2003-02-16-Life of the Spirit

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Group: Nashville, Tennessee

Teacher: HAM

Topic: The Life Of The Spirit

February 16, 2003

Ham: Greetings, children, I am Ham and I am glad that you have come here this evening. We are happy to tell you that you each are making good progress and are finding it to be easier to progress in the spirit as you release old habits which have kept you tied to the flesh.

The life of the spirit is one of active adventure as well as being one of contemplation and meditation. The life of the spirit entails fulfilling your potential, living completely and forcefully in the now. Life is designed by the spirit so that you are challenged, stimulated, given interpersonal challenges, and you are challenged to do and to be each day a more demonstrably spiritual person.

To lead the life of the spirit, one must accept the challenges of the spirit. It is difficult to run from yourselves and your own potential while seeking the Father’s spirit for the two are one. The Father’s spirit is found within you. As you find him, you also find yourselves. As there is joy in discovering God, there is also joy in discovering your own Godlikeness. The Father expresses himself through you. As you find and uncover better and better parts within yourself, you are also revealing to others the results of your partnership with the Father.

The Father’s spirit is always active, always seeking expression in love, beauty, truth and goodness. As you come to release those qualities within yourself, as you begin to discover your own infinite potential, then do others begin to see the heavenly light shining from you. The Father’s light shines from within. It is gentle, it is considerate, it is patient and loving. The Father’s light is unmistakable to other God knowing people. And as you come to be a reflection of the Father and his love in this world, you do this with the Master standing beside you who understands what difficulties may lie in representing the Father in this darkened world.

Never for a moment are you alone for the Master’s good spirit stands ready to listen, ready to help during any moment of uncertainty. He will help you to conquer fear and fear is a great obstacle on your paths to the Father. In order to serve the Father in all his desires for you, you must put away your fears of change, fear of want, fear of bodily harm, and all the nameless faceless fears that haunt the human psyche. Remember that in this battle with fear, the Master stands beside you ready to help you vanquish this old enemy and to comfort your hearts with his presence.

The way will open, my children. You will find your way in the world as the Father wills it. You will have everything you need for the journey and sometimes that very need is part of the journey, part of what spurs you forward. The Father will take excellent care of you if you will but trust him. Trust him with everything you have. Trust him with your life, all your worldly possessions, but above all trust him with your love. Know that when you love God, he will never take that love for granted.

No, for his spirit grows active within your hearts and minds and souls the moment you think of loving him. The Father’s love conquers all. The Father’s love will take you through the very portals of death into new life. The Father’s love is immovable, unchangeable, unstoppable. Trust my children in this love. Give of yourselves completely to him and he will make you more than you are, more than you ever imagined you could be. Have no fear. Banish fear from the kingdom of your heart and do not let it reenter.

Go in peace. And that citadel within your heart, let it be filled with peace. And as you move toward the Father, demonstrate your love for him and your trust in him by fulfilling your potential in being truly yourselves. Each one of you holds within an increasingly greater person and this greater person is your potential. That person continues to struggle for realization against the constraints of old fears, old habits, and old habitual thinking.

Every day you grow, the new replaces the old. Welcome this process. Allow yourselves to change. Replace the tendencies of the flesh with the imperative of the spirit. This is a wonderful time for all of you and my words are meant to encourage each one of you upon the path you have already chosen, the path to the Father.