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Wanderer And Zadig Meet Destiny.jpg


Middle English wandren, from Old English wandrian; akin to Middle High German wandern to wander, Old English windan to wind, twist


  • 1a : to move about without a fixed course, aim, or goal
b : to go idly about : ramble <wandering around the house>
  • 2: to follow a winding course : meander
  • 3a : to go astray (as from a course) : stray <wandered away from the group>
b : to go astray morally : err
c : to lose normal mental contact : stray in thought <his mind wandered>


An itinerant (or wanderer) is a person who travels from place to place with no fixed home. The term comes from the late 16th century: from late Latin itinerant (travelling), from the verb itinerari, from Latin iter, itiner (journey, road).

See also