Talk:2014-09-19-New Era Conversations 30

From Nordan Symposia
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Rob wrote: Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 11:40 AM

I continue to watch with interest (see NEC 7 & NEC 8 talkpages) Daniel's representation of our Magisterial Mission that conflates the rhetoric of 'social sustainability' with the reign of terror that is melting away in the wake of expanding awareness of truth. As citizens of this world witness the growing contrast between the last stand of terrestrial regimes of fear and the administration of love throughout the cosmos, the choice is simple.

Enclosed below is an excerpt from Paul Craig Roberts article entitled Will Russia and China Hold Their Fire Until War Is the Only Alternative that will be unsettling to the assumptions held by any subscribing to the worldview advanced by Daniel and mainstream media built as it is upon the illusion of control.

The entire world knows that if Russia had territorial ambitions, when the Russian military defeated the American trained and supplied Georgian army that attacked South Ossetia, Russia would have kept Georgia and reincorporated it within Russia where it resided for centuries.

Notice that it is not aggression when Washington bombs and invades seven countries in 13 years without a declaration of war. Aggression occurs when Russia accepts the petition of Crimeans who voted 97 percent in favor of reuniting with Russia where Crimea resided for centuries before Khrushchev attached it to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine in 1954 when Ukraine and Russia were part of the same country.

And the entire world knows that, as the separatist leader of the Donetsk Republic said, “If Russian military units were fighting with us, the news would not be the fall of Mariupol but the fall of Kiev and Lviv.”

Which is “the cancer of violent extremism”–ISIS which cut off the heads of four journalists, or Washington which has bombed seven countries in the 21st century murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians and displacing millions?

Who is the worst terrorist–ISIS, a group that is redrawing the artificial boundaries created by British and French colonialists, or Washington with its Wolfowitz Doctrine, the basis of US foreign policy, which declares Washington’s dominant objective to be US hegemony over the world?

ISIS is the creation of Washington. ISIS consists of the jihadists Washington used to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and then sent to Syria to overthrow Assad. If ISIS is a “network of death,” a “brand of evil” with which negotiation is impossible as Obama declares, it is a network of death created by the Obama regime itself. If ISIS poses the threat that Obama claims, how can the regime that created the threat be credible in leading the fight against it?

This "war on terror" (an oxymoronic term if ever there was one) manufactured by the "wicked minority" determined to reject the mercy of God, run in vain from the growing transparency emerging from a rising tide of illumination made possible by the Spirit of Truth enlivened by cosmic encircuitment and seen here in the terrestrial dimension as the alternative media made possible by the Internet, itself a vivid planetary demonstration of universe reflectivity as expressed by Kevin Barrett below.

The neoconservatives, panicked by the alternative media’s success, have evidently launched a coordinated propaganda campaign. They are trying to persuade the Western public that the alternative media is not just foreign, but tied to such “enemy” countries as Russia and Iran.

A philosophy that exalts lies, and demonizes truth, cannot possibly endure. The emergence of “weaponized truth” in the alternative media represents an ineluctable backlash against the neocon-Straussian big lies epitomized by the false flag operation of September 11th, 2001. As younger critical thinkers replace the aging generation of sheeple, the mendacious mainstream media and the neoconservative liars who dominate it will go the way of the dodo and the dinosaur.

I am reminded of a passage in A Course in Miracles that sums up the desperation as:

Frantic and loud and strong the dark ones seem to be. Yet they know not their 'enemy', except they hate him. In hatred they have come together, but have not joined each other. For had they done so hatred would be impossible. The army of the powerless is disbanded in the presence of strength. Those who are strong are never treacherous, because they have no need to dream of power and to act out their dream. How would an army act in dreams? Any way at all. It could be seen attacking anyone with anything. Dreams have no reason in them. A flower turns into a poisoned spear, a child becomes a giant and a mouse roars like a lion. And love is turned to hate as easily. This is no army, but a madhouse. What seems to be a planned attack is bedlam.

This army of the powerless is weak indeed, and yet it can overrun the world seeking an enemy, but it can never find what is not there. Yes, it can dream it found an enemy, but this will shift even as it attacks, so that it runs at once to find another, and never comes to rest in victory. As it runs, it turns against itself, thinking it caught a glimpse of the great enemy who always eludes its murderous attack by turning into something else. How treacherous does this enemy appear, who changes so it is impossible even to recognise him. Yet hate must have a target, but tell him now that his enemy must be himself!

Ask him does he want to see what he denied because it is the truth?