2010-06-15-Monjoronson On Telepathy


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Topic: On Telepathy



Teacher: Monjoronson

TR: Vince



There are those who will say that it is not possible for a person to receive a telepathic communication from a member of the Spiritual Hierarchy, or anyone else either; for telepathy is bunkum. That is truly what the vast majority on your planet think, and they think it because the same vast majority of humans have been brainwashed over millennia to think that there is no such thing as telepathy and thus humanity at large has unlearned how to communicate telepathically.

Not so with the Animal Kingdom. Animals have various calls and cries, which can be a mating sound, a way of attracting the attention of another animal, or as a proclamation of their territorial rights; but in the main animals still communicate telepathically, as they were designed to do. These communications are very sophisticated because like humans, animals are able to think in concepts. They may be less intricate and far reaching than human thought patterns, but they are intricate and relate to the level of animal being in the chain of evolution. Where an animal is not so very far away from the human level, then the thoughts are quite complex, albeit at a sub-human level.

And so animal passes thoughts to animal, and a conversation takes place between the two, or more if others join in; and it is invisible to human eyes. That does not mean that these conversations are non-existent or cannot be measured; but your science would need instruments to measure an exceptionally high band of vibration, and that is more likely to be used on projects involving human thought and potentially money spinning applications, than proving whether animals can communicate telepathically.

Man inhabits a sophisticated animal body, and with it come a range of basic animal functions applicable throughout the animal kingdom, related to digestion of food, procreation and all the other daily needs you share with animals. Laying dormant is the ability to communicate telepathically, which sometimes surfaces in those moments when two people who are close emotionally both express the same thoughts within a fraction of second of each other, and both are thinking the same thing.

Generally speaking telepathy is no longer developed higher than that basic level in human beings, but over millennia to the present day, there are those who still have the ability, and it is through them that many different works have been received and transcribed that originated in Celestial Realms. Although these realms are invisible to most of you, they are very real, and because mankind on Earth is backward by comparison with most other human type beings on the vast number of inhabited planets in Creation, he is operating in a vibration band at a much lower frequency than most of the others. That means you ones can’t normally see or experience things which exist in frequency ranges higher than your own.

But there are people who are born with the ability to receive telepathic messages, or those who spend time developing the ability. Most people don’t because they are only interested in the world and its’ material diversions and occupations; in particular, the pursuit of money and power. In order to develop the gift of telepathy, an individual has to evolve to a certain level of spirituality to be at the appropriate point to undergo development. By spirituality, I am not referring to most things associated with the major religions on Earth, which are a mixture of big business, control mechanisms of humanity, power bases, with a smidgeon of truth thrown in to try and stay credible.

Most of the main scrolls, papers and similar works which deal with the origins of Earth, Humanity, God and Heaven were received telepathically prior to transcription and publication, and were behind many great spiritual works. Alas, greedy and power hungry humans altered these works to suit their own agendas, and they are now a mere shadow of their former selves, so bad has the alteration become over the millennia. Now much of humanity regards telepathy as a load of unscientific tosh, and those who practice it charlatans.

Well Dear Ones, I am here to tell you that there are still some people around who can channel telepathic messages from the Celestials, and it is with one of my Earthly channelling partners that I am currently engaged in writing this piece. He is not the only one, as there are a number of others and they all have different uses and with some I use more technical and official language, and with this one I am pleased to offer you this message in simple to understand wording, for it is his mission to bring simplicity to some complex issues.

There are also those who claim to channel telepathic messages, and some of these are almost convincing and yet more containing monetised elements, which is usually a good sign of fakery. While there is no harm in requesting or giving modest donations to assist with the cost of running a website or forum; there’s an element who take the full business route, using it to obtain money, whilst inserting disinformation amongst the truth, and thus actually carrying out the agenda of the Dark Ones.

Now, it is not my purpose to name and shame any of these people, merely to inform you of their existence; they know who they are, and so do we. Some people use their God given freewill to do the work of the Dark Ones, and in the final analysis they must account for their own actions; but I mention these people so that whatever channelling you may read, please use discernment in order to find what is fully truthful and what is not. Does it have the ring of truth about all of it, or does it not? If not, then simply reject it and move onto the next one. In time you will learn much from the exercise, and be able to reject the fake messages.

Why not start with this message? Does Old Monjoronson sound phoney, or does he not? Does telepathy really happen, or does it not? Can this one channel telepathic messages from Monjoronson, or can he not? Are there fakes, or are their not?

It is important that you build up a wall of understanding of truthfulness when it comes to messages from the Spiritual Hierarchy, for if you believe that all of the many messages are truthful, then inevitably you will have come across deliberately planted disinformation at some point, and this is done to help deflect you from finding out the truth, and making you believe fiction. The only reason that those fictitious messages are written is to keep control of you and ensure you never reach the source of all that is and it’s inherent truth; and make the Dark Ones rich in the process.

Nobody can make the journey to the truth for you; only you can do it, and along the way are a selection of messages from the Spiritual Hierarchy transmitted telepathically for you to find and read, and help you build your own personal wall of truth, and I hope you find this message of help to you upon this quest.


I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy providing this message in telepathic form for Vince to receive, transcribe and publish on my behalf and as requested by me. 15th June 2010