2011-04-15-Creating Your Reality

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Topic: Creating Your Reality and Removing Your Limitations

Group: Universal Service of Light


Teacher: Michael, Machiventa, Nebadonia, Perfector of Wisdom

TR: Michael Xavier



I’m asking the information be brought forth with the highest truth and in accordance with my Father’s business, for the uplifting of any souls that may come across this in connection with the utmost love.

Midwayer personality provides the conference connections and transmitted set up conversations:

Midwayer ABC22: Your destiny guardians are here, along with many observers and yet there are so many that wish to speak through you. At your leisure.

Transmitter: Michael Xavier- I would like to convey and be related information regarding the creation of our own lives and the situations that seem beyond our control. I have had dear friends of mine that cannot seem to break the stronghold of ignorance that limits their frame of mind.


  • Empowering Your Self

Christ Michael: Let me say this to you Brother Michael [Xavier]. My spirit will guide you to say what you need to say. I will put you in contact with the people you need to be in contact with. As I told you before, in fairing with Enoch and John, your spiritual circuitry is far more connected than others on the sphere in which you reside. You are a gift and I say that not to make you anything that you are not. You are loved and you are special to me. I am not far off from those children who have forgotten me, let us help them remember. I heed all my children to remember what [the Biblical] Daniel’s Adjuster spoke to him about the time that you are in. “Those who are wise shall shine Like the brightness of the firmament, And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever.”

(Gathered visitors and angels: Cheering)

Machiventa: You will be guided, and we are here, begin at your pace.


Reality, Creativity, Limitations

  • Creating Your Reality & Removing Your Limitations

Christ Michael: I am going to paraphrase here because there is so much information on this topic that it would hardly be feasible to relate with any clear coherence in a transmission such as this to the normal mind. I would also like to state that you who are reading this are being empowered with information of the highest spiritual nature. Many of you already know these things, but you can convey it to people who cannot grasp spiritual concepts such as these related here. I wish to remind you all that I love all my children and that many of them want so badly to be where you are. They long in soul to be removed from the confusion and turmoil of not knowing what you know. I am empowering you and each and every one of you today and in the correcting time ahead to utilize this information and dispense it accordingly. You will know if you allow the spirit to work within you. Matthew: 24:45 "Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?”

Take note my beloved children: If you are reading this I am talking to you, you are essentially in the Reserve Corps of Destiny and are entrusted with the highest truths. You are safely guarded and loved and there is nothing you could do to disappoint me, all I ask is that you put forth effort and allow your self to be guided with the spirit of truth. I want all my children to know what you know, and you will be guided each and every one of you. I wish to clarify that this is not about preaching but guiding and helping others to remember. Remember, posing a question to a question to give an answer will allow the person to realize that they have had the answers all along. You can guide them in their thinking to remember. I have always worked in parables. One of the reasons for this is because it is much more beneficial to answer your own questions with your mind spirit then having someone give you all the answers.

Let us begin with the question.


Usually this happens when you realize what you have created is beyond your control. As in the parable of the prodigal son, this son posed a question when he found himself in a pen feeding pigs, starving. It was an awakening to a love he had forgotten, so in actuality he had remembered a love he had once known that he found himself so far removed from. There was a love that his Father had shown him calling to him. The question he had posed is “How did I get here, and why am I doing this?”, and that he longed to go home. It was this son’s choice to leave home and his choice to squander his gifts on things of non-spiritual nature. This is free will which is universally enjoyed by all. Did you notice that the Father did not make the son stay, but allowed him to experience the things that he wanted to experience without him in faraway lands? Many of my children are finding themselves in faraway lands, far removed from Fathers love.

Michael Xavier: Let us all help them remember.

Many of my children have found themselves in positions that are seemingly beyond their control. They may look around life and see what they have in it, essentially what they have created, and come to a point where they begin to long for a Fathers love they once knew in their very souls. I can hear them crying to me for help. I hear their prayers reaching out to me in faith, seemingly far removed from a love they had once known.

Perfector of Wisdom: When you look around do you like what you have created for yourself? Let me clarify this a bit. I am talking about your surroundings and the people that you share your life with. Think about your environment, your friends, and your job? You have always been in control of all of it. You make the choice to live where you live. You make the choice of where you spend your time and where you work. You make the choice of the people that are in your life. So what is in your life? I ask this question because so many of you have let others control your life for so long you have essentially given over control of your life to disempowered thinking. The Creator has endowed you with every tool necessary to life a bountiful and beautiful life, but it is up to all of you to remove the labels and limitations that in many times others have given you and that many of you cling to.

Machiventa: I would like to add something here if I may. You are made in the image of the Creator. Many have fallen so far and been so far removed from this consciousness that it is difficult to grasp these simple spiritual concepts. Even in the Christian scriptures it is conveyed "Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.’” (Gen. 1:26).

You would have to ask yourself this question. Why would the Creator create man in His image and put me as master over all that is, and expect me to be disempowered and weak?

Would loving human parents want you to live defeated and downtrodden? Would loving parents like to see their children working at a job they despise, or living in a place that they abhor in struggles?

Christ Michael: Indeed, and these are simple truths as I conveyed to you before that have been overlooked and misinterpreted. I always come back to the thought of Mothers and Fathers and their human children. Do not loving human parents provide everything necessary for their children until they are mature, with guidance and direction? It is so hard for many still on this sphere to grasp simple spiritual concepts that God is all loving and gives bountifully to those who remember these things. The children that only use the Bible to fill themselves with spiritual concepts sometimes need to remember that there is more to Father then which can be conveyed in a single book or viewpoint.

Mother Nebadonia: This is an extremely large and wondrous universe. I have conveyed this is some ways to many of my children here, but human minds cannot grasp the size and magnificence of the Universe. Many of you when you are born had no idea that the world was so big until you became aware of it. This took place for the first time when you had your first day of school. Then when you took your first vacation and saw how vast the land was. When you began learning more as school progressed you found more and more truths about the size and depth of the universe through your studies. Spirit cannot be limited to one point of view, one sphere, one book, one race, or even one universe. I urge you all with unending love to remember this.

Machiventa: Indeed there are so many things in scripture that so many read and cannot understand. This is not a condemnation or judgment, this is a simple fact. I wish to tell you all that what you are doing is helping more then you can see. Spiritual concepts, connections, the universe…. If you could only just remember that each and every one of us is part of something so much greater then what we can see. As you make your journey through the spiritual circuitry and journey through time you will come across more and more people that understand higher spiritual concepts. Remember that when you change your thinking you are connected to many, and this empowering, empowers others.

Christ Michael: Indeed, dear brother. What a sparkling of realization many have had when they can grasp this.

You may come across someone that is having a bad day, say a cashier in a store for instance. You notice everyone around you seemingly aggravated and upset, because they are being held up.

Then you may ask yourself, why is this person so angry or so upset? Each and every person subsequently in line is making this worse by mean glances and furthering it with their own anger. How do you respond in this situation? You can help the person empower themselves with a kind word or a smile. It may only take a simple, how are you and an introduction. You may brighten their day by an encouraging word or a statement. “You are appreciated. I appreciate you, and what you do.” This can turn the tide for many, and it will be attributed by your kind words, essentially your seed planted.

You have heard the illustration of the rock in the pond, and the ripples going from your action of throwing it. So it is with every action you extend energy to. You may have heard this in the scriptures spoken by the prophet Isaiah.

“So will my word be which goes forth from my mouth, It will not return to me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.”

This brings us back to your thinking and action children. What you think about will return to you. What you empower yourself with you will receive. You are made in the image of the Creator and in this you must remember. Remove your limitations and remember everything that you do will have its effects. Everything motion and action has a force and reaction, this is the law of the universe. Just like a row of dominoes all fall from the push of one, so too is your actions that go forth from you.

Be kind, loving, gentle, and understanding. When you forget these things quiet yourself and remember that it is God that dwells in your hearts. Do not allow the poisons of illusion to seep into your thinking and soul. Fear, anger, fury, greed, selfishness, ignorance, have no place in the kingdom of God. The kingdom is within you, as I so stated on your sphere. When you are seemingly scrambled and distraught, remember this children! Remember what the beloved prophet John spoke in contact with his Adjuster:

“Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.” “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”


Truly if you understand that this is talking about you, you will begin to understand what John had seen. I leave all of you in my peace and send this with my blessings and love along with the spirit of truth. Those who remember will inherit all this, and I will be with them and they will be my children. Be good to my children and help them to remember. Plant good and loving seeds, they will not return to you without the intent in which you sent them. I love you beyond any conceivable words that I could put forth. It is my hope you feel my love well in your heart this day until truly your cup runneth over.

Michael Xavier: My cup runneth over Brother. Peace and Blessing dear brother and to all of you.