with him energetically in a more conscious manner, ask for a healing circuit to be set up within his mind, in his body, in his energy system, and ask for my love and my will, and for helpers to flow into him to help him become whole and balanced. Does this help, my daughter?

Student: Thank you so much, it does. I’ll be seeing him later today. Thank you.

Nebadonia: Grow in my presence and peace, my daughter.


My children, let us bring this session to a close. We have been delighted to be here with you, and we have shared much with you in words and experience. Allow your minds to receive and open to your desires as the day progresses. Return to that place of quiet when you can and ask for us to continue to move into you, bringing you deeper into your own lovely personality in growing evermore beautiful within them. I leave you in my joy and peace, my children. I bid you all a good day.