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In about Jan 1991, Ham announced he was, under Abraham's direction, assigned our Woods Cross Group 'instructor.' We met with Ham each week for 2 years. Abraham would stop in from time to time. In late 1992, Ham announced to us they were giving us a break time to ponder over all that was taught us. There was much to assimilate and absorb. They would resume when they felt the group was ready to continue.

In Jan. 1995 (after two years of our group meeting weekly to discuss and present ourselves as ready ) Ham announced that we were ready to resume our weekly lessons, and that Abraham would be our group-Instructor. We have meet (mostly weekly) since those days of 1995. Abraham and sometimes Emulan were our initial instructors.

Here are those first two lessons from Abraham 1995, and also Mary's first two lessons 10 years later in 2005.

Woods Cross Group Jan 30, 1995 I am Abraham. I am happy to be here with you this evening. I have seen your struggles and achievements with the passing of time/years. I have watched you grow. With the passing of time you have overcome many obstacles and each time you learn from them.

Although I am not Ham, I am a teacher. This will not be like before. It is now a new era in your training experience. Do not expect this teaching to be like before. This might be a little more rough/difficult. You may be asked to apply certain lessons to daily living and share it with all of us if you wish; lessons brought to life. I will be here each week at your request. We desire your comfort, your trust.

It has been as it should have been. Nothing wrong have you done. This time that has passed, has been as it should have. Now we see it is time for more learning and direction. I, Abraham, am ready to teach. Let this be another step in our mission purpose. Let our guidance be tempered with love. We are ready to keep moving toward the Master's goal.

No, you have not been lost. You have not been out of this humble calling. You are right where you should be, having lived Ham's teachings personally, having experienced memories that stayed with you from Ham.

I look forward to communicating with you each. I must bid you farewell and shalom.

Teacher: Abraham

Woods Cross Group Feb. 7, 1995

My greetings to you all. I am ABRAHAM. This evening we will discuss learning. When you were a child the teachers you had, being parents, grandparents, adults, taught you in their own specific manner, maybe in the way that they were taught. As a child you learned by their example and you went on to learn their many habits, mannerisms.

Over time you felt your examples set to you as a child were not always quite correct. Something in you knew, and you felt almost rebellious for not always following that set example. You had all along a greater teacher/friend, many teachers, the Indwelling Spirit, the Spirit of Truth and many others. Many times your greatest teacher is within your very being! Your greatest lessons come from your own daily experience. You can not really live and learn from others experiences, mistakes. You must be on your own path. Lessons are best remembered when experienced firsthand. Without a great many lessons it is hard to progress. Some have to go through the lessons more than once. Some take longer to go through the same lesson. It matters not as long as there is willingness to learn. You can help others to seek out their own light within. That may be the extent of your teaching. You can share your experiences to help guide others in their decision making, but you can only suggest, not advise. Those with many college degrees may not have the same knowledge as a janitor, and yet, the janitor may have more knowledge in the lessons in compassion, love, kindness. No one person knows where another person might be in his learning, therefore, I would suggest not to judge anyone. I would say leave them to their own experience in learning. Do not hinder yourself by judging yourself so harshly. You are still a child in the universe. There is no hurry. Judging another can also hinder you in your own progression. It can only put you behind in your own struggles of learning. This is a time of spiritual discovery and it can be an exciting adventure to meet with enthusiasm or you can meet it with an ease seeking attitude. I would suggest the first. There is a great sea of knowledge for you to sail upon, every now and then hitting waves higher than your ship; facing the wind and the rain, every once in awhile coming to a calm water with a reflection of a beautiful sunset, knowing that you braved the rough waters to yet again be rewarded with the satisfaction and peacefulness of your accomplishment. Sometimes teaching someone, maybe a small child, has some ego glorification that this child may look to you as an authority. The child feels that trust in you, in which you may not receive from an adult, therefore, take not pride, not self-gratification in teaching. Remember what you are teaching was taught to you.

It is fun and good to teach as long as you remain the learner. That will be our thought for this week. Until next week, shalom.

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