2013-06-23-Receiving the Energies of the Magisterial Mission

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Topic: Receiving the Energies of the Magisterial Mission

Group: Center for Christ Consciousness


Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Donna D'Ingillo



PRAYER: Mother and Father, we are so grateful to be here. We lift our hearts to you in joy and celebration and appreciation for the opportunity you provide us to collaborate with you and our wonderful heavenly brothers and sisters, still unseen to us, but yet we sense their presence around us and within us. We are so grateful to collaborate with our Magisterial Son who is here to help us bring in these divine ways deeper into the fabric of planetary consciousness that the children of this world would open their hearts to the beauty of the spirit within them and know that they are loved and that they are valued and that they have something to offer to the world that is very necessary and important. So as we open our hearts now to focus where we are guided by our Magisterial Son, we thank you for weaving us together mind to mind, heart to heart, soul to soul, spirit fragment to spirit fragment, that your will may be done accomplished through us in collaboration with our helpers, that this world may benefit greatly from what we all do together today. Thank you.


MONJORONSON: Greetings, my dear brethren! This is Monjoronson, and my pleasure in being with you today is greater than you can imagine. As we survey the mindal circuits that are vibrating now with the intention to be of service to this beautiful world, we share our joy that your hearts might be light with the effervescent presence of what it means to be in the flow of divine grace and the ways and the will of creation.

Today as we begin, we will help you to imprint upon the energy signatures of those of us who are a part of the Magisterial Mission that will materialize on this planet. You have received the energy signatures of myself, my staff, and your Melchizedek instructors. And today we will continue to help you receive that as a collective body. This is, you might say, a large energy, and each of you will receive it to the degree which you can. One of the mitigating factors is your desire you have to receive this, as well as how much of your overall structure of consciousness is able to retain this and allow it to integrate. So, set your hearts’ intention now to receive this, and to know that you can grow in these energies, especially when you take time in your day to quiet your mind and open your receptivity to ask us to share with you who we are. You may feel an upstepping reverberate within your beings.

Let us begin. If it helps you to focalize your stream of mental energy—your thought currents—envision the words MAGISTERIAL MISSION gently pulsing into your heart centers, and focus there as best you can. Return your focus there when you feel you have started to veer off focus. And above all, we ask that you desire to receive these energies as this intention—desire—will help you imprint upon what we desire to share with you. Take a few breaths—open and receive. (Pause)

What does it mean to participate in the Magisterial Mission? It means that you are ready to have a change of course in your lives. The way in which you live and feel and think is ready to transition into a higher way of living your life, becoming more attuned to how you think, how you feel, and how you respond to the activities that you are engaged with in your everyday lives. First, you intuit that there is a better way, and then you begin to open your mind to receiving higher thoughts and to recognize your feelings of unworthiness and fear are actually an impediment to your growth, that you long for love and validation and compassion, and you recognize that this is what others desire as well.

There are phases and stages of this mission, and everyone goes through the same stages you might say, although they do it at different times, and they work through these various stages at various speeds. But there are no shortcuts and everyone must go through these same stages although in their own unique ways.

But the desire to be a participant in the Magisterial Mission affirms within your mind that you are ready to live in this enhanced manner, and that your level of commitment to living in this way deepens as you progress along your path on your journey to become more spiritually aware and driven. It is your faith and it is your desire that we encourage you to develop, and to increasingly set that as your intention, throughout the day. This opens the door for us to minister to your minds and to help you understand at the emotional and mental level of what it means to participate in this planetary transformation. It is a tremendous opportunity, my brethren, and one in which every person of this world is welcome to join.

So, as these words settle into your minds, let your desire for the Magisterial Mission to progress on Urantia to grow deeper into your hearts, anchoring you into these energies of change that will revitalize and restore this planet, healing the wounds of the past, ever inching it forward on its trajectory to its glorious destiny. You are all a part. (Pause)

The gift of life you have been given by your Creator Parents is for you to cultivate based on your own desires that have been seeded within you by your Creator’s sources. Take a few minutes to appreciate this gift of life and to open your hearts to let the energies of LIFE wish to impart to you, urging you into conscious co-creativity. While you may not always understand what these words mean or the full implications therein, all we ask is that you desire this, and to trust in the beauty, and safety, the will and movement of LIFE, and let yourself be more comfortable with being an active participant in the evolution of it in and through you. (Pause)

In LIFE there is a certain way of doing things. You might call it the correct way—the way that is aligned in the divine WILL of creation. We have been using the term RIGHTFUL ACTION o help you grow more organically attuned to this divine WILL—this correct way of helping you do things. This is now an energy form that is very helpful to be woven into the planetary fabric of consciousness for the citizens of this world to feel, to perceive, that their actions can turn in this direction to the Father’s WILL.

So let us now help you receive these RIGHTFUL ACTION energies into your own beings. And, again even though you may not understand the full implication of what this means, we ask you to desire this. And if it helps for you to focus, simply see those words RIGHTFUL ACTION over your heart centers and desire it to become a living part of who you are. (Pause)

Let these words I AM RIGHTFUL ACTION, I AM RIGHTFUL ACTION, I AM RIGHTFUL ACTION imprint upon your heart as you affirm this within your thoughts and feelings. (Pause)

Let these words soak into your being going into your physical bodies. The children of this world have not truly known nor understood what it means to do the Father’s WILL. So we are helping you encode this language of SPIRIT into your beings that you may imprint upon this, to help you more naturally engage yourselves out in the world, in the way of SPIRIT, in the energies of LOVE. And that you would carry this RIGHTFUL ACTION within your energy systems, that you would share with your brothers and sisters that they may perceive this at some level from you, albeit it would be subtle, and help them at some level to intuit the Father’s WILL is good, it is safe, and it is very, very healing and wonderful to receive. The Father’s GOODNESS—the desire to do good—is what will change the hearts of the citizens of this world to actually seek the rightful ways of living in alignment with the magnificence of the creative plan of which we are all a part.

So as you continue to receive the imprint of RIGHTFUL ACTION, I do now invite you to also to envision the world as a globe in your mind’s eye in front of you and project the RIGHTFUL ACTION energy from your heart into the fabric of the planetary consciousness. Start at the North Pole. See the RIGHTFUL ACTION language as a ribbon of light that moves in a counter clockwise spiral from the North Pole to the South Pole. And after you have woven this from your heart into the globe simply see the words RIGHTFUL ACTION holding the globe in this fabric like a blanket, and we will add our presence into this as well. Do your best and take your time. (Pause)

There are now legions upon legions of Seraphim and the great hosts of other personalities unknown to you that are converging upon this fabric. Continue to focus on the globe as a whole for the next few minutes while we are seeding this into the places where it will do the most good, and produce the most favorable fruits of the spirit. (Pause)

Before we ask you to move into your own areas where you wish to see change, please also focus from your hearts your desire for this world to become infused with Christ consciousness, and that the circuits that your beloved Master left here on the planet become more activated within this field of RIGHTFUL ACTION, that the hearts of humanity would open to the Father within them, they would open and desire within their own inner being of Christ consciousness as your brother so magnificently demonstrated in his own human life on this chosen world of Michael of Nebadon. You still do not recognize how fortunate this world is to be his bestowal planet, so we want to help you appreciate the magnificence of His personality and how you can become christed in your own sense of self. (Pause)

And now, my beloved brethren, where do you wish to seed and see change occur? You may place your gaze on certain geographic regions, institutional and societal places, personal situations—wherever your heart desires, and it does not necessarily have to be one place exclusively. As you focus your gaze, we will add what we can where you are focusing to help seed these energies deeper into these places that the individuals attached in these regions or situations will have a greater capacity and ability to respond and have a change of mind and of heart. (Pause)

All of the energies we have been co-creating with you: RIGHT-MINDEDNESS, LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL, DIVINE MERCY, DIVINE JUSTICE, FORGIVENESS, PEACE, know that these too are being added, for they are contained in this energy form of RIGHTFUL ACTION. So let your hearts be light, and celebrate dissemination of the Father’s WILL all around this planet! Feel the love for your brothers and sisters who will awaken to what this means! And, yes, some people will feel the pressure, and there will be gnashing of teeth and certain levels of inner turmoil. This is just a transitory passing of the old, moving into the new—the ways of rebellion yielding to the ways of the Father’s WILL. So know that this is part of the process, and focus on the joy of creation with us as we delight in helping this world truly change its heart and bask in the beauty of the Father’s LOVE. (Pause)

Send your love to those individuals who are in the material fields zealously endeavoring to bring these energies of RIGHTFUL ACTION to material life. There are many individuals who are putting their hearts and souls into creating a better world and they need your love. So feel your desire to help them, and for some of the organizations that they are a part of doing these good works to receive more spiritual support to fuel them with courage, stamina and strength and power that the good works that they are doing be amplified and have more far reaching implications. There is more good on this planet and it is ever expanding. And even though it seems the shadows of evil are holding sway, truly they are not. The people see them now because it is time to know the truth and to address the truth, within the laws of creation and the Father’s designs. (Pause) Michael’s hands are holding this planet in His LOVE and PEACE. Take a few minutes to see that image in your mind’s eye of the world between His hands, and as He holds this planet to the bosom of His heart, know that all things are in His control. All is well! Let your souls receive that assurance from your Father through His LOVE for you and this world. Thank Him for His plan of correction. The isolation is over! This world is a beautiful and vital member of the universe family and all of its inhabitants—all creation, all life. Thank your Mother for holding you in her womb of LIFE. (Pause)

Join us now as we lift this world to the Paradise Trinity—the center of all there is. And as we all join as one collective field of love, of intention, in worship, in communion with the Father, simply feel your desire and your appreciation of the Paradise Trinity holding this planet in divine GRACE and GLORY. Let the Paradise patterns shine upon Urantia.

Beloved Father, Eternal Mother-Son and Infinite Spirit, we, your children, are grateful for creation, and we, of the celestial realms, thank you for shinning your GLORY and GRACE upon these beautiful children of this world. As they lift their hearts up to you, your LOVE will reverberate in them deeply and anchor them more fully into this fabric of live upon Urantia that they be empowered to do your WILL to change this planet, to prepare it for the era of Light and Life. (Pause) Bring your gaze now to Urantia, to the material world, to your place upon it. Feel your desire for your place to become more well integrated into the fabric of LIFE, for you have so much to offer this world, so much potential during you human life to actualize. We invite you to seek this and desire this—this activation of your potential that what has been provided and shared with you today may move in you and catalyze those desires and dreams of your heart and move you into dynamic and loyal service in Michael’s plans of correction and loyalty to the Father’s WILL.

Each of you will then be guided out into this rich field for the harvest—the harvest of souls and the salvation of humanity here on Urantia. Do you know what a privilege is being provided to you? Do you know how much fund and joy you will have? And yes, sometimes the labor will seem almost insurmountable, but you are not doing this alone. We are with you and we go with you into these fields where your brothers and sisters are waiting for you.

So, as we close this call in a few moments, we ask you to simply feel your love for Urantia and know that there is something in you that will guide you out—that it is your love for your world that will catalyze you forward. BE catalysts, my dear brothers and sisters! The power is in you! Michael is in you! Mother is in you! I am in you! Let us move through you to the best of your abilities where your joy will be immeasurable and your soul growth satisfy you to the depth of your being. Anchor yourselves in these words. See yourselves standing firmly upon the soil of this earth, and know deep in your being that you are the lights of this world.


I leave you in the Father’s LOVE. Thank you for participating with us. We are with you and we thank you for continuing to seed these energies into the planet each and every time you are in your stillness, that all children of this world—every life form—may sing of the GLORY of the Father and reverberate that song of LOVE throughout the heavens. Good day.