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===Topic: ''Distributing I am Loyal to Father’s Will Throughout Planetary Circuits''===
===Group: [[Center for Christ Consciousness]]===
===Teacher: [[Manotia]]===
===TR: [[Donna D'Ingillo]]===
PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this opportunity to collaborate with our beloved Planetary Seraphim as we continue to support the integration of the higher spiritual circuits to move into these denser levels of human consciousness, that more minds and hearts may open to the WILL of Spirit and their own indwelling Father Fragments. We thank you for connecting us as one in your LOVE—heart to heart, soul to soul, Spirit to Spirit. We thank you for helping us to stay focused on you and our Planetary Seraphim that what we provide may be added to the collective good of the planet’s consciousness. May your WILL be done now. Thank you.
MANOTIA: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Manotia. As you settle into the energies of this call today, we invite you to set that intention for your mind to gravitate more to this circuit of LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL. As you know, there are many circuits of LIFE surrounding this world. Your bodies are attuned to these different frequencies of mind—of thought, feeling, and then the physiological responses that those aligned thoughts and feelings bring to your bodies.

Today as we continue to participate with you in this focused intention, I encourage you to simply focus on the words and idea of I AM LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL. As we begin, simply set this as your intention and inner gaze as we move in you now and as we begin to distribute these circuits all throughout the planet’s consciousness. The reason for this focus today is that you, in your own desires, are adding something of great value. You might call this a personal commitment you make to our Creator Parent that you wish to learn more how to stay in that flow of grace to render you more spiritually receptive to your own indwelling Father F. This type of focus can be ascribed far and wide as the personal commitment of the few helping the many open to their relationships with the Father Within.

As you focus on this now in your own heart, feel your need for this to become more operative even at those deeper levels of your being where there still may be what you might call subconscious resistance. What is more significant is for you to desire that your entire being come into greater affinity with the presence of your indwelling Father Fragment, and then we can spread this energy into denser levels where the call for LOYALTY TO FATHER’S WILL is being apprehended by many hearts and minds. Let us begin. (Pause)

Some of you may ask yourselves, “Am I loyal to the Father’s Will?” It is a question that should be asked by all inhabitants of every evolutionary world. But because this world has suffered such a setback in its evolution it is a question that very few people raise. The question of being LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL indicates a state of mindal readjustment all throughout your day. The practice of realigning your thoughts with the Father’s requires you to be more mindfully aware of what it is you are thinking and how you are feeling about any given situation that comes your way in life. Even the most mundane tasks of daily life can be aligned in the Father’s WILL when they are approached with an attitude of gratefulness or joy in accomplishing a task done very well.

But since most of the humans of this world do not understand that they have a Spirit within them that is able to draw them into this dynamic expression of life aligned in the values of TRUTH, BEAUTY, and GOODNESS, we look to you who have understanding to continue to align yourself in this intention of I AM LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL. It is here where we can seed that desire to help more individuals perceive that this is something laudable and noteworthy to not only consider but to experience as a goal of human living. So continue to simply focus on this intention and desire as we move in these circuits, spreading what we can where it will do the most good. (Pause)

The human mind in the vast collective consciousness of the planet has been conditioned to be reactive. There are certain basic response reflexes of the mind that still perpetuate the rebellion mindset, which at its core is that of self-centeredness. In today’s infusion through your power of intention you are asserting that you would rather be more attentive to the Father’s WILL within you as a first, as you might say, reflexive action on your part when you are in situations of relationships with others or problems that come your way. Here we are helping the planet’s system of consciousness to open to this higher expression of willfulness to move in that aligned direction of what it means to respond to the Father’s WILL within.

For many on this world this is an arduous undertaking for their minds to conceive. But you know the value and the growth that you gain when you participate in this trajectory of will aligned in the energies of LOVE, COMPASSION, TOLERANCE, and PATIENCE. The human energy system begins to lose so much of its conditioning and opens to be more responsive to the leadings of the Spirit Within.

In today’s undertaking we are hopeful that what you share will be able to help more of your brothers and sisters perceive that somehow the way they think has been counterproductive, and that there is a better way to engage their own energy systems with that of life. Now will this happen at conscious levels within them? For some it may be apparent, but for others it is like there is another stream deep within them beginning to move up into their conscious, waking minds to help them perceive something of great value and compassion for them that they may open to the presence of their own Indwelling Spirits.

So continue to maintain your focus and if you wish, add another layer of desire for more people to desire to be LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL, and we will add this to what we are accomplishing today through your efforts, my dear brethren. (Pause)

The collective circuits of Urantian consciousness are poised for a positive change and transformation. Much is occurring upon these various levels within the way reality is perceived in the human mind. As more circuits open, circuits that have been tightly influenced by the rebellion culture will yield new truths and new levels appreciation for the power of Spirit. You are now at a planetary crossroads, and it is Michael’s intention to bring all of his children back into the universe family of Nebadon. So feel your compassion also flowing into this circuit of I AM LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL. Feel your compassion for those who still harbor misgivings and misunderstandings and even a stubborn willfulness to continue on a rebellious path. Send more of your compassion through your heart into the circuit of I AM LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL and we will use that to open places for receptivity to be received. (Pause)

We have opened many portals and circuits throughout Urantian consciousness for these energies to reach deeper levels. It is hoped that more human minds would gravitate to these higher circuits, especially when you engage in prayer for the collective that more COMPASSION and LOVE take deeper root into these circuits and help more individuals awaken to their own indwelling Father Fragments.

You may not always know the value of what you do, but should you continue desire to collaborate with us throughout the week, we can continue to take what you generate and add it to the overall grid of change in consciousness that is now strengthening in structure and widening in scope. May the human mind elevate to the loveliness of Spirit and more hearts be won over to the cause for Michael’s plan of redemption and correction for His beloved world.

We are all collaborating together now and human effort is pivotal during this time of change. Insure that you are doing your part every day by maintaining that loving posture within and without, sharing goodwill and good cheer with your brothers and sisters.
On behalf of all the Seraphim today I thank you for your efforts. We will continue to engage with these circuits. So from time to time, after you leave this call, take a moment to send I AM LOYAL TO THE FATHER’S WILL into the heart of Urantia where we can take what you generate and continue to distribute it.

Grow in this challenging time of transformation, my brethren, and know that there is this mighty force moving throughout your beings and all around the planet to bring you back into the family of LOVE as truly creative, productive, and powerful human children of God, creating the conditions for Light and Life to one day blossom here. I leave you all in my embrace of love, and I wish you a most blessed and productive good day.

[[Category: Center for Christ Consciousness]]
[[Category: Manotia]]
[[Category: Donna D'Ingillo]]
[[Category: 2018]]