2018-11-29-To Share Your Life Experiences

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Topic: To Share Your Life Experiences

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Michael




Dear Michael and Mother Spirit: Tonight I wish to express my appreciation for your felt presence and your close company; especially tonight when my heart is so full with a whole life-time’s sharing my life with a dear friend for 55 years now. We go back to when we were fraternity brothers in college.

A couple of days ago I had to say good-bye. He is in the final stages of dying and he could only open his eyes for a few moments and give a little squeeze with his hand, then went back to sleep again. Still, it was good just to be there and offer what company I could. So it was very much a moment to moment thing for a while.

You and Mother Spirit have talked about when the Eternal Now that we are in gets to be very now sometimes, very moment-to-moment, when we are aware something inexorable is happening, something we would pause, or stop for a while, or even reverse—if we could. It was such a comfort knowing that so much of what we have shared with someone else is part of our soul forever. This is the whole wonderful thing of your presence, and all the marvelous assurance and promise in the Urantia Book, that we have the possibility of meeting again, and spending some more wonderful time with someone we have known so well. So thank you very much for your presence and your company, amen.


Michael: Good evening, my dear ones, this is Michael. We are so filled ourselves with this opportunity to be company--now that you have an appreciation of all that is entailed in that marvelous word “company.” As we have taught so often, this is one of the primaries, if not the primary attribute of our Father, of God, this thing of sharing your life with others. We even like the idea this is why God created others so similar to himself--the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit: to share so much with them. Then of course the whole creation followed with personal beings beyond number, growing and increasing forever.

(To share your life and experiences)

This was and is to share life and experience across so many orders of personal beings. Then came human being not only on your dear Urantia, but also across all those stars you see on a clear night, and even those you can’t see in the middle of the day. This is why we consider you so blessed to be given the Urantia Book at this time in your world’s history. It can spread out that cosmos in your mind and people it with so many worlds with so many different kinds of beings, but all personal beings, all experiential beings having their own unique experiences to share with God.

Now consider that aspect of God that we call the Supreme Being, the part that, as a human being, you can only think of as beyond this inexorable passage you noted so dearly amongst yourselves. It is like God’s perfect memory that holds, in some way beyond your imagination, everything that has ever happened, just as he himself, his presence, is part of your human soul and keeping your life so sacrosanct, so absolutely.

Beyond this is his being a partner in this life of yours with you. We even tease you with the notion that some of your very best ideas, that you treasure so much--those sparks of enlightenment, if you will--come from him, come from his presence in you as part of you.

So too are these dear friends, that you know and have shared so much with, become part of your soul, as you have become part of theirs. This will have a real existence beyond this world you are walking around on, beyond that sun you see rising in the morning. This is the power and the eternity of friendship. This is what you can have no some small taste of, even while alive. This is what you can see in each other’s eyes and share, even in a fleeting smile while passing a total stranger in a big city. This is why life itself is so synonymous and akin with spirit--something so all-inclusive it holds everything, even in passing. There is something forever about this Eternal Now.

(This is your soul, my dear ones)

This is your soul, my dear ones. These are Mother Spirit’s and my souls that we share with you. This is God’s soul that holds us and this whole cosmos, this whole enormous happening. It is all real--real in such a way you yourselves will grow into and expand forever.

And so you will grow in your soul, which will keep changing with what you experience. Yet there is the surprising miracle that you will always be you, something not changing, something growing through this soul that you have, that is your most precious and lasting possession.

So keep experiencing, my dear ones. Certainly rest when you are tired, but pay attention to those most fundamental, biological things of exercise and diet, the lack of which are killing and destroying so many of you, so young; so terribly curtailing the experience of so many. Keep reaching out. Keep accepting. Keep growing. Keep wondering. One of your greatest gifts from God is your marvelous curiosity, because it is a big world and a big universe. Curiosity is what leads you to it with open arms to welcome it, even accepting the death of your dearest friend.

(Something inexorably moving, but held so absolutely)

Yes indeed there is something inexorably moving here, something that does have its own pace that you come and go with. Yet there is also soul here, your own and God’s, holding everything so tenderly, so absolutely.

It is good for Mother Spirit and me to have your company. So say hello from time to time. Now if you have any questions or comments this evening, let’s share those.


Student: I have a question about personality. It is God-given, and yet I wonder how it correlates with our inherited traits, our DNA and our genetic makeup.

Michael: Yes, my son. You are a complex being and we like to list all the five major components of your human being--your personality, your body, your mind, your creative spirit, and then your soul, this record of your life that is being written by God along with you, along with your decisions and your experiences. So it is also God’s point of view that you can tune in to from time to time. Your soul is enormous.

(The pattern of a human being)

Your relationship with the DNA of this body of yours all goes back to the beginning of life on your planet, when you think about it. You are like the tiny/tiniest living tip of a continuity that goes back a long, long ways, back to the Life Carriers and even before them, back to the pattern of what a human being is for hundreds of billions of years.

You are this complex being, my son. This is where your good meditation helps you unify all that you are to become one within yourself. Does this somewhat answer your question?

Student: Yes, and leads up to another part of that question. I was reading (in the Urantia book) about Christmas, and Jesus, and the picking of his birth parents where it traced his biological inheritance from both his mother and father. And so I was thinking, was that part of his personality? And also, along with that question, were Michael’s personality and Jesus’ personality one and the same?

(Only one human life)

Michael: Oh, very much so, my son. My life as Jesus--as I have taught so many times--was so precious to me, because as close as Mother Spirit and I are to all of our human children, living by the trillions on so many worlds, we are also aware of other Local Universes with our connections within our Super Universe. Yet with all the hundreds of billions of years Mother Spirit and I have lived--not in spite of that but addition to all of that--I had only one human life myself where I could walk along and wiggle my toes in the sand, and look up at the sky.

If you want to get a feeling of this, read about my baptism by my cousin John. As it says in the Urantia Book, when I walked down into the Jordon that day, that was my last act as a purely human being. While still having a physical human body, I was given a really deep realization of my life before as Michael.

This is why I walked away. I had to leave everybody for a while, just to get used to the fact of being Michael. Then I was cautioned that, all of a sudden, I also had all the powers of Michael, and some big decisions to make. At that moment I became very much one with who I had been, I was still a human being, still having ideas and emotions and thoughts, still relating as a person with my followers and those around me. I was still eating food, still sleeping, still resting.

You can only imagine how precious those few years were for me--those friendships I made; having a mother and father, brothers and sisters who looked up to me as their father after Joseph died.

(That special meditation)

My son, this is what you have. You too have a personality directly from God that unites all of you, very much by your choices. This is why we encourage a kind of meditation of just sitting down for a while and devoting part of your day to saying, “OK--all of me, and the presence of God within me, and dear Michael and Mother Spirit--this particular morning (or whenever): What have you got for me? What does this all-of-me—body, mind, spirit, and soul--have to say to this moment of consciousness? How can I be more one with all of this?--especially my own soul so enormous with all the people I’ve known and shared so much with? How can I appreciate that this particular moment has never happened before, and will never happen again?--yet it is eternal in so far as it will keep happening for me--by my choice!

So yes, my son, for me it was an experience of being very much One while still as a human being. It was a growth I kept having because Mother Spirit and I have not stopped growing, ever. We too have our own souls with our experiences, yet in a way already available to us in a way that you will only grow into, having all of your soul becoming more and more available to you, until that time you actually fuse with and become One with the individualized presence of God within you now.

For you this oneness is an ongoing, progressive experience. But in your soul, co-authored by God, all that you have been is already One in him. Does that begin to explain it?

Student: Yes, it is a beginning. Thank you.

Michael: Yes, it is always an eternal beginning, is it not? Yet it is also absolute. Be in my love….

Student: I have another question about friendships and our amazing work together, and everything. I noticed in the gospel that Jesus himself was very concerned with people’s souls. I find myself concerned with people’s souls too because I certainly want to meet these souls in the afterlife. But what are the repercussions when you have a great friendship with someone, and their soul is not going to end up in the afterlife?

(To choose not to continue)

Michael: Well, my son, that is very much a matter of individual choice. Again, echoing what is in your Urantia Book, everybody will have this choice. In one way you can say eternal life is not forced on anyone. There are individuals, just like higher spiritual beings, who choose to cease to exist. We can only mention some extreme, rare individuals who have caused such suffering and pain to others in their life, that when they are confronted and experiencing this in their immediate afterlife, it is an act of mercy on God’s part to allow them to cease to exist rather than go on experiencing, from all these other souls around them, what they have actually done.

And so there are beings--human beings and higher spiritual beings--who do cease to exist. It is very much an individual choice. Does that answer the question?

Student #l: Yes, I was just…I am just having trouble. God works through people—right? I find he does a lot of good things for people that are not necessarily good people. Can you explain that?

Michael: My son, this is especially true for parents and their children, regarding their personalities, because the uniqueness of personality is a deep mystery. Even with your own personality it is a matter of discovering yourself and its abilities--your abilities, day by day. So even parents can be so surprised at who this other person--their son or daughter--is becoming.

(The uniqueness of others)

It is really a token of your own wisdom to recognize this uniqueness in others. It is why acceptance, moment-to-moment, and in spite of the plans you have for yourself and them, and all the glorious times and the disappointments—both--that you have with others; it is always good to try and keep that freshness, that moment-by-moment open-mindedness and acceptance of who they are.

It’s the fact that, at least from outward appearances, even with close friends, you find changes in them, especially if you have been away a week, a month, or even a couple of years. They are apparently changing, and it is only through being strong within yourself, really tough and strong within yourself, that allows you to accept this change.

Only then can you have a deep intuition of what their unchanging personality is. And isn’t this the joy of getting together with old friends you haven’t seen in a while? Maybe after a while, a half-hour or so just talking and hanging out together, you have that continuity and unchanging part of them come out to share again. So always keep in mind the fundamental mystery of personality and, again, read that part of the Urantia Book on Personality Survival.

Even the high spiritual beings who wrote that chapter of the book will admit that personality is still a mystery to them, just because it does come from God who creates each one so unique unto itself. You too can have the best grasp of personality by paying it all this respect.

Student: Yes, thank you. Respect of personality, that is a very good point.

(Respecting and sharing personality)

Michael: It enables you to acknowledge another in all fullness, and open yourself so you can enjoy more of them. This is true not only with your dear friends, but with your acquaintances, your business associates, or even—as we keep teasing you--with that stranger coming at you down some busy city sidewalk--those smiles and that little recognition you can exchange. There is nothing else like it. This is the joy of personality in the ungraspable, totality mystery of it all, yet too, the moment-to-moment ability to actually share it and to know it. So again, my son, be in my love.

Student: Thank you


Michael: If there are no more questions or comments, I’ll wrap up this session. It was wonderful to catch up on friendship tonight, and how much we have in our souls where you, and I, and Mother Spirit, are so fortunate to have shared our lives with others.

(Acquiring spiritual abilities from others)

This is what we truly have: we truly have each other. It is what promises to fill all of our tomorrows forever. Then we tease you with this whole notion of meeting and befriending other orders of spiritual beings, and through them, by way of their friendship back and forth, acquiring their abilities. It’s just another way you can keep growing, and changing, and adding to these souls of yours more and more spiritual abilities.

It is why the Urantia Book tells you, you will never forget that moment of re-awakening on the Mansion worlds, and all their promise, in an instant—fulfilled! Because here you are!—still!—and in a strange and wonderful world to walk out into.

Mother Spirit sends her love, and I bid you to be in my peace. Let it fill your life.

Good night.