2000-01-09-Spiritual Status of TA's

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Topic: Spiritual Status of TA's

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Evanson, Elyon, Malvantra

TR: Jonathan, Mark Rogers



Evanson (Jonathan TR): Joyfully we assemble with you here today that we may all foster our understanding of reality, that we may enhance our lives through applying our understanding toward productive ends, fruitful accomplishments. This is Evanson, I greet you warmly.


In our dedication to the Father's will and its outworking in our lives, it is observed that each of you has not only sought to improve your own spiritual well-being but likewise are concerned for the welfare of your fellows and even those in greater circles beyond friends and associates. This is the natural outworking of the Father's ministry within you. Since the Father is no respecter of persons, He naturally seeks to reach everyone as He seeks to reach anyone. In so doing all who trust their lives to His guidance likewise have this effect upon those about them.

Throughout the universe scheme of ascension, each of us finds ourselves stationed where we are at our greatest challenge for growth, yet each of us, in order to grow, must develop our skills at demonstrating our accomplishments, not to prove our attainment but to refine our attainment. Spiritual growth is not unlike the development of physical strength. We must exercise to maintain our abilities. Prayer, for instance, is not a thing that you will become skillful at and thereafter need no longer. No matter how your phrasing, no matter how precise your meaning, prayer will ever remain a valuable everyday undertaking. Just as one may jog slowly or one may run with great effort, it matters not, for it does the body good. A prayer uttered sloppily or one done with great poetry will both likewise benefit the soul and establish communion with its Maker.

It has been taught that the Father, prior to becoming known as "Father", perceived in His inner soul-searching, if I may use such words, that in order to be all that He is must have about Him everything else that is now becoming. So we each, in our own small realm of being, do likewise. We spend our time within only to recognize the importance of all that is about us. Our niche in life is never static; it will continually change bringing new difficulties as well as new achievements. Herein lies the importance of not becoming overly attached to a particular standing, a particular level of spiritual status, for the deeper you go into your soul in fathoming the significance of your being, the broader will become your applications in the world around you. True, you will never, ever leave behind the skills you have developed, rather you will extend them into more complex areas of application. Just as you once learned to hold a crayon and then a pencil, a pen, and then an artist's brush, the skill of that crayon is retained. The extent of your abilities has enlarged.

Today you are housed in physical vehicles, and to a certain extent this limits the freedom of the soul, but this freedom is unfolding. Every attempt you make in this life to bring morontia awareness, though you may hit the barriers of the limitations of a mortal life, you are establishing the successes of your subsequent life. It may not show now.

We have spoken much of building foundations, and no foundation ever appears to reveal the final structure. Never be discouraged at the enduring task before you of this foundation-building.

Before I take my leave I would like to express that each of your personal teachers is very happy about your acceptance of us and is excited for your future. Much of the time our ministry is unseen and unheard, but that is not our concern. Our assignment is to foster your growth and to help you help this world in the arena wherein you function. Though we hope that you make not light of your assignment in this mission, we also hope you take it with joy and a levity that brings happiness rather than burden and obligation.

Thank you.

Elyon (Mark): Greetings, this is Elyon, and I would encourage you all to be in greater recognition of your access to these personal teachers who are a great asset to your spiritual understanding and are tireless in their desire to be of service to you individually. They are another of the tools you have at your disposal to accomplish the tasks before you.

You are each engaged in such magnificent foundation construction that you should not be in any way discouraged that you are not given to see your spiritual structure in its completion at this time, but rather apply yourselves diligently to the painstaking work at hand of the details of your solid, secure foundation. The rest of your spiritual structure will rely on the work you do at this time, and the attention and effort you apply will make for a secure beginning in this process. It does not serve the overall purpose to hurry through or to take any form of shortcut in the assembly of your foundations, as then they should prove weak and inadequate to the task of supporting your spiritual structure. Likewise, it is always a driving factor to keep in your mind, as you perceive it, the grandness of the completed structure even if you are not able to visualize the details, as they will become apparent. Nevertheless, you may be exhilarated and driven by the inspiring picture you possess of your structure in its completed phases. This vision of future greatness is what exacts from you the detailed discipline of insuring the mortar in your foundation be properly applied and the techniques you use be adequately, if not strictly, adhered to.

Maturity is the ability to recognize this sequence of events and the necessary passage of time that work together to complete this vision each of you may have of your spiritual future. Splendid is the design; magnificent is the structure that each of you is carefully constructing and patiently enduring. While it may seem at times as though you are mired in the very details of construction, it is quite necessary to the overall process.

You may at times separate yourself from your own project and look around to see another's project under construction and find it within your heart to offer yourself in service and perhaps help other individuals mix a batch of mortar or tote some stones or simply provide moral supports as they tirelessly build their foundations. As they work on their structures and you work on yours, you may come to realize that you are both engaged in the same process toward the same goal and realize that you are working hand-in-hand, side-by-side but each responsible for your own progress. This is the building of the brotherhood of man, and together this process moves forward as each and every one struggles to place one ideal upon another, one dream upon another, one lofty goal on top of the next, one service opportunity against another. In this way your walls become strong; your foundation becomes complete and ready to bear the weight of your entire spiritual career.

I greatly enjoy these opportunities to share with you these pointers for the process of this construction. In doing so I, too, am involved in my own home improvement.

As with any project you undertake, there may be spells when you separate yourself for a time. This only adds greater appreciation for the project and can renew your motivation and increase your technique so that when you return to your project you are a more skilled laborer with a greater devotion to your project. As you might assume, this project will not reach its completion until you have reached yours. Therefore, you will understand that it is a continual process and that aspects of your spiritual house may need to be continually remodeled as your appreciation for the divine increases, that you may no longer be satisfied by certain aspects of your spiritual house once you have gained more wisdom and insight into the overall process. It is not ever considered a mistake to move forward and build a room onto your spiritual house, even if at a later time you decide to change it entirely. These are all steps forward; these are all growth opportunities. Your spiritual house may, in fact, be redesigned and remodeled numerous times before you are content with its appearance. Nevertheless, every effort made in the construction of your spiritual sphere adds to your overall experience. That is the extent of my lesson today. I would remain in attendance, as always, if desired to be engaged.


Malvantra (Jonathan): This is Malvantra. I greet you.

Let me follow this presentation today by adding that the Father is the heavenly architect who follows His own established building codes, those structural parameters for sound spiritual development. They are not arbitrary or meant to restrict you in any way in the development of your spiritual structure. He has sent to you His on-site foreman, His Thought Adjuster, with a floorplan for your best unfoldment. As Elyon pointed out, you are free as the owner of this floorplan to make changes that will enhance beauty and augment truth as long as they do not threaten the safety standards the Father has placed for all ascending creatures, yourself included.

While you work with this foreman in constructing your internal house, so to speak, we, the melchizedeks, are undertaking the comprehensive community plan of establishing Light and Life neighborhoods, of fostering cultures and societies in harmony with one another that will demonstrate a beauty beyond each dwelling itself.

We all are undertaking a unified project, though each of us is diligently placing our energies toward a specific task. Trust and faith are had in the recognition that the heavenly architect has considered all potential laws and all sound construction techniques before any one of us has ever begun our endeavors.

That is all I have to share. Thank you.

Tom: In the text it states that the Adjuster in post-finaliter stages may connect with its onetime associate. I understood that the Adjuster is with us eternally. Does he get cut free in the post finaliter stage?

Malvantra: Let me begin by starting at the point of fusion with your Thought Adjuster. At this point connection is strong. Currently you are in association and sporadically will make contact, but at fusion you will have continual connectivity. However because of the plan of ascension you are limited in how much is transferred to you through this connection by the Father's Fragment. Upon attaining the status of finaliter, you have attained the maximum of ascendant potentiality, and this Fragment of the Father is most greatly connected to you. Fully you are given access to his divinity. As regards the post-finaliter career, this is a universe occurrence that no one of us has ever undergone. So, for me as it does for you, it remains a mystery precisely how this divine Fragment will function in your post-finaliter career.

Since you have given, or I should accurately say, you will have given great periods of time over to attaining the status of finaliter, it is our conjecture that none of this effort will be wasted or disregarded in the subsequent career.

You as I are springing from the Supreme, and we will always carry this birthmark, whereas in the age to come we will encounter brothers and sisters not yet in existence who will not have this birthmark. These beings will present to us a level of divinity that we have not witnessed but in a few of the Havona creatures and Paradise citizens. Even that will be transformed by living experience as the new Ultimate parameters are unfolded. The Thought Adjuster could very well take upon itself activities that would bring some -- and I use the word cautiously -- separation between you and itself. But I mean this in that, as a finaliter, greater independence is granted you, and you have become so identical to this indwelling presence you are able to function as would the Thought Adjuster without his hand-holding. But it would be more accurate to say that there is no real separation. There is greater application of your personality. You, as would be the left hand, and he, as would be the right, would function together. Though the two hands appear separate, both remain connected through the body, and this body is comparable to the fusion event.


I hope this is helpful.

Tom: Yes, thank you.