2013-08-21-Seeds of Truth


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Topic: Seeds of Truth

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Oscar



Thought Adjuster: “Our Father/Brother Creator, Michael, knows well that the ways of natural evolution are the best for the highest achievements of a civilization. When He came to visit twenty centuries ago, He was not expecting to radically change the world. He just endeavored to plant the seeds of truth in all the fertile and courageous hearts He could find. Only this way the truth would extend through the ages and start producing fruit, in a slowly but resolute way.

“It is the wish of Michael of Nebadon that all the worlds inhabited by His beloved children be established in light and life, becoming a paradisiacal home for His creatures. However, He is always consecrated to the will of His Father in Paradise and therefore understands that there are no shortcuts, revolutionary methods, or miracles, that can somehow avoid the natural evolution of creatures and their worlds. Our universe has experienced twice the disastrous results of rebellion against the divine plans – the unfortunate fruits of impatience and the pride of some beings that should have been capable of foreseeing the consequences of their actions. These unfortunate experiences now serve as a powerful motivation for those born in this universe to not make the same mistake. Even the experiences that cause a lot of suffering and delays in time can result in valuable sources of wisdom and strong expressions of devotion to God.

“Those who endeavor today to promote the progressive ideas of an advanced religion while they dream of a world filled with peace, with opportunities for each person to attain the greatest expression of her personality, should accept that most likely the results of their efforts will not be seen during their time in this world. The Correcting Time has been declared in this sphere, but the challenges are great and all human beings will have to sacrifice their false desires born of selfishness and fear, in favor of the effort to achieve self-mastery and a complete dedication to the divine will – the eternal plan for the stabilization of creation.

“When you feel disheartened because your efforts may not be producing the expected results, remember that solitary carpenter from Nazareth, who walked in the world doing good, showing the path to salvation to all those who showed some interest, and then letting them walk their path at their own pace and on their own terms. Focus on transforming yourself into more spiritual beings and spread the seeds of truth. These seeds will be cared by the Divine Fragments in the souls of all men and women in this world and will eventually produce fruit in abundance.”