2004-10-15-A Lesson on Reluctance

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Topic: A Lesson on Reluctance

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Unknown



Let it be made clear that all humans are reluctant in one area or another. An unwillingness, a procrastination, to either get going on a job or to finish one due to some reluctance, which is perhaps undefined, unreasoned. The unwillingness is seldom realized or understood, unless one is inclined to think matters over, and wonder why this is so. The reason is often shrouded in the obscurity of the earliest years of childhood, and it can be very difficult to trace, and yet it can ‘stick out’ like a sore thumb. For example, when a little child is often told to hurry, and gets derogatory remarks from an impatient parent who is beset with their own problems, but uses the child as a scapegoat, that child may very well develop a silent resentment, which can turn into a reluctance to comply with authority.

There can be many reasons why some children turn out the way they do. A diligent parent, who might have made mistakes, as is normal for human beings, must stop and reflect to see if there is anything he or she could do differently. However, some parents suffer from an arrested development in some areas, and would start blaming the child for being tardy, rather then looking within themselves to see, if there might be a reason why the child reacts the way it does. It needs a great deal of maturation on the part of a parent to look at his or her own reluctance in honest self-examination. It takes a mature person who can apologize to a little child and say, ‘I am sorry.’ These three small words can establish a solid bond of trust between a parent and a child when a parent can be big enough to admit that he or she is not perfect.

Overmuch self examination is not good, but in matters of reluctance, procrastination, unwillingness and the like, it is always wise to check the motivation behind it. It is needful for everyone to become independent and fearless thinkers, willing to ‘dive into the bowels’ of the unconscious and become clear on these issues. It takes courage to take steps to self-improvement and pursue a steady course in this. Do not be easily swayed by the opinions of others. Wisdom demands there to be a shade of reluctance, to find out if your ‘truth bells’ do ring. The reason why I am saying this is that all humans have those truth bells within them. I will always use different ways to get this point across, so all humans can realize and know this truth for themselves.

When in doubt, check with Me by coming into the silence of your heart, and please, don’t procrastinate, because this is truly for your benefit and Mine as we both are at the task of building that counterpart of ours, better known as the soul. The sooner you realize that you have a Gift from the Almighty Creator within you, who helps you to co-create your real self, the better your life will unfold. Your immediate environment, and each other person coming into contact with us, will sense this partnership, and will be encouraged to seek for that peace and freedom within, and cultivate a graceful spirit. Do not become discouraged if you feel that you fall short of the ideal I hold in mind for you. You are not yet perfect, and prone to fail, but perfection is your destiny, that is My promise to you, because I am that Perfection within you, which I am willing to share with you, as you are willing to share your personality with Me.