2019-05-10-Boise Conference 1

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Topic: Boise Conference Session #1

Group: Boise Conference 2019


Teacher: Michael, Machiventa

TR: Mark Rogers



Mark: [An Active Exercise] Please stand in a circle and place your right hand on the shoulder of the individual in front of you. We are going to hear from Michael who would like to reaffirm for us our connection to His ministry and His service. I would offer a centering prayer and invite Michael by name and by energy signature to utilize this circle to become one of us in this circle, to make the active participation move of approaching Him with the desire to be of service. I know we have that in our hearts and the desire to manifest this in such a way that our hands are His hands and His hands are on us, each one, by virtue of all of us who have agreed to be these ambassadors of peace. And so I ask Him to join us at this time, I know He is with us. I just bring this to the fore in word so that we may go from thought, through word into deed and execute this task. Father, let us be an instrument of your peace even now.


Michael: I am here as you have made space for me to be. As your faith is strong, so you are rewarded even now in this hour. All of you, my blessed dear ones, my children, my light workers, my peace ambassadors, I wish to once again come among you and strengthen our bond. This bond has been built over the course of your lifetime and shall extend into eternity as you so choose. What we have built and created now will endure all tests of time and will be a comfort to us both as we bring the fruits of our relationship home to the Father as our tribute to Him, as our manifestation, of our vision to be missionaries of His peace.

I come amongst you even as you are mired in the trenches of your mission. Even as you doubt your purpose, I do not. Even as you are uncertain as to your next step, I am with you. I ask of you that you do this gesture for Me and with Me to symbolize that you may always reach out and be my hands, be my love, be my guiding light to those around you. Simply ask, simply join Me for this is my desire that you are fulfilling as it is also your desire. So I will unerringly join you every time, any time you pause to ask Me and invite Me. Trust that my hand will rest as you feel even now and the unseen hand of my love will be on your shoulder as you seek to comfort, as you seek to embrace those around you with the love that you have discovered in our relationship.

So be it, I need those whose feet will be my feet, who will move through and touch peoples lives. It is you who I will speak through, it is you who I will work through, it is your hands and your words and yet mine by desire. So as you proceed on your paths of service which you are all so diligently following, recall that you have my blessing. You are the expression of my love in your time and this is as it was designed to be. I pass this torch to you, the light bearers to carry and to shine, to dispel the darkness, to provide the contrast of love. This should seem as light work to you but I witness that sometimes it is a burden, that makes it feel as a burden when you are uncertain as to how to proceed or what in fact you should be doing. The mere seeking and searching is what you should be doing. The mere trying to be of service is what you should be doing and if you would like to take me with you, then we can work together. I will bring you my unseen hand of strength as you

put your hand out to your brothers and sisters.

I thank you all for indulging me in this exercise. I hope you may feel not only the presence of your brethren but my touch as well for I am with you and I shall never forsake you and we shall grow closer and closer until we rejoin the Father and reunite with the First Source and Center. Such is our journey ahead. I pray you keep it as light as possible. There are so many troubles to be taken up in this time of uncertainty. May you stand solid and firm on your foundation that you have found, that you have built and that you have created. Now, as your desire turns to helping others, your faith will carry you through. I empower you, I request of you that we move forward together more and more as one. Let it be so.

Mark then makes verbal request for Machiventa.

Machiventa: Yes I will respond to your request. You are merely activating the terms of the arrangement, that is, that we are not here to force ourselves on anyone. This is a grand experiment that we have been undertaking as to who would come and solicit contact from the other side of the veil, the unknown parts that the mortals of the realm tend to fear, if not ignore. So, it has been a joy to be in charge of this latest experiment wherein we have made it as plain as we were able to that we would be available to instruct you as per your requests, that if you showed intention and purpose we would honor these. We would, in a real sense, answer your prayers. We would respond to your petitions to have greater insight, understanding and awareness, not because it was our mandate or desire to do so but rather to see if it was yours.

Now after these decades have passed it is satisfying to note that a number of individuals lives have been positively impacted, that the balance of positive uplifting information onto this world has been effective and that there exists now thought patterns and matrixes of thought which simply were not prevalent when we began and constructs of thinking and allowing that were not present and had to be created and forged together. It is with great credit that I acknowledge all that you have done on your side to make this connection, to bridge the gap between your mortal dimension and that aspect of yourself, your spiritual component which is what we are utilizing in this very moment to make this exchange.

We had to rely on you to exercise this spirit muscle and to build your own individual faith in this process. It was up to you to practice stillness, to read materials conducive to your understanding, to show up at meetings to ask questions, to formulate thoughts and let your mind go in places it had not been before, to accept things that had not been seen before or experienced before and you have risen to this challenge. It has not been all smooth sailing and you have had rises and falls in your enthusiasm, participation and frankly, enjoyment. But you have stuck with it and I call you all to witness, you have experienced personal spiritual growth that may not be quantified by another and yet is so important, so fundamental to your being that you continue to pursue this avenue of approach.

So really, the success of this experiment has been in the fruits we have seen, even in this room. The individual spiritual growth leading to the outreach of service, this is what the goal of your life on this planet has been and it has been furthered and brought to fruition in many cases by your pursuit of your spiritual dimension, that part of you which is not bound by the limitations of time and space, that part of you which can go beyond your current address of your body, that part of you which can meet in spirit with others who are in that dimension who can fellowship and, as we have proven, even communicate.

We have much to be grateful for with this project we have all been engaged in and I register that there are those sentiments of having expectations dashed or of having fallen short somehow, but you mortals are very hard on yourselves. If only you could be as loving to yourself as we are to you or as Michael is to you, you would certainly realize the great value and worth that has been accumulated by your efforts in pursuing your spiritual dimension.

So as you all regroup here today, older and wiser, be kind to yourself in your evaluation of how it has gone, of how it is going, where it is going. The picture is so big that it may not be provided to you in this one short life and although you keep seeing your ideals grow and become grand and great, this is still just kindergarten. I know this is hard for you to hear sometimes as you think of yourselves as developing so far and it is true, you have come a long way but what is in store for you is vast beyond your comprehension. So be kind, be gentle with yourselves, you are doing fabulously. Look at yourselves in the mirror and reflect on one, two, three decades prior and take note of the growth, take note of the advancement from where you were back then, the person you were back then to the spiritualized individuals you are now and drink deeply of this success for if that is all that has been accomplished, then we have had supreme success. Your measure of service projects is simply icing on the cake.

I would wish for you all, a peace to settle over you, that you are exactly where you should be, doing what you should be doing. Trust that if there were some great task that the universe needed you for you would be told, but more often it is the person immediately before you in line who needs service and not the masses needing to be fed, that your simply being a light in the darkness serves a valuable and needed purpose. For where you have staked a claim with the light, darkness is dispelled. In your immediate vicinity you have outshone the darkness with your light. So, you have not only affected change in yourself individually which is a gift to the Supreme, you have also become a light and the environment around you has been altered and affected with your brightness and you cannot see this for you are the light. It's only seen from the outside but it is very real and very significant and if we have enough light anchors in place, we will see changes follow suit and this will happen because you have been told it is Michael's will and the Father's will and if it is those things, it certainly will come to pass.

So I would like to personally thank you and show you all the respect that we have for you from our side. As we reach down you reach up and we can appreciate the magnitude of the challenges that face you, for you to forsake your material cloak and find your spiritual component. This may take a lifetime and so we feel as though there has been great success. Again, I thank you all for your presence, for your continued steadfast efforts at becoming the most aware, spiritualized mortals of the realm. What more could be asked. Thank you for making it so, I now take my leave.


Mark: Anybody got any questions?

Question: Why all the flattering?

Machiventa: Fair question, as you gather today here and are trying to take an honest assessment of yourself, it's plainly obvious that there is harbored in the hearts uncertainty and misgiving perhaps about what may or may not have happened or should have happened or could have happened. These are the pitfalls of mortal planning and they are indeed obstacles before you that I am attempting to remove for when you feel as though you may not have succeeded, measured up, been as effective as you could have been, it definitely affects your "next time up at bat." So, from an outside perspective I attempted to provide the contrast of what we see and how hard you all work at what you do and how successful you are because we measure these things differently.

And so if I can be helpful to remove even a small obstacle from your forward momentum, I would gladly do it. You are barraged with all that is wrong, so why would I come and tell you more about that? I want to point at the success of your even being here tonight. You are showing the universe at large, your universe, your spiritual companions, Michael and Mother, that you are engaged, you are in motion, you are seeking and, as a result, I am here to help you find.

But it does come down to you and there is a tendency to not want to pat yourself on the back. I have been engaged in this with the No. Idaho group for decades, telling them that they are succeeding even as they tear themselves down sometimes in seeing all that wasn't accomplished, all that didn't happen. Much better to focus on the positive and the light as a way of conditioning the future. There has been talk of intentions, so, if you are going to have a thought then why not elevate this thought more towards an ideal, more towards the positive and this is what you will come to find because of your power of creative capacity.

So waste no energy on tearing yourself down and if you see others do it, put that hand on their shoulder and redirect them to see the goodness in themselves. We are entering epic times of darkness and light contrasting each other. We have to be vigilant not to succumb to the darkness of fear, of doubt, or of uncertainty. Instead, at every juncture look for the opportunity to redirect the thought, the intention, the word and particularly the deed. Turn them each one to the good.

We have no more time to waste on negativity, even subtle disclaimers of lack of faith. They do not serve us, do not move us forward in our growth. We have had enough time as a race, as a people, as a planet, of indecision, of doubt, of uncertainty and unawareness of who you are and how divine you really are. Let us vanquish all those currents that undermine us and be aware in our recognition that the choice is ours, each and every one.

So, what will it be? I say I want to talk about how well you are doing, that is my choice. Thank you for your question.

Question: [Barely audible] So if our choice may be to extend your positive outlook on our ... let's say you are the keys to preparing a path in our own mind and intention for heightening positive communion with our kin here in order to bring about the clear loving communications of the intention we host...

Machiventa: Your spiritual paths have taught you well that there are spiritual values that you may cling to, point to, use as guides and use as filters when necessary. Divine values of truth, goodness and beauty are always the right way, always the correct choice and the game is always to be in a state of awareness so that you may exercise your free will choice in a manner in which is most divine, most inspired and which has the highest values of love, beauty, goodness and peace. So really you have engrained these values while walking your spiritual path. You have found these truths for yourself. You feel the divine signature behind these elements, these values.

So in each and every case in life, here is your challenge. How will you direct whatever you are engaging with? How will you influence, direct, guide, and change the situation before you? How much of these divine values can you bring into this equation? How many of these values can you incorporate in your response? In so doing, you are manifesting divinity to the degree that you are aware of it. You refer to this sometimes as being the light, equating light with divinity, when you are aware you are of the light, of the divinity. Therefore your expression should be of the light and of the divinity and your holding fast through your faith this position of steadfastly clinging to these values provides the grid-work wherein others like yourself may as well join in your process of simply being the light until there are enough operating in the light that all darkness is dispelled.

As you are well aware, we have some ways to go in this scenario, nevertheless, every individual that lights up with these divine principles, that adheres to these divine characteristics and traits, anchors another light post on the planet and illuminates more of the trouble, the darkness, the doubts, the fear. By simply being in proximity to those who have divine values, their circumstance is altered and changed and with enough light, there is no more room for the darkness.

I know that this all seems very pressing and important to you as you see yourselves rolling down life's road realizing that it's not a never ending road and that there are things you would like to get done, things you would like to be, even in this life. And so there amounts a pressure on you to get it done in a timely fashion or else you have not succeeded. So, I invite you to kind to yourself. Be wary of the limitations that you have placed on yourself. They are no measure of your success and that you are not innately qualified to measure your own success. But maybe, you might take my word for it and lighten up in your journey because truly, as much as this was designed to be a classroom for you, one gigantic experience, there was also a desire that you would be happy, that you would be content, even in love, inspired.

And so attempt to not be oppressed by your own ideas of success or failure. That is why I brought this perspective today and I very much appreciate your dialog because nothing like questions illustrate the thought patterns which are looking for a response, so thank you.

Question: Do we not measure our own happiness with our own progress by the happiness we project and share with others and what are the keys to viewing all our others as children, perfect children of our same Father?

Machiventa: Well, I would echo to you something even you stated earlier about the importance of love. There is only one genuine, real, positive response to all those and any of those out there and that is, one of love. To have such a response you must have experience, you must feel the love yourself, you must have a certainty of conviction so that you can project that which you know of a certainty out and this is all that you are tasked to do, to simply be loving and to shine the love light that has been shone on you, to reflect this which has so graciously enveloped you out to others.

But again, this is a natural course of being. This is not a project to strive for and measure. This is something you naturally do because you feel it and it naturally shines forth from you as a manifestation of your interpretation of divinity and all this is good and well and proper. Where we run into issues is considering that it is your responsibility to do anything outside of yourself. Your responsibility as a mortal of the realm is to build your soul, is to gather to yourself all the divine qualities you can in this life and then by natural course you simply become these things. You emulate them in your daily activities, not as a mission to go out and effect change but as a natural course of your being an example of the divinity that you have come to know.

Nothing is more powerful than that. You can't make anyone do anything, but they will be attracted to your sense of peace, your sense of love. They will come to you to ask where you got these, how you found them and how they interact in your life. All this may be accomplished with no words. All this may be accomplished by your very act of being. That is how simple, normal and natural it is. If you start wanting to judge by how many people pay attention to you, listen to you, anything, you are projecting your success out onto others. It's not their job and it's not yours. We have one job in this life, to grow your soul. How you affect other people will be a manifestation of this soul that you are growing and those of you who have taken up spiritual values in your life, you will be a shining example. But it's not a forced issue, it's not trying hard to accomplish, it's easy, normal and natural when you yourself have found it.

So, stick to the task at hand, grow your soul, work together where you can, work whenever possible to reach out to others because you feel the gift you have received is so great you would love others to have it as well. But everyone out there is on their own journey, in their own time frame, coming to spirit at their own pace and the fact that you have been awakened and that side of you that is spirit has been charged and comes forward, this is your gift, this is your accomplishment. Bravo, but this is not transferrable. You do not take this out and give it to anybody, project it on anybody, ask anybody to do it, expect anybody to do it. They will come to it in their own time, on their own schedule.

We are in kindergarten. Let the other kindergartners come to it at their own time. Some of you feel like you are ready for first grade and maybe all that we got here to give you is - this is it. But, it doesn't take you long out on the playground of life to see plenty of contrast and to think to yourself the way I know the divine way is better, but, people are not choosing it. They are not in the same place you are. They haven't grown in their faith to embrace spiritual content as real, as worthy, as the only durable aspect of their being. Give them time and give yourselves credit for at least having the awakening that you are growing and that there is work to be done and most of the work we are tasked with doing here is inside.

So I applaud you all for even rolling up your sleeves to do it. Thank you.

Question: Machiventa, could you please tell us more about the circuits and the matrix between us?

Machiventa: Indeed we have created the matrix we utilize this very second in time and space. This did not exist in its current application and form until we decided to create it. We then fashioned it from our collective free will choice. We all built this avenue of approach that we enjoy even now from our desire to do so. So we fashioned that particular neural network and we have strengthened it over these last decades and we have developed this system. I point this out to you to reference the fact that this system did not exist until we created it. It exists now only because it is still our desire to actuate it, to use it. It still serves a purpose, we have invested in it and so it exists.

There are innumerable neural net circuitries which have been built, are in the process of being built. As everything is energy, these circuits are how things become. There is a very famous passage in your Bible that relates to: In the beginning there was the thought. This is, as we refer to, the thought of creating this neural network. Then there was the desire expressed that maybe this could happen, that this was a possibility we should pursue. Did we have faith deep enough and strong enough to follow our thought and our word. We followed with the deed of creating the place, of fashioning a place where we could make this happen in our own context and we created this exchange.

So, this is just one example of what is ongoing throughout the cosmos, not simply as regards this planet or this world, but throughout your entire cosmos experience this same phenomenon will reoccur. You will become aware, you will have context thus providing the thought. You may exercise your desire and express your thought and this will become strengthened by your word, then become created when you have the faith and the dedication to pursue this magic creation triangle; you will find that something will be created because you are the children of Divine Parents. You have the characteristics of your Divine Parents. They have bestowed you with creator-hood. It is simply that you don't know that you have this. Even your Master said "you can do all that I have done and so much more" if you simply knew. Do you know that even now? Those words have been there rattling around in your awareness for a very long time but who among you embraces the reality of that truth.


So, we still have lots to learn, we still have lots to create and build and if we keep choosing divine principles it gets us closer and closer and closer to our Divine Parents and our divine destiny. Choices that do not contain the elements of truth, goodness, beauty, love, peace, joy, choices that are devoid of these things lead us away from divinity, lead us into the darkness away from the light and away from our Divine Parents and our divine lineage. And as you have been informed in your text, you may continue to keep choosing away from God until you no longer exist if that is your desire. That is how strong the commitment is to your free will choice. That is why it is all up to you. You could choose to commit spiritual suicide or you could choose to reunite with the First Source and Center. Those are some powerful heavy choices. They are so big we can't hit you with them too early in the game. Even now you are not prepared for the magnitude of these choices.

But to discuss them and their implications and their meanings and their values is what we are here to do. We have committed to help you in this process in your understanding so that you may make the choices, so that you can be the enlightened beings, the creators of divinity in your time and space. We are propping you up for success and so yes, I will come and tell you what a good job you are doing because the whole ball game hinges on you. This whole experience has been created and I am here tonight,v 5 because of you.

So let it be so, let's be positive, let's be active, let's be pro-life pro-love, pro-peace. Let's move forward with the countenance of those who are aware of these truths. All of you here will live forever. You have made an eternal choice. Let us be overflowing with joy, thank you.