Talk:2013-10-24-Lightline TeaM (date corrected)

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Date question

Nov 25, 2013, at 6:08 PM, Robert Davis wrote to Tom Newbill cc'ing Gerdean

Hello Tom-

Can you assist me in sorting out the right way to deal with what appears to be two Lightline lessons attributed to the same evening? The two records, including the one below, are:

  • 2013-10-24-Lightline TeaM
  • 2013-10-24-Lightline TeaM b

You will notice that for the time being, I have assigned the dates as they were received with the exception of a 'b' being added to the name of the second one (below). My questions are 1) were there really two Lightline lessons on the same day? Or 2) is there an error on either of the two dates in question? Your help will be greatly appreciated.



Nov 25, 2013, at 6:48 PM, Gerdean wrote in reply

It's likely one of them was from November 14, when Henry filled in for Mark, but if so, I don't know which would be which.

Nov 25, 2013, at 7:12 PM, Tom Newbill wrote: records show that the session you have labeled Lightline Team b was sent out by myself today was the actual 2013-10-24 date as shown. The one you show as 2013-10-24 is actually 2013-10-31. I did not attend nor record it or transcribe it. I think Henry filled in at the last minute and typed it out himself and somehow Gerdean ended up posting it, for reasons unknown to me. He has a different way of labeling what he transcribes which may be confusing. It didn't even get into the audio archives on Perhaps Henry or Gerdean could shed a little light but Gerdean posted it so she might be more instrumental. I posted this a month late as I assumed [wrongly] that Henry had typed up the 2013-10-24 session for me. I only realized my error yesterday and typed it up out of sequence. Let me know if this helps....@ your service....Tom

Nov 25, 2013, at 8:42 PM, Rob wrote in reply cc'ing Gerdean and Henry:

Hello Tom-

Thank you for clarifying! Gerdean said that "likely one of them was from November 14", but I haven't seen a Lightline lesson from November circulated yet. This leads me to think your records may be an accurate reflection of the lessons' dates. If so, I will change the records accordingly, but before I do, it would be good to have everyone's thought on this before proceeding.

Gerdean and Henry, I have copied you both here on this question. If you do not think Tom's account of the dates are correct, let me know, but otherwise, I will change the records as indicated below.

  • 2013-10-24-Lightline TeaM < change to > 2013-10-31-Lightline TeaM
  • 2013-10-24-Lightline TeaM b < change to > 2013-10-24-Lightline TeaM

Regardless of what we decide, I will include this correspondence in each record's discussion page for future reference.

Thank you for your consideration!



Nov 25, 2013, at 7:14 PM, Tom wrote:

Rob...this is the session in question....I highlighted the proper date

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Gerdean O'Dell" <> Subject: [tml] LightLine -- October 31, 2013 Date: November 1, 2013 10:29:27 PM PDT To: "A teaching mission discussion list" <> Reply-To: A Teaching Mission discussion list <>

L I G H T L I N E conference call 10/31/2013 712-432-1500 AC 726871# T/R Henry Zeringue

teacher Gorman

Henry: We thank you for this circuit and this eternal hookup, the eternal moment of wisdom which touches down to this moment on this planet..............

Nov 25, 2013, at 9:08 PM, Rob wrote in reply:

Thank you Tom! I can see now how the date became a bit confused. I will make the appropriate changes.