1999-03-20-Scribbles from Lytske

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Teaching buddha small.jpg


Topic: Scribbles from Lytske

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Unknown

TR: Lytske



Another phase in your life is starting today. It will be a wonderful life when I am allowed to take it in the direction it ought to go, for its highest good, and greatest spiritual growth.

Be open to everything, expect nothing, and yet, do not be surprised by anything.

Be totally unconditional and allow events to unfold. In this manner, and totally unhindered, the greatest amount of growth can take place.

Remember the Source, Who sets everything in motion, and oversees all.

Allow the energy to flow, the intuition to be active. Be mindful of any negativity that tries to take over. Banish the thoughts that hinder your progress.

Greater wheels are set in motion through your choices and decisions.

Remember in Whose service you are. Claim His benevolent abundance in the invisible Realm. The door is open, walk through it, and know that all is well.

Be at peace and give thanks.