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==June 19==
'''Rob wrote to tml: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 6:39 PM'''
'''Rob wrote to tml: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 6:39 PM'''
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Hello Judy-
Hello Judy-
Thank you for your thoughts! It reads continuance now because [ it was changed] after Jerry underscored my initial thoughts. However, I am open to other suggestions, and of course, the most authoritative contribution would be from a representative of the Arcadia TeaM. In the absence of such, we will have to use our best judgment, but I am certain the intent was not 'continence'.  ;-)
Thank you for your thoughts! It reads continuance now because [ it was changed] after Jerry underscored my initial thoughts. However, I am open to other suggestions, and of course, the most authoritative contribution would be from a representative of the Arcadia TeaM. In the absence of such, we will have to use our best judgment, but I am certain the intent was not 'continence'.  ;-)
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You're welcome Craig! Yes, I see what you mean, but the context seems to ask for something suggesting continuing life on this planet. I have added your comments to the discussion page for further reference.
You're welcome Craig! Yes, I see what you mean, but the context seems to ask for something suggesting continuing life on this planet. I have added your comments to the discussion page for further reference.
A link was supplied in my original email, but I [ enclose it here for you].
A link was supplied in my original email, but I [ enclose it here for you].
'''Gerdean wrote:Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 9:38 PM'''
I too thought it might be "countenance" since it followed the reference to "uphold your face" and "the great pretense" -- both of which make countenance seem plausible.  But continuance would fit, too, although it seems almost to too simple.  I would ask Henry Z., since he is the T/R and he is still alive and well.
'''Craig Bergland wrote: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:02 PM'''
Let me suggest a 're-look' as I find this after having read the link...
Paragraph 2 of lesson...
In doing so, Michael's universe of personality and spiritual countenance created life on thousands of worlds which would take up in time, the honored spiritual heritage reserved for the creature whose will was capable of surrendering its nature to embrace willfully a mightier and more translucent nature, the nature of the Divine and the Supreme.
Perhaps used as 2nd or 3rd meaning of the word.  Used as unlike Michaels's meaning.  Just had to point this out as a participant. Or is this all moot?
'''Rob wrote:Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:17 PM'''
Is Henry on tml? If so, his comment being the TR would override others.
'''Rob wrote:  Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 10:19 PM'''
Thank you Craig! Let's see if Henry can clarify.
'''Steffani wrote: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:01 PM'''
Yes, he recently rejoined...
'''Gerdean wrote: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:03 PM'''
As new Light Line facilitator, I think he is on TML, however, he has not been active for many moons, so I doubt he is paying any attention.  You might want to send him a personal email, Rob, and ask him specifically.  Just because someone is not on TML does not mean they are not still an active operant in the mission itself.
'''Henry Z. wrote:Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:19 PM'''
what is it you want clarification on? henry
'''Rob wrote:Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:46 PM'''
Here is the first post on this thread where I asked for input on what is obviously a wrong (relative to intent) word. Let me know what you think.
Enclosed: first post
'''Henry Z. wrote: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:48 PM'''
There is a misspelling here the word should be countenance, and then again you could substitute and use integrity which would work. I guess JarEl was meaning something close to human truth, in a sense countenance could mean human truth; composure, bearing and self control could mean truth. Also integrity as soundness, completeness, and unity, could also refer to human truth. I don't always get the word right; sometimes in our language we don't have words for the concepts the teacher's are trying to convey, at least this is my personal experience. I mean I can be shown a huge concept in a single glimpse. I am thinking that the language the teachers are familiar with might have a single word to express such concepts, which in our language have no words because we haven't been using these concepts, they are morontial.
'''Henry Z. wrote: Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:54 PM'''
i guess the sentence would have to read, characterizes your age of materialism with it's disregard for human integrity and planetary life.
==June 20==
'''W. Williams wrote:Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 12:08 AM'''
Maybe continence was the correct word... It has to do with the ability to get rid of bodiy fluid... (not serious)
...thinking about getting to the Mansion Worlds and telling our Superiors there that Monjoronson told us not to be concerned with the Illuminatti Banksters. This is just a "Curiosity Subject"...
'''Rob wrote:Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 12:10 PM'''
Thank you Henry for sharing your own thoughts recognizing the inherent ambiguity of any process involving material symbols. If you don't object, I will let the record stand with ''countenance''. However, your follow up thought of ''integrity'' along with all other comments have been placed in the discussion page for future reference and ongoing consideration.
I appreciate everyone's help on this matter!--rdavis 17:15, 20 June 2013 (UTC)
'''Steffani wrote: Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 12:42 PM'''
Thought you'all decided in was "continuance"?
'''Rob wrote: Thu, Jun 20, 2013 at 2:06 PM'''
"You'all" defers to the apparent source for the "final" word.
==June 22==
'''Barry Bartlett wrote:Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 7:08 AM'''
Sorry for the delay perhaps this could be included in the discussion page.
In my experience most teachers teach in a metaphor style. Especially those that use convoluted language and words. You have to get past the words and understand the message. We have been receiving this same message from a lot of different sources and in a lot of different ways for quite a while now. If you convert this lesson to simple English the word in question is obvious.
To me this lesson is : ''Do not be silent about the greed and arrogance which will destroy your world. When you die you cannot say 'what can one person do? you could not do anything to stop the things that are happening in this time space.' When all around you there is materialism and disregard for the continuation of human and planetary life. Stand up and act now''.
I AM Barry/Filip 
'''Rob wrote: Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 1:54 PM'''
Hello Barry-
Thank you for sharing your thoughts that have been added to the discussion page. I agree with the spirit of your proposed reading that concurs with another as well. This record of the discussion including your input will assist others to appreciate the tenuous nature of language and the importance of thinking for ourselves and showing a willingness to speak the truth where deceit is the status quo.
'''Gerdean wrote: Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 10:54 PM'''
It certainly does make sense, Barry.
'''W Williams wrote Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 11:34 AM'''
Does anyone else see the ironic contradiction in this message? We are almost admonished to be active so that we may be of good report when we arrive at the Mansion Worlds. When we ask questions concerning any of these Earthly affairs they are trivialized as being inconseqential to our eternal career. I personally don't feel that we can do anything other that keep injecting positive thoughts into the Noosphere. Our job basicaly is just to live through this... or not... and help those around us. In reality we have no control over International affairs...
'''Rob wrote:Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 2:06 PM'''
Hello Will- Mortal living includes thinking that is inseparable from speaking and doing. As we do these things in faith, the illusions of fear are dispelled.