Daynal Institute

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The Daynal Institute is a network of persons from any walk of life, who, during the course of exploring the heart of cosmic reality through communion with its Source, have discovered the Trinity Teacher Sons, architects of spiritual education as it is administered throughout the Master Universe. While the forms of instruction vary depending upon local circumstances, these are enjoined by beings of every order of intelligence willing to focus the requisite attention to lessons of living experience, the master of all teachers in the art of living.

The 'Teacher Sons' are those who, building upon the success of all previous planetary visitations, "make real the spiritual counterpart of advancing material knowledge and temporal wisdom."[1] The scope of learning then is limited only by our willingness to discern the spiritual dimension of any and all material discoveries as these become illumined in the mind of souls advancing in the depth and breadth of exposure to the limitless range of facts, meanings, and values that is the joy of every child of God to explore.

This website functions then as a virtual representation of the range of discovery being fostered in the current era of accelerated change as this world's isolation from normal interstellar exchange is seen as an anomaly while we become increasingly aligned with a vast Universe confident in the knowledge that all dwell in a perfect home governed and guided by a perfect love. The tenderness of this personal and planetary discovery is conditioned only by our relative exposures in time, where, through an expanding range of experience, the image of who we are in truth and spirit is a progressive disclosure throughout the course of ascension.

Where to begin with such an undertaking? This and all inquiries are best directed first to the One who dwells within, and as we do, we discover the many tools around us becoming drawn into our sphere of inquiry to facilitate passage into an ever deepening awareness of the integration that is the most salient attribute of spirit, even that Spirit "in whom we live, move, and have our being." The major components of this site then, are but material extensions of the marvelous depths of dialogue that "begin within", well beneath the surface of conscious appraisals.

In sharing the results of our discovery, we bring these into forms that are visible to others, and toward that end, each person is invited to participate in the work of the Nordan Editorial Team, a group of Editors serving as the Editorial Board of The Daynal Institute.

"the functions of an Editor are manifest in the close relation to Education, L. edu-care, to lead forth from within. However, where education entails a discretely personal i.e. spiritual process, the function of 'editing' enjoins this spiritual dimension to the material through that unique versatility of mind in the acts of identification, development, and production of work for the benefit of the world-the greater public whose state of mind is itself the real 'constitution' of all advancing cosmic citizens ."

The Editors manage the Nordan Symposia and are responsible to those whose work it features while they seek to identify additional material that may be suited for inclusion in the Nordan Corpora and/or publication by The Daynal Institute Press.

Regardless of how you may decide to apply your creative energy, it is hoped you will find materials assembled here to be of some assistance in advancing your line of inquiry, that line composed in and upon the base of our shared experience, a unique contribution to the evolving soul of Supremacy growing in and through every thought, word, and deed of every personality throughout the Universe of universes whose symphony is like no other - for those who have ears to 'hear'.

If questions arise that relate to this work, please write us for additional information at: