2018-03-18-Generational Healing


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Topic: Generational Healing

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: The Beloved One

TR: Lytske



The Beloved One: “For you to open your heart to Me is a sure sign of your willingness to be further instructed into the mysteries of life itself, and what could be the meaning and purpose of suffering.

“Suffering in itself is a lesson to bring you closer to the Creator and to increase your awe and thankfulness for the physical temple you inhabit.

“So often does this tender instrument of the Creator’s design get neglected and abused through wrong habits.

“Not only does this include negative thinking and the indulgence of holding on to perceived old wrongs perpetrated against you through the ignorance of others. It also comprises all manner of mental/emotional and physical addictions.

“The entertainment of unhealthy thoughts, all kinds of mental poisons like lack of forgiveness, fear, anger, jealousy, suspicion, intolerance and more are involved.

“Sooner or later, these negative emotions wreak their havoc on the physical temple under the guise of various ailments. Those negative thoughts have become encapsulated in the body in the form of cancers, ulcers, heart problems, stomach and bowel problems and more. You can name any illness and trace it back to the various troubled emotions which can become trapped anywhere in the body.

“These unresolved, trapped emotions put down roots in the DNA and they become part of the genetic inheritance to be passed on to the next generations if not resolved. This is the propensity for certain ailments in families.

“Generational healing is sorely needed on this planet to free these long-held emotions from their terrible bondage, in order to gain emotional freedom and so the spirit can soar unencumbered to Me in the Silence of the inner heart chamber.


“Ponder these insights My beloved, and know that all healing is within the human system.

“All you have to do is to remind yourself of Me and take the time to listen within for further insights.”