2017-10-26-Both Personality and Body are Unique

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Topic: Both Your Personality and Body are Unique

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Nebadonia




Dear Mother Spirit and Michael: Here we are again! Tonight especially--for all that some of us have gone through--we wish to extend you our most heartfelt love and our deepest affection. We take it not only as a matter of faith, but you and Michael have directly told us so many times and in so many ways, that we are beloved by you. We are your children. And of all the many dimensions of that word love, you remind us that it is a connecting force stemming right from our Universal Father.

Through God love is a connection of all personal beings everywhere, and of every order. It is something that is real, something we can tune in to and feel this deep and unfathomable connection surrounding our part of this universal reality that we live in. We can feel it. We can feel connected to everything through him. And so it is such a delicious, wonderful feeling that he, and you, and Michael are all part of us.

One question that was asked for me to bring up for you tonight is rather broad; but what exactly do you do for us as individuals? We open our hearts and minds to what you have to offer us along this line. Amen.


Nebadonia: Good evening, my beloved children. Michael and I are deeply moved because we too can feel your love. We do so appreciate it when from time to time in your busy lives you take a few moments out to say hello. Just send your thoughts our way and wonder--wonder both in the sense of inner questioning, but also to standing in wonder: what we are doing in your life?--right along with our Universal Father, along with God’s presence within you as part of you.

Michael and I have been around this wonderful world of yours right from its very beginning, and even hundreds of billions of years before this world was formed. Yet for you personally it all starts at conception. Just think that for a very short time you were only a one-celled living creature there, a little fertilized egg about the size of a dot on the end of a sentence, barely visible. But already you were recapitulating the whole evolution of life on this planet. And you already had a potential for not only a full human life, but for an eternal life.

  • Both your personality and body are unique

Then too, as your personality comes from God and is associated with this single cell--for God knows every molecule of the DNA that makes you unique--never forget, my dear ones, not only is your personality potentially eternal and unique right from God, but even this physical part of your being, this little single cell--for those few moments before it starts to multiply--you are physically unique as well. For all the similarity you bear to your parents and your brothers and sisters, your aunts and uncles and cousins if you have them too; for all that family resemblance you are physically unique.

I’d like to impress you with the nature of the reality you are living in. As you hear my voice later in a recording, or you are reading a transcript of these lessons, you can look around and see that your surroundings are unique to you. Even if you are a husband and wife living together, you each see your surroundings and appreciate them somewhat uniquely. You can go out and look at the trees, the blades of grass, the sidewalks and your houses; you can go out to the seashore and pick up a handful of sand and look at the thousands of little grains, and right down to the molecular, atomic level, they too are unique.

  • The uniqueness of everything

So I wish to impress you and give you this feeling, even the vision, of how unique everything is within God’s creation. This is the greatest hallmark of God’s creativity of all the trillions and trillions of personal beings in creation: each one is unique. And each one has a certain autonomy, a certain freedom due to their own spiritual nature of being co-creative. Personality is co-creative. In your day-to-day, minute-to-minute life you are co-creating everything you experience. This is your spiritual nature.

Now where I come in: I am part of the spiritual field in which you move and live and have your being. Keep in mind, my dear ones, that not only God, the Universal Son, and the Infinite Spirit are omnipresent throughout time and space, so are the Master Spirits of Paradise. You live in an enormously multi-dimensional spiritual field all around you. This is something that, not only in your human life, but in your life to come as you yourselves become more and more spiritual, these are the real dimensions you will be able to tune in to and feel. They are right around you now, and you might say closer to home right within our Local Universe here.

This is pervaded by both Michael’s and my presence, which means we are aware of everything happening. My conscious awareness literally delimits the extent of our Local Universe. As I have taught before, I am like a bubble in foam, surrounded by and in contact with the Mother Spirits of all the other Local Universes that impinge upon us. And so you are in my field, if you will. This spiritual “field of me” has the dimensions that your Urantia Book has given the names of my Mind/Spirit Adjutants. These are the dimensions of my consciousness and my influence. For as I was not only part of the initiation of life on your planet, and part of its evolution, so have I been with you as a personal being from your conception onward.

  • My presence of mind and spirit

This is especially true once you are born and start to experience; you start to accumulate a soul that is actually counter-parted by the presence of God within you. You have been informed you can look up my adjutants in your wonderful Urantia Book for a broad explanation I can’t go into in a lesson like this. But rather briefly: these dimensions we share are both mind and spirit because--as you are very creative as a spiritual being yourself--your co-creativity has much to do with the way your mind is organized and grasps reality; and remembers it; and works with it. You then project this outward so you can literally understand, comprehend, and grasp everything around you that, in one way, is “just happening” to you. For this is what you inherited when you were born--the whole world around you, also unique to each one’s experience of it.

  • Intuition, knowledge, understanding, courage

There is your sense of intuition--how you can directly know things and experience life. There is your knowledge--your ability to store experience. You have a great saying, “Hey!--I know it! I did it. This happened to me. It is real.” There is your understanding--all the dozen-and-one ways…say a hundred-and one-ways you connect things, the most critical and the whole basis of your science--what leads to what--cause and effect--is just one aspect of your understanding. You also have those things that don’t directly cause one another, but do kind-of happen simultaneously, and you are the connection.

There is your ability of courage--which I literally encourage you to use, and you are using all the time. Because--as we tease you with the notion--not only do you have all your science of everything that is happening from a precedent cause, you also have that part of reality that never happened before and will never happen again. This is the uniqueness of almost everything you perceive, including yourselves. This is another great dimension of universal reality. Not only is reality continuing in one sense, but it is also ever-new. This moment never happened before and it will never happen again.

The universe itself--reality itself--is growing, expanding, and not just spatially but experientially. Or else--as we tease you with another notion--eternity would be a hell of repetition.

This is what your courage gives you the ability to not only survive in this reality, but to thrive and enjoy it. The very fact is that tomorrow, maybe even the next hour--depending on how deep into adventure you are--is a little opaque, a little impenetrable. This is what courage does for you. It enables you to extend yourself moment-by-moment, and even enjoy the adventure.

You have what we call our spirit of counsel--the way that two or you, or more, can get together and counsel each other, and share experience, share your lives. In the lower animals you call this gregariousness, the fact that animals up to human beings enjoy just getting together. Among people this is your wonderful sense of community, even if it is only a community of two. Because between two unique beings, the adventure can almost go off the scale.

  • Worship and wisdom

There’s our mind/spirit dimension of worship--which is essentially gratefulness, a thankfulness and appreciation of being alive. It’s having--as your most precious possession--being alive! And partly life now has you--being alive. Because, for a human being, life itself is nearly synonymous with spirit: something that you have and yet remains an ungraspable, unfathomable encompassing.

Even when two folks get together and have children, they are in a sense just utilizing and passing on something that started billions of years ago… Actually started a trillion years ago with God himself creating this outpouring of personal life that cannot be further created by them, but can be passed along to create in each unique individual.

Finally there is the mind and spirit of worship combining with all the others to form wisdom. In one way wisdom is the sense of bringing all that you know, and all that you understand, and all that you appreciate, all you had the courage to do, and share with each other--bringing all this to bear on the present moment. You might say wisdom is the instantaneous recapitulation of all the other aspects. So this is the highest aspect of both your mind and spirit that I actually help you with.

  • You gain wisdom and soul by living experience

As you have been informed by Michael and me so many times, and in your Urantia Book: wisdom is something you gain only by living experience. A hallmark of wisdom is a sense of proportion--in all that you think, and do, and understand. This is the relationship between things, and people, so critical to understanding your society and your politics. In all your personal associations, this sense of proportion is a hallmark of living wisdom. It’s the difference, you might say, between a pure knowledge you may have read somewhere, and does respond within you--does ring a bell. But then to experience it yourself and have it for your own soul is another matter.

This is what I am doing for you: giving you a little boost through these dimensions of my spiritual field in which you live, and to which both your spirit and your mind register and respond. For your mind is not solely physical. True enough, at this stage of your eternal life you are very closely associated with this living body of yours. And you have been informed that, on and on and on into your enormous future as you come up through our Local Universe, you will always have a somewhat physical being. You will be associated with a physical being that itself goes through over 500 modulations, ever and ever more spiritual, and mindful, and incomprehensibly real. Ever more real.

  • You personally unite everything else

And so, my dear ones, this is what your personality—you are doing for yourself: you unite all of this with a creative spirit, a flexible, powerful mind, a living, hopefully strong and healthy body, and a growing soul of experience. Your thought adjuster--God’s presence within you—and your guardian angels are constantly even throwing obstacles up in front of you, and introducing you to difficulties in order to keep you growing--keep your soul growing--and not just stagnating in some same-old-same-old bubble of familiarity.

In a spiritual sense I’m this heavy signal put out from my presence on Salvington so our Local Universe, and you yourselves--your personality, your spirit, your mind, can tune in. In your meditations you can let everything else to that particular day fall away, and feel my love. Feel my presence. You can even say, “Hi, Mom. Thank you for me. And thank you for the part you play in my life.”

Now if you have any questions or comments, let’s do those.


Student #1: This is a wonderful experience. I have no questions or comments. I am overwhelmed at the moment.

Nebadonia: Thank you, my son. Be in my love. (pause)

Student #1: I could ask a question. When you speak of spiritual energies, do those share the same energy that our material world is created out of?

Nebadonia: Oh no, my son. There is a very distinct difference in God’s reality between spirit, which is the cause of all the material, but it is very distinct from it. Spirit is based on its own--you might say--natural laws, quite distinct from those of energy and matter.

Student #1: I guess my question was… I am struggling, trying to understand reality, and I am working from the basis that reality is not real, but uses spiritual energy. I was wondering if that conceptually might be correct, that we are just a pattern reflecting that energy.

  • Personal & impersonal—creative spirit and matter/energy

Nebadonia: My son, this gets back to the very fundamental distinction between personal and impersonal reality. First: all spirit is personal. As we have taught, there is no impersonal spirit abroad in the universe. Starting with God, the Trinity, and the Master Spirits, then the trillions of trillions of personal beings of every order throughout the creation: each personality itself is spiritual and creative.

This creativity is not bound by what you call natural physical law. It starts right from the beginning, right from the first distinction of God’s between his first created personal being--the Eternal Son, and Paradise--the pattern for all impersonal physical reality. This distinction comes all the way down to the chair you are sitting on. Again: all spirit is personal. It is a part of a personal being. Impersonal reality has no creativity; it follows a strict cause and effect.

In this sense there is a big gap between spirit, which has its own creative laws and abilities, and material reality which follows a very strict causality. Material reality is created by higher spiritual beings so, from your standpoint as a human being, it is something that you can neither create nor destroy. The creation of material belongs to these higher personal beings. That is a basic distinction between spirit and matter/energy.

Student #1: Thank you. I appreciate that.

  • The unpredictability of personal creativity—yours and other’s

Nebadonia: Another fundamental distinction between personal and impersonal reality--I talked about earlier—is, with impersonal reality you’ve developed the ability to predict it right down to the atomic and subatomic level. Whereas with personality, you don’t know yourself what you are going to create and come up with. You can’t even predict your exact thoughts an hour from now. True, if you have a certain mental discipline you’ve evolved and grown, you can spend the next hour thinking about a particular subject. But your individual thoughts are, in a sense, part of your own spiritual creativity coming out and not obeying any particular kind of cause and effect.

You yourself are co-creative--even to yourself. This is something that certain folks feel kind-of plagues them because they don’t know what they will be doing or thinking a few minutes from now. But this is part of the uniqueness of each moment, there to be enjoyed.

The one concept I want to re-introduce and emphasize tonight is the uniqueness of everything within God’s creation. Of all the trillions of evolutionary worlds you have been informed exists, each one of these is unique. And on every one, every tree, every plant, every grain of sand is unique. So this applies not only to personality, it applies so much to the physical, energetic world that God’s creation is all the more astounding, you might say, in the impersonal part of it.

Just as pure matter and energy does obey such deep, universal laws across the cosmos, the full perception of this equal uniqueness, as you look around you, can give you an appreciation of what your personality is doing to unite all of this. It can even give you some sympathy for those poor folks whose personality is so disordered that their felt, experienced reality is not hanging together. This can actually be rather terrifying—the utter un-predictability of the next moment stemming from their own essential disintegration.


  • You will encounter ever greater realms & dimensions

Appreciate that your world is hanging together, and yet remains infinite to you. Your understanding can know no bounds for in your life to come, tomorrow and on and on and on into the unforeseeable future, you will encounter ever and ever greater realms and dimensions--especially spiritual dimensions--of reality as you come in contact with ever higher personal spiritual beings.

And so: carry on, my dear ones. Keep your courage ever in mind--your ability to extend yourself and hold yourself together into the next minute, the next hour, tomorrow and beyond. Be in my love. Good night.