The Correcting Time

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A term referring to the worldwide reconnection of spiritual circuitry whereby this planet along with other formerly isolated worlds are able to receive the normal broadcasts of universe intelligence. For purposes of file structure, this category features teaching attributed to celestial origin not found in The Teaching Mission: Dialogues.

The Correcting Time refers to the program of healing occurring upon this planet along with all 36 planets formerly isolated by the Lucifer Rebellion. The Correcting Time includes every every soul living on these worlds. This program began February 1, 1992, according to the teacher Ham even though it had been planned for millennia with many such teachers trained for 1000 years prior to activation of this program.see:[1]


February 1, 1992

The Light of God surrounds us. The Love of God enfolds us. The Power of God protects us. The Presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, He is.

My profound and sincere greetings to you all this evening. I am Ham, I have been commissioned to bring the light of our Father to Urantia. I am one of many Teachers. All of us are awaiting the greater reception of our words and we are desirous of placing many Teachers among you. Great is our mission. Understand this in your hearts, rhe time has arrived for expanded level of truth to begin correction. We come not for ourselves, no, indeed. Rather are we in service of Michael. This day marks the beginning of the Correcting Time. Machiventa Melchizedek has arrived and has been duly inaugurated as acting Planetary Prince of Urantia - an assignment he has accepted from Michael. Long years we have awaited this day. The Lucifer Rebellion is officially ended in Nebadon. The circuits which have isolated your world are being reopened. All these changes are occurring by and in accordance with the plan of Michael. Happy and joyous is this day. Blessed in the sight of our Lord. Gracious listeners, I bid you WELCOME TO CHANGE. We mark the beginning of the reign of Prince Machiventa on this day. Questions are welcome. Indeed I am happy to serve you.

Bob: Ham, I am Bob. Would you please comment on the purpose and the scope and if possible, some time table information on your mission - activity - program? Which of these three terms would be best?

Ham: Mission is best. Yes, plans at present are as follows:

  • 1. Initiation and expansion of the Teaching Corps. Many of you will desire to receive personal instruction. At present we are preparing a group of Teachers who are in the first phase of our Teaching Mission. The mortals brought under their teaching and guidance are in our corps of elite, who in the future will become teachers themselves, as themselves, not in an intermediary position as is Rebecca tonight. Spiritual enlightenment and individual, group, national, and planetary progress is anticipated.

  • 2. Also, along with the spiritual uplifting, we are anticipating and desiring cooperation in other areas of human life endeavor as well. Chiefly... economic, political, social, environmental and technical changes. Of course we are anticipating many years duration of this initial phase of our mission.

  • 3. I am commissioned to announce also the third aspect of our Teaching Ministry Mission, and that is... as preparatory for an even greater Teacher. Michael has prepared the way. We are expanding the way. A Teacher Son will complete the way toward Light and Life on Urantia.[2]