2019-03-14-Intention for a Greater Future


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Topic: Intention for a Greater Future

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Charles

TR: Mark Rogers



Charles: Indeed I would like to take this opportunity because you have provided for it and I graciously accept this offering you make to form this chain of communication at this time. If the goal of all of our efforts at bringing lessons and messages was for you to grow and generate your own questions, your own discussions, your own answers, then we have reached such a goal. As I witness your discussion here today, it is evident that you have many of the keys, many of the pieces to the puzzle and you are in process of assembling them so let's take a few of these threads and weave them together into some sort of tapestry that we all can contribute to in the process.

I support the notion presented that just because things exist "out there," things which may serve to provide as contrasts, these things which exist need not be chosen and that is the entirety of the exercise of the presentation of this vast spectrum of all that is "out there" before you. All these differences that arise and all this contrast that is presented paints the perfect backdrop for you to simply affirm for yourself the choices that you make are still consistent with your ideals , are still in alignment with your principles, your moral compass. And so all of these things which are so obviously not of divine nature, which are obviously devoid of truth, which do not contain beauty, they are simply out there as the stars in the heavens, to be used as reference for your position amongst the stars relative to all of those others that are out there.

So I invite you to take the approach offered of forsaking all of those lower aspects and reserving your energies to aim high and to shoot for the meanings and values contained in the spiritual process wherein all these material aspects find some place. Instead of being troubled over the laws of the land and the workings of the affairs of man, you who gather here today are called to a greater mission. Certainly it is incumbent upon you to do your civic duties and vote or take action as you see fit where action about processes like that may require your attention, but you gathered here today have an entire branch that you can add to your process. You are the ones whose faith will be challenged because in creating change for your world, you must be the ones to set the direction, to choose the new path and to bring your conviction and faith into the process.

In previous sessions it has been referred to that there is a great mission before this world in Monjoronson's mission and presence. This represents a key change for the awareness and attitude of man. But when changes of this magnitude come, there needs to be those who have created and fostered the vision of this new phase and prepared for it in the sense that they have created the thought patterns in the minds of men. They then can contribute these thoughts patterns into the matrix of human thought where they may be accessed by others. But they need to be present in this matrix of thought. They need to have real human contributors who have been bold enough to envision this new way, this new direction and to stake a claim to this new reality and then be in the process of casting this vision continually out before you so that when you reel it in, when you arrive, this has a place in your construct.

And if it has a place in your construct of thought, if it has a place set at your table of spirit, then it exists, it is real, it then may be offered to this collective consciousness and it may be taken up by others, shared by others, fostered and nurtured by others but it must begin with the first of its kind. So I invite you who are gathered here today, to not wrestle in the muck and the mire of the material "what it is", even the despair of "what it is not", but rather cast your intention for a greater future, for a more spiritualized life where spirit is set a place at your table of being and given its access and due consideration in your life decisions. Aim high, shoot over the top of all the discontent, knowing as you do know in your inner selves that you are cared for and that this entire plan is being orchestrated to facilitate this end.

It is always very tempting to respond to that which catches your eye and be summoned by the fires around you that seem to need 'put out' or at least observed. Your time as co-created beings in this life is limited and treasured. I invite you to spend it in the co-creative process that you were designed to facilitate. You who have been told of these upcoming changes are being asked to condition the environment so that it can be made so and it is made so first in the hearts of men and women such as yourselves because you have the faith and believe and so you are willing to invest the time and energy and channel your intentions for the good of all and that is simply what we are discussing here today, channeling your intentions to elevate truth, beauty and goodness.

So I invite you to spend time in consideration with yourself and ask some of these questions: What would it feel like to you to entertain Monjoronson at your table? How would you approach that? What would it seem like for you to be able to matter of fact-ly proclaim your devotion to this cause? Would you be willing to discuss matters of this nature with others? Do you have the faith to go that extra mile believing so much, trusting so much that you are willing to act?


I think you are all becoming aware, that this entire process is designed to grow your faith and in fact, all of you here today have a rather deep well from which to draw your faith. That is why we would even consider asking for your help with such a project. We need to plant seeds, we need to develop the garden, we need to introduce new thought patterns as the existing ones will need to be replaced. So I invite you to spiritualize your perspectives. Whatever we do, we should consider it from the standards of truth, beauty and goodness to see how divinely oriented it is. Honor it and invest in it if it shows and points in the direction of divine energies and choose it not and feel good about forsaking it if it does not meet the requirements if your moral compass does not point in its direction. It is really quite easy and yet requires a lifetime of being buffeted about to develop and refine this process.

Again, it is such a pleasure to join such a group with such fertile ground to work. You all come to class eager to participate, share and learn and nothing more could be asked of any student. As a result, I call you to witness, you receive that which you request in this process, another direction to turn, another area to explore. It is a direct result of your application and so it is we may move forward. It is my pleasure to address you today and I assure you I will be available for consultation at every bend in the road. For now, I grant you all well done for bringing such good topics to the lesson. I would take my leave unless there are questions. Thank you all.